Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
I asked ChatGPT to make 白话 version of 道元禅师《普劝坐禅仪》 Fukan zazenji by Zen master Dogen for my mother. Original Chinese and English version below. The bai hua version is far from perfect so please do not share it elsewhere, also I welcome anyone trying to ammend to improve and send it to me. - soh.





























Fukan Zazengi (Universally Recommended Instructions for Zazen)

The way is originally perfect and all-pervading. How could it be contingent on practice and realization? The true vehicle is self-sufficient. What need is there for special effort? Indeed, the whole body is free from dust. Who could believe in a means to brush it clean? It is never apart from this very place; what is the use of traveling around to practice? And yet, if there is a hairsbreadth deviation, it is like the gap between heaven and earth. If the least like or dislike arises, the mind is lost in confusion. Suppose you are confident in your understanding and rich in enlightenment, gaining the wisdom that knows at a glance, attaining the Way and clarifying the mind, arousing an aspiration to reach for the heavens. You are playing in the entranceway, but you are still short of the vital path of emancipation.

Consider the Buddha: although he was wise at birth, the traces of his six years of upright sitting can yet be seen. As for Bodhidharma, although he had received the mind-seal, his nine years of facing a wall is celebrated still. If even the ancient sages were like this, how can we today dispense with wholehearted practice?

Therefore, put aside the intellectual practice of investigating words and chasing phrases, and learn to take the backward step that turns the light and shines it inward. Body and mind of themselves will drop away, and your original face will manifest. If you want to realize such, get to work on such right now.

For practicing Zen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink moderately. Put aside all involvements and suspend all affairs. Do not think "good" or "bad." Do not judge true or false. Give up the operations of mind, intellect, and consciousness; stop measuring with thoughts, ideas, and views. Have no designs on becoming a buddha. How could that be limited to sitting or lying down?

At your sitting place, spread out a thick mat and put a cushion on it. Sit either in the full-lotus or half-lotus position. In the full-lotus position, first place your right foot on your left thigh, then your left foot on your right thigh. In the half-lotus, simply place your left foot on your right thigh. Tie your robes loosely and arrange them neatly. Then place your right hand on your left leg and your left hand on your right palm, thumb-tips lightly touching. Straighten your body and sit upright, leaning neither left nor right, neither forward nor backward. Align your ears with your shoulders and your nose with your navel. Rest the tip of your tongue against the front of the roof of your mouth, with teeth together and lips shut. Always keep your eyes open, and breathe softly through your nose.

Once you have adjusted your posture, take a breath and exhale fully, rock your body right and left, and settle into steady, immovable sitting. Think of not thinking, "Not thinking --what kind of thinking is that?" Nonthinking. This is the essential art of zazen.

The zazen I speak of is not meditation practice. It is simply the dharma gate of joyful ease, the practice realization of totally culminated enlightenment. It is the koan realized; traps and snares can never reach it. If you grasp the point, you are like a dragon gaining the water, like a tiger taking to the mountains. For you must know that the true dharma appears of itself, so that from the start dullness and distraction are struck aside.

When you arise from sitting, move slowly and quietly, calmly and deliberately. Do not rise suddenly or abruptly. In surveying the past, we find that transcendence of both mundane and sacred, and dying while either sitting or standing, have all depended entirely on the power of zazen.

In addition, triggering awakening with a finger, a banner, a needle, or a mallet, and effecting realization with a whisk, a fist, a staff, or a shout --these cannot be understood by discriminative thinking; much less can they be known through the practice of supernatural power. They must represent conduct beyond seeing and hearing. Are they not a standard prior to knowledge and views?

This being the case, intelligence or lack of it is not an issue; make no distinction between the dull and the sharp-witted. If you concentrate your effort single-mindedly, that in itself is wholeheartedly engaging the way.

Practice-realization is naturally undefiled. Going forward is, after all, an everyday affair.

In general, in our world and others, in both India and China, all equally hold the buddha-seal. While each lineage expresses its own style, they are all simply devoted to sitting, totally blocked in resolute stability. Although they say that there are ten thousand distinctions and a thousand variations, they just wholeheartedly engage the way in zazen. Why leave behind the seat in your own home to wander in vain through the dusty realms of other lands? If you make one misstep, you stumble past what is directly in front of you.

You have gained the pivotal opportunity of human form. Do not pass your days and nights in vain. You are taking care of the essential activity of the buddha-way. Who would take wasteful delight in the spark from a flintstone? Besides, form and substance are like the dew on the grass, the fortunes of life like a dart of lightning --emptied in an instant, vanished in a flash.

