Soh replied someone’s question with the following:
“ Regardless of whether our parents are ‘nice people’, the minimal duty as Buddhists is to carry out what Buddha told us: ‘Numbered Discourses 2.32–41 33 “Mendicants, I say that these two people cannot easily be repaid. What two? Mother and father. You would not have done enough to repay your mother and father even if you were to carry your mother around on one shoulder and your father on the other, and if you lived like this for a hundred years, and if you were to anoint, massage, bathe, and rub them; and even if they were to defecate and urinate right there. Even if you were to establish your mother and father as supreme monarchs of this great earth, abounding in the seven treasures, you would still not have done enough to repay them. Why is that? Parents are very helpful to their children: they raise them, nurture them, and show them the world. But you have done enough, more than enough, to repay them if you encourage, settle, and ground unfaithful parents in faith, unethical parents in ethical conduct, stingy parents in generosity, or ignorant parents in wisdom.”’ -¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin
Numbered Discourses 4.63 7. Fitting Deeds Living with Brahmā “Mendicants, a family where the children honor their parents in their home is said to live with Brahmā. A family where the children honor their parents in their home is said to live with the first teachers. A family where the children honor their parents in their home is said to live with the old deities. A family where the children honor their parents in their home is said to live with those worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods. ‘Brahmā’ is a term for your parents. ‘First teachers’ is a term for your parents. ‘Old deities’ is a term for your parents. ‘Worthy of an offering dedicated to the gods’ is a term for your parents. Why is that? Parents are very helpful to their children, they raise them, nurture them, and show them the world. Parents are said to be ‘Brahmā’ and ‘first teachers’. They’re worthy of offerings dedicated to the gods from their children, for they love their offspring. Therefore an astute person would revere them and honor them with food and drink, clothes and bedding, by anointing and bathing, and by washing their feet. Because they look after their parents like this, they’re praised in this life by the astute, and they depart to rejoice in heaven.” -¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin”