Showing posts with label John Dunne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Dunne. Show all posts


    John Dunne 'Revealing Nagarjuna'
    Revealing Nagarjuna Series: All 12 Parts - Upaya Zen Center
    The 12 part series Revealing Nagarjuna is now published. You can access the desired part of the series by clicking on its link below: Revealing Nagarjuna Series (Part 1) Revealing Nagarjuna Series (Part 2A) Revealing Nagarjuna Series (Part 2B) Revealing Nagarjuna Series (Part 3) Revealing Nagarjuna....


    Mr. TJ
    Whoa, goldmine! Have you listened to any of this? Certain other lectures series on Madhamaka have proved underwhelming.

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    • 14h

    André A. Pais
    I've listened to this several years ago. Intend on listening again. Right now I'm listening to his lectures on Dharmakirti. Highly recommended!

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    • 14h

  • John Tan
    Mr. TJ yes truly good. Very insightful. A great teacher.👍

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    • 11h

  • Mr. TJ
    André, where are the Dharmakirti lectures? I've managed to put off any deep study of Pramana, but lectures by a teacher of this calibre might be what changes this.

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    • 11h

  • André A. Pais
    Scroll down until you find it. Westerhoff's lectures in there are also good.
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    Free Online Resources | Rangjung Yeshe Institute
    Free Online Resources | Rangjung Yeshe Institute

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Soh: Thanks.. u listened to them? Is it good?

John Tan: Yes and still listening.  Very very good. Very quality teachings.

Go listen

[2:19 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: U must listen to the series of teachings by John dunne.  All of anatta are in it.  I m just overwhelmed.

Soh: Oic.. wow

In here, you'll find John Dunne's lectures on Dharmakirti, namely on reflexive awareness. Some very interesting non-dual pointers and insights.
[6:07 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: 👍
[10:13 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: Part 4-5A series explanations are a bit incongruent

why incongruent? i haven't got there yet
still on the first part lol

[10:45 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: Incongruent in his explanation on a few things including cause and effect

should i add this to the sidebar in AtR blog? haha
'Stickied Posts'
[10:59 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: First 3 series is good
[10:59 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: I don't think so
[11:00 pm, 06/12/2021] John Tan: But it is worthwhile u make some notes

[6:06 am, 07/12/2021] John Tan: Andre send me a link to John dunne short notes.  I think it will be good to have ATR a link on all of John dune work.
[8:39 am, 07/12/2021] John Tan: Part 6 onwards is good.  It's abt anatta and non-dual.
[8:45 am, 07/12/2021] John Tan: In part 7, he talks about anatta is already is as an anatta insight.
[8:46 am, 07/12/2021] John Tan: Yes [to adding this into the sidebar in AtR blog]
[8:50 am, 07/12/2021] John Tan: Part 7, he is also talking about awareness as presentation rather than representation. 👍
Soh: Ok then i add it to sidebar

John Tan: Have u listened to John dunne?

Part 8 is abt total exertion, integration of the conventional and emptiness. Self sprung compassion without the sense of subject and object yet integrating the conventional.  The object continues whereas the structure(dual structure) collapsed.  However in part 7, he also mentioned he doesn't quite understand this 3rd level of compassion which is interesting.

Soh: Still on the first one.. halfway. He is v clear on anatta

John Tan: It is truly good except part 4a-4b and the beginning and mid of part 5 where I find there is incongruence in view when explaining how the various tools of ultimate analysis like "sameness and difference", 7-reasonings and "one and many" analysis can collapse the structure.  His understanding is pretty similar to Tsongkhapa understanding although he is a student of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche which is more Kagyu and Nyingma.

In other words, everything thing about the 7 phases of insights are discussed. U should go through all until the end.

Part 6 onwards is abt anatta and non-dual as an experience and insight.

I will be going into his Dharmakirti lectures posted by Andre in the FB later since wisdom experience support hasn't resolved my email typo error issue yet.

Btw he said Dharmakirti called it "mere reflexive awareness".

Empty luminosity

No wonder I find so much the voice of Tsongkhapa in his teachings... haha.👍

Although he mentioned nothing about Tsongkhapa...🤣🤣🤣

Soh:This is a text by john dunne?
John Tan: Yes
[1:58 pm, 07/12/2021] John Tan: His book on foundation of Dharmakirti philosophy
[2:00 pm, 07/12/2021] John Tan: Tell him [Mr JKB who recently realised anatta] to go through all the series of John dune


    André A. Pais
    In here, you'll find John Dunne's lectures on Dharmakirti, namely on reflexive awareness. Some very interesting non-dual pointers and insights.
    Free Online Resources | Rangjung Yeshe Institute
    Free Online Resources | Rangjung Yeshe Institute
    Free Online Resources | Rangjung Yeshe Institute

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  • Mr. LZG
    John Dunne seems to be following Tibetan system, originallu a student of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and now studies with Tulku Urgyen's sons Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche and Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Will check out later.

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