Showing posts with label Emptiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emptiness. Show all posts
Kyle Dixon shared a nice sutra:


It is an exquisite exposition on nonarising"

ChatGPT translation of a very good Chinese article on Dependent Origination and Emptiness. (Chinese original below) This article to shared to me by John Tan some years ago.

**What does Pratītyasamutpāda (Dependent Origination) Śūnyatā (Emptiness) mean? (Part 1)** 


**2013-07-24 19:41 | Views: 631**

1. The idea of Pratītyasamutpāda Śūnyatā (Dependent Origination and Emptiness), in summary, is this: all dharmas, because they have no self-nature (nissvabhava), can manifest as illusions depending on conditions. Although all these illusory dharmas are vividly apparent, they are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows; like dew and lightning. When we truly understand and believe this principle, then all conceptual elaborations will cease, and we will be free from disputes with others and have no inner attachments. Following this, the only thing left in life is to act accordingly and accept whatever comes, without there being, in truth, any merit (puṇya) really existing.

2. The cosmology of Buddhism leans towards phenomenology rather than metaphysical ontology; it analyzes the essence of phenomena based on experiential phenomena. Additionally, Buddhism is not purely a cosmological phenomenology; it is further a method to free oneself from suffering. The focus is on relieving all human suffering. To free humanity from suffering, the Buddha discovered that suffering arises from the misinterpretation of phenomena. Since the misinterpretation and distortion of phenomena bring boundless distress to oneself and others, the Buddha proposed the concepts of Pratītyasamutpāda (Dependent Origination) and Anātman (No-self) as methods to counteract this. Therefore, Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman are not only explanations of objective phenomena in Buddhism but also methods to eliminate suffering.

3. Everything is merely the transformation of functions and phenomena; within them, there is no life, no body, and no consciousness. This is my understanding of the Dharma.

4. The doctrine of 'Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman' or 'the ultimate emptiness of Dependent Origination' is the fundamental thought of Buddhism. Any group or individual whose ideas deviate from the principle of Dependent Origination and Emptiness is not recognized as part of Buddhism, even though it may still be a great religion, a rigorous philosophy, or a person of admirable moral character.

5. The Dharma is fundamentally simple; there are only a few words that can truly transcend life and death and ferry one across the sea of suffering. While learning is vast and requires much study and reading, practice is best kept minimal. The Middle Way (Madhyamaka) and Prajñāpāramitā teachings are extensive, but they can be summarized in the two words 'Pratītyasamutpāda' (Dependent Origination). If someone deeply understands the profound meaning of Pratītyasamutpāda, they can immediately distance themselves from conceptual elaborations! Some say, 'From the three thousand waters, I take only one scoop to drink.' One scoop of water is enough to quench thirst, but if one stands by the river and counts the three thousand waters without drinking, they will die of thirst by the river.

6. The meaning of Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman is a profound Buddhist doctrine. The Buddha once said, 'Pratītyasamutpāda is deep, very deep!' Although we often hear Buddhists talk about 'Pratītyasamutpāda,' those who truly understand the meaning of Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman are relatively few compared to those who merely speak about it.

7. What does 'Pratītyasamutpāda' mean? Pratītyasamutpāda means that many conditions come together to manifest and complete a thing. What does 'Śūnyatā' mean? It means that since all things are composed of conditions, they do not have their own nature, individuality, permanence, eternity, or autonomy. That is all.

8. The general idea of Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman is: First, sentient beings' existence is not without cause; their appearance in the world, and the different encounters and retributions they experience, are due to the power of ignorance and karma. Second, sentient beings undergo long cycles of rebirth in the three realms, exhibiting various states of life and creating different bodily and mental activities. However, these states and activities are merely the illusory combinations of roots, objects, and consciousness, without substance, core, and constantly changing and flowing. The essence of Anātman can be summarized in these two points, but for the vast majority of beings attached to sensory experiences, superstitious materialistic thoughts, and constantly distracted, it is extremely difficult to understand! Especially for those who desire to grasp the essential teaching of Pratītyasamutpāda and Anātman and integrate it into their lives to purify the three karmas (body, speech, and mind), to sever thirst and extinguish conceptual elaborations, achieving tranquility and non-contention, it is even more challenging for those with a strong sense of right and wrong and a combative mind!

9. Phenomena have two aspects: their appearance and their essence. The appearance of phenomena refers to all the things, events, principles, and matters that arise and perish due to causes and conditions (including the three realms of samsara, karma, and retribution). The essence of phenomena is impermanence, no-self, and emptiness. One who does not see emptiness is not a Buddhist; one who discusses emptiness apart from the appearance of phenomena does not correctly understand emptiness. Since the three realms of samsara, karma, and retribution cannot be fully comprehended without the attainment of the four dhyānas and the eight samādhis (only through faith and understanding), and because the appearance is infinite and boundless, practitioners cannot observe everything. Therefore, modern Zen advises practitioners to focus on the attainment of pre-dhyāna concentration, living in the present moment, and contemplating the emptiness of the five aggregates at all times and places. Because those who have firm pre-dhyāna concentration can perform deep contemplation, and those who truly see the emptiness of the five aggregates can cease greed and hatred and attain liberation.

10. Buddhism speaks of 'all dharmas being like illusions,' which is discussed together with 'karma and retribution are not lost.' It can be said that these are two sides of the same coin. To say that mountains, rivers, and the great earth are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows presupposes the acknowledgment of the existence of mountains, rivers, and the great earth; to say that wealth and fame are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows naturally affirms the existence of wealth and fame before saying they are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows; to say that the six realms of samsara are like dreams and illusions similarly affirms the existence of the six realms of samsara and that karma and retribution are not lost. The emptiness of dreams and illusions does not negate the fact of dreams and illusions—if a Zen practitioner does not recognize this, they easily fall into the view of nihilistic emptiness.

