Showing posts with label Bernardo Kastrup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernardo Kastrup. Show all posts

John Tan shared

Jt: “This is a very insightful presentation by Bernardo, arguing that AI can never be sentient. He aptly pointed out that computer scientists aren’t computer engineers; they are primarily power users of computers and don’t understand how computers are made. I appreciate how he compares modern AI to his research as a CERN scientist’s project—it clarifies many things for me.”

“However I disagree with the last part when someone asked about what if there is a language that uses verbs and not no nouns and he disagrees. He also mentioned he disagree with Carlo Rovelli.
This comment he made during q&a session is incoherent from what he said in his whole seminar that there r no "things"; "things" r reified constructs mistaken as real. This is incoherent in terms of what I called desync of view and insight.
There is also a big difference in how eastern nominalists (Buddhism) and how realists understand and de-construct substance view.
Btw Bernardo has experiential authentication of "I M".”