Soh Wei Yu: Malcolm rejects notion of unchanging awareness or turiya in sleep, says sleep is both unconscious and unaware:
" No, when you are unconscious, for example in deep sleep, you are also unaware. "
" You are just unconscious: ... deep-clean
When one is awake and aware, one's brain is very active."
" Yawn. Boring. Turiya is just an Advaita:imputation, "
Someone asked: " Are you denying the experience of those who claim to have a continuous sense of a 'knower' into deep sleep?"
"Yes. Categorically. If they are aware when they are asleep, it isn't deep sleep. Not only that, people can claim anything. But how can one test the claim, "I am continuously aware in a state of deep sleep"? "
" I would argue it is not the case that experience and awareness are phenomenologically distinct. If we are color-blind for example, we cannot experience certain colors. so we are not aware of them. Same goes for certain kinds of deafness.
In deep sleep, our brains switch to delta waves. In this state we are not aware of the outside world nor do we "experience" it. If we are woken from deep sleep, we are generally startled awake. Experience is only conscious, never unconscious."
John Tan: 👍