Showing posts with label Non-Arising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Non-Arising. Show all posts


    Listening to someone tutoring about "rainbow",
    The teaching of science came to my mind.
    The raindrops, the sunshine;
    The light that enters and exits the droplets;
    The reflection, refraction and light dispersion;
    All these formed the rainbow.
    But they missed the most important factor,
    The radiance of our own mind.

    1 Comment

      Jayson MPaul
      Rainbows need to have eyes in correct position, water droplets, light, radiant mind, all like so for rainbow to appear. Move slightly and rainbow is gone. Never came from anywhere, stayed anywhere, or went anywhere. The rainbow was insubstantial, but vividly displayed. All phenomena are like this.

      Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
      Look ahead and you see the table and your phone. Need "all like so" (tatha). Look behind you and that is gone, but now a new like so and not otherwise.

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    • Dragan Milojević
      What radiance of mind? Where is it, science needs proofs and evidence. Mind is only a perceptor and analyzer.

      John Tan
      Dragan Milojević Science can prove the sad tears of a mother are H2O but can't prove the "sadness". As human, we need both.
      But I like ur question, Where is this radiance?
      Yes where is it? Even Buddha cannot know it's whereabout.

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John Tan answered someone on contemplating emptiness:


John Tan:

Hm... There r 4 parts to really penetrate... If he really keen to penetrate.  He should contemplate:

1. non-arisen

2. Dependent arising of a vivid hearing of sound from hitting a bell... Where is that sound? Not found in any of the conditions, not found even if all conditions added yet when conditions are there, sound is heard. How is the world now articulated this way understood as compared to the dualistic and inherent paradigm then how is experience like?

3.  Then how to apply these insight emptiness, non-arisen, dependent arising relate to the world of delusory, the world of dreams, the world of pure appearances free from conceptual taints, what does it tell us about these 3 "worlds"?  

4.  Lastly after he understands 3, how he understand freedom comparing to how he sees now, freedom from conceptualities.
[9:40 pm, 15/05/2022] John Tan: For 1 he can contemplate:
[9:41 pm, 15/05/2022] John Tan: We seldom realize the baggage of notions that thoughts carry.  They are extremely "weighty" and tie down tremendous energy.  In addition to the notion of "self" that some have seen through, the next set of heavy weighty notions are "arising, abiding and ceasing". 

There are several times the cryptic phrase "non-arisen" has been asked and even though explanations are being made that conceptual notions are "empty and non-arisen", they do not exist much like a rope being mistaken as a "snake".  "Snake" never existed despite its "delusory appearance" when in confusion. 

But it can't trigger the "aha" moment that can free the mind and releases its energy much like in anatta.  Why?  Because “uprooting" of our deeply hypnotic spell cannot come from textbooks; the entire "weight" of these deeply ingrained notions must be felt so that we can feel the "weight" that spell-bound us to samsara.  So for those that r interested, they can contemplate:

1. This moment ceases as it arises, does it arise or does it cease.

2.  Past does not exist since it is already gone. Future does not exist since it is yet to arise and present is merely the intersection of past and future, then "present" also does not exist.  So "present" that is undeniably "here", does it exist or not exist?


    Important book recommendation for post anatta contemplation

    John Tan: This book u must read and keep for life.  It contains all needed and u really don't need anything extra.  If u can intuit the teaching, it includes clearly all the key essential pointers of how the 6 supramadane powers are awaken and practice in the 3 states, the view, the path and the result to natural liberations.

    Do read with utmost reverence and do not assume u have understood it.  Get back to it again and again and summarise it if possible so that it gets into ur inmost consciousness.
    Soh: Oic..
    U just read?
    John Tan:
    Almost finished.

    Do read with deepest reverence and respect and don't act smart.  The commentary are very valuable also.  Only the mirror analogy I don't like... Lol.
    [5:58 pm, 07/05/2022] John Tan: And it is actually only 150 pages as the root text took up almost 35%.
    [6:00 pm, 07/05/2022] John Tan: In fact this is the exact book that I have been looking for more than a decade that I told u.


  • Mr./Ms. LS
    Love the title … I’ll definitely check it out

  • Mr. KOÖ
    Lama Lena recommended 2 days ago in a meeting that this is the single book someone needs to take on a retreat.

  • Cheng Chen
    Piotr Ludwiński 50/50 for me.
    In recent years, the mirror analogy is increasingly odd to me. Though it seems functional, the way it’s presented in language has a significant risk of leading one to believe oneself as the mirror. This subject-side bias can skew to all sorts of problematic views. It’s just not a good analogy.
    The masters back then should have used holographic lasers, quantum particles, or just a plain old iPhone screen as better analogies. I guess they were undereducated and uncivilized…
    I think it’s only recently that I came across Soh/JT describing their issues with the mirror.

