
  • John Tan
    Yin Ling André A. Pais is just saying u should move from insight of emptiness and dependent arising to freedom from all elaborations. But don't listen to him (just joking) 🤣.
    Negation requires an essence to be negated, but since there never was any essence to begin with, how can the path of negation which the gelupas are subscribing be ultimate?
    This relates to the difference between the 2 types of wisdoms: Yeshe vs Prajna. Yeshe is the wisdom of the natural state free from all elaborations, primordial purity of suchness whereas Prajna is the wisdom that deals with emptiness of inherentness. U may want to look into the difference.
    That said, without stable insights of anatta, dependent-arising and emptiness, we will not have undistorted direct knowledge of suchness free from all elaborations.
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    • Yin Ling
      oh thank you.
      I will look into yeshe and prajna.
      At this point, to me, like you said, one is the condition of another. Prajna is the condition for yeshe. For me, yes there’s no essence to be negated in natural nirvana but our mind carry that essence and that’s the negation for.. negating that ignorance.
      Otherwise if there’s any hint of essence, how is there true “freedom from elaborations”/ true quiescence?
      Hmmm that’s my understanding but I think I need to look deeper into it when I have time. I think the masters must have some reason to debate but I just can’t see the clear obvious reason. I think I’m not getting it 😂
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    • John Tan
      Yin Ling don't worry too much about the polemics, see it as bringing out some subtle points along the journey. This in fact instill lots of confidence for practitioners along the path if they authenticate the truth of these subtle refinement and discernment of insights of these great masters.
      It's just like penetrating the insight of anatta resulting in direct authentication of suchness. Some may only see the negation aspect and not the radiance aspect of suchness from that insight and wrongly conclude that "no self" is just about negation but in truth, the single breakthrough involves the 2 authentications.
      Likewise for Tsongkhapa. In praises of dependent origination,
      Therefore whatever originates dependently,
      Though primordially free of intrinsic existence,
      Appears as if it does [possess intrinsic existence];
      So you taught all this to be illusion-like
      So Tsongkhapa is not in ignorant of the primordially pure and like what Mipham said, Tsongkhapa is clear about coalescence of appearances and emptiness. To Tsongkhapa (imo), thorough, mature and direct insight of dependent arising and emptiness suffice and will naturally ferry one there, there is no need to create anything extra.
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    • Yin Ling
      John Tan oh thank you. Yes I get what you mean.
      Just by understanding the object of negation of what is “inherent existence” send one right into nature of mind if they have already ascertain mind. Which should have been. I believe when Buddha taught Brahmans in his time they should have know this, let alone bodhisattvas.
      The fruition after negating inherent existence is very clear, just not stable and powerful. So clear that makes one wonder “what else is left to be negated?” “what are they talking about?” After negating Inherency.
      Thanks. Also quite funny how one thinks Tsongkhapa does not know primodially pure?
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    • André A. Pais
      I just lost a full comment I was writing here... Jesus! I'll try to write it later...

John tan commented “He is describing anatta but in Dzogchen language. Interesting to hear that Dzogchen said that once there is direct insight, there is no regress. Some of the terms I am unfamiliar.” Those who are interested in dzogchen should attend his teachings. His next series of teachings begins on 1st april. Read dzogchen basis and view explanation by Malcolm here:

P.s. Just woke up from a dream.. i opened a book and read a page about mindfulness.. by jon kabat zinn. Although i never read any of his books in real life before. that page talked about presence, awareness, mindfulness and deep sense of bliss and peace that accompanies it. As i read it i entered into deep bliss of pure presence and i cld feel the bliss pervading the whole body like jhana for some time then i woke up.. and i had the wish that everyone i know and dont know could have this bliss and presence


