I love music 🎵 🎼 🥰
It was the first thing that show me my true nature.
Every time I hear music I’m still very overwhelmed.
I don’t listen to music from my ear here and the music there.
When there’s music, I am right in the middle of the music, like the best seat in the orchestra, the position of the conductor on stage, hearing everything.
There’s no filter when I listen to music.
I become the music.
The music is me, literally.
There’s no hearer.
There’s no ear.
It’s just music.
Music and music.
Just my true nature as music,
I’m right there,
as emptiness, as music, as whatever u name it,
So sublime, so incomprehensible, yet more real than anything real in life.
The day this happened,
I was very shocked,
Biggest shock of my life.
Because no one told me about this. Lol.
So I keep playing the music..
how come like that ? How come?!! How come I am in the music?
How come Buddha never say? I will become the music ? 🤨
So this means I’m not in my body? Geezus?! So this is no self?! Huh?!
I have never listen from my ear ever again.
And I always will have the best seat in town
Aditya Prasad, Mr./Ms. JST and 9 others

Yin Ling

Very good sincere sharing. Chatted with Frank a few years back, he told me he formally practice meditation 1-3 hours daily for about 7 years before he realised anatta. So u can see from all his writing he will never speak of “no practice”.
Plus he is a classical musician trained to a very high level. To get there, These ppl practise more than they sleep I think.

Frank Yang

You must exhaust the seeker like lifting weights until failure over and over. You put in max effort effort until it becomes effortless.
It’s like learning any other skills, you have to practice and learn classical paintings and music before the knowledge seeps down from your pre frontal cortex to your brain stem so you can paint abstractly or play free style jazz without thinking and be in the Flow.
At first you need to apply knowledge to the pre frontal cortex to “learn” by thinking, rationalizing (most seekers never go beyond this point).
So the knowledge begins with the mind and then seeps into the “gut” (waking up in the mind, the heart, and the gut) and finally you let the wisdom penetrate the deepest part of your being at the cellular level. When the wisdom rewires even the brain stem which controls movements, then spiritual kunts can finally, after Vipassanalizing and performing micro surgery on your own neurons to dissolve that last spec of solidity and realizing that even the last particle you are still holding on to is not in their control, then the last spec of the doer dies. And there is no choice but to let go and #surrender completely.
So you can’t exactly “flow” or say to be “Realized” until the “knowledge” becomes a lived and embodied moment to moment experience, when Realization is seeped deep into your entire being and experiential structure, which creates all of Reality.
Realization is physical, visceral, kinetic and embodied. When you walk it’s the whole universe walking as your #DharmaBody. It’s not abstract at all.
awakening is a physical process and thoughts and ideas about Reality or Consciousness is mostly irrelevant.
Physically shred away every spec of solidity in your body mind like Michelangelo chipping away the marble to reveal the formlessness underneath to reach “God” or the full Natty state.
You’re tempering with the hardware by transforming your entire nervous system, not simply altering the icons and interfaces on the screen.
Although by the time you reach the ______ the duality between physical, mental, and spiritual completely breaks down. There’s neither the software or the hardware! Content nor context.
You, John Tan, Tan Jui Horng and 12 others


  • John Tan
    And that is also "no practice" of zen, not the slackz ard and day-dream that one is already liberated.
    • Yin Ling
      John Tan yes the “no practice” idea in modern spirituality is v rampant and
      Ppl actually believe 😂😅
    • John Tan
      Yin Ling Yes. Life as human form is precious, should not come confused and go not-knowing. We must learn how to appreciate and use this precious human life for practice.
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      • 15h
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    • Yin Ling
      John Tan yes,
      These are words of wisdom.
    • Mr./Ms. JJ
      John Tan I fell for it. Only when I read Nisargadatta's book did I realized that I had bought into a delusion. 🤦‍♂️😅
      So glad I realized it then and not later. At least now I can put in the effort needed.
    • Yin Ling
      There’s really too much of this no practice talk around, can’t blame u.
      Frank is actually practice more intensely than he protrays on social media.
      When I spoke to him, He actually advised me do a 8-10 hours retreat for ten days few times a year.. because that was what he did few times a year for a few years.
      And he told me he will read 3-4 hours of dhamma or philosophy books a day on top of his practice, if not he is not comfortable .. so he will read in the queue before going into a bar 🤣
      And he walks around doing self inquiry. So he practises all the time .
      That is probably from his long years of doing violin too. He said he Woke up super early as a child to practice for hours before going to school to “get it out of the way”.
      Meditstion probably remind him of the same thing.
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    He definitely likes food 😃
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    • 8h

Yin Ling

No photo description available.




  • John Tan
    Like doesn't fit into what u realized...
    如吕祖说, “对境无心莫问禅”。
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    • Yin Ling
      John Tan haha I understand the picture poem as “Chan 无音有声” ”chan 有言无语”
      as if like.. suchness.
      But I’m not sure the 诠释
      Just my interpretation. Hah.
      Yours is nice. 😁
    • John Tan
      Yin Ling oh that is "有声,有言”。I thought it was "无声,无言”。🤦
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    • Yin Ling
      John Tan actually I’m not sure. I read as 无声无言 at first , but then I look again and thought why he wrote 无 in 2 different ways 😂
      So I take it as 有😂
    • Yin Ling
      But why ”对境无心莫问禅”
      Why cannot “对境无心即是禅”?
      Too deep already 😂
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      • 16h
    • John Tan
      Yin Ling lol...yeah I re-looked, it doesn't seem "无声无言”, that character do seem like "有"...lol
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    • John Tan
      Yin Ling 莫问 is more poetic..Haha
    • Yin Ling
      John Tan to me “莫问” feels like ”don’t need to talk about” 😂
      So wonder why don’t need to talk about? It’s exactly 禅 what. … 
      See more
    • John Tan
      Yin Ling yes but it is expressed like freedom from all references -- Even "no mind" u don't have to mentioned at all, a natural state.
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    • Yin Ling
      John Tan oh I see! Now I get it 😂 thanks’
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    • John Tan
      Yin Ling so 即是 is 悟境,莫问 is 禅境。
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      • 16h
    • Yin Ling
      John Tan subtle difference but yup ur right
    • Cheng Chen
      Yin Ling Yours may be half past 6, but MY classic Chinese is 无!
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      • 3h
    • Yin Ling
      Cheng Chen I should be ashamed coz I went to school for more than a decade for it 🤦🏻‍♀️
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      • 3h

