Showing posts with label Maha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maha. Show all posts

Something I've been thinking about lately, any feedback given will be appreciated.
Lately I've just been flowing through each day completely absorbed in everything I'm doing, and then during slower moments I will contemplate or meditate on the insights that I was pointed to thanks to Soh Wei Yu and these are some of the things I've been thinking about:
Without lungs, vocal chords, and mouth, there is no "speech". No vocal chords means no voice, no mouth means no enunciation, and no lungs means no air that can carry the vocal chords' vibration that flows through the shapes of the mouth that shift the sound into different patterns.
No speech means no communication through sound. No communication through sound, and there is only silence with movement such as pointing - at least as far as we know in human experience.
No concepts, no communication. If there is not a connection of a pattern of sound made while there is a pointing toward an "object" to direct attention, then there is no concept or information gathered that that sound is another means to direct attention toward that thing.
No communication in general means no way to attempt to direct or get one's attention. If there's no way to direct attention, there's no way to grow, learn, adapt, survive, and all other things.
No molecules structured by a specific amount and set of atoms to create air... no air aha
No air, then there's nothing to carry sound, and also no life, really.
Listening to the sound of birds tweeting among each other, clearly there's some sort of communication that can't be understood. Drop the concepts of "birds" and "tweeting", and there's only sounds, forms, shapes, and colors.
When there's only sounds, forms, shapes, and colors, it's all just direct experience, Presence moving and shifting in various dimensions. One stream, ultimately.
You see two people talking but one looks confused while the other speaks. Only when the speaking person points at a direction, and simultaneously a sound pattern is spoken by the person, the one who is confused makes a motion with their head that seems to be universally understood as "Yes".
Another scenario; you see two people talking in a cafe and after a certain stream of sound patterns from one person, the other produces a "smile". Stream of sound patterns appear to flow from the smiling person, quickly, loudly, but there's an energy or atmosphere that is "light", "soft", "warm".
Another scenario; you see two people talking in the middle of a street, and you notice one person contorts there face in a certain way that makes them look "angry" after a stream of sound patterns from the other. This "angry" person becomes loud as well, but there's an energy of "heaviness", "harshness". Now streams of sound patterns burst from the two simultaneously, both faces contorted.
Drop the concepts of "people", "speech", "anger", "smiling", etc., and now there's only forms, shapes, colors, sounds, energy, and movement alone. Everything interdependent on each other, the entire universe these moments and the moments are spontaneous. You don't know the "meaning" of the sounds, you don't know the "labels" of the "forms", there's some sort of communication and some sort of reaction.
Concepts are like code but ultimately there is no need to obsess over them. It all occurs effortlessly, if there were no concepts in mind and only Presence while these interactions were occurring then it would simply be movement with no concept of concepts stored in these "forms" and influencing the movement or behaviors of them.
It's "empty".
Sound patterns triggering previously learned connections between a sound and a sense-phenomenon and now there is ability to communicate insights, knowledge, and ideas. Those connections build new connections, they're much like Lego blocks. It's all spontaneous, and it's the entire universe "doing" it.
Behaviors and movements still having certain reactions, it shows that just because it is "empty" does not mean that there aren't outcomes or consequences.
Going back to those three scenarios, you see that the interaction between two people with a language barrier ends up leading to the confused one learning a new word, which is helpful for their growth.
You see the interaction at the cafe, and there is a softness in the atmosphere that shows compassion, love, friendship - preservation.
You see the interaction of the two people on the street, and there is a harshness of the behaviors that lead to hatred, violence - destruction.
Simplified, there's "growth", "preservation", "destruction". The universe shifts in so many different ways without any specific destination or end in mind. It's all spontaneous but there are patterns you can see. Each pattern is straightforward in where it "goes".
When there is an entanglement between the senses and concepts, the pattern is confusion. Impermanence does not imply inconsistency. Setting concepts aside, if you could see a "person" walking in the world behaving in certain ways that would be deemed "successful" in the eyes of the world, but then that same person when alone appears to cry and behave in a way that implies hopelessness and imprisonment and lack of passion in their work or success, then there is clearly suffering and pain.
When the senses and concepts are entangled, the "sense of self" becomes "real". The more they unknot, the more that "sense of self" is softened or dissolved.
Everything is alive but there's no "entity".
The "universe" is not an "entity", it is a network of behavior, functions, information, communication. Damn vivid. Equalizing itself, liberating itself, enlightening itself, growing itself, preserving itself, spoiling itself, destroying itself, all based on how things fall in place.
These thoughts aren't mine, these words aren't mine, these behaviors aren't mine, this body isn't mine, nothing is "mine"; ultimately speaking there is no "me" that possesses anything.
This doesn't encourage irresponsibility or apathy, however. When taken in a specific fashion, it's seen that there is more openness. The concepts work like Lego blocks automatically, next thing you know something "clicks", then there is motivation and drive to behave a certain way. No agent who is doing the behaving.
There are moments where I'll walk back home from work and notice that everything is just happening effortlessly. Like it's not necessarily "real" that I am "an individual" in the way I've been taught deeply, but that it's all a dance of sorts that included the being raised to believe "I am an individual" separate from everything and everyone, and that that is "real", and then that this same dance has shifted its appearance that includes this post right here of the understanding on why that isn't "true".
That all there is in Presence even is a recreation of empty luminosity in the form of "memory" that implies "my past" leading up to this point. That even that's a part of the "dance".
I'm not a subject experiencing reality through an object, there is only "experiencing" which includes a stream of conceptualization that starts with "I am" to imply identity. It's just a sound pattern recreated in thought to point out a collection of memories.
And there's still absorption in each moment.