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This April 9, go behind the scenes with the Wisdom Academy as we film our new course on key Dzogchen terms with renowned translator Acarya Malcolm Smith. Enroll early for the course to save $200 and get access to this Q&A.
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ChatGPT is more poetic than me:
Language's Web
In the dance of words and thoughts,
A thinker thinks, a seer sees,
But language's web, a veil it weaves,
For in the wind that gently blows,
No separate wind or blowing knows.
A river flows, no river found,
Just flowing, ever boundless sound,
Seeing is the seen, no more,
No seer lurking, watching o'er.
In every moment, ceaseless change,
Reality's vast, unending range,
The seer, the seen, the very thought,
Are one, their separation naught.
In thunder's roar, or lightning's flash,
No agent hides, no separate clash,
Awareness, like the burning fire,
Is transient's endless, vibrant choir.
In realization, dualities fade,
No knower, known, no separate stage,
Appearances and cognition, too,
No boundaries, undivided view.
In waking life and mundane tasks,
No separate self, no questions asked,
The universe in walking, driving,
Boundless, centerless, ever thriving.
So let the world in vivid hues,
Unveil its radiant, wondrous truth,
No center, reference, or divide,
In seamless dance, all forms abide.



Update, December 2023:


Empty Light

In the mind's light, where appearances play,
Unlocatable and radiant, in a vibrant array.
Essenceless, like reflections in a stream,
Non-arising, in this luminous dream.
Dependent origination, the dance of the seen,
Vivid yet essenceless, like a moonlit sheen.
No true arising, no solidified state,
Just a play of light, both simple and great.
In this realm, no seer stands alone,
Just the seen, in a spectrum shown.
Wondrously ordinary, yet profoundly free,
Where luminous meets the everyday, effortlessly.
Each vision, from sky to bird in flight,
Radiates in nonduality, both day and night.
Alive in each moment, yet inherently serene,
A display of emptiness, in a vibrant scene.
In seeing, just the seen, a revelation deep,
Where nothing truly exists, not even a leap.
No seer, no seeing, and crucially, nothing seen,
Like moon reflections, serene and keen.
A manifestation without essence, a dance so bright,
In the nature of mind, a radiant sight.
Not nihilism, but a truth so keen,
In the heart of appearance, nothing truly seen.



Luminous Wisdom-Reflection

Luminous heart ocean, is boundless scenes,
Within the view, only sights, essence-free.

No standalone observer, scene is self-knowing,
Ordinary marvels, endlessly they span.

Sky, tree, bird-song, in nondual rhyme,
Alive without self, all embraced by the sky.

In seeing, just the seen, wisdom's way,
No mind-object duality, beyond realm's gate.

Moon's reflection in water, luminously present,
Heart's nature is empty clarity, light's essence evident.

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I recently had a breakthrough where the remaining solidity in my experience and the subtle sense of being an awareness dropped away. It felt strange, like this has been there all along but was somehow missed, and extremely satisfying. For over a year prior I was having non-dual glimpses, but couldn't stabilize it. In fact there was nothing to stabilize, the nature of the thing trying to stabilize and judge this experience just needed to be seen clearly.
Initially there was some fluctuation and fears about the old way of perceiving things coming back, but for over 2 weeks now the insight has been stable. It’s clear that there has never been any separation at all and no agent all along. Not even a separate awareness, consciousness or knower in any subtle way. Just vivid and translucent sensations, no center point or solidity whatsoever, but even those sensations are totally unfindable and lack any inherent existence. My reactivity and negative emotions have reduced considerably. There can still be pain and discomfort in the body, for example being tired from lack of sleep or having a cold is definitely not pleasant, but there is much less worrying about it and more just living in the experience. Everything feels very high definition, when I’m walking I’m in awe at the texture and colour of everything whereas before I would be in my world of thoughts about myself and ignore what’s around me.
Most importantly I no longer have any doubt in the dharma, and I feel very motivated to practice recently. Not sure if that will change, but just sitting in silence and noticing all the sensations is very enjoyable. For now, I’m just enjoying the lack of separation and desperate seeking, but I’ll probably start investigating emptiness and total exertion more soon. I’m also interested in getting more involved in Dzogchen and/or Mahamudra, but still not sure which tradition or lineage I align with the most yet. Been going through Crystal Clear again and other texts to see what feels relevant now.
Another aspect that isn’t talked about much here is gratitude. For the past few weeks I’ve felt immense gratitude for coming across this community and all the hard work Soh Wei Yu and John Tan have put into the guide/blog, as well as coming across the dharma in this lifetime.