
Ruben's Post


Mr./Ms. KLB

Please let me know how do you handle everyday tasks and obligations.


Ruben Farina


Mr./Ms. KLB yeah this will be interesting because usually I have some difficulties in that field. But it's been only 2 days and no stressful triggering situations so I don't have much to say for now.


Ruben Farina


also I don't know if this is proper anatta realization still.


Mr./Ms. MF

Ruben Farina Row Row Row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily, LIFE IS BUT A DREAM!

Yes it’s all just a Dream. When you wake up from a night time dream you instantly realize you were not just the main character in the dream, but you were Everything! The whole thing happened inside you! The whole show.

It’s the same for your life in your body. It’s just a Dream in You, the consciousness / Awareness.

Only now when you wake up, you won’t jump into another body (as you do in night time dream). You will simply remain as your true nature of consciousness / awareness.

Keep working on it. Keep trying. When you get it, try to stay in it. Notice what pulls you back into the dream.

Slowly slowly, meditation after meditation you will find you can do it quite easily and quite reliably.

Beautiful to hear your experiences 🙏❤️🙏


Mr./Ms. KLB

Mr./Ms. MF do you know it from your own experience? 🙏


Soh Wei Yu


Mr./Ms. MF Ruben Farina's insight is deeper than that.. It relates to and

The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way -


The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way -

The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way -

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Yin Ling


Nice 🙂

If I were to ask you

Who hears the sound?

Who sees the scenery?

How in your own words would you describe ?


Ruben Farina


Yin Ling To me sound appears as a complete experience, meaning there is no external hearer but rather seems like hearer arises "within" sound and experientially this feels like sound is the hearer/hearing. But I don't normally experience it in these terms, it's more like sense phenomena are "closer than me" like something that pierces any sense of distance.


Yin Ling


Ruben Farina isn’t that great? 😁


Ruben Farina


Yin Ling it seems like the beginning of a true opening, it feels good but I'm also experiencing mixed emotions


Ruben Farina


it's definitely a good thing tho


Yin Ling


Ruben Farina mixed emotions, you mind saying more?

Take ur time. It can be disorientating.


Ruben Farina


Yin Ling It's like I'm more sensitive to everything and also experiencing everything at a deeper level and it can be beautiful but also a bit heavy.


Yin Ling


Ruben Farina yes. 🙂 I understand what you mean. It’s a very sensitive time. Take it very easy. Do a lot of physical movements, walk, whatever suits you best. You know best. Relaxingly look into the experience of non duality, no self.

Once this becomes stable, you can look into emptiness insight because emptiness insight will lighten up the whole sensing and energy will feel more natural. So no matter how much water surge in from the “sudden broken dam”.. you are able to handle it better with emptiness 🙂

Happy for you !


Ruben Farina


Yin Ling thank you, yes I'm doing some yoga asana


Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina " hearer arises "within" sound and experientially this feels like sound is the hearer/hearing"

This part have to be careful. Even if nondual, if you still see in terms of a hearer that is all-pervading, everywhere, then you have not overcome essence view, or view of inherent existence pertaining to self/Self/Awareness. Even if nondual, it is not yet anatta.

Anatta requires this insight:

If this is not clear yet, then good to contemplate on this point until breakthrough insight.

We are not trying to merge knower and known!


We are not trying to merge knower and known!

We are not trying to merge knower and known!

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Soh Wei Yu


Many people after nondual glimpses or breakthroughs, they rest in nondual experience but they are not aware it is the view aspect that is obscuring and this prevents stability or further breakthroughs. This is why John Tan wrote to someone else in 2012,

"Experience as I told u do tapered off after a 60-90 days period. This is

because practitioners tend to focus on the experience rather than view after

initial realization. Although he realizes the truth of anatta, the

'dualistic and inherent view' runs far deeper than what we think. But he

will wake up one day and everything turns effortless and natural and it

should be close. The part on the total exertion is still however lacking,

there is still inner holding and lingering trace of "One Mind". 🙂"


Soh Wei Yu


I also wrote over a decade ago,

“Good insight. Stability of experience has a predictable relationship with the unfolding and deepening of insights. For example how seamless and effortless can non-dual experience be, if in the back of one's mind, subtle views of duality and inherency and tendencies continue to surface and affect our moment to moment experience - for example conjuring an unchanging source or mind that results in a perpetual tendency to sink back and referencing experience back to a source.

