
John tan commented “He is describing anatta but in Dzogchen language. Interesting to hear that Dzogchen said that once there is direct insight, there is no regress. Some of the terms I am unfamiliar.” Those who are interested in dzogchen should attend his teachings. His next series of teachings begins on 1st april. Read dzogchen basis and view explanation by Malcolm here:

P.s. Just woke up from a dream.. i opened a book and read a page about mindfulness.. by jon kabat zinn. Although i never read any of his books in real life before. that page talked about presence, awareness, mindfulness and deep sense of bliss and peace that accompanies it. As i read it i entered into deep bliss of pure presence and i cld feel the bliss pervading the whole body like jhana for some time then i woke up.. and i had the wish that everyone i know and dont know could have this bliss and presence
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