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Cheng Chen I concur.
    I too had an issue with Longchenpa's description and analogy of mirror years ago, but found more recently based on what John Tan shared that Longchenpa is very much anatta.
    A Letter to Almaas on Dzogchen and Longchenpa
    A Letter to Almaas on Dzogchen and Longchenpa
    A Letter to Almaas on Dzogchen and Longchenpa

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  • Yin Ling
    I love it too, it’s one of the best coz the language is clear and simple.. not like usual Tibetan book can cause headache sometimes lol

  • Yin Ling
    Btw Soh Wei Yu thanks for sharing all these helpful information with us 🙂

  • Jayson MPaul
    Got it immediately. It's time I got back to reading books again.

  • Alejandro Serrano
    Longchenpa is simply beautiful, amazing and very enlightening. I have only read the Treasuries translated by Richard Barron, but these series is definitely in my "to read" list.

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    Coincidentally, I was talking to William Lim this issue when we met yesterday... Haha:
    Where did the flame go when it dies out?
    Where do we go after our death?
    But I don't really like the answer that "nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed." 🤪🤦
    Silly but honest question,
    when we delete stuff from a computer (or other equivalent devices), where does it go to?
    Is it a case of something becoming nothing? 🤔


    Yin Ling
    What would u answer to
    “Where do we go after our death?”😁

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling don't tell u🤪

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling We project svabhava onto what appears where it actually lacks. The way of "logical" reasoning that is based on the PARADIGM of "thingness" and duality needs to be corrected with dependent orgination and emptiness, the PARADIGM has infiltrated into every cell and every quantum mind-moment of our body-mind. This cognitive fault based on wrong and faulty premise needs to be replaced by dependent arising and emptiness.

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  • Yin Ling
    John Tan thank you 😁😁😁

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling don't under-estimate the "spell" despite clear insights and experiences.

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  • Yin Ling
    yes it is very deep imprints. The doubt when facing situations already tell me how deep it is.

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan sometimes I wish there’s a “Buddha spectacle” once u put on will show u the vision ,
    So the mind and body can be washed clean thoroughly of stains 😝😂🤦🏻‍♀️
    Someone need to invent that thing

  • William Lim
    Since anatta realization sees through the illusion of the self, does awakening eliminate the fear of death?

  • Yin Ling
    William Lim for me not yet lol. I still scared die.
    John tan maybe different level d.

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling I worry more about losing sight of anatta, dependent arising, emptiness, freedom from all elaborations, total exertion. To me that is "death". Life without such wisdom is "death" (imo).

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  • Yin Ling
    John Tan that is truly scary 😭

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling yes for "life and death" orignates from ignorance.

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan powerful insight thanks 😊

  • Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
    Here’s good old Buddhaghosa in his Visuddhimagga:
    > He understands thus: "There is no heap or store of unarisen mentality-materiality [existing] prior to its arising. When it arises, it does not come from any heap or store; and when it ceases, it does not go in any direction. There is nowhere any depository in the way of a heap or store or hoard of what has ceased. But just as there is no store, prior to its arising, of the sound that arises when a lute is played, nor does it come from any store when it arises, nor does it go in any direction when it ceases, nor does it persist as a store when it has ceased, but on the contrary, not having been, it is brought into being owing to the lute, the lute's neck, and the man's appropriate effort, and having been, it vanishes—so too all material and immaterial states, not having been, are brought into being, and having been, they vanish."

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Just yesterday i was re reading this article from hong wen liang, v clear:

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  • Soh Wei Yu

    John Tan
    Soh Wei Yu but all these enquiries must be integrated into the insight that what originates in dependence is non-originated. Otherwise it can be skewed towards nihilism if understood from a "materialistic" view. Dependent arising also implies the 8 negations of Nagarjuna.

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  • Anna Mukherjee
    Reminds me of Dogen's beautiful teaching : "Firewood becomes ash, and it does not become firewood again. Yet, do not suppose that the ash is future and the firewood past. You should understand that firewood abides in the phenomenal expression of firewood, which fully includes past and future and is independent of past and future. Ash abides in the phenomenal expression of ash, which fully includes future and past. Just as firewood does not become firewood again after it is ash, you do not return to birth after death."

  • Anurag Jain
    I would say "Nothing is born and nothing dies even when appearances inconceivably arise and dissolve".

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