

  1. English:
    Master Xuyun Discusses Idealism, Materialism, and Theism: Inspiring Genuine Faith That Delights the Heart—Apart from Buddhism, Where Else Can One Turn?


  1. English:
    "The Complete Works of Master Xuyun"


  1. English:
    In the 32nd year of the Republic (1943), in the first month, during the repentance ceremonies of the calamity-relief Dharma assembly, the rituals were practiced until the twenty-sixth day when they were completed. Chairman Lin and other high officials, including Mr. Jiang, Mr. Dai, and Mr. He, hosted vegetarian banquets to entertain. Mr. Jiang asked detailed questions about the Dharma, listing out idealism, materialism, and the principles of theism and Christianity. I answered them in writing. At Ciyun Temple and Huayan Temple, I gave Dharma talks from the high seat. My attendant, Weiyin, recorded them.
    (Note: This article is a Dharma talk given by Master Xuyun in Chongqing in 1943, at the age of 104, to Chiang Kai-shek, Dai Jitao, He Yingqin, and others, collected in the "Chronicle of Master Xuyun.")


  1. English:
    (Excerpt) Buddhism is truly the only great teaching today that can navigate international relations and advance towards the Great Unity. At present, the world has two kinds of forces—Theism and Materialism—which deny the doctrines of karma and rebirth, so their influence is unspeakably vast. The Theism of Christianity, although it speaks of God rewarding the good with happiness and punishing the evil with suffering, considers the existence of God as natural without understanding the reason behind it. Therefore, it cannot inspire deep faith in people and even provides materialists with grounds for criticism. This is why Christianity cannot maintain world peace.


  1. English:
    In reality, God is matter; matter is mind; mind is also God. Yet God is not God, matter is not matter, mind is not mind. The Buddha clearly taught that within the Three Realms (the universe), not a single dharma (phenomenon) is established; all arise from the deluded thoughts of the true mind, giving birth to myriad dharmas. The "true mind" is also merely a provisional name established in contrast to deluded phenomena. In truth, what is called the true mind is also not real. For example, the ocean: mind is water; the myriad dharmas (all things and phenomena) are waves. When calm, it is called water; when turbulent, it is called waves. When the waves are calm, it is still water; when the water is turbulent, it becomes waves again. Moreover, because there are turbulent waves, the calm water is thus named; if there were fundamentally no turbulence, the provisional names of waves could not be established, so how could the provisional name of calm water arise? It is merely that we arbitrarily assign these provisional names; perhaps fish might call water "air." Therefore, know that matter is mind, existence is non-existence, form is emptiness, delusion is reality, affliction is bodhi, sentient beings are Buddhas.


  1. English:
    When a single thought becomes deluded, mind becomes matter, non-being becomes being, emptiness becomes form, reality becomes delusion, bodhi becomes affliction, Buddhas become sentient beings—just as when water is turbulent, it becomes waves. If, in a single moment of awakening, matter is not separate from mind, being is not different from non-being, form is not different from emptiness, delusion is not different from reality, affliction is not different from bodhi, sentient beings are not different from Buddhas—just as when waves are no longer turbulent, they are still the calm water. Moreover, because of delusion, there arises the duality of matter and mind, being and non-being, form and emptiness, delusion and reality, affliction and bodhi, sentient beings and Buddhas—all these are provisional names established in dependence.


  1. English:
    If fundamentally there is no delusion, then the provisional names of matter, form, delusion, being, affliction, sentient beings, etc., cannot be established. How then could the provisional names of mind, non-being, emptiness, reality, bodhi, Buddhas, etc., be established? Thus, what is called idealism, materialism, theism, or atheism—all are merely discriminations made by the discriminating mind.


  1. English:
    Someone might say: "If that's the case, then Buddhism is also idealism!" Although Buddhism speaks of "only mind," it is vastly different from the idealism in philosophy. Philosophical idealism clings to mind as existent and matter as non-existent—what the Buddha called grasping at the self-nature with the discriminating mind, taking the deluded thoughts of birth and death as real. Materialists cling to matter as existent and mind as non-existent—what the Buddha called acting in inversion, mistaking objects for self, revolving in samsara, bringing about their own transmigration. Theists divide material substance and spiritual substance into two completely different worlds—what the Buddha called confusing the one mind within the physical body, recognizing a single bubble as the entire ocean tide. Each holds to biased views: some, due to nearsightedness, take the shadow of an ox for the ox; others, peering through a tube, see only the ox's horns and take the horns for the ox, or see the ox's head and take the head for the ox. They are not entirely wrong, but the fault lies in not seeing the whole true ox. Buddhism traces back to the source, clearly pointing out the real white ox. Those who follow the pointing finger to contemplate the ox will invariably see the whole true ox. Therefore, to remedy the biases of idealism and materialism, apart from Buddhism, there is no other way.