Soh Wei Yu
The maha sort of absorption is important. Not only a state of no mind but when it matures it is like maha. Every activity is the universe-activity.
(7:41 PM) Thusness: the oceanic feeling is important
(7:41 PM) Thusness: it is the 'maha', great, magnificent experience.
(7:42 PM) Thusness: It is the experience of oneness.
(7:42 PM) Thusness: In fact, stage 6 when stabilized give u that experience always...from moment to moment.
(7:42 PM) Thusness: crystal clarity as Oneness.
(7:43 PM) Thusness: As what i have told Star...
(7:43 PM) Thusness: the universe eats an apple.
(7:43 PM) AEN: oic..
(7:43 PM) Thusness: Every sensation becomes sacred. Maha! Great and Magnificent!
(7:45 PM) AEN: icic..
(7:46 PM) AEN: oceanic as an expansive and spacious feeling?
(7:47 PM) Thusness: nope
(7:47 PM) Thusness: as an Oneness feeling.
(7:47 PM) AEN: oic..
(7:47 PM) Thusness: as just that moment of action.
(7:47 PM) Thusness: as a dissolving into just that action.
(7:48 PM) Thusness: normally it is thought to be an absorption stage.
(7:48 PM) Thusness: That resulted due to concentration.
(7:48 PM) AEN: icic..
(7:49 PM) AEN: last time when i meditate i got a sense of expansive and spaciousness... and felt like thoughts, feelings and perceptions are just like ripples on an ocean
(7:49 PM) Thusness: But it is an every moment matter from the perfection of insight point of view.
(7:49 PM) AEN: oic..
(7:49 PM) Thusness: that is no good.
(7:50 PM) Thusness: when there is an 'I AM', u will have that feeling.
(7:50 PM) AEN: icic..
(7:50 PM) Thusness: when u know ur nature is empty-luminosity, u will see all is as 'ME'
(7:51 PM) Thusness: the "I AM" is not more 'ME' than a passing thought.
(7:51 PM) Thusness: than a passing sound. 😛
(7:51 PM) Thusness: than a moment of vibration caused by the MRT.
(7:51 PM) AEN: oic..
(7:52 PM) Thusness: than a moment of sensation when the feet touches the ground.
(7:52 PM) Thusness: This comes from stability of knowing our DO and non-dual nature.
(7:52 PM) AEN: icic..
(7:54 PM) Thusness: Phroggy is quite good.
(7:55 PM) Thusness: unfortunately he involves in too much speculations.
(7:55 PM) AEN: icic..
(7:55 PM) Thusness: sometimes we must know when to stop. 😛
(7:55 PM) Thusness: and let direct experience take over.
(7:56 PM) Thusness: and when to arise and let conceptuality takes over. 😛
(7:56 PM) Thusness: lol
(4:40 PM) Thusness: It is a form of samadhi, the experience of maha.
(4:40 PM) AEN: isit nonduality?
(4:41 PM) Thusness: When division and impersonality are dissolved, it is non-dual.
(4:41 PM) Thusness: Oneness is always experienced.
(4:42 PM) Thusness: and this oneness when experienced and understood correct will provide insight into our anatta nature.
(4:42 PM) Thusness: when wrongly understood, it mislead us into the belief of a common ground and source.
(4:43 PM) Thusness: Which leads to the difference between the idea of 'wave and ocean' and indra-net.
(4:43 PM) Thusness: difference
(4:44 PM) AEN: oic..
(4:44 PM) AEN: but u said one can experience non personality and yet not non dual?
(4:44 PM) Thusness: not anatta
(4:44 PM) Thusness: impersonality but not anatta or non-dual insight.
(4:44 PM) AEN: icic..
(4:46 PM) Thusness: even when the experience of impersonality matures, it does not necessarily lead to the insight of anatta. That Awareness is a verb or a process.
(4:46 PM) Thusness: There is just One Chanting.
(4:46 PM) Thusness: There is just One breathing, one breath.
(4:46 PM) Thusness: into one action...
(4:47 PM) AEN: oic..
(4:48 PM) Thusness: This maha or samadhi like experience appears to be a stage and when wrongly understood mislead one to conclude that we have a common ground. Because of the 'Oneness' experience.
(4:49 PM) Thusness: Being non-dual and impersonal and with the strength of the dualistic tendency, it is almost natural to draw such a conclusion.
(4:49 PM) AEN: icic..
(4:51 PM) Thusness: But when insight arises, it is seen that non-dual experiences are found in the most common and mundane activities.
(4:51 PM) Thusness: Like carry water and chop wood.
(4:51 PM) Thusness: Yet in chop wood and carry water, there is the experience of Oneness.
(4:51 PM) AEN: oic..
(4:51 PM) Thusness: And this is expressed in Zen.
(4:52 PM) Thusness: That in our most ordinary activities, non-dual is experienced.
(4:52 PM) AEN: ?????:
(4:52 PM) AEN: the ???? is like u said one action?
(4:52 PM) Thusness: yes
(4:52 PM) Thusness: This is an important aspect of self-liberation too.
(4:53 PM) Thusness: or at least my third phase of spontaneous arising. 😛
(4:53 PM) Thusness: I think i wrote in ur awakeningtoreality blog i did mentioned about it last time.
(4:53 PM) AEN: oic.. when
(4:54 PM) Thusness: It is the experience as if the universe is doing the work.