Please, honored followers of Zen, long accustomed to groping for the elephant, do not doubt the true dragon. Devote your energies to the way of direct pointing at the real. Revere the one who has gone beyond learning and is free from effort. Accord with the enlightenment of all the buddhas; succeed to the samadhi of all the ancestors. Continue to live in such a way, and you will be such a person. The treasure store will open of itself, and you may enjoy it freely.


Steven Lane







In the ATR Practice Guide, as part of stage 1, it says, " If you are unable to quiet your mind to a state of no-thought, it will be difficult to realise. You should think carefully what is the best method for you to still your mind? Is it meditation? Or is it chanting the Buddha's name and reciting mantras?"

This is clearly a Zen instruction which I would have received myself many times. Yet, is this really essential?

Contemporary non dual teachers such as Rupert Spira would point to Presence as something we already intuitively know - we know we are present (existent) and we know we are aware. If we ask the question, "am I aware" it becomes obvious. Subsequent pointing out makes stage 1 obvious (Rupert Spira has a 3 fold insight process - discovering Presence as a witness, discovering Presence as a container in which everything is arising and disappearing, and finally discovering Presence as Isness in which Presence and what is appearing are of the same nature)

In Dzogchen different approaches are taken according to the practitioners' capacity. For example in Semde, emphasis is first put on quieting the mind. But in the Uppadesha teachings other approaches are used (which go way beyond stage 1 because the emptiness of Presence is realised simultaneously). For example, the PHAT practice - this sounds is uttered loud and shocks the mind - the first results is a confusion - a nothingness - followed by a clear though brief seeing of Presence. Or the practice of Trekchod in which essentially we just sit and allow everything to be, sooner or later reveals the same.

Thoughts? (how important is it to have the empty mind first)

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All reactions:4Mr AR and 3 others





Top comments

Mr. JY

In my opinion, if it's difficult to quiet your mind, it will probably take longer to realize I AM.

It took about 10 years of meditation and 5 years of self-inquiry here before I AM awakening. I was working through a lot of trauma, which made it difficult to quiet the mind and likely slowed the pace.

If you find it difficult to quiet the mind, there may be trauma in the body. Trauma is housed in the nervous system and is not necessarily released through meditation or inquiry. Some kind of body-based practice, like qigong, yoga, TRE, EMDR, 5Rhythms, or Somatic Experiencing, is likely needed to access and release the trauma. This will likely make meditative and inquiry practices flow more smoothly, because you are releasing chronic tension and emotional blockages in the body, which normally impede energy flow, create reactivity, and drive habitual thinking.







Soh Wei Yu


Important for the realization beyond mere glimpses IMO. It is also not really that difficult to get that pause in conceptualization. We all encounter it from time to time. But it is important to train in some kind of shamatha or meditation as a foundation for effective self enquiry.

Do read these articles as it elaborates:

But there is no need to wait until the mind is super still before you start inquiring. For example there is no need to wait until you meditate 30 minutes, or 1 hour, or enter a jhana, etc before you start inquiring. Back then I would probably sit for only a short while relaxing my mind, before I begin inquiring, or start inquiring when I was able to set aside my mundane concerns enough to focus on the main inquiry "Before birth, Who am I?"

My I AM realization happened during a one hour sitting meditation session with a backdrop of relatively stable and quiet mind and inquiring on 'before birth, who am I?'





Will Gau

One way to think about the 'I Am' is as a pure consciousness experience in thought space, or an experience of the space of thought prior to the arising of any thought. So it may also be argued that it is synonymous with a quieting of the mind, even if only for a moment.




Will Gau

It's also worth 'investing' in samatha practice as it will help you throughout every stage of the process, and every time you access concentration states like jhanas for the first time, they become easier to access in the future.




Will Gau

Combining self-inquiry with concentration will be more likely to trigger insight than either one alone. Concentration, like samatha meditation, will also allow for more consistent access to and smoother integration of insights. Even in direct approach schools, samatha is taught to stabilize the mind. My I Am realization occurred during a home retreat following a recording of a dzogchen samatha retreat given by Allan B. Wallace. I found the instructions to be very clear and direct, and lead me straight to the insight after a period of stabilizing concentration.




If you identify any areas for improvement in the translation or have suggestions, please visit the contact page to share your feedback: Contact Us


translate this. remember to use the proper buddhist terminologies, for example for the 四相“我相,人相,众生相,寿者相”:

[long text snipped]


Understood, I will translate the text in larger sections, providing both the Chinese and English versions for comparison.