  1. English:
    Buddhism speaks of clarifying the mind-nature (also called the permanent true mind, suchness, enlightenment nature, Dharma body, reality... all are different names for the truth), which is originally pure, free from all names and forms, without location; its essence is self-aware, its essence is self-illuminating—it is the inherent nature that exists naturally. It transcends subject (that is, what is now called subjective or active) and object (what is now called objective or passive) dualities. Fundamentally, there is no such thing as the ten directions (east, south, west, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest, up, down—what is now called space) or the three times (past, present, future—what is now called time), much less the earth, humans, animals, plants, stones, hells, heavens, and so on. It is only due to the arising of a single deluded thought that all conditioned dharmas (all phenomena in the universe) arise. In the "Shurangama Sutra" (this sutra is comprehensive in encompassing all dharmas and beings; those who study Buddhism and philosophy cannot but investigate it), the Buddha replied to Purna's question: "Since the enlightened nature is originally pure, how did mountains, rivers, and the great earth suddenly arise?" He said:


  1. English:
    "The nature of enlightenment must be inherently bright; due to delusion, there arises enlightened awareness. Enlightenment does not have an object of illumination; because of illumination, objects are established. Since the object is falsely established, your false subject arises. In the midst of neither sameness nor difference, there suddenly becomes difference. Different from that which is different, because of difference, sameness is established. From the manifestation of sameness and difference, there further arises neither sameness nor difference. Such confusion and disturbance give rise to mutual oppositions, leading to laborious activities. Over time, this generates defilements, becoming turbid by their own nature. From this, dust-labor afflictions arise, manifesting as the world when active, and becoming empty space when still. Empty space represents sameness; the world represents difference. That which has neither sameness nor difference is truly the conditioned dharmas."


  1. English:
    "Enlightened clarity and empty obscurity interact, resulting in agitation, hence there arises the wind element that upholds the world. Because emptiness produces agitation, solidity and clarity establish obstruction. The precious metals represent the clear enlightenment establishing solidity, so there is the gold wheel that maintains the land. Solid enlightenment becomes precious metals; agitated clarity produces wind. The mutual friction of wind and metal generates fire light, which becomes the nature of transformation. The precious clarity generates moisture; the fire light steams upward, thus there is the water element containing the worlds of the ten directions. Fire rises and water descends; their interaction establishes solidity. The wet becomes the great ocean; the dry becomes continents and islands. Therefore, within the great ocean, fire light constantly arises; within the continents and islands, rivers constantly flow. When water's force is less than fire's, it congeals into high mountains; thus, when rocks are struck, fire emerges; when they melt, water flows. When the earth's force is less than water's, it extracts into vegetation; therefore, forests when burned turn into earth, and when crushed produce water. Through mutual deluded arising, they become seeds for each other. Because of these causes and conditions, the world continues in succession (the modern theory of nebulae does not explain this as thoroughly)."


  1. English:
    "Furthermore, Purna, delusion is nothing other than enlightenment; enlightenment and delusion are both faults. Once the false establishment of objects arises, the principle of enlightenment cannot surpass it. Because of this, hearing does not go beyond sound; seeing does not transcend form. Form, scent, taste, touch—the six false sense objects are completed. Therefore, the differentiation of seeing, hearing, awareness, and knowing occurs. The same karmic interactions bind together, and through union and separation, transformations occur. Seeing clarifies form manifestation; clarified seeing becomes perception. Different perceptions lead to aversion; similar perceptions lead to attachment. Flowing attachment becomes seeds; receiving perception becomes the womb. Through mutual interactions, attracting similar karma, there are causes and conditions leading to kalala and arbuda (the initial substances received in the embryo)—thus, womb-born, egg-born, moisture-born, and transformation-born beings come into existence according to their appropriate conditions. Eggs are born from thought; wombs arise from emotion; moisture arises from union; transformation arises from separation (the Buddha pointed this out over two thousand years ago). Emotion and thought combine and separate, mutually transforming; all beings receive karma, pursuing their floating or sinking. Because of these causes and conditions, sentient beings continue in succession."


  1. English:
    "Purna, when thought and attachment are mutually bound, attachment cannot separate; thus, in all worlds, fathers, mothers, sons, and grandsons are born in succession without interruption. These are based on desire and greed. When greed and attachment mutually nourish and cannot cease, then in all worlds, womb-born, egg-born, moisture-born, and transformation-born beings, depending on strength and weakness, devour each other in turn. These are based on killing and greed. When humans eat sheep, the sheep dies and becomes human; humans die and become sheep. In this way, through the ten kinds of living beings, they die and are reborn, coming and going, eating each other. Evil karma arises together, continuing endlessly into the future. These are based on stealing and greed. You owe me a life; I repay your debt. Because of these causes and conditions, through hundreds of thousands of kalpas, they are always in birth and death. You love my mind; I cherish your form. Because of these causes and conditions, through hundreds of thousands of kalpas, they are always entangled. Only killing, stealing, and lust are the roots. Because of these causes and conditions, karmic retribution continues in succession."


  1. English:
    "Purna, these three kinds of inverted continuity all arise from the clear and enlightened knowing nature. Due to knowing, manifestations arise. From deluded perceptions arise mountains, rivers, great earth, and all conditioned phenomena, sequentially evolving and flowing. Because of this illusory falseness, there is an end and a beginning, over and over again."


  1. English:
    Since the True Suchness and enlightened nature establish the true and the false, there is a distinction between the unchanging and the adaptable. The unchanging is equal and does not have differentiated characteristics—no sages or ordinary beings, neither good nor evil—it is true, real, and constant; this is the unchanging True Suchness. The adaptable arises and ceases, generating differentiated characteristics—there are sages and ordinary beings, good and evil; this is the adaptable True Suchness. Speaking from the unchanging True Suchness, the myriad dharmas are True Suchness—it is neither mind, matter, nor God. Speaking from the adaptable True Suchness, True Suchness is the myriad dharmas—it is mind, it is matter, it is God.


  1. English:
    Idealists misunderstand God, taking the adaptable True Suchness as the true mind, thereby advocating idealism. Materialists, confined by partial views, take the adaptable True Suchness as matter, thereby advocating materialism, and from materialism, they further promote atheism. Theists, also confined by partial views and arising from deluded discrimination, take the adaptable True Suchness as matter and God, thereby advocating theism. They do not realize that mind is matter, matter is God; mind, matter, and God share the same fundamental principle. With matter, there is mind and God; without mind, there is neither God nor matter. However, this "existence" is not existence in the sense of being or non-being; it is the wondrous existence of non-existence yet existence. This "non-existence" is not the non-existence of annihilation; it is the wondrous non-existence that transcends existence and non-existence (this wondrous "existence" and "non-existence," along with the "birth without birth" and "birth with birth" discussed below, are quite profound and cannot be fully conveyed by language and words; thus, they are key gateways in the Zen tradition). Idealists, materialists, and theists have not understood this principle and attack each other. In reality, none are entirely wrong, nor entirely right. Once one investigates Buddhism, all these doubts can naturally be resolved!


  1. English:
    Buddhism's investigation into the fundamental nature of the universe, besides what has been discussed, also includes detailed analyses and explanations of the world's structure and its formation and destruction, the organization of human organs, and many other issues. In the "Shurangama Sutra" and various other sutras and treatises, there are extensive discussions, many of which align with later philosophical and scientific discoveries, though we cannot detail them all here. Regarding the value of human life, the practices and vows of great Bodhisattvas surpass those of other sages and worthies, as can be seen everywhere in the scriptures. From this, one can understand the profound and magnificent aspects of Buddhism.


  1. English:
    However, Buddhism absolutely does not aim to dazzle people with novelty, nor does it deliberately mystify to confuse the masses. Every word and action arises from the personal practice and realization of the three studies of precepts, concentration, and wisdom. What are precepts, concentration, and wisdom? Preventing wrongs and stopping evils is called precepts; when the six senses encounter conditions, the mind does not follow them—that is concentration; when both mind and conditions are empty, illuminating all without confusion—that is wisdom. By preventing the evil of the three karmas, the mind-water naturally becomes clear and pure; thus, from precepts arises concentration. When the mind-water is clear and pure, it naturally reflects all phenomena; thus, from concentration arises wisdom.


  1. English:
    Confucianism also has the saying: "When one is settled, one can be calm; when calm, one can be at peace; when at peace, one can deliberate; when one can deliberate, one can attain. Things have roots and branches; affairs have beginnings and ends." Philosophers also engage in deep contemplation to pursue their studies. However, Confucians, philosophers, and scientists use the discriminating mind to ponder the universe and all things, not realizing that the universe and all things are also created by the discriminating mind. The thinker and the object of thought are both the discriminating mind. To seek the truth this way is like sitting on a chair and trying to lift the chair oneself—it is impossible.