11. The Buddha said, 'Pratītyasamutpāda is deep, very deep.' Understanding the principle of emptiness is not easy. Those with dull faculties must observe from many aspects to gradually understand emptiness. They need to reflect on the transience and suffering of the world, the despicable, heartless, and fickle nature of human beings, the transient nature of life like staying in a guesthouse, the disguises, performances, packaging, and promotions in society, the deliberate and resultant nature of worldly affairs as combinations of conditions, and so on, to slowly comprehend emptiness. Those with sharp faculties, however, can directly enter the gate of nirvāṇa through the fundamental contemplation of Prajñāpāramitā and Madhyamaka: 'All dharmas arise and appear through the combination of roots, objects, and consciousness.' That is to say, those with sharp faculties may not follow the sequential study of suffering, impermanence, and no-self; they can resolve attachment and enter nirvāṇa by observing that all dependent arisings are illusory and all illusory arisings are unarisen.

12. The Buddha said: 'Pratītyasamutpāda is deep, very deep; the quiescent nature of Pratītyasamutpāda (nirvāṇa) is even deeper and profound.' Pratītyasamutpāda refers to all existing, continuing things, including time, space, spirit, matter, motion (the cycle of the three realms is also a kind of motion phenomenon), and the principles and laws of things (karma and retribution are also a kind of law), all of which are formed based on certain causes and conditions. The quiescent nature of Pratītyasamutpāda points to the intrinsic nature of all existing and continuing dharmas—obviously being impermanent, arising and ceasing, full of suffering, defects, and unease; more profoundly being illusory and unreal, like dreams, flowers in the sky, moon in the water, mirages, and reflections; and ultimately being quiescent and unarisen—nirvāṇa.

        13.     ‘Anything dependent on conditions for existence is fundamentally unreal, like a dream.’ The core meaning of Prajñāpāramitā Madhyamaka is a truth that is easily understood and explained by ordinary Buddhist learners, but difficult to truly believe, accept, and practice.

**14.** From a Buddhist perspective, the human body and mind—referred to as the five aggregates (skandhas)—are all born from conditions, without inherent subjectivity, autonomy, or an independent core. Terms like 'you,' 'me,' 'he,' 'society,' 'nation,' 'world,' as well as concepts like 'emotion,' 'rationality,' 'justice,' and 'happiness,' are all relatively provisional and temporary composite concepts. The more one recognizes this fact of phenomena, the more one will distance themselves from pride and self-assurance. Therefore, a humble and soft personality is not merely a form of cultivation, but a manifestation in accordance with the truth.

**15.** The phenomena of life are temporary illusions manifesting from the combination of conditions. For convenience, we provisionally name these as 'you,' 'me,' 'he,' but in reality, in the moment-to-moment arising and ceasing, there is no fixed form that can be called a 'dharma,' and in the gathering and dispersing, there is no independent form that can be called 'self.' Just as the sky and the sea do not inherently have boundaries or differences between the four great oceans, initially, names were established according to convention, and eventually, they became ingrained. If asked, 'Where is the soul of the Pacific Ocean?'

**16.** Sentient beings have not broken the 'view of a personal self' (sakkāya-diṭṭhi), so for them, there are unchanging time and space, heaven and hell, Buddhas and Māras, Arhats and Bodhisattvas, the first, second, and subsequent stages of sainthood, all because of 'self-view'—a confused thought and mental state. If one day the self-view is broken, all conceptual elaborations will cease. Because all these distinctions are based on the premise of self-view, self-view is like the coordinates of motion. With the coordinates, motion is possible. When this firm coordinate—self-view—is broken, the world becomes one of infinite light, infinite life, and inconceivable phenomena.

**17.** An unenlightened person, when talking about ancient Chan masters or Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, always holds self-view in their mind—seeing the Sixth Patriarch, Yongjia, Huangbo, Linji, and Nanquan as separate 'entities' and viewing Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva as 'one' Bodhisattva—this is evidence of not yet being enlightened. A truly enlightened person, from the perspective of their mind's eye, sees only dependent origination, not individual selves. They do not view Bodhisattvas, patriarchs, or even sentient beings as separate 'entities.' They do not hold the view of 'individuality' among sentient beings, which is called 'personality view' (pudgala-dṛṣṭi) in Buddhism; nor do they arise the view of 'self' within themselves—'view of a personal self' (sakkāya-diṭṭhi). They see only dependent origination and merely play within dependent origination.

**18.** People can naturally be free and unobstructed, but due to the mistaken identification of 'body and mind as self,' a deep-rooted habitual force forms, even becoming 'effortless.' Thus, afflictions are continuous, and suffering arises. By falsely grasping the body as self and thoughts and feelings as self, one naturally becomes concerned only with their own body and mind (including feelings, sensations, thoughts, ideas, memories, impressions, and experiences), and to protect these two, they fall into blind biases, contradictions, and emptiness. Like flies, they are quickly waved away but soon return to the original place—all their concerns and attachments are only centered on their own body and mind, unable to step outside the five elements and become free people.

**19.** I often tell fellow practitioners, 'Life is like a pile of mud; don't roar in it!' What does 'roar' mean? It means getting emotionally agitated, shouting and yelling; here, it also refers to being high-spirited, arrogant, self-assured, affectionate, greedy, anxious, and uneasy. Over the years, I have deeply felt that life really has nothing much to it! Life quickly passes! The current body, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, hands, feet, tendons, bones, blood, flesh, fat, as well as memory, experience, perception, and thoughts, I feel they are just a heap of combinations. They belong to unknowable conditions, not to me.