Quite excellent and clear in his insights imo.
29 minutes onwards .. so clear.
Coincidentally was talking to Mr./Ms. VWC about the 2 key ignorance of 1) duality (self and other) and 2) inherent existence that cause us to grasp and fuel our suffering. Which is what Frank Yang use “arrow of attention” vs “the source of clinging” aka “subject and object” aka “foreground and background”.
So practise always need to target these two problems so we also talked about how to deconstruct the subject side first with either vipassana - investigate what is “self” by scanning the whole body inside and outside sensation and then rest in the space ..
Or ask “who is doing the listening?” or
“where is awareness? Is it together with sound or separate from sound, if separate, where?”
Then victor looks like he wants to puke so We stopped and gossip 🤣🤪
First upload in 7 months.
Here are the topics covered:
3:58 Contraction Vs. Expansion
5:21 Buddhism Vs. Hinduism
7:14 The Importance Of Concentration
9:44 Dissolving Solidity (Do Nothing Vs. Vipassana)
11:50 Do Nothing Meditation
13:26 Using The Breath To Let Go
14:15 Highest Spiritual Technique
15:20 Source Of All Suffering
17:05 What Is Vipashayna (Dual Vipassana Vs. Non-Dual Vipassana)
20:07 Effort Vs. Effortlessness
20:40 What Is The Spiritual Seeker?
21:39 The Program Of The Self
22:24 Compassion Vs. Empathy
25:27 Dealing With Pain Vs. Pleasure
26:14 Wisdom Vs. Concentration Vs. Morality
27:35 Altered States Of Consciousness Vs. Enlightenment
29:21 Why People Worship Gurus
29:46 Last Things To Dissolve Before Full Awakening
31:17 "If You Are Aware Of Awareness, Then You Are Not Aware"
35:06 The Arrow Of Attention And The Source Of Clinging
36:44 The Illusion Of Merging And The Now
38:57 Wake Up, Clean Up, Grow UP
39:20 Layers Of The Dream
41:06 What Is The Full Natty State
42:03 Self Inquiry And Jed Mckenna's Spiritual Autolysis
43:31 Why I Make Videos
43:44 How Long Does This Take?
44:27 Daily Routine For Awakening
46:28 On Psychedelics
47:13 Death And Reincarnation
Related Videos And Re
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdDF-ocuChk&t=1232s (Body Scanning Vipassana Instructions)
https://deconstructingyourself.com/do-nothing-meditation... (Michael Taft has the best guided Do Nothing Meditation and Vipashayna on the internet)
Tan Jui Horng, William Lim and 9 others


Yin Ling

Mr./Ms. VWC Ur selfie not very nice but ..
Hope u rmb to always prioritise the dhamma in life and practise hard, don’t waste ur karmic link..
And contemplate what I told u 😜
Buddhas teaching is never a myth to me,
And can be investigate and proven by yourself.
No blind faith needed. 😬

Yin Ling

Dependent origination and emptiness is not difficult.
Meditate on how a rainbow is formed.
Then meditate on the nature of a rainbow.
Then meditate on how the whole world is of the same nature.
Including u, others, things, sentient , non sentient. All is of equal nature.
That is all.
Keep doing it until u come to realize it with confidence.
Then meditate some more until ur world becomes like a rainbow world- it will happen 🤯😜
However I feel an insight of anatta or kensho will increase confidence but a right view should be reached by this meditation
You, John Tan, Tan Jui Horng and 17 others


  • William Lim
    View, and insight... is it intellectual or experiential?
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    • 5d
    • Yin Ling
      William Lim for me both is same haha
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    • Yin Ling
      William Lim as in, it’s the view, the insight, the experience, same only
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    • William Lim
      I understand the nature of the rainbow is temporarily formed by conditions and by that extension, all things including our bodies and the mountains are as impermanent and transient. Essentially, we're all stardust in motion. But that's just an intellectual understanding. I suppose more depth needs to be penetrated.
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    • Yin Ling
      William Lim ya. U r right . How about the nature of the rainbow ? How is it like? That’s the key 😁😁
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  • Yin Ling
    Erm for me it’s both
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  • Mr. J.P. H
    I think I get a taste of this here and there. But not sure. It is hard to describe. Like everything comes into being as one sense.
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  • Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
    Don’t be like poor Ananda, now! 😄
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  • Winston Tg
    That a rainbow is obviously displayed, but not really there? How would you describe (if even possible) the nature of a rainbow? Without the light or rain, the specific angle of the sun in relation to the Earth or cloud cover on that day, as well as the location of the observer - i guess that's the dependent origination part?
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    • Yin Ling
      Winston Tg yeah.
      The rainbow is clearly there, vividly there, can see it, but not truly existent, cant be locate, can’t be grasped
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    • Winston Tg
      Yin Ling everything "appearing" in "my mind" is like that, like a hologram produced, from my body to the environment, to all the actions I'm doing, including even practising or trying to do inquiry? Kind of feels a bit yogacara/cittamatra... is there something I'm missing
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    • Yin Ling
      The nature of every particles; appearance is of a rainbow like nature - vividly appearing yet unfindable.
      This nature is very ineffable because there’s no precedent in our mind - we don’t have something to compare this nature too, hence so hard to realize
      So there are many steps to bring one into it, see mind first, then investigate minds nature or vice versa
      I don’t understand or see in a “yogaCara ” way which a slight reificafication of mind is still there - all is mind, all are internal experience, holding on to a substratum,
      Rather just everything is this suchness/ rainbow like nature
      I don’t think I make ever good sense 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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      • 4d

