Showing posts with label Merits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merits. Show all posts
    From a thread last year:[0]=AZW7x8j6NBQZr9lWbp4i_FR975HhycQEO1fPYvLxdkhiGZpr5bz8rLcnk_4xhJ-xwUOzMfmWokNZQ5dWqyPXI7F34VRVBlFKalVBUtoT_vCybt3LJefHfsSi-lIfW4wbsxbVB3G3bQVGAYPi5_UjypiJ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

    Soh Wei Yu
    On the importance of merits, something I wrote before like a decade ago:
    "I remember years ago Thusness would have me explain the dharma to people from various forums. One time many years ago I thought it would be better if Thusness explained by himself to the others, so I told Thusness why don't you post yourself or something like that. Thusness suddenly appeared serious (he seldom talk in this tone) and asked me so are you going to do this or not? Then he told me the reason (not exact words now but along this line) he had me to do this was because I was lacking in merits to gain enlightenment. And then he said something like... you think I'm joking? Suddenly at that moment I realized why he was always taking the trouble and instructing me to do all those things... when he could have done it himself.
    Not long later I had a meditation experience... he informed me it is due to my merits ripening due to a particular instance of explaining the dharma to someone some time ago. He informed me there is a direct causal relation. When asked how does he know that merits is important for experience and realization, he simply says this is his experience. He says it may not make a lot of sense to a dualistic mind, but this is how it (dependent origination) works.
    Today he no longer makes me explain this and that to others, since I am in a much better position to explain myself based on my insight and experience. But even today he said one of the reasons that contributed to my quick progression of insight is the merits accrued by actively participating in Dharma discussions... apart from the practice and establishment of right view."

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Even my breakthrough last year was the result of my actively engaging in contemplating and writing the AtR guide. It is all intimately connected

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    January 2007:
    Marc Teng posted:
    Kamma being a form of energy is not found anywhere in this fleeting consciousness or body. Just as mangoes are not stored anywhere in the mango tree but, dependent on certain conditions, they spring into being, so does kamma. Kamma is like wind or fire. It is not stored up anywhere in the Universe but comes into being under certain conditions.
    John Tan replied:
    This is very well said. This is Emptiness. This is Buddhism.

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12/10/2012 3:46 PM: Soh Wei Yu: Kyle dixon said "Merit was something that I sort of passed off as a made up thing (like sin etc..) for a long time but I'm starting to see how that applies with ones intentions and that compassionate resonance"

12/10/2012 3:47 PM: Soh Wei Yu: "Interesting.. My mentor hammers on merit so much and i used to just think he was being dogmatic but I see that it's a viable and legitimate facet of experience. I've just recently been starting to really focus on that and have been wanting to get back to doing more group practices like i used to... I noticed that when I was doing ganapujas regularly at the local practice center I was having far more peak insights and I never made that correlation til this last month. So interesting that it comes up here with you I feel that's no coincidence My mentor just said last week "Get your ass to the ganapujas I don't want you missing any more of them" ...he dedicates his merit everytime he does anything (especially before eating/drinking and after practice) and was really stressing that I do the same."


12/10/2012 8:46 PM: John: What Kyle said is important.  U told him abt merit?

p.s. Nowadays I share dharma not because I want to "cultivate merits" but out of genuine compassion for others. When you wake up, you can't help but want others to wake up too. I'm sure many of you understand.


Hi guys! I am curious of your views regarding new age “law of attraction”. , “abraham hicks teachings” and the likes.
I understand co-creation is part of post awakening, I would like to hear your views or experiences with it if you have any?
I have been attracted to these spiritual teachings in the past month for some reason I am not really clear 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
      • Nafis Rahman
        Related article from the blog:
        Someone held the view that through quantum physics, somehow our 'mind' is able to (somewhat magically) change the course of global events like global warming, simply through some kind of positive or more enlightened projection (reminds me of teachings like The Secret). His views are influenced by his study of quantum physics and use of psychedelics. I had a back and forth exchange with him.
        In his last mail to me he wrote,

        [long post snipped - can refer to URL]

        Nafis Rahman
        There was a thread a while back that talked about manifestation as well, Soh shared a few personal experiences:
        My experience with manifestation has got to do with praying to Green Tara and it has got to do with some of my personal life situations in the past which I do not want to discuss. I did not try other methods of manifestation (including new age ones like 'The Secret').
        But suffice to say, I had some miraculous encounters where Green Tara's presence appeared (not visually but I could feel the presence and it spoke mentally to me) to me and informed me that my wish will be "granted" that day, and then truly it was granted that day after many months. Without that encounter I would have no idea. At the same time there was a strange pleasant smell when I felt 'her Presence', and the last time that happened was when I did Garab Dorje guru yoga for the first time in 2012 after ChNN's transmission (and my bunk mates also smelled that pleasant thing, and by the way burning incense is not allowed in army so I have no ideas how that came about).
        Maybe that may sound superstitious but after that event I was convinced there is something to this promise in this sutra:
        Those who want children will come to have them,
        Those who seek wealth will come to have that,
        **Each and every wish will be fulfilled,
        And obstacles, entirely vanquished, will be no more.** (emphasis by Soh)
        (Update by Soh: For a fuller account, see Tara and "Manifestation")