**20.** Ordinary people cannot be at ease or follow conditions because they do not believe in or understand the Buddha's teaching that 'life is like a dream.' They are deceived by their own eyes, their own consciousness, and by the eyes and consciousness of others. They mistakenly believe that time, space, objects, motion, and even mental phenomena, psychological activities, philosophical principles, and so on, all truly exist—since their mindset takes all these as real and serious, how can they not be stubborn? How can they move toward liberation?

**21.** People mistakenly believe that everything is real, so they 'seriously' cling and 'seriously' let go. Thus, whether clinging or letting go, they do not understand the Madhyamaka (Middle Way).

**22.** If one cannot correctly see and contemplate the impermanence of all conditioned things (saṃskāra) and the no-self nature (anātman) of all dharmas, freeing the mind from all notions of reality and self-view, no matter how happy or carefree or how ascetic their practice, they will never be associated with the liberation of the Buddha's teachings.

**23.** 'All dharmas are unattainable' does not mean that because the practitioner has a mind of non-attainment, all dharmas are unattainable. Rather, all dharmas are inherently without core, without substance, unreal, and unattainable!

**24.** True practice is not for escaping saṃsāra in the future but is driven by the urgent need to free oneself from suffering. Everywhere in life, we see people suffering intensely due to a lack of wisdom, which is an evident fact. Although the five aggregates are without self, karma and retribution still exist. If one really swallows a nail, it will rupture the stomach; if one jumps from a roof, they will be bloodied and broken—this is not negated by the no-self nature of the five aggregates.

Perhaps it can be said that humans rarely act purely for the 'self,' since 'self' is just a concept. What humans truly yearn for, roar about, are countless desires and greed—and it is these desires and greed that cause their body and mind to suffer. Our practice focuses on believing, understanding, practicing, and realizing the emptiness of dependent origination and no-self. This emptiness can heal our present suffering caused by desires and greed, while escaping future saṃsāra is just a natural, inevitable result.

**25.** Since all dharmas arise from conditions, and conditions are inherently without self-nature (nissvabhava), all dharmas in the world, although vividly present, are ultimately unborn (ajata), have never existed from the start! Since all dharmas in the world have never existed from the start, naturally, there is no issue of arising or ceasing! Given that everything is without issue, how can there be true regret in the heart of a Buddhist disciple?


Continuation from Part 1:


People intuitively feel that death is real and true, leading to a fear of death. If one can see through the illusion that pleasure, pain, birth, and death are like dreams, then they can free themselves from the fear of death.

The stream of life is without beginning or end. Although the phenomena of "death" appear due to the coming together of conditions, it is not a termination, just a change in form. Those who have insight into dependent origination understand the principles of samsara and maintain clear mindfulness at all times, keeping themselves in a simple, pure world.

People might say that at least the present can be grasped. But what does "present" mean? It is merely the image produced in the brain when the eye nerves come into contact with the external environment.

A practitioner proficient in śamatha (calm abiding) and vipaśyanā (insight) can confirm in a blink that the world is truly like a dream, knowing that the images of the world arise in relation to one's eye faculties as illusions.

The path to the goal is not the goal itself. The principle of dependent origination and emptiness, although it can indeed distance one from delusion and dreams, is not the ultimate reality or nirvāṇa itself. Thus, explaining that "all dharmas are merely nominal" will not cause sentient beings to lose the path to liberation. The Chan (Zen) assertion that "all words are expedient means" does not contradict the Prajñāpāramitā Madhyamaka philosophy.

Actually, "The Great Sage spoke of emptiness to free one from all views." Emptiness and dependent origination should not be considered the highest philosophical presupposition. Thinking that the theory of dependent origination is the highest, unchanging truth goes against the Buddha's original intention in presenting dependent origination and emptiness. The scriptures state, "To save sentient beings, the ultimate emptiness is taught." In reality, "emptiness itself is empty" and "emptiness is merely nominal" are points we should be mindful of.

When Buddhism says "everything is empty," it does not mean everything is meaningless or non-existent. It tells us that nothing is absolute, permanent, or real, hoping that people will not cling to things. This concept of emptiness will not lead to negativity; it only makes people tolerant, unobstructed, and refreshed.

All dharmas lack a fixed nature and are in a constant state of change. Therefore, any notion of something being unchanging, absolute, or eternal is a foolish view.

Since we live in a relative world, we must adhere to the general rules of the world. When worldly sages say something exists, we should also say it exists. When they say it does not exist, we should say it does not exist. However, from the highest perspective, we must affirm that good and evil arise from causes and conditions, and there is no fixed, unchanging, absolute, or real significance. Furthermore, for one who sees the quiescent nature of dependent origination, their actions are solely for the benefit of others. They do whatever benefits sentient beings. Since "evil" is harmful to sentient beings and "good" is beneficial to sentient beings, they naturally encourage people to avoid all evil and cultivate all good. Although they teach "avoid all evil and cultivate all good," they do not have a real sense of good and evil, understanding that these are dependent origination and born of the mind.

Worldly good and bad are composed of causes and conditions. For example, is a knife good or bad? It is not definite; with certain causes and conditions, a knife is good; with others, it is bad. In some situations, it can be said to be bad, and in others, it can be said to be good. The view of good and bad should not be fixed, which is the attitude of a practitioner.

Worldly matters often appear simple on the surface, but a deeper investigation reveals that many small daily things contain profound principles.

The entire network of causes and conditions is a web-like causal system, where pulling one hair can move the whole body. Thus, any issue is not a simple one, and a deeper investigation often shows hundreds of issues behind each one. The emergence of one issue often affects the arising of other issues.

I believe that "all dharmas arise from causes and conditions," and the arising of dharmas under the same conditions is universally inevitable and follows an invariable order. However, the problem is, given the endless interconnected causes and conditions of the world and the constantly flowing five aggregates (skandhas) of body and mind, who can grasp the exact same conditions completely?