Practicing zen in daily life by meido Moore Roshi.
I just listened to it during my drive, I find it excellent advice for myself since I’m starting to Think about how to bring more of on cushion samadhi into my daily activities even to the most mundane like a coffee and a shower.
Even though the momentum of practise will seep into off cushion activity slowly and eventually, this made me think about being more deliberate about how to carry myself off cushion, really good 🙂
U might be interested!
John Tan, Tommy McNally and 1 other

Yin Ling

Mind here means deluded mind.
Not original mind of Zen😁

John Tan

In self-arising wisdom, there is only spontaneous presence and natural perfection; but,
if we r still in a state of mind (relative) even in the minuest sense and sprouting glamorously "no practice, no path and and no result" that is just deluding oneself into self-perfection.
If there is mind even in the most minuest sense, there will be knowing, there will be apprehension, there will be grasping and there will be division. Hence everything orginates in dependence, everything is empty;
And as long as there is mind,
"Self" and "otherness" orginate in dependence -- that is self-perfecting;
View, path and result originate in dependence -- that is self-perfecting;
Cause and effect orginate in dependence -- that is self-perfecting;
John Tan, William Lim and 2 others


Yin Ling

One very beautiful thing about Buddhism is
Despite it’s in-depth teaching on karma,
teaching us how Every thing has their cause and conditions, nothing is random, nothing is uncaused,
On the flip side,
The teachings tell us to assume full responsibility for our life. FULL.
Cannot even blame najib!
I remember early days
When I was stuck in the “dukkha nanas”
A state of mind where dukkha(suffering) is seen by the mind and life can becomes quite tough for a practitioner ..
(Probably the toughest period in my life i would say)
I keep asking my teacher the same thing each week
Is it because of external circumstances , that my mind is suffering ?
Or is it becuase my mind is in the dukkha nana and it is suffering, that external circumstances feels tough?
Lol. I have no wisdom then. Just alot of mental chatter. As u can see.
My teacher is compassionate but she almost never cover up truth from me, so I remember her standard answer to my Q:
“If u r madly in love now, would u suffer?
It’s all your mind. Not other ppl. Not outside.
Hence u need to practice. “
How sad. I don’t like that answer ..
But I stuck with her and learn from her for a long time.
Because I know that’s the truth.
Hard pill to swallow but ..
In that few months my entire worldview change.
The buddhism worldview is “full self responsibility”.
U would never hear the Dalai Lama blaming the Chinese for their current state.. he would tell the Tibetans,
it is our karma and we need to cultivate patience.
It is all our ignorance,
Our defilements
Our obscurations
No one is doing anything to u.
When u get angry, it’s not anyone else problem but ur mind is not well trained,
U have a weak mind.
🤷🏻‍♀️ u need to practice.
Angry coz ppl criticise u ?
How weak. Lol. Practise more.
Sounds Tough?
Hence it’s not a teaching u can do “dhammaduta” or propagation work.. not that easy.
It needs to be from that person deepest intention to assume full responsibility of their lives.
V mature adults
Buddhism is not for crying children 🧒 🫢😝
You, John Tan, Jayson MPaul and 32 others


  • Huei Kong
    It is a difficult-to-accept truth 😬😬😬
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  • Jason Lee
    On the flip side, happy because someone praise ? Ok, practice harder 😝
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  • Firdaus Akmal Azman
    Loving this piece. It is rather similar to the way traditionally Muslim look at things.
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    • Yin Ling
      My first spiritual teaching tbh before I even meet Buddhism is
      “Kesabaran itu separuh daripada keimanan.”
      Did I say it right?
      My roommate tell me this ten times a day when I was 15 lol. I wasn’t a very even tempered person lol.
      Then when I was Oncall as a medical reg /MO this verse just keep reminding me.. not other ppls fault, just ur iman tsk cukup 😂
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    • Firdaus Akmal Azman
      Yin Ling yes you said it right. According to traditional Islamic teaching, we only have ourselves to blame for any calamity or suffering that we find ourselves in.
      You know when the Mongols came and wrecked havoc in Baghdad, the folks did not even blame Mongols, they said their own destruction was absolutely because of their own shortcomings/sin.
      Nowadays car cannot start also salah Najib or Dap 😂
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    • Yin Ling
      Firdaus Akmal Azman 🤣 no job to do, salah najib
      Cannot shit, salah najib lahhhh
      Nasib baik DAP come and take some burden off najib 🤣
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    • Firdaus Akmal Azman
      Yin Ling that's why laahh. It's easier to point finger at other rather than to take a good hard look in the mirror or to contemplate one own's shortcomings
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    • Yin Ling
      Firdaus Akmal Azman kannn.. I go muhassbah diri
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    • Firdaus Akmal Azman
      Yin Ling believe me the amount of muhasabah that you practice put many of my fellow Muslims (me included) to shame😂
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    • Yin Ling
      Firdaus Akmal Azman no lahhh got lots of room for improvement. I Tepuk dada tanya sendiri 🤣
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  • Richard Cooper
    I feel judged 😉😂
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  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Very well said ❤️🙏
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    • 6d
  • Mr. J.P. H
    Dukkha nanas are brutal. Nowhere to run. No escape. Forced education into the nature of suffering. But it also builds compassion for you and the rest of humanity. The mind goes on and on and on. I was like "Yes! I get it already! I did it! I did that too! I did all of it! Get me out of here!"😂
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    • 6d
    • Yin Ling
      Lol yes u describe it well.
      I used to fall into this dukkha cycle every 2-3 weeks, like a timed thing.. 🥸
      But somehow as we ascend the path with practise, the cycle becomes more frequent but shorter duration, unlike a huge big chunk in first path, also the mind could handle it better.
      One can just feel it.
      At the point of no self, the whole cycle stops somehow. Sometimes I forget I have ever been through this, it seems so faraway when things are spacious and misty. then I look into my journal , my god was I ever depressed lol.
      Have hope that practice will bear fruit , like it or not! 🙂
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      • 6d

Yin Ling

Very inspirational talk.
Ven Chi Chern spoke about
-karmic energy, latent tendencies, formative actions..
-Hiri and otappa as virtues in the dhamma (have some shame if u don’t practise because this means ur heart/mind is weak)
-And how the ethics in dhamma is is set at a higher standard compared to society ethics.
-a powerful mind comes from a disciplined mind.
0:14 / 2:03:30

PBUPM-A was live.