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    While not negating the power of intentionality and visualisation, one must be careful not to fall into false thinking of agents and inherency but realise the emptiness of self/Self/Agent/agency-action and penetrate into dependent origination. Means something seemingly miraculous can happen, but it must be understood as dependent origination. Even if a yogi displays a siddhi of rising up into the air (just making an example), it is immediately understood as dependent origination without agency. Even if Jesus heals your leprosy by the touch of his hands, it is understood as dependent origination without agency. This is how all phenomena are directly seen after anatta insight.
    This is why it is important to make merits ( ), and as Buddha said before, if you have the good karma as conditions then whatever you intend, or wish, or visualise, in the next life you will get it -- whether you want to be a billionaire or be reborn as a deva, but not if you do not have these merits or good karma. So these intentions can be a condition but will not be fulfilled unless other conditions come into play.
    "This humankind is attached to self-production
    Or holds to production by another.
    Those who have not understood this
    Have not seen it as a dart.
    But one who sees (this as it is),
    Having drawn out the dart,
    Does not think, 'I am the agent,'
    Nor does she think, 'Another is the agent.'
    This humankind is possessed by conceit,
    Fettered by conceit, bound by conceit.
    Speaking vindictively because of their views,
    They do not go beyond samsara."
    Also related:
    On the disease of non-doership, John Tan said:
    “Nihilistic tendencies arise when the insight of anatta is skewed towards the no-doership aspect. The happening by itself must be correctly understood. It appears that things are accomplished by doing nothing but in actual case it is things get done due to ripening of action and conditions.
    So the lack of self-nature does not imply nothing needs be done or nothing can be done. That is one extreme. At the other end of extreme is the self-nature of perfect control of what one wills, one gets. Both are seen to be false. Action + conditions leads to effect.”
    “As to the specifics of your question I’m not sure, but here are a few major differences between classical “determinism” and Buddhist karmic causality:
    Determinism proper necessarily involves inherently existent causes giving rise to inherently existent effects in a unilateral manner.
    Karmic cause and effect in the context of the buddhadharma is only valid conventionally, and since every cause is an effect and every effect a cause, they are, in a coarse sense, bilateral in nature.
    Karma can be “determined” in a certain sense, but since karma takes direction from intention, change can occur, certain results can be averted, suffering can be mitigated and ideally uprooted altogether.” - Kyle Dixon, 2019
    On the Importance of Merits
    On the Importance of Merits
    On the Importance of Merits

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    I will make the same explanation if someone asks me whether a god, a guru, or a God, can exercise power over you, heal your diseases, grant your wishes, trigger your enlightenment, shower you with grace, and so on. In this case the person may be attached to the idea that a miracle may happen as the result of other-production or other-agency, whereas on the other extreme one may fall into the wrong view of self-agency or self-production. In either case it is not that something miraculous may not appear to happen, but its nature is not correctly apprehended.
    For example:
    [30/11/15, 7:43:38 PM] Soh Wei Yu: My mom told me to chant for my Uncle who had stroke. Though I did chant last time I told her my opinion is it only helps if he chant himself. Then she say don't I believe in masters being able to bless other people (加持) I told her I don't believe in these things
    [30/11/15, 7:45:36 PM] John Tan: Told u to see in terms of Yin Tuan
    [30/11/15, 7:45:40 PM] John Tan: Yuan (Yin = Causes, Yuan = Conditions)
    [30/11/15, 7:45:49 PM] Soh Wei Yu: What u mean
    [30/11/15, 7:46:22 PM] John Tan: U r only the conditions
    [30/11/15, 7:47:04 PM] John Tan: Ur mum is thinking inherent cause
    [30/11/15, 7:48:03 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic.. Can u give example? Not sure what u r trying to say
    [30/11/15, 8:02:28 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oh u mean like sickness as dependent arising and cannot be solved by inherent cause
    [30/11/15, 8:21:49 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Suddenly I was reminded of what Malcolm said
    [30/11/15, 8:23:01 PM] Soh Wei Yu: He said a few days ago:
    [30/11/15, 8:24:12 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Meanings are invented, consensual and conventional.
    As for your second sentence, it is very questionable that metaphysical naturalism is necessarily grounded in utilitarianism — I think you are making too broad a claim. For example, take this definition in which there is no species of utilitarianism mentioned:
    Naturalism, in recent usage, is a species of philosophical monism according to which whatever exists or happens is natural in the sense of being susceptible to explanation through methods which, although paradigmatically exemplified in the natural sciences, are continuous from domain to domain of objects and events. Hence, naturalism is polemically defined as repudiating the view that there exists or could exist any entities which lie, in principle, beyond the scope of scientific explanation.
    Buddhadharma [and Jaindharma] in this respect is also a species of metaphysical naturalism — in Buddhadharma there is no mystery precisely because "whatever exists or happens is natural" and there does not exist nor could exist "any entities which lie, in principle, beyond the scope of Dharma explanation."
    In other religions however [sans philosophical Taoism and Confucism], there is a profound mystery, God, through whose agency all things are created.
    Indeed, this is one of the reasons why Buddhadharma is so appealing to westerners with liberal educations. The naturalism of Buddhadharma and philosophical Taoism fit well into our already metaphysically naturalist predilections.
    HH Dalai Lama exemplifies this view with his confidence that indeed science can explain confirm, and justify any and all Buddhist beliefs, but even more than that, he recommends abandoning any Buddhist tenets that are directly contradicted by scientific explanation and found to be definitely false from a scientific point of view.
    [30/11/15, 8:24:17 PM] Soh Wei Yu: - Malcolm
    [30/11/15, 8:24:49 PM] Soh Wei Yu: So Buddhism is naturalism without agency. If someone could cause something to happen then that would contradict d.o.
    [30/11/15, 8:48:42 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oh ok it's like eating is the whole conditions of biting tasting swallowing it's not that the biting cause eating etc. So you are the conditions not the cause of an effect.. Cause and effect are also conventionally designated based on conditions
    [30/11/15, 8:51:26 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Sun doesn't cause sunshine because Suns and sunshine are designated based on the conditions
    [1/12/15, 11:39:02 PM] Soh Wei Yu: This is why I no longer go Ren Cheng center. So different understandings. Lol
    [1/12/15, 11:46:43 PM] John Tan: Now saying will not is also not true...say will also. Both r self view.
    [1/12/15, 11:47:33 PM] John Tan: Seeing whatever arises requires right causes and conditions is then the right view.
    [1/12/15, 11:49:07 PM] John Tan: One must practice to hv faith, concentration and clarity and conditions from awaken masters and sincere practitioners.
    [1/12/15, 11:50:09 PM] John Tan: Just like how is to possible to awaken someone else? if it is not possible then is buddha's teaching valuable?
    [1/12/15, 11:50:34 PM] John Tan: Is meeting Buddha in person valuable?
    [1/12/15, 11:51:14 PM] John Tan: Does meeting a skilful master that can observe conditions help?
    [1/12/15, 11:51:33 PM] John Tan: Does meeting a compassionate master help?
    [1/12/15, 11:52:25 PM] John Tan: When u feel total exertion, u must not feel it is own power or other power...
    [2/12/15, 12:38:20 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see..
    [2/12/15, 12:39:34 AM] John Tan: Do ur insights arise without condition? By it's own?
    [2/12/15, 12:39:47 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Arise with conditions
    [2/12/15, 12:40:29 AM] John Tan: If u meet me, then it triggers an insight, is it by me or by you?
    [2/12/15, 12:40:41 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Neither. By conditioned arising
    [2/12/15, 12:41:06 AM] John Tan: Yes.
    [2/12/15, 12:41:33 AM] John Tan: I told u the success stories right abt the 3 friends few yrs ago
    [2/12/15, 12:41:55 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Not sure.. Forgot lol
    [2/12/15, 12:44:36 AM] John Tan: Abt 3 friends forming a company then becoming successful and then split, failed and come back again and fail again

