In response to someone's question in the thread[0]=AZXkHSYlt0_3clNUX1ISUZkTb00AWIr5o6iHYR-Zb_6j9P-tFwql-mzbotFKgjq3z7atolRc3PcS4gHaYdfFuzjWM-59vtruRXAr0mBlmc0kbbUP5BV-0qU2vhMjIJcTCyfFj65HS4FO_8814BpM-OSY&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R]-R

First of all before I get into the main part of your questions, I just wanna mention a little about fetter model. Atr model actually doesnt emphasize fetter model. But I have to bring up fetter model, or rather correct people's misunderstandings of it from time to time in response to situations because of the questions and pervasive misunderstanding of the path, including the nature of stream entry (often misunderstood or mistaken as some sort of black out vacuum states or some other lesser insights before anatta and so on) or perhaps people thinking realisation of anatta is the ultimate finality or the final enlightenment and so on when in fact it's just stream entry. If i do bring up fetter model, it is usually due to a particular type of question (or misunderstanding(s)) that i deem appropriate to discuss that as a response.

Although the Buddha himself taught the fetter model, his teachings also do not revolve entirely around fetter model (in the sense that he did not start every teaching with “hey sotapannas, here is how you can reach sakadagami and anagami” etc) — it focuses on the path and wisdom that ends suffering, with the fetter model being just one aspect out of his multi-faceted teachings that perhaps get mentioned only on occasions. The fetter model is not listed among my almost 20 “must read articles” on the atr blog. It is however good to understand the fetter model correctly and it often is tied to understanding the four noble truths and the soteriological purpose of dharma. Hence one article that John Tan and I liked a lot written by someone on reddit is included in the Insightful Materials section of the blog - "The Meaning of Stream Entry"

But if people ask me about AtR, will I tell them to start by reading about stream entry? Nope (unless they have a Theravada background). I will usually tell them to first read these two articles:

Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment -

On Anatta (No-Self), Emptiness, Maha and Ordinariness, and Spontaneous Perfection -

And then proceed to read the AtR practice guide.

And if I feel that the person has already realized the I AM, I will also tell them to read this: Buddha Nature is NOT "I Am" -

The key in AtR is not fetter model or bhumi model or whatever. It is rather to distinguish, penetrate deeply and integrate the View, Realization and Experience which I discussed partly in a very old article I wrote in 2011: Experience, Realization, View, Practice and Fruition -

To keep things simple, if you are a beginner, you just need to read the Thusness 7 stages to have an overall picture and focus on the self enquiry chapter in the AtR practice guide to begin with. To realize I AM in the beginning is crucial. Atr practice guide:

Although the 7 stages may seem many, the most crucial as John says is 1, 5 and 6. Without realizing these realizations at least, one cannot be said to have true insight into the nature and essence of mind/consciousness and phenomena crucial for liberation.

Tl/dr: Read the Thusnesss 7 Stages and also the On Anatta [etc] article, then read and practice based on the AtR Practice Guide.

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