(4:54 PM) Thusness: This experience must be clear and obvious in what i call the phase of spontaneous arising.
(4:55 PM) Thusness: one must first have the insight of anatta and emptiness first.
Soh Wei Yu
[9/2/16, 10:53:43 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Interesting
[9/2/16, 11:09:09 PM] Soh Wei Yu: But u said he cldnt express the actualization?
[9/2/16, 11:09:47 PM] Soh Wei Yu: The actualization is like the wisdom of compassion?
[9/2/16, 11:12:20 PM] John Tan: We can call it whatever ... Doesn't matter...but to express it with life and blood, as living experience...
[9/2/16, 11:13:51 PM] John Tan: The way of feeling with ones entire body mind, without self as total engagement...what is it like?
[9/2/16, 11:14:04 PM] John Tan: What is living fully like?
[9/2/16, 11:15:15 PM] John Tan: If anatta hasn't opened ones heart, then we will hv wasted the insight of anatta.
[9/2/16, 11:15:17 PM] Soh Wei Yu: It's like full absorption until self is totally forgotten without a trace.. Whether in seeing hearing or in action
[9/2/16, 11:15:55 PM] John Tan: U r still within the entry and exit
[9/2/16, 11:16:10 PM] John Tan: The 6 entries and exits
[9/2/16, 11:19:30 PM] John Tan: U must allow urself to live in the actual realization of anatta in engagement ... U r not engaging, still thinking, still immerse in insights and who has realized this or that, who is at what state over the years...u must fully live without self, fully actualize ur insights in engagement...
[9/2/16, 11:21:24 PM] John Tan: Then ur heart can b truly open...with wisdom of selflessness
[9/2/16, 11:21:47 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[9/2/16, 11:22:10 PM] John Tan: Otherwise practice yoga
[9/2/16, 11:23:31 PM] John Tan: Clear the obscurations of the body like how the 7 phases of insights clear away all those mental constructs
[9/2/16, 11:23:57 PM] John Tan: To complement ur insights
[9/2/16, 11:25:15 PM] John Tan: When hearing sound without self in anatta, what is it like?
[9/2/16, 11:33:48 PM] Soh Wei Yu: There is just the living sound which is crystal clear, there is no distance but rather ones whole life is the sound and other senses interwoven seamlessly and arising spontaneously
[9/2/16, 11:49:44 PM] John Tan: How u feel?
[9/2/16, 11:55:55 PM] John Tan: Not "the insight of anatta is not enough..." But anatta cannot stay as an merely an insight but actualized
[10/2/16, 12:01:58 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[10/2/16, 12:02:51 AM] Soh Wei Yu: It's liberating. Like any sense of self and heaviness is released and instead there is absorption into the details and textures of the experience without any sense of a self or background
[10/2/16, 12:03:36 AM] John Tan: Liberating...what else?
[10/2/16, 12:03:55 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Clear, vivid, alive
[10/2/16, 12:04:08 AM] John Tan: What else?
Soh Wei Yu
[16/5/18, 11:32:57 PM] John Tan: If u put in all ur your heart into washing plates and toilets for few years, u might hv matured ur experiential insight of total exertion, non-action and strong samadhi.
[17/5/18, 12:15:53 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[17/5/18, 1:56:59 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ken wilber Say during his early years he was dish washer and into Zen and it helped his practice
[17/5/18, 1:57:06 PM] Soh Wei Yu: And had satori or nondual awakening then
[17/5/18, 1:57:20 PM] Soh Wei Yu: He say dish washing is very Zen job lol
[17/5/18, 1:57:35 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Maybe because doesn’t require much thinking. Programming requires a lot of thinking lol
[17/5/18, 1:57:40 PM] John Tan: Depends
[17/5/18, 1:59:28 PM] John Tan: Becomes more important after realization and given to those realized
[17/5/18, 2:02:37 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
[17/5/18, 8:58:01 PM] Soh Wei Yu: My Friend working in Accenture always OT to 4am, 5am almost like daily and work on weekends and hasn’t been sleeping well for half a year. Still got discipline to go exercise, Swimming, gym, etc. I told him he is my inspiration. I OT a bit tired already hahahah
[17/5/18, 9:43:36 PM] John Tan: Lol yeah that is more imp
[17/5/18, 9:47:04 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Discipline?
[17/5/18, 9:49:54 PM] John Tan: Yes and persistency
Being-Time by Shinshu Roberts
Being-Time by Shinshu Roberts
Being-Time by Shinshu Roberts
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    “Each time you look at a tangerine, you can see deeply into it. You can see everything in the universe in one tangerine. When you peel it and smell it, it’s wonderful. You can take your time eating a tangerine and be very happy.”

    ― Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

    "To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And Eternity in an hour”


    Jayson MPaul shared a link.

    Had a nice review of previous insights today culminating in a solid insight of total exertion. When sitting this morning I saw how identification with the content of certain thoughts can still happen and this was seen through into pure anatta. Later I relived the understanding that the sound of a plane is the plane, not OF the plane (2-fold emptiness). I was then re-reading an AtR blog post and the section about how conditions, manifestations, and consciousness are one and inseparable, never separated or interacting. Then it dawned that the conditions ARE the manifestation, not that they produce it or make it appear somehow. They are just as much here as the ting of a bell. This was then applied again to conditions in general (recursing through all conditions, times, appearances). It gets hard to describe here but it was seen that all times, all places, all appearances are in this vivid scenery right now. A belief that a specific condition only happens at a certain time and place fell away. All conditions manifest across all time/space. I can touch the heart of Kashyapa's smile even now. This vivid empty display is all displays. A fear of death was dropped. An understanding of the death talk from the show Midnight Mass on Netflix became clear. Specifically the comment about how there is "no where that this ends and I begin"
    Relevant links:
    Midnight Mass Scene:

    John Tan commented:
    "A belief that a specific condition only happens at a certain time and place fell away. All conditions manifest across all time/space. I can touch the heart of Kashyapa's smile even now. This vivid empty display is all displays. A fear of death was dropped."

    I like this description by Jayson.  Somehow those that contemplated total exertion post anatta will have this insight and experience much like guru yoga where the whole lineage is being "transmitted" beyond space/time.  It does not happen during anatta, freedom from all elaborations...only via total exertion..

    • Jayson MPaul
      Yes exactly. It is like all the myriad things are the complete and total dharma lineage. All things that happened in my life were opportunities to open to the dharma. The whole universe is the buddha, is dogen, is Kashyapa. I remember reading a quote before any insights that you will come face to face with the entire lineage, ancestors, and buddhas of all times and I only now understand what that was pointing to. In order for this to be realized you need to see 2 fold emptiness, non-arising, non-duality of time and existence, non-duality of epistemology and ontology and have uprooted inherent view and causality for conditionality. Only then did it become clear to me.

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      Mr. TJ
      André I don't think this is completely correct, but hits on an important and subtle point that I am not particularly qualified to address. JT talks about +A and -A expressions of emptiness, and the importance post-anatta of both the non-conceptual development of realization and the integrating with arising concepts development, that is, investigating how concepts of self arise in real time (I guess one could call this post equipoise) is a development independent of resting in non-conceptual equipoise. He has also said the closest thing in Tibetan Buddhism to total exertion is Tsongkhapa's view, which emphasizes the conventional existence of things arising according to dependent origination, so this is related to Tsongkhapa vs Freedom From Extremes territory. Seeing as you favor Freedom From Extremes, it doesn't surprise me that you make the above point 😉. Soh, do you have anything to say about this matter?

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    Soh wrote:

    Yes, as John Tan basically said before, Dogen's experience of just sitting is not just anatta but require dependent origination.

    So if we just remain non conceptual and do not penetrate into the view of dependent origination, it is not easy to experience the Maha total exertion.

