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Showing posts with label Pali. Show all posts


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    Using ChatGPT (GPT4) to translate Bahiya Sutta and Kalaka Sutta from Original PALI text into English and Chinese
    Can ChatGPT translate Buddha’s teachings from ancient languages Pali and Sanskrit to more modern languages like English and Chinese with some degree of language proficiency? As you might have guessed, yes, it can.
    Here is ChatGPT’s translation of scriptures from the original Pali text of Bahiya Sutta and Kalaka Sutta which I shall include in my comments section. I provided the pali originals of both suttas for gpt4 to translate to English. But is this a 100% original translation? Maybe not, since it is trained on other translations as well. But as it stands, I think, not bad.. BUT please do not rely on these translations for your practice when we have existing good translations online already that are vetted by experts (at least for English, not sure if the existing ones in Chinese are good). This translation attempt is just purely out of my own interest to gauge GPT's language capacity in translation Buddhist texts from ancient languages, and as a FYI post on the current language capacity of GPT4. I cannot guarantee its accuracy (if you spot any mistakes, tell me and I will tell chatgpt to ammend). Admittedly, I did ask ChatGPT to check through the Chinese translation for some passages, but it was able to improve on it to my satisfaction.
    Here is GPT 4's translation of Bahiya Sutta from Pali to English:
    Udāna 1.10
    Bāhiya Sutta
    Thus have I heard—once, the Blessed One was staying at Sāvatthī, in Jeta's Grove, at Anāthapiṇḍika's monastery. At that time, Bāhiya Dārucīriya lived at Suppāraka, on the seashore, and was highly esteemed, respected, honored, and revered, receiving robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medical requisites for the sick. While he was in solitude and seclusion, this thought arose in his mind: "Among those in the world who are Arahants or have entered the path of Arahantship, I am one of them."
    Then a compassionate, benevolent deity, who knew the thoughts in Bāhiya Dārucīriya's mind, approached him and said: "Bāhiya, you are neither an Arahant nor have you entered the path of Arahantship. You have not even found the way to become an Arahant or enter the path of Arahantship."
    "Then, who in this world, with its gods, are Arahants or have entered the path of Arahantship?" "Bāhiya, there is a city named Sāvatthī in the northern region. The Blessed One, an Arahant and a Perfectly Enlightened One, is currently residing there. He is the one who teaches the Dhamma leading to Arahantship."
    Upon hearing this from the deity, Bāhiya Dārucīriya was deeply moved and immediately set out from Suppāraka. Traveling overnight, he arrived at Sāvatthī, in Jeta's Grove, at Anāthapiṇḍika's monastery. At that time, many monks were walking in meditation in the open air. Bāhiya Dārucīriya approached them and asked: "Venerable sirs, where is the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One now? I wish to see him."
    "The Blessed One, Bāhiya, has entered the dwelling for his alms round," they replied.
    Bāhiya Dārucīriya then hurriedly left Jeta's Grove, entered Sāvatthī, and saw the Blessed One walking for alms in Sāvatthī, with a serene presence, inspiring confidence, with senses and mind restrained, and displaying mastery over his senses. Upon seeing the Blessed One, Bāhiya approached him, prostrated at his feet, and said: "Please teach me the Dhamma, Venerable Sir; teach me the Dhamma, Sugata, for my long-lasting welfare and happiness."
    But the Blessed One replied, "It is not the right time, Bāhiya, for I have entered the dwelling for my alms round."
    For a second time, Bāhiya Dārucīriya implored the Blessed One: "It is difficult to know, Venerable Sir, when the life of either the Blessed One or myself might be cut short. Please teach me the Dhamma, Venerable Sir; teach me the Dhamma, Sugata, for my long-lasting welfare and happiness." Yet again, the Blessed One replied, "It is not the right time, Bāhiya, for I have entered the dwelling for my alms round."