For example even after it is seen that everything is a manifestation of awareness or mind, there might still be subtle tendencies to reference back to a source, awareness or mind and therefore the transience is not appreciated in full. Nondual is experienced but one sinks back into substantial nonduality - there is always a referencing back to a base, an "awareness" that is nevertheless inseparable from all phenomena.

If one arises the insight that our ideas of an unchanging source, awareness or mind is just another thought - that there is simply thought after thought, sight after sight, sound after sound, and there isn't an inherent or unchanging "awareness", "mind", "source". Non-dual becomes implicit and effortless when there is the realisation that what awareness, seeing, hearing really is, is just the seen... The heard... The transience... The transience itself rolls and knows, no knower or other "awareness" can be found. Like there is no river apart from flowing, no wind apart from blowing, each noun implies its verb... Similarly awareness is simply the process of knowing not separated from the known. Scenery sees, music hears. Because there is nothing unchanging, independent, ultimate apart from the transience, there is no more sinking back to a source and instead there is full comfort resting as the transience itself.

Lastly do continue practicing the intensity of luminosity... When looking at tennis ball just sense the tennis ball fully.... Without thinking of a source, background, observer, self. Just the tennis ball as a luminous light. When breathing... Just the breathe... When seeing scenery, just sights, shapes and colours - intensely luminous and vivid without an agent or observer. When hearing music... Sound of bird chirping, the crickets… Just that - chirp chirp. A zen master noted upon his awakening... When I am hearing the bell ringing, there is no I and no bell... Just the ringing. The direct experiencing of no-mind and intensity of luminosity.. This is the purpose of the practice of the four foundations of mindfulness that is taught by the Buddha.” - Soh, 2011

+A and -A Emptiness


+A and -A Emptiness

+A and -A Emptiness

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Ruben Farina


Soh Wei Yu ok, before the last insight there was a short period in which I recognized awareness as something surrounding phenomena, like an aware space. Insight was discovering awareness has always been phenomena. This is now gradually being experienced as no doer, no seer etc... sometimes no body/mind but not stable yet.


Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina

There is another insight that is needed for no body mind to stabilise. Do read the mind body drop chapter in the longer atr guide under stage 5

Awakening to Reality_ A Guide to the Nature of Mind (11-MARCH-2023_DRAFT).docx | Powered by Box


Awakening to Reality_ A Guide to the Nature of Mind (11-MARCH-2023_DRAFT).docx | Powered by Box

Awakening to Reality_ A Guide to the Nature of Mind (11-MARCH-2023_DRAFT).docx | Powered by Box

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Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina

Yes so in the recent insight, you saw through awareness as an unchanging substance and now it is more like weather yes? A name collating various luminous manifestation/phenomena but not a findable entity or substance or substratum.

That is anatta. Stabilize this then go deeper into D.O. And twofold emptiness


Ruben Farina


Soh Wei Yu yeah it became clear that what we call awareness are actually phenomena themselves, before this I knew that by reading but wasn't sure


Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina

Do you still have the view and sense that awareness is modulating as everything, as if awareness transforms into this and that thing as if clay can be moulded into various shapes but remains clay, ocean can form different waves but still ocean. How do you perceive awareness to be?


Ruben Farina


Soh Wei Yu I don't think I have that view, I percieve awareness as chirping birds, passing cars etc


Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina

So awareness is none other than chirping birds, passing cars, etc? Chirping birds, passing cars, are they the same awareness?