Most worldly matters have various aspects of appearance and essence, near and far, high and low. Each matter is complex, containing contradictory yet unified contents.

People become what their environment shapes them into. Everyone has the potential to change because no one is fixed; everything is due to causes and conditions. Therefore, practitioners have no fixed views about people and things and are not attached.

Causes and conditions are truly inconceivable. In the vast expanse of time and space and the myriad human world, people with different background conditions come together!

All dharmas and worldly matters arising from causes and conditions are inherently integrated, and even the term "integrated" cannot fully describe their close relationship. They cannot be forcibly separated as "this is you," "this is me," or "that is him." The notions of "you," "me," and "him" are illusions arising from the ignorance of the three marks of existence (trilakṣaṇa), which are superfluous, unreal, and products of deluded dreams. In burning away all these illusions, there is only "seeing" without a "seer"; only "suffering" without a "sufferer"; only "acting" without an "actor." Sentient beings have compassion because "everyone" arises from causes and conditions! Furthermore, the Mahayana scriptures emphasize that "everyone can become a Buddha" because of causes and conditions!

Past events and future events may feel dream-like to us, but we do not perceive the present as a dream. In reality, both the future and the past are dreams; does the present have any real essence? The "present" is at most just a second, and once a second passes, it cannot be retrieved.

In the world of dependent origination, what is high is not high, and what is low is not low. Everything is closely interconnected.

The causes and conditions of sentient beings vary! From my impression of reading the Buddhist scriptures, there were sentient beings that Venerable Ananda could not save, but Venerable Sariputra could. Similarly, there were those Venerable Kassapa could not save, but Venerable Anuruddha could. Thus, causes and conditions are not fixed.

The world is like a banana tree, covered layer upon layer by banana leaves—formed by endless overlapping causes and conditions, creating the world. But if the causes and conditions, like banana leaves, are peeled away one by one, there is no self, no dharma to be found. Impermanence is the appearance and phenomenon of the world, while its essence and nature are without self-nature.

Infinite causes and conditions only form a phenomenon called "events." Although we can say that infinite causes and conditions form an event, in our minds we must understand that infinite causes and conditions only form the composite illusion called an event.

From the perspective of dependent origination, all people, events, and things are finite; there is no perfect group or individual in the world. As long as the general direction is towards the path of Buddhahood, everything is not in vain.

Although heat and cold are not absolute, being scalded by boiling water still causes injury. Thus, ignorance of objective relative truth still causes us suffering. Similarly, although there is no absolute truth, understanding objective relative truth can still lead to the elimination of suffering.

In the world of dependent origination, one cannot find pure, complete, transcendental, absolute objectivity—what is generally called objectivity is also a kind of standpoint, whether leaning left, right, or centered.

Buddhism's theory of dependent origination tells us that everything manifests based on causes and conditions. Things that manifest based on causes and conditions are inherently impermanent and changeable—possessing infinite possibilities. From known and visible causes and conditions, we might say something is "impossible," but if we take an absolutely rigorous standpoint, we should acknowledge that all phenomena contain the potential for change and possibility. 



2013-07-24 19:41阅读:631









8.缘起无我的大意是:一、有情的 存在,不是没有原因的,他们之所以出现在世间,际遇报应各有不同,乃依无明意识和业的力量所造。二、有情长劫轮回于三界,展现种种不同的生命状态,并营造出不同的身心活动,但这些状态和活动,都只是根、境、识和合的假相,没有实体、没有核心,而且变化不居、迁流不息。无我的理趣,扼要的说,虽只是以上两点,但对于执着感官经验、迷信唯物思想且一向散乱的广大群生而言,是多么难以理解的!尤其是意欲掌握缘起无我的心要,并援引心要融入生活净化三业,以至于断渴爱、灭戏论、寂静无诤、任运随缘之境,对于是非心重、诤胜心强的有情,更是难上加难!





















Continuation from Part 1:





























[7/7/24, 5:54:03 PM] John Tan: Do u know that contemplating dependent arising must ultimately lead to dependent designation?
[7/7/24, 6:33:15 PM] John Tan:
[7/7/24, 7:19:37 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Yeah..
[7/7/24, 7:19:59 PM] Soh Wei Yu: But only prasangika madhyamaka realizes it right, lower tenets up to yogacara and maybe some madhyamaka arent totally clear
[7/7/24, 7:21:03 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Even then the sravaka arhat must have realised some degree of dependent designation like vajira expressed:
[7/7/24, 7:21:31 PM] John Tan: I suppose so.  What did he say?
[7/7/24, 7:21:36 PM] Soh Wei Yu: “Why do you believe there’s such a thing as a ‘sentient being’?

Māra, is this your theory?

This is just a pile of conditions,

you won’t find a sentient being here.

When the parts are assembled

we use the word ‘chariot’.

So too, when the aggregates are present

‘sentient being’ is the convention we use.

But it’s only suffering that comes to be,

lasts a while, then disappears.

Naught but suffering comes to be,

naught but suffering ceases.” - Vajira Sutta (
[7/7/24, 7:22:11 PM] John Tan: Wow 👍
[7/7/24, 7:23:17 PM] John Tan: Yes, only lack two folds.
[7/7/24, 7:23:46 PM] Soh Wei Yu: I see.. yeah non arising of aggregates isnt taught
[7/7/24, 7:27:40 PM] John Tan: It doesn't mean because they r conventionally designated, it doesn't exist ultimately and is not important.  This is essential mode of thinking.  

Because there r no inherently existing things, that is y nominal existence become important.