愿大家法喜充满,如果有分享学习心得,记得 #红尘中的白莲 与我们分享哦!
See Translation


  • Cheng Chen
    Despite being fully fluent in Chinese, I have the hardest time understanding dharma in Chinese whether oral or written. If they just substituted every dharma-related word with Pali or even Sanskrit, I’ll be happy… not transliterations like “三摩地” or “般若波罗蜜多” OMG.
    Hence, the only Chinese spoken dharma that’s ever made sense to me is this one Taiwanese translator of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche who manages to translate everything into common vernacular, even as DKR makes literal dick jokes.
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    • Yin Ling
      Cheng Chen what is 三摩地?samadhi? Lol sorry.
      I am the same.
      I think it’s because they cannot translate those Sanskrit words that they resort to similar tone words.
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    • Cheng Chen
      Yin Ling yea Samadhi… LOL…
      My problem isn’t just the words, it’s that monastics trained in the Chinese Mahayana canon also speak about dharma in semi-classic Chinese, which then confuses even more.
      Overall it’s just a unfamiliarity with the culture, aesthetics, and vernacular. But To be honest, it’s kinda weird that I originally learned dharma-talk via British folks from a Thai lineage speaking Pali with an English accent…
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It has only been a while that …
“I” have stop perceiving the world.
My eyes, nose, ears, tongue, body, brain stop perceiving the world.
Every “thing” perceives itself at its own place.
The perceiving is welded with the sensation, with the music, with the sight, with the taste.
100% , no split.
Can’t even doubt when I could verify it every moment.
Every particle in the whole universe perceives itself.
And the particle is just empty.
Not a sliver of material in everything.
And I cannot go back to the usual mode of perception during aWake state.
I tried to perceive dually from the head but it is so much harder than this mode,
I also cannot make my perception solid
There is no “physical” in my perception.
Look left, mist
Look right, mist.
It’s a one way ticket.
Buddhism call it wisdom eye.
Very powerful. I’m still often in wonderment seeing how different my perception is compare to less than a year ago?
When I read the heart sutra, it describes my experience 100% and send a chill down my spine.
How could I doubt?
If the Buddha himself comes down and speak to me,
he would be perceiving himself and will be empty too!
This is the no-self view, insight and experience.
The vision protects u because it can be verified every moment. U can authenticate within ur experience. No one can argue with u lol and u won’t want to argue too.
It is possible to perceive this way with practice because this is reality.
This perception is not for fun, we need to develop this perception to reduce defilements and afflictions.
Wrong view of Perceiving a self in the head will give us alot of afflictions because we will want to protect this “self”.
Wrong view of Perceiving “thing” out there cause us to grasp, which subsequently cause hatred and attachment.
These hatred, desire will cause karmic actions which propel us to our next rebirth in one of the 6 realms.
We have been here for too long.
All 6 realms are suffering because it is the nature of samsara.
Hence the Buddha compassionately taught what he learnt : self view and inherent view are harmful.
He gave us many rafts to cross over.
He was compassionate.
He didn’t promise heaven because heaven is samsara.
He tells us to escape. Get out of the burning 🔥 house.
Don’t let the Buddhas word be an intellectual exercise and don’t use it to argue or debate unless for clearing views.
Use it as medicine for your innate curse of death and suffering since birth.
May be an image of 7 people and indoor
You, John Tan, Jayson MPaul and 51 others


  • William Lim
    Many people think Buddhism is a belief system and at best, a philosophical system.
    More should be done to let people know that it is actually a teaching, and a practical guide, that is meant to bring about a SHIFT in ones PERCEPTION.
    And that perceptual and experiential shift brings forth an understanding of how reality actually is... and that insight is what actually ends suffering.
    More people need to know this.
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    • Yin Ling
      William Lim u r right.
      Mine is just very early perception change.
      I cannot even imagine how more advanced practitioners perceive and how they live in this world 😂
      Or how the Buddha perceives.
      But at least I know nothing is impossible.
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    • Mr./Ms. JJ
      Yeah, it was a major realisation for me when I read 'I am that', that this whole thing is smth very visceral. Nothing to do with philosophy. Lol
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  • Mr./Ms. BR
    WOW! sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🙏🙏
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  • Lisette Cardenas-Paris
    Wow! Deep ... Beautiful family! 🙏❤
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Yin Ling

Nafis Rahman created this Practice guide for sincere practitioners who is interested in developing insights in the Buddha dharma.
Only 133 pages, powerful stuff.
(The original version is written by Soh Wei Yu… some genius with great merits.. 1300 pages now I think hah!)
I have personally benefited far too much more than I could imagine from this. It’s a karmic link I’m grateful for.
I have never seen insight elucidated so clearly elsewhere. May those with little dust in their eyes benefit and May sincere ones allowed to see the dharma from the Buddhas eye in this degenerate age. ❤️
May be an image of text that says 'The Awakening to Reality Practice Guide A new bridged version of Awakening to Reality: A Guide to the Nature of Mind Compiled and edited by Nafis Rahman Version 1.00, First Version 19/06/2022 Last Updated 19/06/2022 Awakening to Reality Blog: http://wwakenintorealty.com/ Awakening to Reality Facebook Group: t/o Awakening to Reality Reddit Group: htps:/./'