Ruben Farina


Soh Wei Yu no awareness apart from phenomena so they are not the same awareness but share similar qualities that I'm discovering


Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina Thats good. So, anatta is not just about nondual. One can still establish an unchanging awareness that is modulating or nondual with everything, this is substantial nondualism. You see such views espoused by Advaita teachers like Rupert Spira. It is nondual but not anatta. "One awareness" is not exhausted. Therefore as John Tan said years ago about someone else, ""Yes. Subject and object can both collapsed into pure seeing but it is only when this pure seeing is also dropped/exhausted that natural spontaneity and effortlessness can begin to function marvelously. That is y it has to be thorough and all the "emphasis". But I think he gets it, so u don't have to keep nagging 🤣." - John Tan"

So since there is no awareness apart from phenomena, awareness as something existing in and of itself is exhausted into the mere vivid and vibrant aliveness, purity, transparency or crystal clarity and pellucidity of merely the appearance or displays.

Yet be careful of the tendency to reify a ground, a Here/Now base. Even if 'who' is gone, Here/Now can still surface, creating a substantialist sinking tendency to ground in some reality. Especially if view is still not strong at first and one prefers to rest in nondual and non-conceptual presence/appearance, leading into 'disease of non-conceptuality' or 'desync between experience and view'. But as you deepen your insights into anatta, dependent origination and emptiness, even subtle tendencies to ground and establish or hold dissolves through wisdom.

If after anatta we investigate further into the very nature of this vivid display/consciousness, this sound, this sight, this scent, where is it, we realize its unfindability whatsoever (but it's not some inert nothingness, but the union of emptiness and appearance). Utterly coreless and groundless. Instead, we discover that everything is like mere designation or like chariot, we don't find cores and substances, just mere dependent origination that never truly originated/never truly arose, much like the dependent origination and non-origination of a reflection, echo or rainbow. To truly penetrate into the nature of Buddhadharma, should also look into dependent origination and emptiness besides anatta and no agent.

Buddha does not establish 'One Consciousness' (Brahman) let alone one that 'modulates' into 'anything and everything', he taught six consciousnesses and even these six consciousnesses do not truly exist in and of themselves. The purpose of teaching six consciousness is not to classify needlessly or split things up merely for the sake of classification itself or to expand semantics (in this case it doesn't resolve any ignorance whatsoever), rather it is to point out that consciousness is 'name only' and 'dependent', and not inherently existing. It is to point out dependent origination in order for us to break through subtle tendencies to conceive inherent existence. Just as a chariot is named after its parts and conditions, and cannot be found in any of the parts or conditions nor apart from them, consciousness is named after its conditions and there's just no consciousness to speak of apart from these conditions, as the Buddha taught very clearly here:

“Yes, friend,” he replied, and he went to the Blessed One, and after paying homage to him, sat down at one side. The Blessed One then asked him: “Sāti, is it true that the following pernicious view has arisen in you: ‘As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, it is this same consciousness that runs and wanders through the round of rebirths, not another’?”

“Exactly so, venerable sir. As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, it is this same consciousness that runs and wanders through the round of rebirths, not another.”

“What is that consciousness, Sāti?”

“Venerable sir, it is that which speaks and feels and experiences here and there the result of good and bad actions.”

“Misguided man, to whom have you ever known me to teach the Dhamma in that way? Misguided man, have I not stated in many ways consciousness to be dependently arisen, since without a condition there is no origination of consciousness? But you, misguided man, have misrepresented us by your wrong grasp and injured yourself and stored up much demerit; for this will lead to your harm and suffering for a long time.”

Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, what do you think? Has this bhikkhu Sāti, son of a fisherman, kindled even a spark of wisdom in this Dhamma and Discipline?”

“How could he, venerable sir? No, venerable sir.”

When this was said, the bhikkhu Sāti, son of a fisherman, sat silent, dismayed, with shoulders drooping and head down, glum, and without response. Then, knowing this, the Blessed One told him: “Misguided man, you will be recognised by your own pernicious view. I shall question the bhikkhus on this matter.”

