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6 hours ago
Recommending Lama Joe Evans (Jigme Rangdrol) for Practitioners Interested in Dzogchen
I believe there are many people here already knows about Lama Joe or have been actively learning from him. And I have talked to Soh about him and Soh thinks it's okay for me to share this here.
So if you're interested in Dzogchen teaching, I would recommend Lama Joe for the following reasons:
Malcolm Smith, a Dzogchen teacher endorsed by AtR, said: "Joe Evans is my student and I vouch for him 100%".
I've attended the Spring Retreat with Lama Joe and his Rangdrol Foundation sangha, and can attest that he is very attentive and takes his teaching responsibilities very whole-heartedly, while also being very chillaxing about it.
Lama Joe says if you're genuinely interested in Dzogchen then that is good enough to start learning and practicing Dzogchen.
He holds his teaching online and accepts dana, so location limitation and monetary limitation is not the problem
He has a very active Discord sangha for ongoing correspondence as well.
He is hosting another retreat coming this summer so you can have a chance to receive Direct Introduction if you haven't had one already.
There is surely more things to appreciate about Lama Joe, so I invite other members who have received his teachings to share their perspectives
If you want to check out Lama Joe Evans, here's a few links that I've found helpful:
The Rangdrol Foundation website:
Interview about his experience with his different teachers (Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Acarya Malcolm Smith, and Dungse Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche) -
Praxis Behind The Obscure: Dzogchen w/ Jigme Rangdröl
In this episode, Joe Evans also known as Jigme Rangdröl joins the podcast to discuss his Buddhist journey, how to find a qualified teacher, and stories of ex...
Cao Khánh
Top contributor
Some nice writings from Lama Joe
"gzhi (ground/basis) and zhi (peace)
The point of rushen and semdzin is really to bring distracting proliferations to a point of exhaustion so that you can observe the empty clarity of your mind, which is the nature of mind. In that moment of unfabricated consciousness you recognize your nature. If there’s no recognition of the presence you have slipped into dullness. If you’re grasping and labeling the experience you have slipped back into proliferation. The two diversion’s are fairly recognizable so in practice they are actually allies because they indicate when we have returned to distraction. Once you are familiar with rigpa then your thoughts are not a problem because you are now able to skillfully apply the three modes of liberation.
gzhi (ground/basis) and zhi (peace)
Chogyal Namhkai Norbu was very adamant about this particular pitfall as well. People mistakenly claim that a blank state of quiescence is the dharmakaya. One has to understand that such a state is not the great perfection and merely leads to the formless realm at best but likely rebirth as an animal since it is marked by dullness.
gzhi (ground/basis) and zhi (peace)
Sure, the main point is that rigpa is your rigpa, it is the naturally perfected cognizant aspect of the basis; which is in your body. It’s not outside, everyone has their own mind stream and thus their own rigpa.
gzhi (ground/basis) and zhi (peace)
Right, the nature of the individual, the basis."
Soh has commented his other writings to point that Lama Joe's view is "definitely not substantialist"
Soh Wei Yu
All-star contributor
Cao Khánh its from his other posts that i knew his views are not substantialist, not these particular ones
Cao Khánh
Top contributor
Soh Wei Yu can you share them here as well? I'll correct the previous comment
Soh Wei Yu
All-star contributor
Cao Khánh hmm i forgot, quite a number actually, i recommend people go through the whole pdf i posted if they are interested
Cao Khánh
Top contributor
damn 202 pages!!! nice one
Soh Wei Yu
All-star contributor
Here is a compilation of his writings from reddit:
A%20Compilation%20of%20(Reddit)%20Joe%20Evans.pdf.pdf | Powered by Box
A%20Compilation%20of%20(Reddit)%20Joe%20Evans.pdf.pdf | Powered by Box
A%20Compilation%20of%20(Reddit)%20Joe%20Evans.pdf.pdf | Powered by Box
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