  1. English:
    This is why contemporary philosophers have endless disputes over epistemology without any conclusive results. The Buddha, on the other hand, transcended words and thoughts, using wisdom to illuminate all phenomena in the universe, like stepping off the chair to lift it—thus, acting spontaneously in accordance with reality. This is why Buddhism encompasses philosophy, science, and religion all in one furnace, and all are foreknowers and foreawakened ones—it has its reasons. Japan regards Buddhism as the state religion, and its recent rise owes much to the Zen studies embraced by its reforming sages—a fact well known to all. If it were not for its militarists' blind faith in force, going completely against the Way, taking killing as merit and aggression as ability, how could they have today's defeat?!


  1. English:
    Some may doubt that Buddhism is passive and superstitious, not sufficient to be a state religion—this is merely the words of those who do not understand Buddhism. In reality, Buddhadharma does not destroy worldly phenomena; how could it be passive! Buddhadharma leads people step by step from delusion to awakening; how could it be superstition! Consider that the Buddha's Sanskrit name is "Buddha," meaning "Awakened One"—self-awakened, awakening others, with perfect awakening and practice, thus called Buddha. "Bodhisattva," Sanskrit "Bodhisattva," means "enlightened sentient being," and there are two kinds: monastic and lay. They make great vows to seek the unsurpassed path for the sake of sentient beings, cultivating themselves while teaching others. How could their actions be anything but active and based on true faith, unsurpassed by any!


  1. English:
    Buddhism establishes various skillful means based on the principles of subduing and embracing. What is subduing? Subduing means to subdue evil people. In the past, when Emperor Shi Le asked Master Fotudeng about the precept against killing, Fotudeng said: "As a king of men, refraining from unjust killing is the meaning of the precept against killing." For lay Bodhisattvas with great powers, in order to subdue evil and benefit beings, even if they wield swords and staves or even behead someone, they do not violate the precepts but instead generate merit. Everyone knows that killing people with evil intent is unacceptable; killing with good intent is precisely the Vajra hand-eye of lay Bodhisattvas with great powers. What is embracing? Embracing means to attract and accept good people. For the sake of benefiting sentient beings, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not avoid hardship and danger and practice the Four Means of Embracing:
  2. Giving (Dana): If beings desire wealth, give them wealth; if they desire the Dharma, teach them the Dharma, so they develop affection and accept the path.
  3. Kind Speech: According to beings' capacities, speak kind words to comfort and guide them, so they develop affection and accept the path.
  4. Beneficial Actions: Engage in wholesome actions with body, speech, and mind to benefit sentient beings, so they develop affection and accept the path.
  5. Cooperation: With the Dharma eye, see the capacities of beings, and manifest in forms that align with their preferences, sharing their activities to benefit them, thereby leading them to accept the path. How active are the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!


  1. English:
    What is skillful means? Skillful means are various expedient methods applied according to the capacities of sentient beings to lead them across. The aforementioned Four Means of Embracing are also doors of skillful means. The "Parable of the Magic City" in the "Lotus Sutra" says:
    "For example, on a dangerous and difficult road, far from water and grass, a place feared by people, countless thousands wish to pass through this perilous path, which is over five hundred yojanas long. At that time, there is a guide, wise and knowledgeable, clear-minded and decisive, who can save many from difficulties in such a perilous place. The people become weary and say to the guide: 'We are exhausted and wish to turn back.' The guide thinks: 'These people are truly pitiable. How can they give up the great treasure and wish to turn back?' Immediately, he uses skillful means and, by his power, manifests a great city. 'You may enter this city and rest as you please.' After they enter the city, they are greatly delighted... Then the guide says: 'This is just a magic city. Seeing you exhausted and wanting to turn back midway, I used skillful means to create this city. Now you should diligently advance together to reach the treasure.'"


  1. English:
    From this, we can understand the deep intention of the Buddha in teaching according to time and setting up skillful means. Therefore, to those of the highest capacity, he speaks of Zen; to those of superior capacity, he speaks of the teachings; to those who value analysis, he speaks of Yogacara; to the general populace, he speaks of the Pure Land; provisionally establishing the Mahayana and Hinayana, regardless of monastic or lay, striving to universally transform all beings so that all sentient beings receive the benefit of the Dharma. Modern people see Buddhists bowing to images and reciting the Buddha's name in the Pure Land practice and, from their atheistic standpoint, label it superstition. They do not understand that bowing to show respect to a statue is no different from showing respect to elders. Reciting the Buddha's name has immense merit in cultivating the mind, and reciting the Buddha's name is just a simple and expedient method for beginners. There are also methods like visualizing the Buddha's image, contemplating the Buddha's attributes, and the real mark of mindfulness of Buddha. The Pure Land has infinite wondrous functions; people simply do not understand them. How can this be called superstition?!