Then the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus thus: “Bhikkhus, do you understand the Dhamma taught by me as this bhikkhu Sāti, son of a fisherman, does when he misrepresents us by his wrong grasp and injures himself and stores up much demerit?”

“No, venerable sir. For in many discourses the Blessed One has stated consciousness to be dependently arisen, since without a condition there is no origination of consciousness.”

“Good, bhikkhus. It is good that you understand the Dhamma taught by me thus. For in many ways I have stated consciousness to be dependently arisen, since without a condition there is no origination of consciousness. But this bhikkhu Sāti, son of a fisherman, misrepresents us by his wrong grasp and injures himself and stores up much demerit; for this will lead to the harm and suffering of this misguided man for a long time.

Conditionality of Consciousness

“Bhikkhus, consciousness is reckoned by the particular condition dependent upon which it arises. When consciousness arises dependent on the eye and forms, it is reckoned as eye-consciousness; when consciousness arises dependent on the ear and sounds, it is reckoned as ear-consciousness; when consciousness arises dependent on the nose and odours, it is reckoned as nose-consciousness; when consciousness arises dependent on the tongue and flavours, it is reckoned as tongue-consciousness; when consciousness arises dependent on the body and tangibles, it is reckoned as body-consciousness; when consciousness arises dependent on the mind and mind-objects, it is reckoned as mind-consciousness. Just as fire is reckoned by the particular condition dependent on which it burns—when fire burns dependent on logs, it is reckoned as a log fire; when fire burns dependent on faggots, it is reckoned as a faggot fire; when fire burns dependent on grass, it is reckoned as a grass fire; when fire burns dependent on cowdung, it is reckoned as a cowdung fire; when fire burns dependent on chaff, it is reckoned as a chaff fire; when fire burns dependent on rubbish, it is reckoned as a rubbish fire—so too, consciousness is reckoned by the particular condition dependent on which it arises. When consciousness arises dependent on the eye and forms, it is reckoned as eye-consciousness…when consciousness arises dependent on the mind and mind-objects, it is reckoned as mind-consciousness."

(Continue reading in )

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Soh Wei Yu


"share similar qualities that I'm discovering"

I wouldn't say this is wrong but we have to be careful even about this. Not to reify awareness into some intrinsic nature, just like wetness of water does not withstand scrutiny, awareness does not withstand scrutiny or survive analysis as some intrinsic characteristic of phenomena (although the vivid quality of presence is indeed experientially speaking all-pervasive after anatta):

Wetness and Water


What do you mean by "nature?" Most people mean something that is intrinsic to a given thing. For example, common people assume the nature of fire is heat, the nature of water is wetness, and so on.

Bhavaviveka, etc., do not accept that things have natures. If they did, they could not be included even in Mahāyāna, let alone Madhyamaka.


The idea that things have natures is refuted by Nāgārjuna in the MMK, etc., Bhavaviveka, Candrakīrti, etc., in short by all Madhyamakas.

A "non-inherent nature" is a contradiction in terms.

The error of mundane, conventionally-valid perception is to believe that entities have natures, when in fact they do not, being phenomena that arise from conditions. It is quite easy to show a worldly person the contradiction in their thinking. Wetness and water are not two different things; therefore wetness is not the nature of water. Heat and fire are not two different things, therefore, heat is not the nature of fire, etc. For example, one can ask them, "Does wetness depend on water, or water on wetness?" If they claim wetness depends on water, ask them, where is there water that exists without wetness? If they claim the opposite, that water depends on wetness, ask them, where is there wetness that exists without water? If there is no wetness without water nor water without wetness, they can easily be shown that wetness is not a nature of water, but merely a name for the same entity under discussion. Thus, the assertion that wetness is the nature of water cannot survive analysis. The assertion of all other natures can be eliminated in the same way.


Then not only are you ignorant of the English language, but you are ignorant of Candrakīrti where, in the Prasannapāda, he states that the only nature is the natureless nature, emptiness.