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    [2/12/15, 12:46:14 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Can u repeat the story 😛
    [2/12/15, 12:50:52 AM] John Tan: Smack ur head
    [2/12/15, 12:51:37 AM] John Tan: 3 friends formed a company and done very well and successful.
    [2/12/15, 12:53:31 AM] John Tan: Then each thinks it is their effort. They split and formed their own companies, all failed after struggling for many years. Then they met up and came together and still fail.
    [2/12/15, 12:54:56 AM] John Tan: So is success their effort or not their effort?
    [2/12/15, 12:55:12 AM] John Tan: If it is their effort then why fail?
    [2/12/15, 12:55:38 AM] John Tan: If not their effort then is there any need to strife?
    [2/12/15, 12:56:17 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see.. It is by the combined effort
    [2/12/15, 12:56:56 AM] John Tan: If combined effort then why they failed again when they come back together?
    [2/12/15, 12:58:48 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Not sure.. The yuan is not there anymore
    [2/12/15, 12:59:25 AM] John Tan: First u must feel the 3 individuals
    [2/12/15, 12:59:54 AM] John Tan: U must feel them that they truly believe it is their effort
    [2/12/15, 1:00:40 AM] John Tan: How is it like to b their effort...
    [2/12/15, 1:01:02 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see.. The second time they no longer believe it is their effort so they no longer strive and exert like the first time
    [2/12/15, 1:01:51 AM] John Tan: That is not imp
    [2/12/15, 1:02:40 AM] John Tan: U then must feel r u thinking and having the same mindset?
    [2/12/15, 1:02:58 AM] John Tan: Is it solely self effort?
    [2/12/15, 1:04:31 AM] John Tan: Then u must see they split and they failed...they came together again...yet they failed...
    [2/12/15, 1:06:38 AM] Soh Wei Yu: It is neither by their effort Nor not by their effort.. Their effort is part of the conditions for success
    [2/12/15, 1:06:45 AM] Soh Wei Yu: There are other factors
    [2/12/15, 1:07:09 AM] John Tan: They can't understand...feel them...puzzled...
    [2/12/15, 1:10:41 AM] John Tan: When one self view is too strong, he can't see the true picture. Even he is willing to see after those failing experiences, he still is unable to feel the conditions in an intimate way because of the deeply rooted view.
    [2/12/15, 1:12:55 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic.. So they fail because they can't feel the conditions in an intimate way?
    [2/12/15, 1:13:15 AM] John Tan: Lik
    e hearing sound in a non-dual mode...only sound and understanding as dependent origination and emptiness compared to sound is Me in non-dual.
    [2/12/15, 1:15:32 AM] John Tan: Even if they can feel the conditions in an intimate way, it does not assure them success too...they just understand the nature of "success and failure".
    [2/12/15, 1:16:46 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [2/12/15, 1:17:32 AM] John Tan: Coz one has a very narrow view...they only see gaining in a very specific way...
    [2/12/15, 1:17:56 AM] John Tan: Like u failed but u gain other stuff
    [2/12/15, 1:18:18 AM] John Tan: Gain and lost, profit and loss...
    [2/12/15, 1:18:26 AM] John Tan: Like life and death
    [2/12/15, 1:19:25 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [2/12/15, 1:22:14 AM] John Tan: Some ppl see death as death but some spiritual ppl see it as the door towards abundant life
    [2/12/15, 1:23:19 AM] Soh Wei Yu: U mean afterlife?
    [2/12/15, 1:24:44 AM] John Tan: So first u must not see 加持 (Soh: blessing) as non important ...but to think that 加持 as having the power to effect is also incorrect.
    [2/12/15, 1:25:09 AM] John Tan: Similarly seeing self effort as the only way is also incorrect
    [2/12/15, 1:25:34 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [2/12/15, 1:27:29 AM] John Tan: When u first meet ur grant master, how u feel?
    [2/12/15, 1:27:43 AM] John Tan: Or Chen Ming an?
    [2/12/15, 1:28:35 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I cant remember meeting master shen kai cos i was 2 years old. when i first met teacher chen when i was 13 i felt his presence was very strong.. like an aura
    [2/12/15, 1:28:45 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Dont know how to describe
    [2/12/15, 1:28:58 AM] John Tan: Now u meet him?
    [2/12/15, 1:29:55 AM] Soh Wei Yu: The last time i met him i just feel respect for him. his practice and his vows
    [2/12/15, 1:30:34 AM] John Tan: Now when u say his presence is very strong, is he affecting u or u r affecting urself?
    [2/12/15, 1:31:05 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Hard to say.. neither and both? lol
    [2/12/15, 1:31:21 AM] John Tan: Or it is solely psychological or is he sending energy to u? Lol
    [2/12/15, 1:32:27 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I dont think he is sending energy. his presence is just there.. his stare, expression, samadhi feeling. and being attentive to him can probably bring myself to meditstive state. lol
    [2/12/15, 1:33:24 AM] John Tan: First u must understand u do not hv to "interact"
    [2/12/15, 1:34:06 AM] John Tan: Or two things do not hv to send anything to affect each other
    [2/12/15, 1:34:14 AM] John Tan: Get it?
    [2/12/15, 1:34:34 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see.. ya
    [2/12/15, 1:34:41 AM] John Tan: We r thinking it has to in order to effect...
    [2/12/15, 1:34:55 AM] John Tan: But it does not hv too...
    [2/12/15, 1:36:07 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [2/12/15, 1:36:48 AM] John Tan: When u think it is purely psychological, u also missed the
    [2/12/15, 1:38:25 AM] John Tan: Wear molded to understand in a certain way ... But not by the way of "conditionality"
    [2/12/15, 1:38:56 AM] John Tan: 因缘所生法 (Soh: dharma that arise due to causes and conditions)
    [2/12/15, 1:39:13 AM] John Tan: We are molded to understand in a certain way ... But not by the way of "conditionality"
    [2/12/15, 1:39:14 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ya i dont think he is psychological. i believe its he was in some meditative state. probably if ramana maharshi was there he might be like that haha
    [2/12/15, 1:39:29 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [2/12/15, 1:40:10 AM] John Tan: Do u understand what I mean?
    [2/12/15, 1:40:27 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Yea
    [2/12/15, 1:41:34 AM] John Tan: He is sending energy to the sick person...the energy actually teaches him or it is just purely psychological...
    [2/12/15, 1:42:01 AM] John Tan: We r thinking this is actually how things works or it must work that way
    [2/12/15, 1:42:40 AM] John Tan: Get it? We r taught to understand in certain
    [2/12/15, 1:43:34 AM] John Tan: Just like in non-dual u truly feel everything is you but they r not you too...then the mind is
    [2/12/15, 1:44:50 AM] John Tan: But we do not understand it in terms of conditionality or 因缘
    [2/12/15, 1:45:00 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see..
    [2/12/15, 1:46:17 AM] John Tan: Like someone tell u psychological... When u see ur teacher
    [2/12/15, 1:46:39 AM] John Tan: But y all those feelings and sensation arise at all?
    [2/12/15, 1:46:59 AM] John Tan: Y thoughts arise at all?
    [2/12/15, 1:47:37 AM] John Tan: Or y is there sound at all?
    [2/12/15, 1:47:57 AM] John Tan: Get it?
    [2/12/15, 1:48:41 AM] John Tan: With this as condition, that arises.
    [2/12/15, 1:49:15 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [2/12/15, 1:50:47 AM] John Tan: Don't think of explanation of psychological or sending energy here and there...let go of all these and feel as how total exertion works
    [2/12/15, 1:51:21 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [2/12/15, 1:51:50 AM] John Tan: Do u understand what I mean?
    [2/12/15, 1:52:37 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I think so
    [2/12/15, 1:53:15 AM] John Tan: I going to sleep...good nite
    [2/12/15, 1:53:24 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ok gd night