    Ted Biringer is able to bring this out, the +A aspect, quote:

    "To clarify, and emphasize the crucial point, since the existence of ‘A’ can only be discerned by its contrast with the existence of ‘not-A’, the existence of ‘A’ is dependent on the existence of ‘not-A’ – therefore, the existence of ‘A’ is inclusive of the existence of ‘not-A’ and vice versa. In other words, the whole of existence-time (uji) that is not explicit in/as ‘A’ is and must be implicit in/as ‘A’ – hence, the reality of ‘A’ is constituted of both what is ‘A’ and what is ‘not A.’ Therefore, ‘A’ (and by extension, any particular dharma) is a manifestation of the whole universe, total existence-time. This vision of dharmas – as particular forms of/as the totality of space-and-time (uji; existence-time) – is explicitly asserted and graphically presented by Dogen’s teachings on the ‘self-obstruction’ or ‘total exertion’ of ‘a particular dharma’ (ippo gujin)."



    More recent writings by Ted Biringer (the only thing I could criticize about Ted Biringer is that he seems to focus exclusively on the +A aspect and not the -A aspect, so he does not seem to appreciate the 'unreal', 'illusory' understanding of the emptiness of phenomena, which ironically is also taught in Diamond Sutra):

    Ted Biringer
    Posts: 12
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    Emptiness and the Diamond Sutra

    Post by Ted Biringer »

    If there is one teaching that is peculiar to Buddhism alone among all the world’s religions, I would say it is the principle of sunyata (Voidness or Emptiness). If I were to choose one doctrine among others that best represents the core of Buddhism, I would also choose the principle of sunyata. If someone were to further ask me what is the Buddhist doctrine that is most difficult to explain and comprehend, most misunderstood and misrepresented, I would again say it is the principle of sunyata.
    Garma C.C. Chang, The Buddhist Teaching of Totality, p.64

    The vast significance and central importance of emptiness in Zen can be seen in two of its often repeated axioms, ‘All things are essentially empty’ and ‘Emptiness is the true nature of all things.’ ‘All things are essentially empty’ means all things are empty of selfhood, all dharmas lack independent existence. ‘Emptiness is the true nature of all things’ means emptiness is the reality or essential nature (ontology) of all the various things, beings, and events (i.e. the myriad dharmas).

    Contrary to widespread notions, to be empty does not mean to be unreal, nonexistent, or provisional, nor does it mean that variety, plurality, and uniqueness are delusory or illusory, as if the myriad dharmas were ‘made up of’ or ‘reducible to’ one uniform or homogeneous essence or substance. I stress this point because prospective Zen interpreters have historically demonstrated a tendency for presenting distorted notions about emptiness. Such distortions usually amount to a privileging of emptiness (essence, reality) over form (appearance, manifestation). Such privileging is caused and perpetuated by false presuppositions consistent with dualism. Briefly, this happens when the form (appearance) and emptiness (reality) of dharmas are conceived and treated as independent realities. When form and emptiness are conceived of as separate, distinct realities, they become subject to comparisons of superiority and inferiority. Naturally, emptiness, being envisioned as uniform, universal, and pure is seen and treated as superior to form, which is envisioned as variable, particular, and disparate. Such fallacies concerning emptiness and form spawn teachings and practices that foster quietism and detachment, many of which can be seen thriving in the present day.

    From at least as early as its Sixth Ancestor, Huineng (638-713 C E), Zen has been closely associated with the prajna-paramita sutras – the most comprehensive treatment of emptiness (sunyata) in the Buddhist literature. According to Zen lore, Huineng realized enlightenment simply upon hearing a prajna-paramita scripture, the Diamond Sutra, recited in the street. Huineng’s record, the Platform Sutra, proclaims the supreme vision of the Diamond Sutra, promising enlightenment not only to those that practice its teachings, but even to those that simply memorize it.

    Numerous subsequent Zen records make frequent use of the Diamond Sutra’s methodology to present the wisdom of emptiness, that is, insight into the nondual nature of reality. The gist of the Diamond Sutra’s methodology can be expressed by the formula A is not-A, therefore A is A; not-A is A, therefore not-A is not-A. In other words, form is emptiness (i.e. not-form), therefore form is form; emptiness is form (i.e. not-emptiness), therefore emptiness is emptiness.

    The basic reasoning of this can be understood by envisioning ‘A’ as a particular dharma, and ‘not-A’ as everything else in the universe. With this it can be seen that thinking, speaking, or acting in relation to ‘A’ requires one to distinguish what is ‘A’ from what is ‘not-A’ – thus it is seen that the existence of ‘A’ presupposes (i.e. is dependent on) the existence of ‘not-A.’ By the same reasoning, the existence of ‘not-A’ is seen to presuppose the existence of ‘A.’