Soh Wei Yu

You, Tan Jui Horng, William Lim and 16 others


  • Hide 14 Replies
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    • Yin Ling
      Soh Wei Yu i didn’t WRITE the guide ok I just read lol.
      • Haha
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    • Khizar Ali
      Yin Ling how do you make time for everything 😅? And Gym 😂. Salute to you ✌🏻
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    • Mr./Ms. VWC
      Kamsiaaaa 🙏🏻 , free time will read
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    • Yin Ling
      Khizar Ali lol I wasn’t working when I was doing all those intense reading and meditation.
      When I was working my life was dysfunctional coz I work as a doctor with odd hours and weekends. barely coping. I basically just work and study(was doing postgrad), exercise sleep and eat. My partner helped with making food, and I couldn’t see friends. No time, bad lifestyle though.
      We will see when I start work again soon. Let’s see all the meditstion and gym fly out of the window 😂😂😂
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    • Yin Ling
      Mr./Ms. VWC I didn’t do anything . Haha. Really hope this will help u break through.
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    • Khizar Ali
      Yin Ling I'm a doctor as well (not practicing) so i know what you're talking about 😅. But still you seem to be doing a good job, work and all, and also taking out time to reply to our comments 😋
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    • Mr./Ms. VWC
      Yin Ling by tagging me here and making me aware of this is also helping me 😃
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    • Yin Ling
      Khizar Ali oh hi Fellow medic haha. I really don’t know.. if u r my mom or partner u won’t think so 😂😂😂
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    • Khizar Ali
      Yin Ling haha.. Yea i had been reading your med related post, and comparing issues in your country which is very similar to here in Pakistan.. Cheers mate 🙂
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    • Winston Tg
      Yin Ling pls lemme know what happens 🤣
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    • Yin Ling
      Winston Tg 😂😂😂 lol really no eye see. But I won’t have Oncall and weekend first 4 months 🫢
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    • Soh Wei Yu
      Yin Ling When are you starting work?
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    • Yin Ling
      Soh Wei Yu august 😞 6 more weeks of freedom 😬
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Yin Ling

Human life is too short and I have come to the dharma too late. May I be blessed with no distractions for sincere practice 🙏🏻😭
No photo description available.

André A. Pais

AN ASPIRATION PRAYER ~ Gyalsé Tokme Zangpo
Homage to the Guru and Three Jewels!
May I, in each and every one of my lives to come,
Gain a precious human form, free and well-favoured
And thereafter may I encounter sublime spiritual guides
And continuously apply myself to the sacred Dharma.
May I never cling to the pleasures of ordinary existence,
Nor become attached to the extreme of an inferior nirvāṇa.
For the sake of all beings as numerous as space is vast,
May I strive to accomplish unsurpassed awakening.
Having realized the ultimate beyond conceptual limitations
And the illusory nature of the relative,
May I never be distracted even for so much as an instant,
As I diligently strive to take this profound truth to heart.
Even in this very life, may I reject all that is unwholesome
And constantly strive to apply the virtuous Dharma.
May all my actions of body, speech and mind
Always be devoted solely to others' wellbeing!
When it's time to let go of this life,
May the force of my faith and aspiration
Carry me to the western paradise of Sukhāvatī,
There to be guided by Amitābha in his compassion.
~ The dharma-professing monk Tokmé wrote this prayer of aspiration for Pön Rinchen Zangpo at the dharma-fortress of Ngulchu .
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2021.

Yin Ling

1) There is no-self.
2) But we can see hear touch feel think smell taste.
Truly knowing ”what” see hear touch feel think smell taste is awakening.
Parroting the first sentence but don’t know the 2) is “eating the menu” 😝
Solving this is the most crucial matter in the buddhadharma, or else all practice is just ethical practice for a better rebirth, unable to escape cyclic existence.
You, John Tan, Tan Jui Horng and 15 others


  • Mr. J.P. H
    I am not coming back here! 😂 Or minimum 7 more times. I don't know if this is good, but not coming back is priority #1 haha.
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    • Yin Ling
      Mr. J.P. H lol. Yes. Some ppl will have a sincere dread and disgust thinking about “coming back” to samsara. Some ppl are attracted to it (and I’m aghast) ..
      It spurs practice in a way.
      Death contemplation works well for me.
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    • Yin Ling
      Mr. J.P. H that said, if I die now, in definitely going to come back as some forms. I know it deep down in my heart lol. No delusion in that one.
      I Just pray to have enough time to practice.
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    • Mr. J.P. H
      Yin Ling I dunno, I think you got a shot at out making it out.
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    • Yin Ling
      Mr. J.P. H 😂that the kindest thing any human could say to another one 🙂
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  • Данила Игнатовски
    Dear Yin. 🌸
    If this beyond samsaric/nirvanic direct exp right now is so blissful, beautiful, magnificent, vivid, bright, clear, total, non dual...etc. like Soh said also in new preface, so, in this case why we need to "not be reborn again"? If we free and see clearly, why need to run and hide from anything in the whole beingness even from reborn?
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    • Yin Ling
      Hi 👋🏻
      Yes our true nature is fully empty and at peace, however in samsara which nature is impermanent , in this cyclic existence which we have a body, we will still suffer physically and mentally, especially if we don’t know the teachings and antidotes. Suffering is tremendous.
      Hence the way out is to not be reborn again into cyclic existence. 🙂
      Hope that helps!
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Yin Ling

“The orchestra continues to play very well even without u as a conductor.”
I really love this description of anatta from Lama Alan Wallace!
John Tan, Tan Jui Horng and 13 others
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Yin Ling

Was watching this again after some discussion of “who am I” on a thread today, which tend towards the nihilistic 😞
Still feel Frank Yang has one of the best description out there for anatta realisation.
If u r there, what he says is 100% ur xp.
If u r not, he will sound really crazy lol.
You, John Tan, Sim Pern Chong and 6 others
1 Share


Yin Ling

Not one day I am not grateful for coming across the teachings
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person

Buddhism added a new photo to the album: Robina Courtin.