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    Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu wow, is John Tan trying to convey “things arises because of its conditions” here and we can’t really see or understand all conditions ?
    Life is getting more mystical 😂
    And thanks!

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Yin Ling seeing through inherent existence and penetrate into total exertion... this are very crucial insights in AtR... such that when you see X it is not just X as a discrete separate element but rather the total exertion of X.... like the success story but really in everything. like touching this table is the total exertion of whole body-mind-universe even into the ancient past along with all the trees and woodcutter and all the conditions that gave rise to this moment

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    [2/12/15, 1:53:24 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ok gd night
    [2/12/15, 8:08:09 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Yesterday i sent my mom a quote by buddha
    [2/12/15, 8:08:20 AM] Soh Wei Yu: "Misdeeds cannot be washed away with water,
    the suffering of living beings cannot be removed with the hand,
    my realization cannot transferred to another,
    but by showing the true nature of things, there will be liberation.”
    [2/12/15, 8:51:06 AM] John Tan: Quite a good quote
    [2/12/15, 8:58:26 AM] John Tan: U must not see urself as an entity but purely as 法的呈现. 因缘所生法. (soh: the manifestation of dharma, dharma arising due to causes and conditions)
    [2/12/15, 8:59:53 AM] John Tan: Then self will b eliminated, what remains is DO, emptiness and non-arising phenomena.
    [2/12/15, 9:07:21 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [2/12/15, 9:11:38 AM] John Tan: So w/o causes and conditions, nothing can manifest.
    [2/12/15, 9:18:31 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I see
    ‎[2/12/15, 3:17:00 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    ‎[2/12/15, 3:17:13 PM] Soh
    Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    ‎[2/12/15, 3:17:31 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    ‎[2/12/15, 3:18:19 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    [2/12/15, 3:18:58 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Just read this. Lol i suspect jia chi is like that
    [2/12/15, 3:19:34 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Cant say its useless but cant say it causes effect
    [2/12/15, 3:22:47 PM] Soh Wei Yu: If 30% feel that the jia chi is effective then its hard for the community to deny the effects 😛
    [2/12/15, 3:31:09 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Even if they know it is a placebo, still 30% will experience positive effects
    [2/12/15, 3:32:07 PM] Soh Wei Yu: So if someone believes jia chi will help im sure they will find it helpful haha
    [2/12/15, 3:40:41 PM] John Tan: What is jia chi?
    [2/12/15, 3:40:52 PM] John Tan: 加持
    [2/12/15, 3:41:23 PM] John Tan: Then it depends on the master
    [2/12/15, 3:41:37 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Dunno. i remember they mention the master visualise healing light or light of some sort.
    [2/12/15, 3:41:54 PM] John Tan: The master must of course impart right understanding and knowledge.
    [2/12/15, 3:43:36 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Jia chi usually the master will also put his hands on the disciple head. and probably visualise light.. not sure. shen kai shi fu says the student karma will pass to him and he becomes sick etc
    [2/12/15, 3:44:02 PM] Soh Wei Yu: I dont believe in transference of karma or merit as i said before and malcolm said before
    [2/12/15, 3:44:18 PM] Soh Wei Yu: What u mean
    [2/12/15, 3:44:53 PM] Soh Wei Yu: But in the case of teacher chen he simply do long distance jia chi
    [2/12/15, 3:45:08 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Its almost like reiki
    [2/12/15, 3:45:09 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Lol
    [2/12/15, 3:45:21 PM] Soh Wei Yu: But reiki i think has more to do like qigong or what
    [2/12/15, 7:41:47 PM] Soh Wei Yu: What u mean then it depends on the master
    [2/12/15, 7:41:55 PM] Soh Wei Yu: How does jia chi help actually?
    [2/12/15, 8:06:29 PM] John Tan: No I mean the master must give right knowledge
    [2/12/15, 8:07:10 PM] John Tan: Otherwise the master will b claiming that is not true
    [2/12/15, 8:08:39 PM] John Tan: We must also understand that there other dimensions and negative energies that r influencing consciousnesses
    [2/12/15, 8:09:52 PM] John Tan: This can b done with the help of the master
    [2/12/15, 8:11:32 PM] John Tan: What Buddha said is merits, enlightenment and liberation cannot transferred.
    [2/12/15, 8:27:00 PM] John Tan: Also know what Buddha is talking abt. He is talking abt something much more fundamental and deeper...u r understanding the surface of the meaning.
    [2/12/15, 8:35:35 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [2/12/15, 9:03:16 PM] John Tan: Now what cannot be given?
    [3/12/15, 12:08:17 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Insight cannot be given but can be shown or pointed
    [3/12/15, 12:09:06 AM] John Tan: U do not know what I meant
    [3/12/15, 12:09:34 AM] John Tan: To truly know what cannot be given...u need wisdom.
    [3/12/15, 12:10:44 AM] John Tan: That is, u must know what is most fundamental and most treasured in our human experiences.