    For a third time, Bāhiya Dārucīriya beseeched the Blessed One: "Indeed, venerable sir, it is difficult to know when the Blessed One or I may encounter an obstacle to life. Please teach me the Dhamma, O Blessed One, O Well-Gone One, so that it may lead to my long-lasting welfare and happiness."
    "Then, Bāhiya, you should train yourself thus: 'In the seen, there will be merely what is seen; in the heard, merely what is heard; in the sensed, merely what is sensed; in the cognized, merely what is cognized.' This is how you should train yourself, Bāhiya. When, for you, in the seen there will be merely what is seen; in the heard, merely what is heard; in the sensed, merely what is sensed; in the cognized, merely what is cognized, then you will not be 'with that.' When you are not 'with that,' then you will not be 'in that.' When you are not 'in that,' then you will be neither here nor beyond nor in between the two. This is the end of suffering."
    Upon hearing the brief teaching of the Dhamma from the Blessed One, Bāhiya Dārucīriya's mind was liberated from the taints by non-clinging.
    Having given this brief instruction to Bāhiya Dārucīriya, the Blessed One departed. Not long after the Blessed One's departure, Bāhiya Dārucīriya was attacked and killed by a young cow. The Blessed One, having finished his alms round and returned from Savatthi, saw Bāhiya Dārucīriya's dead body and instructed the monks: "Take hold of Bāhiya Dārucīriya's body, monks, place it on a litter, carry it away, and perform the funeral rites. Your fellow practitioner has met his end."
    "Yes, venerable sir," the monks replied. They carried out the funeral rites for Bāhiya Dārucīriya and then approached the Blessed One, paid homage, and sat down to one side. Sitting there, they asked the Blessed One about Bāhiya Dārucīriya's fate and future rebirth: "Venerable sir, Bāhiya Dārucīriya's body has been cremated, and his funeral mound has been built. What is his destination, and what is his future course?"
    "Wise, monks, was Bāhiya Dārucīriya. He practiced in accordance with the Dhamma, and he did not trouble me with questions about the Dhamma. Bāhiya Dārucīriya has attained final Nibbāna."
    Upon knowing this, the Blessed One uttered the following inspired utterance:
    "Where water, earth, fire, and wind have no footing,
    There the stars do not shine, the sun does not blaze,
    The moon does not glow, and darkness is not found.
    When a sage, a noble Brahmin, knows this for himself,
    Then he is freed from form and formless states,
    And from pleasure and pain."
    This is the end of the tenth chapter, called "Bāhiya."
    This too was spoken by the Blessed One, thus have I heard.
    The first chapter is called "Bodhi."
    GPT4 Bahiya Sutta, Pali into Chinese:��
    GPT4 Translation of Kalaka Sutta, Pali to English:
    Anguttara Nikaya 4.24
    3. Uruvelavagga
    Kalaka Sutta
    Once, the Blessed One was dwelling in Saketa, at the Kalaka Grove. There, the Blessed One addressed the monks, "Monks."
    "Venerable sir," the monks replied to the Blessed One. The Blessed One said:
    "Monks, whatever is seen, heard, sensed, or cognized by the world with its gods, Mara, and Brahma, with its people including ascetics and brahmins, gods, and humans, I know that.
    Whatever is seen, heard, sensed, or cognized by the world with its gods, Mara, and Brahma, with its people including ascetics and brahmins, gods, and humans, I have directly realized that. That is known to the Tathagata, but the Tathagata does not identify with that.
    If, monks, I were to say of something that I do not know it, seen, heard, sensed, or cognized by the world with its gods, Mara, and Brahma, with its people including ascetics and brahmins, gods, and humans, that would be a falsehood for me.
    If, monks, I were to say of something that I both know and do not know it, seen, heard, sensed, or cognized by the world with its gods, Mara, and Brahma, with its people including ascetics and brahmins, gods, and humans, that would be just the same.
    If, monks, I were to say of something that I neither know nor do not know it, seen, heard, sensed, or cognized by the world with its gods, Mara, and Brahma, with its people including ascetics and brahmins, gods, and humans, that would be a fault for me.
    Thus, monks, the Tathagata, having seen what is to be seen, does not conceive the seen, the unseen, the to-be-seen, or the seer; having heard what is to be heard, he does not conceive the heard, the unheard, the to-be-heard, or the hearer; having sensed what is to be sensed, he does not conceive the sensed, the unsensed, the to-be-sensed, or the sensor; having cognized what is to be cognized, he does not conceive the cognized, the uncognized, the to-be-cognized, or the cognizer.
    Thus, monks, the Tathagata is just such in regard to seen, heard, sensed, and cognized phenomena. 'There is no other 'Such' higher or more sublime.' this I declare.
    Whatever is seen, heard, sensed, or grasped, whether true or false in others; he does not grasp at that, nor does he burn with the truth or falsehood in others.
    Seeing this arrow in reverse, where people are attached to what they have grasped; I know and see this as it is, there is no grasping for the Tathagatas."
    The fourth.
    GPT4 Translation of Kalaka Sutta, Pali to Chinese:
    增支部 AN 4.24
    3. Uruvelavagga
    Soh Wei Yu
    Pali text for Bahiya Sutta:
    Udāna 1.10
    Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Variant: assa → assasi (sya-all, mr) Tena kho pana samayena bāhiyo dārucīriyo suppārake paṭivasati samuddatīre sakkato garukato mānito pūjito apacito lābhī cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ. Variant: ke → ko (bj); kho ke (pts-vp-pli1) | samāpannā → samāpanno (bj) Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa rahogatassa paṭisallīnassa evaṁ cetaso parivitakko udapādi: “ye kho keci loke arahanto vā arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā, ahaṁ tesaṁ aññataro”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa purāṇasālohitā devatā anukampikā atthakāmā bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya yena bāhiyo dārucīriyo tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “neva kho tvaṁ, bāhiya, arahā, nāpi arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno. Sāpi te paṭipadā natthi yāya tvaṁ arahā vā assa arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno”ti.
    “Atha ke carahi sadevake loke arahanto vā arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā”ti? “Atthi, bāhiya, uttaresu janapadesu sāvatthī nāma nagaraṁ. Tattha so bhagavā etarahi viharati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho. So hi, bāhiya, bhagavā arahā ceva arahattāya ca dhammaṁ desetī”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo tāya devatāya saṁvejito tāvadeva suppārakamhā pakkāmi. Sabbattha ekarattiparivāsena yena sāvatthī jetavanaṁ anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāmo tenupasaṅkami. Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhū abbhokāse caṅkamanti. Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo yena te bhikkhū tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā te bhikkhū etadavoca: “kahaṁ nu kho, bhante, etarahi bhagavā viharati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho? Dassanakāmamhā mayaṁ taṁ bhagavantaṁ arahantaṁ sammāsambuddhan”ti. “Antaragharaṁ paviṭṭho kho, bāhiya, bhagavā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo taramānarūpo jetavanā nikkhamitvā sāvatthiṁ pavisitvā addasa bhagavantaṁ sāvatthiyaṁ piṇḍāya carantaṁ pāsādikaṁ pasādanīyaṁ santindriyaṁ santamānasaṁ uttamadamathasamathamanuppattaṁ dantaṁ guttaṁ yatindriyaṁ nāgaṁ. Disvāna yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato pāde sirasā nipatitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti. Evaṁ vutte, bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “akālo kho tāva, bāhiya, antaragharaṁ paviṭṭhamhā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Dutiyampi kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “dujjānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhante, bhagavato vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ, mayhaṁ vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ. Desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti. Dutiyampi kho bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “akālo kho tāva, bāhiya, antaragharaṁ paviṭṭhamhā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Tatiyampi kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “dujjānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhante, bhagavato vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ, mayhaṁ vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ. Desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti.