Then, if it is asked what is this dharmatā of phenomena, it is the essence of phenomena. If it is ask what is an essence, it is a nature [or an inherent existence, rang bzhin]. If it is asked what is an inherent existence [or nature], it is emptiness. If it is asked what is emptiness, it is naturelessness [or absence of inherent existence]. If it is asked what is the absence of inherent existence [or naturelessness], it is suchness [tathāta]. If it is asked what is suchness, it is the essence of suchness that is unchanging and permanent, that is, because it is not fabricated it does not arise in all aspects and because it is not dependent, it is called the nature [or inherent existence] of fire, etc."

Labels: Ācārya Malcolm Smith, Emptiness, Madhyamaka |

Wetness and Water


Wetness and Water

Wetness and Water

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Soh Wei Yu



John Tan

snooSedtrh39f07a5lc8h1fu ·

Listening to someone tutoring about "rainbow",

The teaching of science came to my mind.

The raindrops, the sunshine;

The light that enters and exits the droplets;

The reflection, refraction and light dispersion;

All these formed the rainbow.

But they missed the most important factor,

The radiance of our own mind.

1 Comment

Jayson MPaul

Rainbows need to have eyes in correct position, water droplets, light, radiant mind, all like so for rainbow to appear. Move slightly and rainbow is gone. Never came from anywhere, stayed anywhere, or went anywhere. The rainbow was insubstantial, but vividly displayed. All phenomena are like this.



Stian Gudmundsen Høiland

Look ahead and you see the table and your phone. Need "all like so" (tatha). Look behind you and that is gone, but now a new like so and not otherwise.




Dragan Milojević

What radiance of mind? Where is it, science needs proofs and evidence. Mind is only a perceptor and analyzer.



John Tan

Dragan Milojević Science can prove the sad tears of a mother are H2O but can't prove the "sadness". As human, we need both.

But I like ur question, Where is this radiance?

Yes where is it? Even Buddha cannot know it's whereabout.





Soh Wei Yu


Ruben Farina After you stabilize anatta, you can look into these links:


Soh Wei Yu


John Tan's advise to someone after anatta:

[7/10/20, 12:39:43 PM] Soh Wei Yu: That time he hasnt realised anatta i think. Only no mind

[7/10/20, 12:40:14 PM] John Tan: Like I said yesterday, even anatta there r several phases.

[7/10/20, 12:41:52 PM] John Tan: Anatta as in the experiential insight of seeing through self and seeing through the cause for the sense of self is different.

[7/10/20, 12:48:32 PM] John Tan: The later path one towards emptiness realizing "inherency" is the result of a reification. One then progress through deconstructing the reification thoroughly and gain the prajna (wisdom) that not only sees through directly the mental constructs and conventionalities but also the direct knowledge of one's empty clarity.

[7/10/20, 12:57:25 PM] John Tan: ‎This message was deleted.

[7/10/20, 1:01:41 PM] John Tan: Don't rush post anatta or even no-mind but refine one's view. Nevertheless it is hard not to get energy imbalances initially which is due attachment of going after certain experiences.

The sense of self/Self or any sense of it-ness is a hindrance for natural spontaneity and therefore thorough exhaustion is necessary. However maturing this emptiness of "it-ness or self-ness" post anatta is an ongoing process. Deeply held blindspots are slippery and extremely difficult to see and can take decades to reveal.

So practice calmly and evenly...don't rush into anything...

Just relax and be fully open to whatever arises without dual, don't go after anything and keep refining view instead of chasing after experiences. Eventually the clarity of seeing through will automatically result in the everyday experiences.

[7/10/20, 1:13:23 PM] John Tan: Without dual and without self

‎[7/10/20, 1:13:54 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted

[7/10/20, 1:15:06 PM] John Tan: ‎This message was deleted.

[7/10/20, 1:18:01 PM] John Tan: Just continue with current practice. Allow the whole body mind to become a sensing organ, vibrantly alive and intimately connected with the ten thousand things!



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