"Anger, anxiety, depression and fear break my heart. And all Buddha is saying is: yes sweetheart, and you can change it."
Tommy McNally and 5 others


Yin Ling

Buddhism added a new photo to the album: Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

"All experience and phenomena are understood to be a dream, this should not be just an intellectual understanding, but a vivid and lucid experience...Genuine integration of this point produces a profound change in the individual's response to the world. Grasping and aversion is greatly diminished, and the emotional tangles that once seemed so compelling are experienced as the tug of dream stories, and no more."
You and Mr./Ms. JJ

Yin Ling

Truly good. Thanks Andre. I copied and paste it into my notes to reread 😛
May be an image of 5 people, people standing and outdoors
Maitreya [and Nagarjuna] said,
In this, there is not a thing to be removed,
Nor the slightest thing to be added.
It is looking perfectly into reality itself,
And when reality is seen, complete liberation.
Nagarjuna has said,
The victorious ones have said
That emptiness is the relinquishing of all views.
For whomever emptiness is a view,
That one has achieved nothing.
In order to relinquish all imagination,
You taught the nectar of emptiness.
However, those who cling to it
Are also blamed by you.
By taking any standpoint whatsoever,
You will be snatched by the cunning snakes of the afflictions.
Those whose minds have no standpoint
Will not be caught.
Shantideva said,
Without referring to an imputed entity,
One cannot apprehend the lack of this entity
Therefore, the lack of a delusive entity
Is clearly delusive [too].
Thus, when one’s son dies in a dream,
The conception “He does not exist”
Removes the thought that he does exist,
But it is also delusive.
Once neither entities nor nonentities
Remain before the mind,
There is no other mental flux.
Therefore, it is utter nonreferential peace.
Shantarakshita proclaimed:
Therefore, there is no such thing
That ultimately can be proved to be.
And thus the Tathagatas all have taught
That all phenomena are unproduced.
Since with the ultimate this is attuned,
It is referred to as the ultimate.
And yet the actual ultimate is free
From constructs and elaborations.
Production and the rest have no reality,
Thus nonproduction and the rest are equally impossible.
In and of themselves, both are disproved,
And therefore names cannot express them.
Where there are no objects,
There can be no arguments refuting them.
Even “nonproduction,” entertained conceptually,
Is relative and is not ultimate.
Jñanagarbha said,
Since the negation of arising and so on
Concords with actuality, we accept it.
Since there is nothing to be negated,
It is clear that, actually, there is no negation.
How should the negation of an imputation’s
Own nature not be an imputation?
Hence, seemingly, this is
The meaning of actuality, but not actuality [itself].
In actuality, neither exists.
This is the lack of discursiveness:
Mañjuśrī asked about actuality,
And the son of the Victors [Vimalakirti] remained silent.
Bhavaviveka taught:
The ultimate is freedom from discursiveness.
Being empty of all discursiveness
Is to be understood
As the nonnominal ultimate.
Its character is neither existent, nor nonexistent,
Nor [both] existent and nonexistent, nor neither.
Centrists should know true reality
That is free from these four possibilities
The purpose of emptiness is its characteristic of all discursiveness being at utter peace.
Kamalasila proclaimed:
Since this lack of arising is concordant with realizing the ultimate, it is called “the ultimate.” Since there is no object of negation, such as arising, that is established, [its] lack [cannot really] be related to this non-existent object. Therefore, to apprehend the lack of arising and such is nothing but a reference point... Ultimately, true reality cannot be expressed as the lack of arising and such. Therefore, Noble Mañjuśrī asked about true reality and Noble Vimalakirti said nothing.
The Noble Jewel Mound [Sutra] states:
Kāśyapa, emptiness alone is the deliverance from all views.
And in the Mother of the Victorious Ones [Sutra]:
Engagement with the idea that form is empty, or that it is not empty, is still engagement with marks. It is not engagement with transcendent insight. When there is no engagement with anything at all, it is the engagement with transcendent insight.
The Noble Jewel Mound [Sutra]:
Kāśyapa, I say that the one who observes emptiness, and thus conceives of emptiness, has failed, failed entirely, with respect to these teachings. Having a belief in personal existence that is as solid as the King of Mountains is a minor problem compared to the arrogant view of emptiness. Why is that? Because emptiness is a deliverance from all views. Hence, I say that if the view is exclusively emptiness, then there is no cure.
Finally, Mipham Rinpoche says,
Perfectly discerned by self-cognizing primordial wisdom alone, this is an ineffable experience beyond thought and word, a state of equality like the very center of space. This is what the ultimate nature is like, and therefore it is said that if the Bodhisattvas understand and proclaim that “the aggregates are empty,” they are still caught up in characteristics. They have no faith in the unborn nature.
You, John Tan, André A. Pais and 1 other


The 3 characteristics (or 4 in the Mahayana) of all phenomena is a way of looking taught by the Buddha for the mind to let go.
There is no reason needed to let go.
Because if things are impermanent, no-self, suffering, non-arising, no true existence,
Is there any thing to do but to let all go?
Conversely, u need alot reason to justify holding on, to grasp. Ask.. instead..
Why are u grasping ? Why do u want this or that? What is ur reason ?
Can u grasp space ? To fight over space? To acquire space? Isn’t it psychotic to want space? To want a rainbow? To buy a rainbow? To have a rainbow?
See clearly, says the blessed one.
May be an image of body of water and nature
You, John Tan, Jayson MPaul and 18 others
Nagarjuna, the great Buddhist master from Nalanda said 2000 years ago, “shunyata Karuna Garbham”- “voidness is the womb of compassion”.
Compassion is the fundamental and eventual point of the dharma.
May be an image of 1 person
If someone has compassion, he is a Buddha;
Without compassion, he is a Lord of Death.
With compassion, the root of Dharma is planted,
Without compassion, the root of Dharma is rotten.
One with compassion is kind even when angry,
One without compassion will kill even as he smiles.
For one with compassion, even his enemies will turn into friends,
Without compassion, even his friends turn into enemies.
With compassion, one has all Dharmas,
Without compassion, one has no Dharma at all.
With compassion, one is a Buddhist,
Without compassion, one is worse than a heretic.
Even if meditating on voidness, one needs compassion as its essence.
A Dharma practitioner must have a compassionate nature.
Compassion is the distinctive characteristic of Buddhism.
Compassion is the very essence of all Dharma.
Great compassion is like a wish-fulfilling gem.
Great compassion will fulfill the hopes of self and others.
Therefore, all of you, practitioners and laypeople,
Cultivate compassion and you will achieve Buddhahood.
May all men and women who hear this song,
With great compassion, benefit all beings!
***Translated by Matthieu Ricard
You, John Tan, Stian Gudmundsen Høiland and 3 others