    To clarify, and emphasize the crucial point, since the existence of ‘A’ can only be discerned by its contrast with the existence of ‘not-A’, the existence of ‘A’ is dependent on the existence of ‘not-A’ – therefore, the existence of ‘A’ is inclusive of the existence of ‘not-A’ and vice versa. In other words, the whole of existence-time (uji) that is not explicit in/as ‘A’ is and must be implicit in/as ‘A’ – hence, the reality of ‘A’ is constituted of both what is ‘A’ and what is ‘not A.’ Therefore, ‘A’ (and by extension, any particular dharma) is a manifestation of the whole universe, total existence-time. This vision of dharmas – as particular forms of/as the totality of space-and-time (uji; existence-time) – is explicitly asserted and graphically presented by Dogen’s teachings on the ‘self-obstruction’ or ‘total exertion’ of ‘a particular dharma’ (ippo gujin).

    The Zen practitioner that focuses their attention on dharmas in accordance with the Diamond Sutra’s methodology is enlightened to (i.e. sees, knows, experiences) the truth that dharmas are dharmas by virtue of their being particularities – that is, by their existing as some-thing differentiated from every-thing. Experiencing the world through the perspective presented by the Diamond Sutra, the practitioner is made intimately aware of the fact that reality only and always consists of particular (part-icular) instances of total existence-time – apart from specific manifest phenomena (i.e. dharmas) there is no existence or time.

    Thus, it is accurate to say that, to experience (epistemology) existence (ontology) is to distinguish something from everything; if something is not distinguished from everything, nothing can be experienced. By applying ourselves to the Diamond Sutra’s methodology we first come to discern that the existence of a particular dharma is dependent on the existence of everything ‘other than’ that dharma. Next, we come to discern that the existence of everything ‘other than’ that dharma is dependent on the existence of that dharma. Proceeding along these lines, we come to discern how each dharma inherently presupposes (contains, includes) every ‘other dharma’ and all ‘other dharmas.’

    In sum, the Diamond Sutra presents (makes present) the dynamic interdependence of form and emptiness by demonstrating that ‘form’ is essential to, therefore inclusive of ‘emptiness’ (and vice versa).


  • ..........

    Ted Biringer
    Posts: 12
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    Seeing your nature is Zen

    Unread post by Ted Biringer »

    Bodhidharma said:

    Seeing your nature is Zen. Unless you see your nature, it’s not Zen.
    ~Trans. Red Pine

    In Zen ‘seeing your nature’ is initiated and realized through practice-enlightenment grounded in Zen/Buddhist doctrine and methodology. Doctrine and methodology are nondual (not-two). Doctrine informs methodology, methodology authenticates doctrine. Zen doctrine presents (makes present) the truth of our nature, Zen methodology allows us to experientially verify that truth.

    Zen/Buddhism employs myriad teachings and practices in its mission to save all beings – to help them see their nature. All these doctrines and methods have one thing in common; they direct us to our own experience here and now. They do so because beside our experience nothing exists – experience is existence, existence is experience. Understanding this truth through teachings allows us to verify it in practice. To verify the nondual nature of experience and existence is to know (i.e. be enlightened to the truth) that whatever is true of experience is true of existence (and vice versa).

    To clarify the nondual nature of experience and existence, Zen commonly employs the traditional system of examining the nature of consciousness (experience) in ‘six modes.’

    Briefly, this traditional system recognizes consciousness as functioning in six distinct modes, each of which is constituted of a sense organ, a sense field, and a sense capacity.1 The six sense organs, together with the six sense fields, and the six sense capacities constitute the elements or realms of the human sensorium,2 which Buddhism calls the ‘eighteen dhatus’ (realms). From the Zen/Buddhist perspective the sensorium constitutes the totality of existence-time.

    The six modes of consciousness are eye-consciousness, ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, and mind-consciousness. Each of these consciousnesses is recognized as an inherent capacity to discern – thus actualize (i.e. make actualize)3 – the ‘type’ or ‘kind’ of phenomena (i.e. dharmas) belonging to its particular mode. For example, dharmas that are discerned/actualized visually are ‘objects of eye-consciousness,’ dharmas that are experienced/appear audibly are ‘objects of ear-consciousness,’ and so on. In this manner each and all the myriad dharmas are experienced/appear in/as one or more of six types of phenomena; sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and thoughts. Thus each and all dharmas are recognized as ‘objects of consciousness.’ In other words, ‘the myriad dharmas’ is everything experienced and ‘everything experienced’ is the myriad dharmas – existence only and always consists of particular sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations, and thoughts that are seen, heard, smelled, tasted, felt, and thought by particular sentient beings in/as existence-time.