Comments by Soh: 

There's another famous Sravaka Arhat - Nagasena, who taught and elaborated on the insight of chariot and dependent designation. Nagasena's writing was what triggered in John Tan a preliminary insight into Emptiness decades ago. See: +A and -A Emptiness and The Questions of King Milinda (As Answered by the Arahant, Nagasena)

 Soh Wei YuAdmin
Top contributor
It is more crucial to realise Presence. Your descriptions in the past were more of non doership and impersonality.
Also there is a difference between deity mysticism of fulcrum 8 and the I AM realization of the higher causal realization of fulcrum 9 to put it in ken wilber’s terms ( )
Anatta and Pure Presence
Someone told me about having been through insights of no self and then progressing to a realisation of the ground of being.
I replied:
Hi ____
Thanks for the sharing.
This is the I AM realization. Had that realisation after contemplating Before birth, who am I? For two years. It’s an important realization. Many people had insights into certain aspects of no self, impersonality, and “dry non dual experience” without doubtless realization of Presence. Therefore I AM realisation is a progression for them.
Similarly in Zen, asking who am I is to directly experience presence. How about asking a koan of what is the cup? What is the chirping bird, the thunder clap? What is its purpose?
When I talked about anatta, it is a direct insight of Presence and recognizing what we called background presence, is in the forms and colours, sounds and sensations, clean and pure. Authentication is be authenticated by all things. Also there is no presence other than that. What we call background is really just an image of foreground Presence, even when Presence is assuming its subtle formless all pervasiveness.
However due to ignorance, we have a very inherent and dual view, if we do see through the nature of presence, the mind continues to be influenced by dualistic and inherent tendencies. Many teach to overcome it through mere non conceptuality but this is highly misleading.
Thusness also wrote:
The anatta I realized is quite unique. It is not just a realization of no-self. But it must first have an intuitive insight of Presence. Otherwise will have to reverse the phases of insights
Labels: Anatta, Luminosity |

    a week ago


Mr. KS
Soh Wei Yu my friend, when you mean Presence it can be the Awareness?

    a week ago


Soh Wei YuAdmin
Top contributor
Mr. KS
They mean the same thing as john said:
“Hi Mr. H,
In addition to what you wrote, I hope to convey another dimension of Presence to you. That is Encountering Presence in its first impression, unadulterated and full blown in stillness.
So after reading it, just feel it with your entire body-mind and forgot about it. Don't let it corrupt your mind.😝
Presence, Awareness, Beingness, Isness are all synonyms. There can be all sorts of definitions but all these are not the path to it. The path to it must be non-conceptual and direct. This is the only way.
When contemplating the koan "before birth who am I", the thinking mind attempts to seek into it's memory bank for similar experiences to get an answer. This is how the thinking mind works - compare, categorize and measure in order to understand.
However, when we encounter such a koan, the mind reaches its limit when it tries to penetrate its own depth with no answer. There will come a time when the mind exhausts itself and come to a complete standstill and from that stillness comes an earthshaking BAM!
I. Just I.
Before birth this I, a thousand years ago this I, a thousand later this I. I AM I.
It is without any arbitrary thoughts, any comparisons. It fully authenticates it's own clarity, it's own existence, ITSELF in clean, pure, direct non-conceptuality. No why, no because.
Just ITSELF in stillness nothing else.
Intuit the vipassana and the samantha. Intuit the total exertion and realization. The essence of message must be raw and uncontaminated by words.
Hope that helps!” - John Tan, 2019
-- excerpt from the abridged AtR guide, which you can read for self-enquiry pointers:

    a week ago


Mr. KS
Soh Wei Yu thanks! last thing: where i can read about the awareness that tibetans point and if this awareness has an essence or not?

    a week ago


Soh Wei YuAdmin
Top contributor
Mr. KS For the Tibetans, awareness is empty in nature. But usually one realises the clarity aspect first before realizing emptiness, and this is so even for vast majority of the Tibetan and Zen practitioners.
See partial excerpt from:

John Tan's reply on something Malcolm wrote in 2020:
“This is like what I tell you and essentially emphasizing 明心非见性. 先明心, 后见性. (Soh: Apprehending Mind is not seeing [its] Nature. First apprehend Mind, later realise [its] Nature).
First is directly authenticating mind/consciousness 明心 (Soh: Apprehending Mind). There is the direct path like zen sudden enlightenment of one's original mind or mahamudra or dzogchen direct introduction of rigpa or even self enquiry of advaita -- the direct, immediate, perception of "consciousness" without intermediaries. They are the same.
However that is not realization of emptiness. Realization of emptiness is 见性 (Soh: Seeing Nature). Imo there is direct path to 明心 (Soh: Apprehending Mind) but I have not seen any direct path to 见性 (Soh: Seeing Nature) yet. If you go through the depth and nuances of our mental constructs, you will understand how deep and subtle the blind spots are.
Therefore emptiness or 空性 (Soh: Empty Nature) is the main difference between buddhism and other religions. Although anatta is the direct experiential taste of emptiness, there is still a difference between buddhist's anatta and selflessness of other religions -- whether it is anatta by experiential taste of the dissolution of self alone or the experiential taste is triggered by wisdom of emptiness.
The former focused on selflessness and whole path of practice is all about doing away with self whereas the latter is about living in the wisdom of emptiness and applying that insight and wisdom of emptiness to all phenomena.
As for emptiness there is the fine line of seeing through inherentness of Tsongkhapa and there is the emptiness free from extremes by Gorampa. Both are equally profound so do not talk nonsense and engaged in profane speech as in terms of result, ultimately they are the same (imo).”
Dalai Lama - "Nature - there are many different levels. Conventional level, one nature. There are also, you see, different levels. Then, ultimate level, ultimate reality... so simply realise the Clarity of the Mind, that is the conventional level. That is common with Hindus, like that. So we have to know these different levels...." - Dalai Lama on Anatta and Emptiness of Buddha Nature in New Book

    a week ago


Soh Wei YuAdmin
Top contributor
On the empty nature of Awareness in Tibetan tradition, see: - Malcolm Smith on Advaita Vedanta and Dzogchen
- Long elaborate explanation by Dzogchen teacher Acarya Malcolm Smith on Dzogchen basis (and also why it differs from realist views) - Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness - A Dzogchen text by Padmasambhava, pithy and wonderful text

Others can probably provide even more links

Also check this out, Mahamudra:

    a week ago


Taken from Reddit

“Qn: I’m often wondering how understanding necessarily emptiness changes the way we relate to phenomena. For instance, how does this realization make my mind free from afflictions like anger, craving, clinging and so on?

