Showing posts with label Diet and Sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet and Sleep. Show all posts
    Tommy McNally:
    ““I was a fucking mess for years. Last October, I made the decision to change that once and for all: I quit smoking cigarettes, quit SSRI's, and started getting up at 0500, exercising, and eating cleaner.
    On the 26th of July this year, I started going to the gym for weightlifting and cardio. Yesterday was my 100th session.
    The difference that exercise, a better diet and a consistent, non-negotiable routine makes - physically, mentally and spiritually - cannot be overstated.
    I've never mentioned any of this publicly and I'm not posting this for kudos. I'm posting this because if I can do it, then so can you.”
    [5:55 pm, 11/12/2021] John Tan: This is extremely important.  In fact u should encourage ATR group to do that.
    [6:02 pm, 11/12/2021] John Tan: Instead of just always talking about ultimate, anatta.🤦‍♂️.


  • Данила Игнатовски
    Totally agree. Ive been involved in calisthenics, workout and yoga for a 5-6 years for now and it gives A LOT to my calmness and much decrease pain in the mindass after some intensive practice. Push ups and something like this is great for home everyday practice if you dont like gyms.

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      Mr. TJ
      I'm doing alright on diet and exercise, but "consistent, non negotiable routine" is something I really struggle with. Any tips for that Tommy McNally?

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      Tommy McNally
      Mr. TJ I had similar issues myself and it took me a while to find my groove. In the end, it comes down to repetition, persistence and overcoming the habitual addiction to comfort (which is also a useful vector for investigating dukkha).
      An earlier bedtime and progressively earlier wake-up were where I started, because hauling my ass out of bed were the most challenging for me. I started out waking up at 0900 instead of 1100 or 1200, and each week I would get up an hour earlier until I was able to consistently get out of bed at 0500.
      Waking up early doesn't sound like it would make all that much difference, but for me it was a game changer. Pushing yourself to do things you don't like doing (within reason, of course) or that are difficult for you sets up new habits and pathways in the brain. You're basically reprogramming the bodymind to respond in healthier ways to stress and hardship, which can make future encounters with difficult conditions more manageable.
      It's hard to go from baseline to a brand new routine in one fell swoop, so I'd suggest changing small things gradually. Like I said, I started with waking up earlier; once I knew I could do that, it gave me more confidence to make changes in other areas, e.g. addiction, mental health, etc. Each time you successfully stick to your routine, you'll feel good about it and it'll reinforce the habit. Your confidence in your ability to make changes grows each time. One way of putting is "small wins, stacked daily" as each "win" feeds into the next.
      The non-negotiable part is probably the most difficult to get to grips with at first, but bloody minded persistence is what will do the damage. Using earlier wake-up times as an example again: It's natural that you'll wake up, look at the clock and think "screw this, I'm going back to sleep", but this is where you need to intervene. As soon as that thought arises, that's when you remind yourself that you're changing your routine/habit and drag your ass out of bed. Doing this repeatedly will make it easier, and eventually you'll get to a point where sleeping past your wake-up time feels horrible. Instead of luxuriously lounging in bed, there's an automatic pull towards getting up and moving.
      I need to go just now, but I'll try to add more when I have time.

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    • Mr. TJ
      Tommy McNally really good advice, thanks.

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