    [3/12/15, 12:12:52 AM] John Tan: What that can b transferred and given will not precious.
    [3/12/15, 12:13:54 AM] John Tan: So u must deeply know what that is most valuable...
    [3/12/15, 12:16:27 AM] John Tan: A transformative insight for example...cannot b bought, given or transferred. U can read from books, ur parents can tell u, ur masters and Teachers and keep repeating and force u to meditate upon it...but there is just no realisation.
    [3/12/15, 12:40:53 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [3/12/15, 12:49:57 AM] John Tan: Also know that some healing effect arises like dispelling negative energies and spirits or whatsoever is not transferring merits or granting enlightenment.
    [3/12/15, 12:56:29 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [3/12/15, 11:22:45 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I think nowadays i have somehow become deeply skeptical of supernatural. lol.. even though i have experienced seeing ghost when i was young (Soh: I was skeptical of many supernatural explanations for various phenomena for what can be explained via simple causality, although not entirely dismissive. But nowadays I am convinced based on many examples that there are indeed many illnesses, not necessarily all, that are triggered by spiritual interference, and can even be mitigated by spiritual means or even a medium's negotiations, but I do not dwell on such areas or topics)
    [3/12/15, 11:24:01 AM] Soh Wei Yu: I mean im still open to the possibility of such influences but im skeptical
    [3/12/15, 11:27:11 AM] Soh Wei Yu: But theres an interesting article
    [3/12/15, 11:28:10 AM] John Tan: Supernatural is true
    [3/12/15, 11:28:47 AM] John Tan: But it is a complex issues and must b in line with science.
    [3/12/15, 11:29:11 AM] John Tan: Overclaiming is the problem
    [3/12/15, 11:30:39 AM] John Tan: Shamanism is one area I m always studying...but always involved in plants having psychedelic content in an extreme way.
    [3/12/15, 11:32:17 AM] John Tan: I prefer yoga and meditation. Oneness experience is a daily activity to me and intensity is there due to yoga and meditation. However to involve and control, visualization and concentration is key.
    [3/12/15, 11:34:47 AM] John Tan: Non-dual is doing away with the boundaries that r artificially created by the dualistic paradigm...but to invoke and control consciousness, u need to master concentration and visualization.
    [3/12/15, 11:37:25 AM] John Tan: Modern practitioners r not strong in this area due to lack of discipline and perseverance. So seldom we see results...making claims without right and genuine knowledge is unwise and unhelpful.
    What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital
    What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital
    What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    [3/12/15, 12:16:08 PM] John Tan: Interesting article but I no more see consciousness as an entity
    [3/12/15, 12:18:52 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic.. ya dharma dan say he could visualise colours get into jhana and put out a flame via his intention and other siddhis like remember past life
    [3/12/15, 12:20:41 PM] John Tan: Concentration is a mental skill just like exercises...yogic Siddhis cannot b accomplished without mastering concentration.
    [3/12/15, 12:21:12 PM] John Tan: In almost all energy practices, this skill is required.
    [3/12/15, 12:22:29 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [3/12/15, 12:22:51 PM] John Tan: But I m not into that, I prefer clarity over concentration for now...
    [3/12/15, 12:23:06 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [3/12/15, 12:26:46 PM] John Tan: I believe intensity of luminous clarity can also alter the energetic frequencies or vibrations but may not b th right approach as compared to concentration and visualization which is much more rich and elaborate in this area.
    [3/12/15, 12:31:39 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    [3/12/15, 12:48:46 PM] John Tan: For u now u r still young. Focus on ur body and health and improve ur clarity.
    [3/12/15, 12:49:12 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic.. ok
    [3/12/15, 12:51:06 PM] John Tan: Ur new house has a place for urself where u can hv a quality time to get in touch with ur bodily sensations in an intimate way....not just going through the steps but get in touch ...
    [3/12/15, 12:59:29 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
    ‎[3/12/15, 5:18:31 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    ‎[3/12/15, 7:20:40 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    [3/12/15, 8:26:26 PM] John Tan: Imo what Khenpo Tsulstrim Gyamtso can led one to the experience of non-dual and anatta but not addressing the nature of mind/phenomena as empty and non-arising.
    [3/12/15, 8:26:46 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
    [3/12/15, 9:03:06 PM] John Tan: Actually when u practice yoga, if u got the 慧根...u will realise the purpose of the asanas to prepare the body to fully open up itself. It is quite ironical coz u practice to b natural, tender and flexible...but if u practice, u will realise. The body is tense, rigid and it can't relax and open up is similar to a mind full of proliferated views and dualistic tendencies going through the 7 phases of insights to open up.