    “Tasmātiha te, bāhiya, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘diṭṭhe diṭṭhamattaṁ bhavissati, sute sutamattaṁ bhavissati, mute mutamattaṁ bhavissati, viññāte viññātamattaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, bāhiya, sikkhitabbaṁ. Yato kho te, bāhiya, diṭṭhe diṭṭhamattaṁ bhavissati, sute sutamattaṁ bhavissati, mute mutamattaṁ bhavissati, viññāte viññātamattaṁ bhavissati, tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tena. Yato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tena; tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tattha. Yato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tattha, tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, nevidha na huraṁ na ubhayamantarena. Esevanto dukkhassā”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa bhagavato imāya saṅkhittāya dhammadesanāya tāvadeva anupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimucci.
    Atha kho bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ iminā saṅkhittena ovādena ovaditvā pakkāmi. Atha kho acirapakkantassa bhagavato bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ gāvī taruṇavacchā adhipatitvā jīvitā voropesi. Variant: adhipatitvā → adhipātetvā (bj, sya-all, pts-vp-pli1); adhipātitvā (mr)
    Atha kho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkanto sambahulehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ nagaramhā nikkhamitvā addasa bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ kālaṅkataṁ; Variant: kālaṅkataṁ → kālakataṁ (bj, sya-all, km) disvāna bhikkhū āmantesi: “gaṇhatha, bhikkhave, bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīrakaṁ; mañcakaṁ āropetvā nīharitvā jhāpetha; thūpañcassa karotha. Sabrahmacārī vo, bhikkhave, kālaṅkato”ti.
    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paṭissutvā bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīrakaṁ mañcakaṁ āropetvā nīharitvā jhāpetvā thūpañcassa katvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho te bhikkhū bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ: “daḍḍhaṁ, bhante, bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīraṁ, thūpo cassa kato. Tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti? “Paṇḍito, bhikkhave, bāhiyo dārucīriyo paccapādi dhammassānudhammaṁ; na ca maṁ dhammādhikaraṇaṁ vihesesi. Parinibbuto, bhikkhave, bāhiyo dārucīriyo”ti.
    Atha kho bhagavā etamatthaṁ viditvā tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ udānaṁ udānesi:
    “Yattha āpo ca pathavī, tejo vāyo na gādhati; Na tattha sukkā jotanti, ādicco nappakāsati; Na tattha candimā bhāti, tamo tattha na vijjati.
    Yadā ca attanāvedi, Variant: attanāvedi → … vedī (bj); … vedhī (mr) muni monena brāhmaṇo; Atha rūpā arūpā ca, sukhadukkhā pamuccatī”ti.
    Ayampi udāno vutto bhagavatā iti me sutanti.
    Bodhivaggo paṭhamo.
    Tayo bodhī ca huṁhuṅko, Variant: Tayo bodhī ca huṁhuṅko → tayo ca bodhi nigrodho (sabbattha) brāhmaṇā kassapena ca; Variant: brāhmaṇā → te therā (bj, sya-all, pts-vp-pli1); thero (mr) Aja saṅgāma jaṭilā, Variant: Aja → pāvāya (bj, sya-all); pāṭalī (pts-vp-pli1); pāvā (mr) bāhiyenāti te dasāti.

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Pali Kalaka Sutta
    Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.24
    3. Uruvelavagga
    Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sākete viharati kāḷakārāme. Variant: kāḷakārāme → koḷikārāme (mr) Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: “bhikkhavo”ti.
    “Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca—
    Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ jānāmi.
    Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ abbhaññāsiṁ. Taṁ tathāgatassa viditaṁ, taṁ tathāgato na upaṭṭhāsi.
    Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ na jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, taṁ mamassa musā.
    Yaṁ, bhikkhave …pe… tamahaṁ jānāmi ca na ca jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, tampassa tādisameva. Variant: tampassa → taṁ pissa (sya-all, km); taṁ mamassa (mr)
    Yaṁ, bhikkhave …pe… tamahaṁ neva jānāmi na na jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, taṁ mamassa kali.
