• I notice after a 2 weeks travel, my conciousness shifted quite significantly.
    It’s one of the biggest shift I have ever experience.
    I don’t know if it’s travel or nature or the London stress 😝 or just a coincidence?
    Anyone else notice such correlation ?
    But it’s interesting 😁
    Mayb I should experiment with travelling more
    Ps: photo to commemorate the Queens Jubilee coming weekend 😝 and stressful London chinatown


    Mr./Ms. JJ
    What shift have you experienced?

    Yin Ling
    emptiness could be directly experienced most of the time now without inference and total exertions sets in powerfully, naturally without inferencing too. Like it’s just here.
    Notice coz my house looks and feels differnt 😂
    Gonna spend next few week weeks clarifying for abit hopefully deepen

  • Jayson MPaul
    Yin Ling I'd be interested to hear your description of how total exertion sets in from your own experience.

  • Yin Ling
    Jayson MPaul hi Jayson,
    For me mostly I sense phenomena as “energy”, so it is as though when the mind is sufficiently “convinced” and able to intuit emptiness, self is gone from everywhere including their boundaries, so this energy flows through them powerfully like as though they are translucent
    Whenever a phenomena arises, there’s a vast , total, and boundless energy exerting into that phenomena (not separately)
    And bc self and boundaries is gone between phenomenas, this energy becomes huge and powerfully exerting from everywhere into no where..
    Like the room I’m sitting in now together with me and the sounds, feel as one huge total arising energetically like a huge magical manifestation without a breakage anywhere
    But.. There’s no logic .. it’s just how I sense it , it was glimpses before I went on travel .. think the wales mountains did somehting to me 🤣🤣
    Does that parallels ur xp?

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  • Jayson MPaul
    Yin Ling Yeah, I think it does parallel in ways. There was a point when I realized I don't experience a conceptual layer on top of sensations anymore. It is just direct experience all the time whether I'm noticing that or not. This sounds like what maybe you mean by energy, but please correct me if I'm misrepresenting. When glimpses of total exertion come for me there is this feeling of completeness. It is like perception stops jumping from sensation to sensation and instead is coming from all points at once. It can sometimes come on after noticing that I was somehow excluding certain sensations as not part of the current action at some level. Once that is noticed and dropped, it is all one happening. It is not yet realized to be "always, already" so to be a permanent baseline shift yet, but I'm sure it will. This ongoing process is untying the knots now. I don't think I could stop it if I tried haha.

  • Yin Ling
    Jayson MPaul very nice , thanks for sharing!
    Yes it is all extremely direct without conceptual layers and I agree with u about excluding certain sensations- for me it is occasionally my own presence, lol, it is v strange to go from only feeling my own presence here, to now the mind excluding it for some weird reasons , so there’s some integration there needed for myself 🙂

  • William Lim
    The travelling yogini? 👍🏼

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    Yin Ling
    Lol But it’s so hard on the body though. I’m no more spring chicken 🐔😂

  • William Lim
    Yin Ling chicken, spring or otherwise, is a sensitive topic now because Malaysia stopped its export of chicken to Singapore from 1st June onwards

  • Yin Ling
    William Lim Malaysia v kind help all Singaporeans reduce some bad karma 😂

  • William Lim
    Lunch of the Day
    May be an image of food and text that says 'Chicken rice after 31 May'

  • Yin Ling
    William Lim 望梅止渴🤣

  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Please tell us about this shift

    Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH not much really but feel significant to me coz I have been trying hard to intuit this for awhile but not deep enough 🙂 I reply above 🙂

  • Punna Wong
    You were at 23,000 feet la, so of course your consciousness went up!

    Yin Ling
    Punna Wong lol u mean the radiation is good for conciousness???

  • Mr. TJ
    Daoist perspective on travel as spiritual practice:
    Walking the Earth like Caine - S4 E12 - Scholar Sage Podcast
    Walking the Earth like Caine - S4 E12 - Scholar Sage Podcast
    Walking the Earth like Caine - S4 E12 - Scholar Sage Podcast

    Yin Ling
    Mr. TJ nice, will watch at the gym later, thank you Tyler 🙂

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  • 4d
    • Ng Xin Zhao
      On nonduality, can I say that it's no seer and no forms is because both of them are produced by conceptual mind, whereas only seen (consciousness) is direct experience?

      Yin Ling
      Hi, mostly I understand as because seer-seeing-seen are dependent on each other and could not exist by itself , so any one of them do not truly exist , hence empty. Hence all 3 constructs are empty.

    • Yin Ling
      Ng Xin Zhao but the above is analytical path to deconstruct.
      If in direct experience,
      Imo it’s like in Bahiya sutra - in the seen only the seen , no seer. Not much logic, it just feels that way.
      It depends on which way you use to deconstruct. I am more comfortable with the direct way, and use analytical way to supplement 🙂

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