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    On the secrets of becoming rich:

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    [12/6/21, 9:41:33 AM] Soh Wei Yu: X person got X
    ‎[12/6/21, 10:34:01 AM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    ‎[12/6/21, 10:34:01 AM] Soh Wei Yu: ‎image omitted
    [12/6/21, 10:42:02 AM] John Tan: What do u understand from that?
    [12/6/21, 10:43:13 AM] John Tan: U rem what I told u?
    [12/6/21, 10:43:20 AM] Soh Wei Yu: told me about what?
    [12/6/21, 10:44:17 AM] John Tan: Abt very successful ppl doing charity and 了凡四训
    [12/6/21, 10:45:42 AM] Soh Wei Yu: oh yes... i have been telling donate to monks, etc. in fact just two days ago X ... donated to Thich Nhat Hanh sangha
    [12/6/21, 10:46:23 AM] Soh Wei Yu: btw what did you say again? was many years ago right?
    [12/6/21, 10:47:27 AM] John Tan: Yes
    [12/6/21, 10:47:43 AM] Soh Wei Yu: i also had intuition that X [will happen quickly] because i've been asking X make merits
    [12/6/21, 10:47:51 AM] Soh Wei Yu: think i had this intuition one week ago during meditation
    [12/6/21, 10:48:35 AM] John Tan: Don't want to repeat as it promote graspings.

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:38pm UTC+08
    Now u cannot understand the broader view by doing logical is a way of life and how embrace that view and understanding.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:39pm UTC+08
    Let's say ur mum always strike 4d, u din...u explain by merit.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:40pm UTC+08
    U help others and suddenly there is a break-through, an opening of ur dharma eye...
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:41pm UTC+08
    What is that link? Is it really because of merit?
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:42pm UTC+08
    The rich, great and powerful very often believe in feng it true?
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:42pm UTC+08
    maybe that is part of the conditions?
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:44pm UTC+08
    Some did so badly in business but instead of looking into business, they were advice to do charity and their business recover like the case of了凡...
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:45pm UTC+08
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:46pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:46pm UTC+08
    So u must understand some will say superstitious but some hv embrace it as part of their life in understanding thing.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:47pm UTC+08
    So how r u to understand this?
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:47pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:47pm UTC+08
    U can't and nvr will but if u go through life, u will If u practice u will also understand.
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:48pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:49pm UTC+08
    For example I told u to b thankful that u hv a healthy body, 2 hands and 2 legs...good me that is a great merit done in ur past
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:50pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:50pm UTC+08
    U must treasure it but for others they might say y habour such a superstitious it depends on the path u choose.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:51pm UTC+08
    Then u go through life...slowly taste it and understand it.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:52pm UTC+08
    Embracing dependent arising is not just understanding intellectually ... To me it includes all these.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:55pm UTC+08
    Many say that I m very successful and intelligent and so many rich multi-millions asked me for financial advices... But deep in my heart I know my success has very lil to do with that -- my intelligence and hardwork...though they r definitely factors that contribute to my success, it is not the main cause...rather I c it as my merit.
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 7:57pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:01pm UTC+08
    Now if u asked me y, I can give u many reasons that can cause me failure in my business career...I nvr know y I become successful (hopefully it continues) I plan and work really hard...I know it is nvr due to that for I am aware of the factors that can cause my failures r so vast and beyond control....but I m aware of certain merits in the workings...precisely y I feel that I do not know...
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:04pm UTC+08
    Now if u do small jobs it is within control but when ur deals r bigger, u can't possibly control.
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:04pm UTC+08
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:05pm UTC+08
    so u feel that u became successful cos u did charity? 😛
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:06pm UTC+08
    Just like the deal ur dad is doing now, he can only tell u he works damn hard for it but he has absolutely no control at all....there r so many factors including political situation in Malaysia.
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:06pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:06pm UTC+08
    No lah...maybe my past life merits
    Soh Wei YuSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:06pm UTC+08
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:09pm UTC+08
    So in addition to "logic" and "analysis", u must also learn not to be bounded by them...they r just tools to help u orientate urself in this world...u must go beyond them.
    John TanSaturday, February 28, 2015 at 8:10pm UTC+08
    The entire universe and us is one great intimacy, only an unbounded mind can appreciate this intimacy.