    Iti kho, bhikkhave, tathāgato daṭṭhā daṭṭhabbaṁ, diṭṭhaṁ na maññati, adiṭṭhaṁ na maññati, daṭṭhabbaṁ na maññati, daṭṭhāraṁ na maññati; sutvā sotabbaṁ, sutaṁ na maññati, asutaṁ na maññati, sotabbaṁ na maññati, sotāraṁ na maññati; mutvā motabbaṁ, mutaṁ na maññati, amutaṁ na maññati, motabbaṁ na maññati, motāraṁ na maññati; viññatvā viññātabbaṁ, viññātaṁ na maññati, aviññātaṁ na maññati, viññātabbaṁ na maññati, viññātāraṁ na maññati.
    Iti kho, bhikkhave, tathāgato diṭṭhasutamutaviññātabbesu dhammesu tādīyeva tādī. Variant: tādīyeva tādī → tādisova tādī (sya-all, km); tādise yeva tādi (pts1ed); tādīyeva tādīyevekā (mr) ‘Tamhā ca pana tādimhā añño tādī uttaritaro vā paṇītataro vā natthī’ti vadāmīti. Variant: tādimhā → tāditamhā (bj, pts1ed)
    Yaṁ kiñci diṭṭhaṁva sutaṁ mutaṁ vā, Ajjhositaṁ saccamutaṁ paresaṁ; Na tesu tādī sayasaṁvutesu, Saccaṁ musā vāpi paraṁ daheyya.
    Etañca sallaṁ paṭikacca disvā, Variant: paṭikacca → paṭigacca (bj, pts1ed) Ajjhositā yattha pajā visattā; Jānāmi passāmi tatheva etaṁ, Ajjhositaṁ natthi tathāgatānan”ti.

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Pali text for Bahiya Sutta:
    Udāna 1.10
    Evaṁ me sutaṁ—ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ viharati jetavane anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāme. Variant: assa → assasi (sya-all, mr) Tena kho pana samayena bāhiyo dārucīriyo suppārake paṭivasati samuddatīre sakkato garukato mānito pūjito apacito lābhī cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānapaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ. Variant: ke → ko (bj); kho ke (pts-vp-pli1) | samāpannā → samāpanno (bj) Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa rahogatassa paṭisallīnassa evaṁ cetaso parivitakko udapādi: “ye kho keci loke arahanto vā arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā, ahaṁ tesaṁ aññataro”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa purāṇasālohitā devatā anukampikā atthakāmā bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa cetasā cetoparivitakkamaññāya yena bāhiyo dārucīriyo tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “neva kho tvaṁ, bāhiya, arahā, nāpi arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno. Sāpi te paṭipadā natthi yāya tvaṁ arahā vā assa arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno”ti.
    “Atha ke carahi sadevake loke arahanto vā arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā”ti? “Atthi, bāhiya, uttaresu janapadesu sāvatthī nāma nagaraṁ. Tattha so bhagavā etarahi viharati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho. So hi, bāhiya, bhagavā arahā ceva arahattāya ca dhammaṁ desetī”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo tāya devatāya saṁvejito tāvadeva suppārakamhā pakkāmi. Sabbattha ekarattiparivāsena yena sāvatthī jetavanaṁ anāthapiṇḍikassa ārāmo tenupasaṅkami. Tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhū abbhokāse caṅkamanti. Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo yena te bhikkhū tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā te bhikkhū etadavoca: “kahaṁ nu kho, bhante, etarahi bhagavā viharati arahaṁ sammāsambuddho? Dassanakāmamhā mayaṁ taṁ bhagavantaṁ arahantaṁ sammāsambuddhan”ti. “Antaragharaṁ paviṭṭho kho, bāhiya, bhagavā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo taramānarūpo jetavanā nikkhamitvā sāvatthiṁ pavisitvā addasa bhagavantaṁ sāvatthiyaṁ piṇḍāya carantaṁ pāsādikaṁ pasādanīyaṁ santindriyaṁ santamānasaṁ uttamadamathasamathamanuppattaṁ dantaṁ guttaṁ yatindriyaṁ nāgaṁ. Disvāna yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavato pāde sirasā nipatitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti. Evaṁ vutte, bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “akālo kho tāva, bāhiya, antaragharaṁ paviṭṭhamhā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Dutiyampi kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “dujjānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhante, bhagavato vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ, mayhaṁ vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ. Desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti. Dutiyampi kho bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ etadavoca: “akālo kho tāva, bāhiya, antaragharaṁ paviṭṭhamhā piṇḍāyā”ti.