坐禅要领(一) -洪文亮老师开示

(Essentials of Zazen (Part One) - Teachings by Master Hong Wen Liang)

(2009-11-09 12:29:23)

(November 9, 2009, 12:29:23)





分类: 洪文亮老师

(Category: Master Hong Wen Liang)

149 (转自正法眼藏论坛:

(149 (Reposted from Zheng Fa Yan Zang Forum:

录自2004年五月禅修 zhengdapang整理

(Recorded from the May 2004 meditation retreat, organized by Zhengdapang)


(The Key Points of Sitting in Meditation)


(Meditation is your best teacher.)



You still giving me line by line


I apologize for the confusion earlier. Let me provide a more consolidated translation, covering several paragraphs at once for comparison.

坐禅要领(一) -洪文亮老师开示

(Essentials of Zazen (Part One) - Teachings by Master Hong Wen Liang)

录自2004年五月禅修 zhengdapang整理

(Recorded from the May 2004 meditation retreat, organized by Zhengdapang)


(The Key Points of Sitting in Meditation)


(Sitting in meditation is your best teacher. Position your body such that your spine is neither leaning forward nor backward, sitting steadily on the cushion. Let your breath be long or short as it naturally occurs. When it needs to be long, it extends; when it doesn't, it shortens. Thus, the breath can be long or short. The Ānāpānasati, as mentioned in the Āgama Sūtras, is often misunderstood. It teaches that when the breath is long, be aware that it is long, and when it is short, be aware that it is short. This awareness is not about consciously thinking, 'Ah, this breath is long, this one is short.' It's not that kind of awareness. It means being aware of the length of your breath without turning into a stone or wooden person, unaware and lifeless. But, it's also not about generating the thought, 'Now my breath is long, now it is short.')


(There are three aspects in meditation: body, speech, and mind. For the body, the posture of the spine is most crucial. It's not about exerting force, slouching, or stretching too hard. None of these involve adding intention. The mouth should be closed, but what about chanting or reciting Buddha's name? Can it be done with a closed mouth? Lightly close the mouth. Many people misunderstand the aspect of the mind. It's not about observing the mind to see where it comes from or where it goes. This isn't the 'observation of the mind' as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha. His teaching on the aspects of body, speech, and mind is about sitting quietly in meditation, letting thoughts come and go without welcoming or rejecting them. Not welcoming or rejecting, not engaging with them. To have the thought of 'not engaging' is already a mistake. Allow your thoughts to come and go freely. But it's not about being dead or dull.)


(Huizang said, 'The originally so [buddha nature] of all beings is the total body of the ten thousand Dharmas.' Aren't thoughts part of the myriad Dharmas? Just as the eye perceives forms, the ear hears sounds, and the mind-root is manifested through Dharma-dust, thus creating Dharma-forms. Thoughts are among the myriad Dharmas. The entire body of the ten thousand dharmas, that is your luminous storehouse! The arising of thoughts is the function of your luminous storehouse, your brightness itself. How else would you know thoughts come and go? To consciously observe this is a contradiction. Some people think, 'Ah, I notice a thought arising. Good, I will not welcome it, follow it, or reject it.' They believe this non-welcoming and non-rejecting is the function of the mind aspect in body, speech, and mind. This is a mistake!)

I have translated three paragraphs for comparison. Let me know if you need further sections translated.




Continuing from where we left off:


(When thoughts come and go, they are the activity of your own luminous nature, the movement of the light itself. This activity of luminosity itself is your entire being, the totality of all Dharmas. When you have a thought like 'Ah, there's a thought, don't touch it,' it's already a discriminating consciousness. But the thought before this, the natural one, is your original luminous storehouse, it is the function of your luminosity itself. At that moment, you're not aware of this or that thought. Because we habitually generate discriminating consciousness, we think, 'Ah, this thought...' Before this occurs, it is called 'before your parents were born,' before any signs. So, when your consciousness knows a thought has come, in that instant, the moment 'before birth,' you realize, 'Ah, this is it!' The realm of consciousness and the time 'before your parents were born,' when you're not even aware of thoughts, just the thought itself, is your light in motion. At this moment, some may attain enlightenment, but it's exceedingly rare. It's harder than having a light appear and seeing things or hearing a sound and breaking your attachment to self. This is likely due to past life causes and conditions, already having significant achievements. Otherwise, this thought itself is the function of your light, different from recognizing this thought. Can you feel it? Do you understand? Merely understanding is not enough; therefore, you must practice sitting meditation! You must sit!)

I will continue to provide translations for the next sections upon request. Let me know if you need further assistance!