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Also Nafis posted something I wrote about a miracle I experienced related to Green Tara. If you've read my post carefully you'll understand it is completely non contradictory:

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    brendan wrote:
    So why did you suggest I pray to Tara.
    "Very simply put, taking refuge in sublime beings such as Buddhas and tenth stage bodhisattvas is meritorious because they are pure, uncontaminated and free of all afflictions. This alone eliminates traces of obscuration."
    "I recommend Tara practice regularly. I also practice Tara from time to time."
    "Tara, as a deity, is just a name for our own state. As ChNN puts it, "Tara is the state of Dzogchen."
    "But generally, if you want mundane siddhis, then you need to practice some creation stage practice, like Tara, Kilaya, Amitayus, etc. depending on one needs."
    malcolm also said in 2017,
    " The Buddha has said very clearly, one cannot wash away misdeeds, he cannot remove suffering with his hand, he cannot give one liberation, but he can teach.
    So then, what is the use of praying to Buddhas and bodhisattvas, apart from accumulating merit? "
    "But they really cannot do anything to help sentient beings. If they could, they would act without bias for all sentient beings, without respect to their beliefs or merit, and we would not be living in such trying conditions.
    All they can do is teach. That is all Buddhas and bodhisattvas can really do to help sentient beings. It is well known that when one does wealth practice for example, one is using up ones own merit of wealth in the process unless one very carefully dedicates one's practice to make the merit of practice inexhaustible.
    I am afraid I find your view very theistic, it seems to me you think of Tāra the same way Catholics think of saints."
    " You missed the point of that example. Shabkar, for example, uses it to point out that strong traces in other people's minds can generate perceptions in our own minds.
    As to your second statement, this merely proves my point. Buddhas are powerless to help sentient beings in any kind of material way. What Buddhas can do is teach the Dharma. That is all they need to do."

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    But just for lols I want to mention that after Aditya Prasad told me to try 'law of attraction' type visualising, I tried it immediately and visualised that I already have X amount of money that will suddenly manifest in my life within this very month. Then only about 3 days later, due to receiving an email I discovered I have cryptocurrencies I totally forgotten hidden in an exchange. Funny part: Almost exactly same amount.
    Damn, I should have wished for $1 billion to manifest. Let me get to it.
    Just kidding about the last part though. I do not want to promote kleshas or exhaust my merits 🙂
    “If you are attached to this life, you are not a true spiritual practitioner.
    If you are attached to samsara, you do not have renunciation.
    If you are attached to your own self-interest, you have no bodhichitta.
    If there is grasping, you do not have the View.”

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    Aditya Prasad
    Soh Wei Yu I never knew this!
    BTW next time can you tag me? That way I get notified and can see what you wrote.

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      Brian Murphy
      My experience is similar to Nafis.
      Intention is at the heart of karma. Intention can manifest into experience with or without action. Recognizing “I am not my body,” one can use intention to cause things beyond the reach of one’s body. This is the basis of manifestation.
      As Ajahn Chah once said, there are benefits to such practices, but they are like the benefits of alcohol - first, you drink for the benefits, then you get drunk.
      It takes more advancement to learn the wisdom necessary to manage the power than it takes to learn to use the power. So, I suggest treading carefully.

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      Mr. NRJ
      Brian Murphy good comment. especially the last paragraph.

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    • Soh Wei Yu
      Earlier i mentioned about a sutta where buddha spoke about intention joined with good karma results in wish fulfilled in next life.
      I cant remember was it this sutta, there could be another one:
      Sick (Citta the Householder’s Last Hours)
      Gilāna Sutta (SN 41:10)
      On that occasion Citta the householder was diseased, in pain, severely ill. Then a large number of garden deities, forest deities, tree deities, and deities inhabiting herbs, grasses, & forest giants assembled and said to him: “Make a wish, householder: ‘In the future, may I become a king, a wheel-turning monarch!’”
      When this was said, Citta the householder said to the garden deities, forest deities, tree deities, and deities inhabiting herbs, grasses, & forest giants: “Even that is inconstant; even that is impermanent; one must abandon even that when one passes on.”
      When this was said, Citta the householder’s friends & companions, relatives and kinsmen, said to him: “Steady your mindfulness, master. Don’t ramble.”
      “What did I say that you say to me: ‘Steady your mindfulness, master. Don’t ramble’?”
      “You said: ‘Even that is inconstant; even that is impermanent; one must abandon even that when one passes on.’”
      “That was because garden deities, forest deities, tree deities, and deities inhabiting herbs, grasses, & forest giants have assembled and said to me: ‘Make a wish, householder: “In the future, may I become a king, a wheel-turning monarch!”’ And I said to them: ‘Even that is inconstant; even that is impermanent; one must abandon even that when one passes on.’”
      “But what compelling reason do those garden deities, forest deities, tree deities, and deities inhabiting herbs, grasses, & forest giants see, master, that they say to you, ‘Make a wish, householder: “In the future, may I become a king, a wheel-turning monarch!”’?”
      “It occurs to them: ‘This Citta the householder is virtuous, of admirable character. If he should wish: “In the future, may I become a king, a wheel-turning monarch!”—then, as he is virtuous, this wish of his would succeed because of the purity of his virtue. A righteous one, he will wield righteous power.’1 Seeing this compelling reason, they assembled and said: ‘Make a wish, householder: “In the future, may I become a king, a wheel-turning monarch!”’ And I said to them: ‘Even that is inconstant; even that is impermanent; one must abandon even that when one passes on.’”
      “Then, master, instruct us, too.”
      “Then you should train yourselves: ‘We will be endowed with verified confidence in the Buddha: “Indeed, the Blessed One [the Buddha] is worthy & rightly self-awakened, consummate in clear-knowing & conduct, well-gone, an expert with regard to the cosmos, unexcelled trainer of people fit to be tamed, teacher of devas & human beings, awakened, blessed.”
      “‘We will be endowed with verified confidence in the Dhamma: “The Dhamma is well taught by the Blessed One, to be seen here & now, timeless, inviting verification, pertinent, to be experienced by the observant for themselves.”
      “‘We will be possessed of verified confidence in the Saṅgha: “The Saṅgha of the Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced well…who have practiced straight-forwardly…who have practiced methodically…who have practiced masterfully—in other words, the four types (of noble disciples) when taken as pairs, the eight when taken as individual types—they are the Saṅgha of the Blessed One’s disciples: deserving of gifts, deserving of hospitality, deserving of offerings, deserving of respect, the incomparable field of merit for the world.”
      “‘Whatever there may be in our family that can be given away, all that will be shared unstintingly with virtuous ones who are of admirable character.’ That’s how you should train yourselves.”
      Then, having enjoined his friends & colleagues, his relatives & kinsmen, to place confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma, & Saṅgha; having exhorted them to undertake generosity, Citta the householder passed away.
      1. The translation of this sentence follows the reading in the Royal Thai edition of the Canon: Dhammiko dhammikaṁ balaṁ anuppadassati.