    Tatiyampi kho bāhiyo dārucīriyo bhagavantaṁ etadavoca: “dujjānaṁ kho panetaṁ, bhante, bhagavato vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ, mayhaṁ vā jīvitantarāyānaṁ. Desetu me, bhante, bhagavā dhammaṁ; desetu sugato dhammaṁ, yaṁ mamassa dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāyā”ti.
    “Tasmātiha te, bāhiya, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ: ‘diṭṭhe diṭṭhamattaṁ bhavissati, sute sutamattaṁ bhavissati, mute mutamattaṁ bhavissati, viññāte viññātamattaṁ bhavissatī’ti. Evañhi te, bāhiya, sikkhitabbaṁ. Yato kho te, bāhiya, diṭṭhe diṭṭhamattaṁ bhavissati, sute sutamattaṁ bhavissati, mute mutamattaṁ bhavissati, viññāte viññātamattaṁ bhavissati, tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tena. Yato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tena; tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tattha. Yato tvaṁ, bāhiya, na tattha, tato tvaṁ, bāhiya, nevidha na huraṁ na ubhayamantarena. Esevanto dukkhassā”ti.
    Atha kho bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa bhagavato imāya saṅkhittāya dhammadesanāya tāvadeva anupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimucci.
    Atha kho bhagavā bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ iminā saṅkhittena ovādena ovaditvā pakkāmi. Atha kho acirapakkantassa bhagavato bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ gāvī taruṇavacchā adhipatitvā jīvitā voropesi. Variant: adhipatitvā → adhipātetvā (bj, sya-all, pts-vp-pli1); adhipātitvā (mr)
    Atha kho bhagavā sāvatthiyaṁ piṇḍāya caritvā pacchābhattaṁ piṇḍapātapaṭikkanto sambahulehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ nagaramhā nikkhamitvā addasa bāhiyaṁ dārucīriyaṁ kālaṅkataṁ; Variant: kālaṅkataṁ → kālakataṁ (bj, sya-all, km) disvāna bhikkhū āmantesi: “gaṇhatha, bhikkhave, bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīrakaṁ; mañcakaṁ āropetvā nīharitvā jhāpetha; thūpañcassa karotha. Sabrahmacārī vo, bhikkhave, kālaṅkato”ti.
    “Evaṁ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paṭissutvā bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīrakaṁ mañcakaṁ āropetvā nīharitvā jhāpetvā thūpañcassa katvā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. Ekamantaṁ nisinnā kho te bhikkhū bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ: “daḍḍhaṁ, bhante, bāhiyassa dārucīriyassa sarīraṁ, thūpo cassa kato. Tassa kā gati, ko abhisamparāyo”ti? “Paṇḍito, bhikkhave, bāhiyo dārucīriyo paccapādi dhammassānudhammaṁ; na ca maṁ dhammādhikaraṇaṁ vihesesi. Parinibbuto, bhikkhave, bāhiyo dārucīriyo”ti.
    Atha kho bhagavā etamatthaṁ viditvā tāyaṁ velāyaṁ imaṁ udānaṁ udānesi:
    “Yattha āpo ca pathavī, tejo vāyo na gādhati; Na tattha sukkā jotanti, ādicco nappakāsati; Na tattha candimā bhāti, tamo tattha na vijjati.
    Yadā ca attanāvedi, Variant: attanāvedi → … vedī (bj); … vedhī (mr) muni monena brāhmaṇo; Atha rūpā arūpā ca, sukhadukkhā pamuccatī”ti.