Kyle (Krodha) replied:

Anger, craving and clinging are activities that in most cases, assume a subject-object duality. There is the assumption of a self that is interacting with objects, and that this self-entity as an agent can crave, cling, become angry at a foreign object or person that exists separately (from said self).

The experiential realization of emptiness collapses this subject-object duality so that there is no experience of a substantial inner reference point relating to external phenomena. The realization of emptiness also nullifies external entities, and reveals that outer phenomena are misconceptions, abstractions. Both sides of the dichotomy are uprooted, the self that can become angry, or crave, and the external phenomena to become angry at, crave or cling to... both sides are seen as a misconception or abstraction.

Emptiness is like awakening to realize that the appearance of a snake lying on the ground in a dark room is actually just a rope. Prior to recognizing the nature of that appearance, the alleged snake was capable of conjuring all sorts of emotions, fear, curiosity, worry, and so on. However, once the lights are turned on, and it is recognized that the snake was actually a rope all along, then the basis for fear, curiosity, worry and any other emotions or activities related to a snake are all evaporated instantly - because they were all predicated on a misconception.

In the same way, in realizing emptiness the basis for anger, craving and clinging would be evaporated instantly because they are also predicated on misconceptions.”

Kyle: “The Samādhirāja cited earlier says:

Young man, bodhisattva mahāsattvas who have become skilled in the wisdom of the nonexistent nature of all phenomena do not have desire for any form, sound, smell, taste, or touch. They do not become angry. They are never ignorant.

Why is that? It is because they do not see phenomena; there is no object to perceive. They do not see the phenomena of desire, the desire, or the desirer; that which angers, the anger, or one who is angry; nor that of which one is ignorant, the ignorance, or the one who is ignorant, and therefore there is no such object to perceive.

Because there is nothing to be seen and there is no object to perceive, they have no attachment to anything in the three realms and they will quickly attain this samādhi, and quickly attain the highest, complete enlightenment of perfect buddhahood.

On this topic, it has been said: All phenomena have no existence; They are all devoid of attributes and without characteristics, without birth and without cessation. That is how you should perfectly understand phenomena. Everything is without existence, without words, empty, peaceful, and primordially stainless. The one who knows phenomena, young man, that one is called a buddha.”


Translated from English to Chinese with the help of William, another friend, myself, and ChatGPT. 


Original English link:

請看:Thusness “真如”/PasserBy “過路人”開悟的七個階段 - Chinese Translation of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment

請看:(Traditional Chinese) 佛性不是“我是/我在/本我” - Buddha Nature is NOT "I Am"


作者: John Tan, Thusness真如,PasserBy過路人


下面的兩節詩在我體驗"無我"中,起了至關重要的作用。雖然他們傳達了一樣的意思,但是冥想這兩節詩會產生不同的體驗頓悟 ,  一個是空性的角度,另一個則是無二元的光明。從這些體驗中所產生的頓悟是具有啟蒙性的,因為他們與我們通常理解中"什么是本覺"是相悖的。







在繼續進行之前,絕對重要的是要知道這些詩節無法通過推理,邏輯演繹或歸納來正確理解。 并不是說它們有什么神秘或超然的地方,只是心理喋喋不休的方式是一種"錯誤的方法"。 正確的技巧是通過Vipassana,毗婆舍那,意思是觀察如其本然的實相,或更直接和更專注與存粹,裸露的覺知方式,允許觀察事物的本來面目。 順便說一句,當非二元的洞見成熟時,這種覺知方式會變得自然,在此之前它可能會非常"費力"。


從第一節的最初一瞥中得到的兩個最明顯的體驗是缺乏作者和缺乏主體的直觀洞見。 這兩個經歷是我七個階段的洞見中第五階段的關鍵。


沒有"我"的聯系,現象,思想,聲音,感受等等,就會像泡沫一樣,自由地,自發,自然地,無邊無際地漂浮和顯化。 隨著作者的缺乏,同時也帶來了一種深刻的自由感和透明感。 當我們對"自性見"過于執著時,將無法正確的理解。這聽起來可能很諷刺,但從經驗上來說確實如此。 令人驚訝的是,"自性見"如何阻礙我們將自由視為無作者,相依和相互聯系,光明和非二元的臨在。


在這種情況下,有了一個"沒有主體"的直接認知。 只是一個念頭接著另一個念頭。 所以總是一個思想在觀察另一個思想,而不是觀察者在觀察思想。 然而,這種認識的要點偏向于一種自發,自然的解脫體驗和對現象空性本質的模糊一瞥,也就是說,暫時性,短暫的現象是泡沫狀的和暫時性,短暫的,沒有實體或固體。 在這個階段,我們不應該誤解我們已經徹底體驗了現象和意識的"空性"本質,盡管我們會有這種想法的引誘。

















這些經歷是摩訶! 偉大,奇跡和極樂。






到那時,瞬態現象顯然已經以完美的方式發生, 展開必須展開的東西,展現必須展現的東西,并在該去的時候消退。 這種暫時性,短暫的發生沒有問題,唯一的問題是有一個"額外的鏡子",由于念頭的抽象能力而具體化。 鏡子并不完美, 所發生的才是完美。 只有在二元和自性見的觀點下,鏡子才顯得完美。