  1. English:
    Some say that Christianity also originated from the Pure Land school's "Amitabha Sutra." Observe that Jesus wears a robe similar to that of the Buddha. The "Amitabha Sutra" speaks of the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss; Jesus also speaks of the heavenly kingdom of bliss. The nine grades of rebirth in the Pure Land correspond to the nine ranks of heavenly beings mentioned in Li Lin's "Divine Spectrum" in Christianity. The "Amitabha Sutra" says that without sufficient good roots, merits, and causal conditions, one cannot be born in that land; Jesus also says that if you do not establish merit in the human world, God will not permit you to enter the heavenly kingdom. In the Pure Land school, practitioners recite the Buddha's name at all times, seeking the Buddha's guidance; Jesus also has morning and evening prayers seeking God's blessings. In Buddhism, there is the practice of empowerment; Jesus also has the rite of baptism.

Observing this, we see that the doctrines of Jesus are largely similar to the Pure Land school. Jesus was born over a thousand years after Shakyamuni Buddha; it is likely that he was influenced by Buddhism and received teachings from the "Amitabha Sutra," returning to establish his own religion—there seems to be no doubt about this. Moreover, Jesus is said to have disappeared for three years, possibly to study in India. Although there is no evidence, tracing hints and clues suggests that this is not baseless. His words were not made up out of thin air. However, on the surface, while Jesus seems similar to the beginner's practice of reciting the Buddha's name in the Pure Land school, in reality, it falls far short. Christianity emphasizes other-power, understanding that it is so but not knowing why, which seems somewhat forced.


  1. English:
    In reciting the Buddha's name, emphasis is placed on both self-power and other-power resonating together. As stated in the "Surangama Sutra, Chapter on Great Strength Bodhisattva's Perfect Penetration": "The Buddhas of the ten directions have compassion for sentient beings, like a mother remembering her child; if the child runs away, the mother's remembering is of no use. If the child remembers the mother as the mother remembers the child, then mother and child, through successive lives, will not be far apart. If sentient beings' minds remember the Buddha and are mindful of the Buddha, then in the present and future, they will certainly see the Buddha, and are not far from the Buddha. Without relying on other methods, they naturally awaken... In my original practice, I entered the patience of non-arising through the mind of mindfulness of Buddha. Now, in this world, I gather those who are mindful of Buddha and lead them to the Pure Land." With cause and effect, principle and phenomena are unobstructed. Moreover, Christianity speaks of eternal life; the Pure Land school speaks of being born in the Pure Land, seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, and realizing the patience of non-arising. The eternal life spoken of in Christianity implies birth manifesting from extinction, with the duality of birth and death, so eventually there is an end. The birth of non-arising means fundamentally there is no birth, thus no extinction—this is called "Infinite Life," the very name of Amitabha!


  1. English:
    Those who wish to practice the Bodhisattva path and seek the unsurpassed Way need not necessarily become monastics; they can also practice as laypeople. However, becoming a monastic and leaving behind rulers, relatives, and family is intended to free oneself from the fetters of emotions and desires, to abandon personal attachments and develop the Buddha's compassionate sympathy, to forsake personal love and cultivate great universal love, taking the liberation of all sentient beings as loyalty and serving all sentient beings as filial piety—this is the meaning of the Great Unity.


  1. English:
    Mr. Sun Yat-sen once said: "Buddhism is the compassion that saves the world; Buddhist studies are the mother of philosophy. Religion is a grand natural force that creates and sustains nations. People cannot be without religious thought. Studying Buddhism can compensate for the biases of science." Now, you also believe that the introduction of Buddhism to China benefits Chinese academic thought, thus calling Buddhism the only great teaching today that can navigate international relations and advance towards the Great Unity—is this merely empty words?! Moreover, today there is freedom of religion; one cannot force people into superstition. One can only inspire genuine faith that delights the heart. In that case, apart from Buddhism, where else can one turn? (End of excerpt)


  1. English:
    (Excerpted from Layman Cen Xuelu's original compilation "Chronicle")