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      • Soh Wei Yu
        Found the other one:
        Middle Discourses 120
        Rebirth by Choice
        So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. There the Buddha addressed the mendicants, “Mendicants!”
        “Venerable sir,” they replied. The Buddha said this:
        “I shall teach you rebirth by choice. Listen and pay close attention, I will speak.”
        “Yes, sir,” they replied. The Buddha said this:
        “Take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of well-to-do aristocrats!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of well-to-do brahmins … well-to-do householders.’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Gods of the Four Great Kings are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Gods of the Four Great Kings!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Gods of the Thirty-Three … the Gods of Yama … the Joyful Gods … the Gods Who Love to Create … the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Gods Who Control the Creations of Others!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of a thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of a thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. As a person might pick up a gallnut in their hand and examine it, so too the Brahmā of a thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of a thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of two thousand … the Brahmā of three thousand … the Brahmā of four thousand … the Brahmā of five thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of five thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of five thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. As a person

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      • Soh Wei Yu
        might pick up five gallnuts in their hand and examine them, so too the Brahmā of five thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of five thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of five thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of ten thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of ten thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of ten thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. Suppose there was a beryl gem that was naturally beautiful, eight-faceted, well-worked. When placed on a cream rug it would shine and glow and radiate. In the same way the Brahmā of ten thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of ten thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of ten thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Brahmā of a hundred thousand is long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ Now the Brahmā of a hundred thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a hundred thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. Suppose there was a pendant of river gold, fashioned by an expert smith, well wrought in the forge. When placed on a cream rug it would shine and glow and radiate. In the same way the Brahmā of a hundred thousand meditates determined on pervading a galaxy of a hundred thousand solar systems, as well as the sentient beings reborn there. They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the Brahmā of a hundred thousand!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. And they’ve heard: ‘The Radiant Gods … the Gods of Limited Radiance … the Gods of Limitless Radiance … the Gods of Streaming Radiance … the Gods of Limited Glory … the Gods of Limitless Glory … the Gods Replete with Glory … the Gods of Abundant Fruit … the Gods of Aviha … the Gods of Atappa … the Gods Fair to See … the Fair Seeing Gods … the Gods of Akaniṭṭha … the gods of the dimension of infinite space … the gods of the dimension of infinite consciousness … the gods of the dimension of nothingness … the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception are long-lived, beautiful, and very happy.’ They think: ‘If only, when my body breaks up, after death, I would be reborn in the company of the gods of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception!’ They settle on that thought, stabilize it and develop it. Those choices and meditations of theirs, developed and cultivated like this, lead to rebirth there. This is the path and the practice that leads to rebirth there.
        Furthermore, take a mendicant who has faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. They think: ‘If only I might realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life, and live having realized it with my own insight due to the ending of defilements.’ They realize the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements. And, mendicants, that mendicant is not reborn anywhere.”
        That is what the Buddha said. Satisfied, the mendicants were happy with what the Buddha said.

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          Albert Hong
          I'll give you a simple answer. everything is produced by causal conditions. there is no moral implications. except virtuous energy or merit is the casual condition for favorable conditions. favorable conditions depend upon one's karmic vision, which also includes acceptance and rejection.
          anyways a lot of the karmic links have been laid down in the teachings. they at first seem very non-intuitive and somewhat makes no sense. but that is because we haven't ourselves seen the links and relationships between them.
          and a lot of the practices in dharma have such relationships mingled in.
          for instance the releasing of fish into the sea. which is the freeing of life or giving of life so to speak has the causal benefit of extending one's life. So if one finds oneself sickly and always on the edge of dying, then one would actively seek to create impressions that cultivate life, etc.
          if one wants wealth. in the broad sense. of good foods, good friends, good land, money, etc. then one would cultivate generosity. but there are other causal methods available. for instance one could also connect to Jambhala and learn to resonate at that frequency. Then one is wealth. To be wealth is much different than having wealth.
          But anyways that's my short answer. Dharma is about studying causality to the max. So that we can lead virtuous, full lives. All for the benefit of all sentient beings and the development of wisdom.
          There in the end is no greater merit.

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