我們根深蒂固的二元知見已經非常微妙地,不知不覺地將"光明面"擬人化為觀察者,摒棄"空面"作為暫時性,短暫的現象。 修行的主要挑戰就是要清楚地見到光明與空性是一體的,是不可分割的,它們從來沒有也永遠不會分開。


對于第二節,重點是瞬態現象的生動,清凈。思想,聲音和所有瞬態都與覺知無法區分。 沒有體驗者,體驗的分割,只有一種無縫的自發,自然體驗作為思想者,思想,聽者,聲音,觸覺者,感覺等出現。 在聽覺上,聽者和聲音是不可區分的。 對于任何熟悉"我是,本我"體驗的人來說,那種純粹的存在感,那種讓人感覺如此真實的強大臨在明覺的體驗,都是難以忘懷的。 當背景消失后,所有前景現象都顯現為臨在明覺。 它就像自然的vipassanic,毗婆舍那,意思是觀察如其本然的實相,或者簡單地說,在覺知中赤身裸體。 從電腦,PC,的嘶嘶聲,到移動中的捷運列車的振動,再到雙腳著地的感覺,所有這些體驗都非常清晰,如同"我是,本我"而不亞于"我是,本我"。 臨在仍然完全臨在,沒有什么是否認的。







屆時將很明顯,只有根深蒂固的二元知見模糊了我們對這一經驗事實的洞見。 在實際體驗中,只有現象顯現的水晶般清晰。 成熟這種經驗,身心溶解為純粹非二元的光明,所有現象都被體會為這種非二元的光明臨在的表現,這是導致"一切即是心"的關鍵洞見。

在此之后,不要過于應接不暇或過度要求什么是不必要的, 而是進一步調查。 這種非二元的光明是否表現出任何獨立,不變和恒常的自性特征? 修行者有時仍會在不知不覺中固化非二元臨在而陷入困境。 正如我見解的 7 個階段的第 4 階段所描述的那樣,這留下了"一面鏡子"的痕跡。 雖然經驗是不二的,但空性的洞見仍然沒有。 盡管二元關系已經充分松動,但"固有"知見,自性見,仍然很強烈。

當"主體"消失時,經驗變得不二,但我們忘記了"客體"。 當對象被進一步清空時,我們見到了法身。 一定要清楚地看到,對于第一次被穿透的"主體",它只是一個整理 5蘊的標簽,但對于要被否定的下一個層次,我們正在清空的是臨在,不是標簽 而是本質上不二元的臨在本身。

對于已經成熟非二元的洞見的虔誠佛教修行者,他們可以提醒自己,如果非二元在是最終的,為什么佛陀還需要如此強調緣起? 這種體驗仍然是吠檀多,印度教的不二論,式的,更像是大梵,印度教的梵我,而不是"空性"。 必須借助緣起和空性來打破這種"非二元臨在的穩固性"。 知道了這一點,修行者就可以進一步了解非二元臨在的空性,緣起,本質。 根據第一詩節,它是對無我體驗的進一步提煉。

至于那些"我是,本我"的修行者,他們在非二元洞見之后停留在非二元臨在中是很常見的。 他們樂于"砍柴挑水"和"春來草自生"。 沒有什么可以強調的,這經驗視乎是終結 。 希望"緣",條件,能夠讓這些修行者看到這個阻止見識的微妙痕跡。


如果我們觀察念頭并問念頭在哪里生起,它是如何生起的,"念頭"是什么樣的。 "思想"將揭示其本質是空的,生動地呈現但完全無法定位。 非常重要的是不要推斷,思考或概念化,而是用我們的整個存在來感受這種"不可得"和"不可定位"。 它似乎位于"某處",但無法找到它。 它只是"那里"的某個地方的印象,但從來沒有"那里"。 類似地,"這里"和"現在"只是由感覺,因緣聚合形成的印象,沒有任何事物是有自體性地在"那里",就和"自我"同樣是空的。

這種不可得,不可定位的空性不僅是"思想"所特有的。 所有的體驗或感覺都是如此,生動地呈現但無實體,不可得,自發,自然,不可定位。

如果我們觀察一朵如此鮮艷,清晰,就在我們面前的紅色花朵,"紅色"只是看起來"屬于"這朵花,實際上并非如此。 紅色的視覺并非在所有動物物種中出現,狗無法感知顏色,"紅色"也不是心靈的固有屬性。 如果給予"量子視力"來觀察原子結構,則類似地在任何地方都找不到屬性"紅色",只有幾乎完整的空間,空隙,沒有可感知的形狀和形式。 任何相都是因緣而生的,因此沒有任何自性存在或固定的屬性,形狀,形式或"紅色性",只是光明而空性,只是沒有固有,自性存在的表相。

同樣,當站在燃燒的火坑前時,整個"火"的現象,燃燒的熱量,整個"熱性"的感覺如此生動地呈現,看起來如此真實,但當檢查它們時,它們也不是固有的"在那里" ,只要有條件,就隨緣顯相。 令人驚訝的是,二元和自性見把無縫的體驗被困住成一個誰,何在,何地的構念。

所有的經驗都是空的。 它們就像空中花,就像池塘表面的畫。 沒有辦法指出經驗的某一時刻,說這是"入",那是"出"。 所有的"進"都是"出", 對于覺知,意識而言,無縫的體驗就是一切。 重要的不是鏡子或池塘,而是顏料在池塘表面閃爍,如幻的現象的過程, 如幻而不是幻境,如夢而不是夢境。 這是所有經驗的根基。