Yin Ling

Alarm rang , my eyes opened,
My arm Instinctively reached for my phone,
But I paused,
I feel
I feel as though I am..
Suspended in a dimensionless dimension,
Light, buoyant,
I laid in my bed in stillness for a while,
Just taking in this incredible feeling,
Of vastness, peace and happiness.
I breath,
My breath is blissful.
I walked to the balcony,
How magical that this body moves for me,
Even though I do not live in it anymore.
I am finite and infinite at the same time,
I am given this body
So that I can meet ..
Finite and infinite beings like me,
Which are me and also not me,
At the same time.
I sit in the morning air,
I breath,
I watch,
This seamless, wondrous, magical
Translucent, holographic, grand
I-don’t-have-words- to-describe-better
I am the whole of this reality,
I am the whole of
I am everything in
All ten directions.
I am confident
I have never been away
I couldn’t
Where can I go?
It is such a ..
sacred and magical,
Kind and benevolent,
Gentle and blissful
My heart surged with immense gratitude,
For every single being,
Buddhas, boddhisatvas, humans
Animate, inanimate,
because of their great compassion and deep wisdom,
They patiently teach
This delusional one,
So that I can see who I am,
So that I can have freedom and pure happiness too.
Dependent originations,
Are truly the great wisdom and compassion of the Buddhas.
Their emanations
Tirelessly reaching out to us,
Waiting for us to get off
this never ending ferris wheel,
So tempting yet never ending..
I pay homage
To All Enlightened beings.
You, Jayson MPaul, Tan Jui Horng and 20 others
1 Comment

1 Comment

If u run at around 40-50% max heart rate, get into a rhythm with ur steps and breath, and if ur body has been trained and primed, just focus on ur breathing, breath smoothly in and out and don’t get distracted, u will enter a runners high at around 10-15 mins and u don’t want to stop.
Then if u keep running, at around 30-40 mins there’s a second wind lol, runners high again. It is v addictive 😝
It is very much like meditative samadhi to me when I first sTart meditating.
Running can create a flood of biochemicals known as the "runner’s high." But this psychological effect is more likely to occur when jogging at a manageable pace, rather than running with maximum effort, some researchers have found.
John Tan and 5 others

Yin Ling

This is a very excellent write up on no-self realisation, the experiential side of it. It is lengthy, but so good.
No self realisation is a major realization in Buddhist enlightenment, not full enlightenment of course, but the first entry point to reality, when the “wisdom eye” is open, a total identity shift, a step when a practitioner’s world turn inside out, suffering drop quite abit due to identity shift.
Worth pursuing. Work hard for it.
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
Jayson MPaul, Mr./Ms. JJ and 4 others



Yin Ling

There is no-self;
Meaning there is no one, core, immutable self in ur body.
Which means everything fluxing around u,
Including ur body, the space, sound,
Every single “thing”,
No-self don’t feel “lacking”
Like “there’s no me!”
That’s only a small part.. but
No-self feels vast, wondrous, huge, all encompassing, god-like,
Like “everything is me!”
Like “wow!”
You can sense “yourself” in everything !
Hence the great compassion.


Yin Ling
That “knowingness” in everything u perceive is you.
The knowingness of the sound is not different from the knowingness of your body or your thoughts. Exactly similar.
What causes us to differentiate ? We are psychotic with Deep deep Ignorance 😁
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  • .......

    If u r deeply confident in humans capabilities for higher level of cognition and experiencing, u will see it. Eventually.
    That is if u don’t surrender ur intellect and have adequate time away from the hustle bustle of life to investigate and experience deeply.
    If u thumb ur nose at it, you will never will experience it Because it is so subtle.
    Yet for ppl who saw it,
    It’s like an image standing out in a pixelated picture, so bloody obvious ..
    U can try very hard to forget,
    But it just STARES in ur face.
    And u wonder,
    Why did u not see it before?
    When it is so clear and obvious?!!
    I have been experiencing life the wrong way for such a long time omgg I scare myself for nothing ?!
    Then the whole world turn inside out. Literally.
    It’s a higher level of cognition that tolerates all kinds of extremes and weld together many kinds of realities.
    It is possible for humans because we have intelligence.
    Just too many surrender it.


    What they what pre-historic Sapeins experienced, post-cognitive revolution (when we developed cognitive ability) and pre agriculture revolution (when crops domesticated us)
    Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. TZK ohh I see.
    I believe we are at the brink of human consciousness revolution. Or we are in it now. It is exciting to be a part 🙂
    Going to Mars is such a child play in comparison 😝
  • Yin Ling agree. Some youtuber coined it as 'transcendental era'. Hehe
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    They say one saw it as a very young child.
    Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH maybe, but they don’t understand it. As in they have no insight 🙂
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Yin Ling yes, that’s for sure
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    what is it that is clear and obvious?
    Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH our true nature.
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Yin Ling not being a separate entity. As if we don’t have a head with eyes but reality is unfolding mysteriously and one is this reality
  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH yes. We are all of it.
    Yet it’s completely empty like a misty appearance.
    Most importantly,
    We don’t die.
    How cool is that ?
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    it’s so cool! …
    See more
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Yin Ling but the body can feel pain, that’s not so nice 😳
  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH haha I think the body will always feel pain unless we die 🙂
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    Yin Ling and how is it possible that all people even the ones living apart from any other people in the rainforest have this false identification.
    It’s very strange. One could think that at least in India there are a people that knows its true nature.
  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. YEH buddhism explains this is because of beginningless lifetime of ignorance , a habitual way of perceiving the world as real and dual,
    On top of the cultural and societal pressure- 99.999% of humans perceive the world through the lens ignorance so we follow suit.
    Those living in rainforest have the same ignorance too.
  • William Lim
    It's like those magic eyes 3d images. When you see it, it's obvious. And it's incredibly frustrating when others see it and you don't.
    No photo description available.
    Yin Ling
    William Lim Yeah! My mom always bring me to go and play with these as a child in some mall.. 😂
    Sometimes will spend hours just looking coz I don’t like it when ppl can see and I cannot 😒
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    I love watching this while lying in bed as it gets darker. It’s amazing how beautiful a ceiling can be and how it changes in so many ways.
    Everything is pixelated and obviously empty but so very beautiful.
    May be an image of indoor
  • Prof Robert Thurman says, “if u want to have a good time, you need to understand the nature of reality. Thank goodness reality is kind. And we are kind.
    May all beings see their true nature and be happy campers.”
    Haha. Love it.

