Showing posts with label Peter Dziuban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Dziuban. Show all posts
"The “I” is a thought, a word, a label. Basically, there is no “I” at all, except as a concept. There is seeing, doing, thinking, feeling, etc. but it is not being done by that notion “me”. It is action without the actor. The actor is posited, but not really present on direct evidence. Acknowledging the absence of doer-ship is key. But it is necessary to see that the “I” notion itself is an idea. That idea is not what you are. Are you that thought “I”? No! You are that presence in which all functioning happens. Not only the body/mind, but all appearances arise in the space of that knowing/being. As such, there cannot be any sense of “my” body or “my” actions, except as notions. If those are seen as notions, there is no problem. The notion is not doing anything. The actions are happening spontaneously, not by a concept. In fact, the “I” gets appended later, only after the event. There is no “I” in any present thinking, acting or doing. The “I” thought is added later and claims the ownership of the activity. Then we think “I” did that, when in fact the activity happened and was only claimed later. Thoroughly examine the nature of the claiming “I” thought, and see how the identification with that thought brings in a sense of limitation on your natural state."

~ John Wheeler

"I had always had a sense of 'innerness', a sense of a 'center' within. Then at one point it struck me that my sense of center could be an "assumption," not a fact. I suddenly realized that that assumption created a sense of inner/outer, of a 'me' inside and of a 'world' outside. With that realization I was able to 'let go' of that assumption. With that letting go consciousness became as a point that was everywhere at once. There was no longer an 'outside'. Everything was included in that expanded sense of spaceless presence. It was as if the 'subjective geometry' of experience became radically simpler, indeed as if there were no geometry at all!"

~ Peter Dziuban in Consciousness is All