然而,這種"不可得和不可定位"的性質并不是全部。 還有這種摩訶,這種偉大,無邊界的"相互聯系"的感覺。 當有人敲響鈴鐺時,人,棍子,鈴鐺,空氣的振動,耳朵和神奇的聲音出現,"咚……重新響起……"都是個無縫一體的發生,一體的體驗。 呼吸時,就是這全體,一整個呼吸, 是所有的因緣結合在一起,產生了整個呼吸的感覺,好像整個宇宙都在做這一呼一吸。 這種摩訶經驗的意義不在于語言, 在我看來,沒有這種體驗,就沒有真正的"互聯"體驗,而且非二元臨在是不完整的。

我們空性的體驗與非二元一體的體驗非常不同。 例如,"距離"在非二元一體中通過看穿主客體劃分的虛幻方面而被克服,并導致一體非二元的臨在。 它把一切都看成是'這個',但體驗空性是通過它的空性不可得和不可定位而打破界限。當我們深入探索這個性質時, 不需要一個"何處的地方", 一個"何時的時間", 或一個"誰, 我"。 聽到聲音時,聲音既不在"這里",也不在"那里",它就在它應該在的地方,然后就消失了!所有的中心和參考點都隨著一切呈現都是緣起而空無自性的般若智慧所化解。這種體驗創造了一種"無論何時何地總是正確"的感覺。一種無處可稱為家,但一切處都在家的感覺。體驗到臨在的空性,真誠的修行者明白,非二元的臨在確實留下了細微的痕跡, 見到其空性的本質, 實體化經驗的最后痕跡就會消解。這感覺很酷,因為臨在變得更加呈現,展示,present,和無費力。我們然后從"生動的非二元臨在"轉向"雖然生動且非二元地顯現,但它是無真實的,空的!"。









一周前,對摩訶的明確體驗悄然顯現,變得相當不費力,同時也直接證悟到這也是一種自然狀態。在空性中, 摩訶是自然的, 必須完全納入體驗任何呈現的事物的道路。

然而, 摩訶作為基本狀態需要非二元體驗的成熟, 我們不能以, 二元分裂的心智來完全感受為一切事物相互關聯性而自然呈現為這一刻生動的表現。









無論如何, 必須謹慎, 不要將我們空性而明亮的本質轉化為形而上學, 超自然的本質。我將以我在另一個博客"光明的空性"中寫的評論作為結尾,因為它很好地總結了我所寫的內容。














要更深入地理解空性的概念,請閱讀Greg Goode博士的文章"非二元空性"。

標簽:無我,空性,光明,摩訶,非二元,自發臨在 。
























































• John Tan, 2017

請看:Thusness “真如”/PasserBy “過路人”開悟的七個階段 - Chinese Translation of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment

請看:(Traditional Chinese) 佛性不是“我是/我在/本我” - Buddha Nature is NOT "I Am"

 Also see: Transcript of Lankavatara Sutra with Thusness 2007

Transcript with Thusness 2012 - Group Gathering

Second transcription done! Read at ChatGPT's summary: Synopsis and Timeline of AtR Meeting, March 2021

Introduction and Initial Discussions (00:00 - 10:00)

  • John Tan reflects on a young practitioner's understanding of emptiness and the concept of inherent existence​​.

Phases of Insight and Emptiness (10:00 - 35:00)

  • Discussion on the phases of insight, emphasizing the difficulty in articulating advanced Buddhist concepts.
  • John Tan explains the different schools of thought in Mahayana Buddhism, particularly Yogacara and Nagarjuna's emptiness, and how they approach the understanding of constructs and inherent existence​​.

Experience and Interpretation of Anatta (35:00 - 1:10:00)

  • John Tan elaborates on the experience of anatta (no-self) and how it is understood through seeing the emptiness of constructs and the dependent nature of phenomena​​.
  • He contrasts the non-dual experience in Buddhism with Advaita Vedanta, explaining the pitfalls of solipsism and the importance of understanding inherent existence and non-duality​​.

Detailed Analysis of Consciousness and Awareness (1:10:00 - 1:45:00)

  • John Tan discusses the differences between awareness, consciousness, and self in Buddhist philosophy compared to Western interpretations​​.
  • Exploration of the concept of "presence" and how it differs in various spiritual traditions​​.

Practice and Insight (1:45:00 - 2:20:00)

  • The conversation shifts to the practical aspects of meditative practice, specifically the use of Vipassana and the development of wisdom through seeing constructs​​.
  • John Tan shares personal experiences and insights on integrating practice into daily life and the role of continuous practice in refining one's understanding​​.

Discussion on Yogacara and Its Philosophical Nuances (2:20:00 - 2:50:00)

  • John Tan provides a detailed explanation of Yogacara, including the three natures (imagined, dependent, and perfect) and their significance in understanding the nature of experience and emptiness​​.
  • The challenges in interpreting Yogacara's teachings and the varying interpretations across different schools and stages of development​​.

Reflections on Different Spiritual Traditions (2:50:00 - 3:20:00)

  • Comparison between Buddhism, Taoism, and Advaita Vedanta, highlighting the unique aspects and commonalities in their approaches to spirituality and practice​​.
  • Discussion on the role of cultural context in shaping the interpretation and practice of these traditions​​.

Advanced Meditative and Dream Practices (3:20:00 - 3:50:00)

  • John Tan shares personal anecdotes about experiences in meditation and dreams that contributed to deeper insights and understanding, such as spontaneous clarity and experiences of non-dual presence​​.
  • The importance of recognizing and integrating these experiences into one's practice and understanding​​.

Concluding Remarks and Final Thoughts (3:50:00 - 4:00:00)

  • Reflections on the importance of continuous practice, the challenges of integrating insights into daily life, and the necessity of maintaining an open and inquisitive mind in spiritual practice​​.
  • John Tan emphasizes the need to avoid dogmatism and cult-like tendencies in spiritual communities, advocating for a balanced and practical approach to learning and teaching​​.


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