    Ayampi udāno vutto bhagavatā iti me sutanti.
    Bodhivaggo paṭhamo.
    Tayo bodhī ca huṁhuṅko, Variant: Tayo bodhī ca huṁhuṅko → tayo ca bodhi nigrodho (sabbattha) brāhmaṇā kassapena ca; Variant: brāhmaṇā → te therā (bj, sya-all, pts-vp-pli1); thero (mr) Aja saṅgāma jaṭilā, Variant: Aja → pāvāya (bj, sya-all); pāṭalī (pts-vp-pli1); pāvā (mr) bāhiyenāti te dasāti.

Soh Wei Yu
Pali Kalaka Sutta
Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.24
3. Uruvelavagga
Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sākete viharati kāḷakārāme. Variant: kāḷakārāme → koḷikārāme (mr) Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi: “bhikkhavo”ti.
“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca—
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ jānāmi.
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ abbhaññāsiṁ. Taṁ tathāgatassa viditaṁ, taṁ tathāgato na upaṭṭhāsi.
Yaṁ, bhikkhave, sadevakassa lokassa samārakassa sabrahmakassa sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya diṭṭhaṁ sutaṁ mutaṁ viññātaṁ pattaṁ pariyesitaṁ anuvicaritaṁ manasā, tamahaṁ na jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, taṁ mamassa musā.
Yaṁ, bhikkhave …pe… tamahaṁ jānāmi ca na ca jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, tampassa tādisameva. Variant: tampassa → taṁ pissa (sya-all, km); taṁ mamassa (mr)
Yaṁ, bhikkhave …pe… tamahaṁ neva jānāmi na na jānāmīti vadeyyaṁ, taṁ mamassa kali.
Iti kho, bhikkhave, tathāgato daṭṭhā daṭṭhabbaṁ, diṭṭhaṁ na maññati, adiṭṭhaṁ na maññati, daṭṭhabbaṁ na maññati, daṭṭhāraṁ na maññati; sutvā sotabbaṁ, sutaṁ na maññati, asutaṁ na maññati, sotabbaṁ na maññati, sotāraṁ na maññati; mutvā motabbaṁ, mutaṁ na maññati, amutaṁ na maññati, motabbaṁ na maññati, motāraṁ na maññati; viññatvā viññātabbaṁ, viññātaṁ na maññati, aviññātaṁ na maññati, viññātabbaṁ na maññati, viññātāraṁ na maññati.
Iti kho, bhikkhave, tathāgato diṭṭhasutamutaviññātabbesu dhammesu tādīyeva tādī. Variant: tādīyeva tādī → tādisova tādī (sya-all, km); tādise yeva tādi (pts1ed); tādīyeva tādīyevekā (mr) ‘Tamhā ca pana tādimhā añño tādī uttaritaro vā paṇītataro vā natthī’ti vadāmīti. Variant: tādimhā → tāditamhā (bj, pts1ed)
Yaṁ kiñci diṭṭhaṁva sutaṁ mutaṁ vā, Ajjhositaṁ saccamutaṁ paresaṁ; Na tesu tādī sayasaṁvutesu, Saccaṁ musā vāpi paraṁ daheyya.
Etañca sallaṁ paṭikacca disvā, Variant: paṭikacca → paṭigacca (bj, pts1ed) Ajjhositā yattha pajā visattā; Jānāmi passāmi tatheva etaṁ, Ajjhositaṁ natthi tathāgatānan”ti.

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Sim Pern Chong Can send your mother the Chinese translation of the two suttas if she reads Chinese. Maybe can help her progress from I AM to anatta.

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  • Chinese Translation of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment
    Chinese Translation of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment
    Chinese Translation of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    When I sent someone in China my own translation of Bahiya Sutta many years ago, he broke through from I AM and Eternal Witnessing to nondual and no-self.

  • Yin Ling
    So impressive this AI thingy