    "An effortless compassion can arise for all beings who have not realized their true nature. So limitless is it that if tears could express it, you would cry without end. Not only compassion, but tremendous skillful means can be born when you realize the nature of mind. Also you are naturally liberated from all suffering and fear, such as the fear of birth, death and the intermediate state. Then if you were to speak of the joy and bliss that arise from this realization, it is said by the buddhas that if you were to gather all the glory, enjoyment, pleasure and happiness of the world and put it all together, it would not approach one tiny fraction of the bliss that you experience upon realizing the nature of mind."


    How my bbc (the Chinese one not the big one😂) partner talks to me:
    Him : u know what?
    Me : what?
    Him: I read in Reddit, Buddha says to accept ur partner’s flaw, bc no one is perfect, but then I ask myself, what is my partner’s flaw?
    Me: yea Buddha correct, u have to accept my flaws.
    Him: but … but.. i think so so hard. u have no flaws, I cannot think of any? U are kindest, most perfect, beautiful, awesome, amazing. So what do I do?
    Me: * stares at him* u eat sweet for breakfast ahhh?
    Another 1000 time
    Me : does this sweater/xxx looks good on me?
    Him: my love u look the most amazing in that.
    Me: can u pls be honest? I need constructive feedback.
    Him: I am honest ! I swear to Buddha I’m honest u look like the most beautiful person in the world
    Me: let me go to the mirror and look 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
    Me: * make some food for us*
    how does it taste? Good?
    Him: it’s the most wonderful dish I have ever tasted in my life !
    Me: can u please don’t flatter me lol and be honest?
    Him: honestly, this is the most delicious dish I have ever eaten in my life, * make the most delicious food face*
    Me:😂🤦🏻‍♀️ no wonder my cooking never improve.
    Him : no need to improve, it’s purrrrfect!
    Please go and talk to your partner like that.
    Confirm no arguments.
    5 years and we never have any arguments just a lot of eye rolling lol.


    Mr./Ms. BR
    Your kind of partner is RARE, I want to say your lucky and blessing but maybe, like 善才公主,from buddha stories, you pray for it....before.... And now you have it! Congratulation, Happy that you both meet and HARMONIZE 🎉🎊👏👏👏😍🥰🙏
    Yin Ling
    I’m v lucky. He is actually much better than me in terms of patience and morality. Very kind and considerate also. Probably the kindest person I have ever met in my whole 30 plus years of life, not an ounce of intention to harm in his bo…
    See more
  • Mr./Ms. BR
    Yin Ling 💕 your blessed, Happy for you 😊🙏
  • Punna Wong
    Let me play a game of Chinese Chess with him first to reveal his inner character!
  • Yin Ling
    Punna Wong confirm lose. This angmo read also cannot read Chinese 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Punna Wong
    Then have to sit with him in a KL traffic jam while he drives to see the truth!
  • Yin Ling
    Punna Wong ok la much better than others lollll
  • Punna Wong
    He is on a Serotonin high laaaaa.
    Yin Ling
    Punna Wong ahahah ya I’m waiting to see when he still stop but it’s been some time 😂
    His brother speaks like that too.
    Think it’s a British thing lol
  • Hafiza ➴͜͡T.E on TikTok
    Hafiza ➴͜͡T.E on TikTok
    Hafiza ➴͜͡T.E on TikTok
  • Comedian Meshida on TikTok
    Comedian Meshida on TikTok
    Comedian Meshida on TikTok
  • Yin Ling
    Punna Wong I think I’m the men in these narratives 🤣
  • William Lim
    Smart man👍🏼 Obviously, the key to a long lasting relationship is to lie through your teeth 😬
    Yin Ling
    William Lim learn this well. It is the secret of relationship 😜
  • Han Sheng
    not the big one eh 😏
    Yin Ling
    Han Sheng iykyk. I only know when my British guy friend teach me 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Mr./Ms. VWC
    OK get tips from u hahahaha
    Yin Ling
    Deisigan Shammugam sometimes very hard to get feedback 🤦🏻‍♀️💆‍♀️
  • William Lim
    Request for feedback?
    Don't. Fall. For. It.
  • Deisigan Shammugam
    William Lim another smooth criminal here
  • Yin Ling
    Deisigan Shammugam u also same same laaaaa lol
  • Hahahaha nice !!!
    Yin Ling
    Michelle Leng 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he need go live with Homer for awhile? 🤣🤣
  • Chuah Chuan Huan
    Boh intro…
  • Mr./Ms. YEH
    A wonderful relationship. Enjoy 😊
    Yin Ling
    Larsson Patrik lol. In here I mean British born Chinese.
    It commonly also mean sthg else but more sexually related lol so I made a disclaimer
  • Lee Sanderson
    Yin Ling I for one have never heard of British born Chinese 😂
  • Yin Ling
    Lee Sanderson I realise English ppl don’t know that.
    That know their tv channel and..
    the other one lol
  • Mr./Ms. BZS
    Yin Ling big black coffee? Big black cat?
  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. BZS u don’t try to kena kan me 😝😝😝
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