    Thus the traditional Buddhist division of consciousness into six modes clearly and simply reveals how all things, beings, and events are and must be phenomena, spatial-temporal forms of consciousness. When dharmas are seen as ‘objects of consciousness’ dharmas are recognized as both ‘what’ sentient beings are sentient of, and ‘what’ makes sentient beings sentient. Seen as what makes sentient beings sentient, dharmas are seen to be the very source and fabric of sentience, consciousness itself, life itself. Again, Zen affirms, to exist is to be experienced; to be experienced is to exist.

    By assimilating the truth of this (through learning, practicing, verifying, and actualizing it), we naturally enhance and refine our capacity for the transmission of wisdom. By clearly seeing that our self (i.e. our existence) is our world (i.e. our experience), we recognize the universe (the totality of self/other) is an unceasing activity of self-expression – one’s self is realized by one’s world, and one’s world is realized by one’s self:

    So life is what I am making it, and I am what life is making me.
    Shobogenzo, Zenki, Gudo Nishijima & Mike Cross

    In sum, ‘what’ a sentient being is (ontology) is ‘what’ a sentient being is sentient of (epistemology). Sentience is consciousness, consciousness is only and always someone (self) conscious of something (other) – apart from a self and an other ‘consciousness’ is meaningless:

    When speaking of consciousness of self and other, there is a self and an other in what is known; there is a self and an other in what is seen.
    Shobogenzo, Shoaku Makusa, Gudo Nishijima & Mike Cross

    As long as we are not hindered by the wrong view that thought is independent of reality the nondual nature of thought is easy to verify. Verification is only and always realized through our own seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and thinking here-now. Therefore, we needs only to simply, but sincerely, focus on our own experience – of a self and a world here-now – to recognize that all ‘objects of consciousness,’ not only thoughts, are our nature. Sights, sounds, tastes, smells, tactile sensations, as well as thoughts are only and always experienced in, as consciousness (our nature here-now).

    In practice-enlightenment you see that just as no thoughts are experienced/appear independent of your mind, no forms, sounds, flavors, fragrances, or feelings are experienced/appear independent of your mind. In making the effort to sincerely observe this over time, you cannot fail to suddenly or gradually awaken to the truth that the crash of thunder and barking of a dog (objects of ear consciousness) are no more or less ‘objects of consciousness’ than are imagined train whistles and voices in dreams (objects of mind consciousness) – ‘you’ are your sights, sounds, tastes, smells, tactile sensations and your thoughts, and they are you.

    Seeing (experiencing) your nature (existence) is Zen (being awake to reality). Unless you see your nature, it’s not Zen.


    Notes: 1. The six sense organs are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body (tactile sense), and mind. The six sense fields are sights, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile objects (touchables), and thoughts. The six sense capacities are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling, and thinking.
    2. sensorium
    noun sen•so•ri•um \sen-ˈsȯr-ē-əm\
    : the parts of the brain or the mind concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli; broadly: the entire sensory apparatus
    3. In Buddhism, sensing and actualizing are not two different things – we do not have sense capacities because there are things to sense, there are things to sense because we have sense capacities. For a good overview of this see Buddhist Phenomenology, Dan Lusthaus, pp.52-82

    Ted Biringer
    Posts: 12
    Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:27 am

    The Role of Criticism in Zen

    Unread post by Ted Biringer »

    After the Socratic aphorism, we might say that an unexamined Zen is not worth living—but then, in the same breath, add that an unlived Zen is not worth examining.
    Hee-Jin Kim, Dogen on Meditation and Thinking: A Reflection on His View of Zen, p.10

    Do not misunderstand Buddhism by believing the erroneous principle ‘a special tradition outside the scriptures.’
    Eihei Dogen, Shobogenzo, Bukkyo

    Clyde’s recent post – in defense viewtopic.php?f=69&t=34161 – got me thinking about the place and significance of criticism within the realm of learning and study in Zen practice.

    In recent decades our knowledge of Zen has greatly improved – and greatly altered – our understanding of it. New discoveries, advances in technology and methodology, and more extensive research have revealed much that was formerly unsuspected. As a result, whole new avenues of study have opened up. For example the scholarship confirming the continuity between the Zen koan literature of China and the works of Eihei Dogen (until recently explicitly denied) has led to new understandings of both the koan literature and Dogen’s works.

    While newly established facts are crucial, of perhaps even greater significance are the toppling of fallacies – some of which had been sustained for decades or even centuries. For example, both eastern and western scholarship has obliterated the nearly universally accepted fallacies postulating Zen’s anti-literary, anti-philosophical stance. In contradiction to longstanding notions of Zen as aloof from, or even disparaging of literary and philosophical pursuits, scholarship has shown that such pursuits are and have been essential elements of authentic Zen practice. Learning and study, it turns out, is as integral to Zen practice as is meditation (zazen). As the great Dogen scholar Hee-Jin Kim puts it in one place:

    The issue was not so much whether or not to philosophize as it was how to philosophize… [The] philosophic enterprise was as much the practice of the bodhisattva way as was zazen.
    Hee-Jin Kim, Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist, Wisdom Publications; 3 Revised edition (January 1, 2000), p.98

    Nevertheless, anti-literary, anti-philosophical fallacies concerning Zen continue to thrive not only outside the Zen community, but within it as well. Why is this? It seems to me that Thich Nhat Hanh offers us a clue:

    If we take something to be the truth, we may cling to it so much that when the truth comes and knocks on our door, we won't want to let it in.
    Thich Nhat Hanh, The Heart of Understanding: Commentaries on the
    Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
    , Parallax Press (November 24, 1964), p.6

    We human beings seem to have a propensity to ‘cling’ or become attached to our own views. I think this is why the crucial importance of an accurate understanding of knowledge (epistemology), commonly treated in terms of the Buddhist notion of ‘right views’, has been a defining characteristic of Buddhist thought since its very beginning. It is no mystery why fallacies denigrating learning and study have been and continue to be so pernicious. By deliberately cultivating a disdain for knowledge and a distrust of language, those that ascribe to such views effectively bar themselves from its only remedy: learning and study. The significance of this is clear; our understanding of Zen teaching functions as the very foundation of our Zen practice – that is, the way we think, speak, and act in the world.

    The emphasis in Buddhism on accurate knowledge (or ‘right views’) harmonizes with the great insight from which Buddhism developed. Crystallized in the Four Noble Truths, this insight reveals that bondage to suffering (dukkha) has its cause in ignorance or delusion about the true nature of reality. To be deluded about reality is to be inherently incapable of thinking, speaking, or acting in a manner harmonious with reality. To think, speak, or act in conflict with reality naturally results in suffering. Accordingly, enlightenment – seeing the true nature of reality – is the Buddha Way or Way of Zen; the Way to liberation from suffering.

    Ignorance is the absence of knowledge. Delusion is the presence of distorted knowledge. Ignorance is relatively easy to remedy – the ignorant need only be acquainted with right knowledge. Delusion, however, is more pernicious – the deluded must recognize and acknowledge the fallibility of their current views before they can even begin to be receptive to right knowledge. Accepting that one’s own views are invalid is inherently difficult. The measure of this difficulty is proportional to the depth of attachment with which a view is held. No beliefs are prone to deeper attachment than those concerning one’s own knowledge about the nature of reality.

    In sum, the presence of wrong views (delusion) is a great barrier to enlightenment; liberation from suffering. Accordingly, the great Zen scholars as well as the great Zen masters devoted much time and energy criticizing fallacies. Indeed, such criticism was part and partial to their practice of Zen.


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    Post by Ted Biringer »

    Seems a bit quiet in here - let's see if anyone wants to talk about Existence-Time (uji)

    In Zen time and existence are not two different things; time is always existence-and-time, existence is always existence-and-time. This view is most clearly and comprehensively demonstrated in Shobogenzo’s development and use of the term ‘uji.’ Dogen fashioned this term by combining two terms; ‘u’ (existence) and ‘ji’ (time) into the single term ‘uji’ (existence-time, or time-being). The point that seems most significant here is that existence and time are never separate from each other; each is an essential element of the other – no dharmas exist independent of time, and there is no time independent of dharmas. This notion of existence-time is central to Zen’s vision of reality, thus is presupposed in all Zen expressions.

    Hee-Jin Kim brings the crucial significance of this notion to light in a comment from his discussion of the aptly titled ‘Uji’ fascicle of Shobogenzo:

    Dogen’s whole thesis in this regard was crystallized in the following: “As we realize with the utmost effort that all times (jinji) are all existence (jin’u), absolutely no additional dharma remains.” In other words, existence-time subsumed space and time totally and exhaustively.
    Hee-Jin Kim, Eihei Dogen: Mystical Realist, p.150

    In short, each and every particular thing, being, and event (i.e. dharma) is an intrinsic and essential element of total time, and each and every moment or duration of time is an intrinsic and essential element of total existence – hence each and every particular dharma is a manifestation of the whole universe, and the whole universe is manifest in and as each and every particular dharma. In Dogen’s words:

    Let us pause to reflect whether or not any of the whole of existence or any of the whole universe has leaked away from the present moment of time.
    Shobogenzo, Uji (Trans. Gudo Nishijima & Mike Cross)

    Accordingly, in Zen expressions the terms ‘existence,’ ‘time,’ and ‘existence-time’ are synonymous.