Continuing from the previous translation:


(The Secret is Near You)





Continuing the translation:


(The Secret is Near You)


(Reciting the Buddha's name signifies respect, hope, and the aspiration to reach the Pure Land and be by the side of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Respecting them is good, but isn't this just the realm of your 'consciousness'? Now, when a sound is made, whether reciting the Buddha's name or something else, is the sound over there or here with you? If the sound is over there, can't you hear it here? If the sound is here, then it's unrelated to them over there! It arises here with you! It's neither solely there nor here. But it exists! This is called 'unborn yet born,' 'non-existent yet present.' This is an explanation using logic, but originally, it doesn't need logic. You are using your ears, ask your ears, it's just like that! 'Unborn yet born' is exactly this, why bring logic into it? Isn't that sound 'unborn yet born'? Who gave birth to it? If you think about it, you're not meditating. The sound over there creates sound at your ears. The one reciting over there is their light in motion, and you hearing it here is your light in motion here. It's like this. This is a convenient way to speak of 'your' light and 'their' light, but in reality, it's just light, the luminous storehouse, the motion of the Dharmadhatu (dharma realm) itself.)

I will continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or if you have specific requests!




Continuing from the previous translation:


(Thus, someone asked the Sixth Patriarch, 'Where is the most secret part of the Buddha's teaching? Tell me.' The most precious and mysterious essence, they requested the Sixth Patriarch to reveal. What the Sixth Patriarch said is well known. He said, 'The secret lies within you.' The secret is within you! Many have oversimplified this statement. He meant, 'The true secret isn't with me, nor is it in the hands of others; all secrets lie within you.' Do you understand? What use is this explanation? It's as if he said nothing. 'The secret lies within you' – do you know what the Sixth Patriarch truly meant by this?)


(Now, are you hearing a sound, the sound of sutras being chanted in the distance? Who created this sound? Where did it come from? Where is the factory that produced it? How can you hear it? We don't know! Where does the power to hear come from? Unknown, but you are hearing! Thus, this is called 'the unknown' – that which we ourselves don't know and doesn't arise in our consciousness. It is the closest and most intimate to us – intimate 'mi', not secret 'mi' – though it is also a secret. It actually means the most intimate. With)

I'll continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or have specific requests!




Continuing the translation:


(The most intimate aspect is your true nature. The deepest intimacy lies in the unknown, thus 'the secret is within you'. Listening, seeing, feeling, knowing – how can you know? What do you move to know? Even the Buddha doesn't know. The closest and most real is the unknown. Therefore, 'the secret lies within you', and this is what the Sixth Patriarch meant.)


(Sitting cross-legged for a long time leads to pain and numbness. Where does this pain and numbness originate from? We don't know. Unknown, yet there is pain and numbness, unbearable at times. Releasing the legs alleviates it, the pain and numbness disappear. Do you know how this pain is eliminated? How do you remove this pain and numbness? You don't know! The closest and most intimate is the 'unknown', our true form. Every moment we live is real, without any falsehood or illusion. The problem arises from our distorted thinking. In reality, we are 'true'.)

I will continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or have specific requests!




Continuing the translation:


(The Four Marks in the Diamond Sutra)

好,最后讲一点,大家最熟悉的《金刚经》。高雄来的朋友也许听过,你复习一下。《金刚经》说,大家记得的一句话,很重要,是什么,“我相,人相,众生相,寿者相”。《金刚经》说这四个相是我们想错出来的相,是我们的错觉的样子,错的太离谱了。《金刚经》里头提出来,严重的错误的样子大概有四种:一个是没有“我”,你偏偏要认为有“我”,“我相”。有了“我相”之后呢,自然不是“我”就是“你”了嘛!“人相”。因为先有我相啊!那,不是我的,就是对方,对方是“人相”。“我相”“人相”出来了。“众生相”呢?很多人说,I是“我相”,you是“人相”,“众生相”是they。这只是一种说法了,不究竟。“我相”可以说是主subject,“人相”呢?object 客。“主、客”,“能、所”。知道吗?有了“能”,一定有下面的“所”。有了“主”,就有相对的“客”。“能、所”,“主、客”,“我、人”,这都是“我相、人相”的代号了,都是一样的意思,subject and object。

(Alright, let's talk a bit about the well-known Diamond Sutra. Friends from Kaohsiung might have heard this, let's review. The Diamond Sutra mentions an important phrase, 'the marks of self, person, beings, and life-span'. The Sutra says these four marks are misconceptions we fabricate, far from the truth. The Diamond Sutra outlines these grave errors: the first is the 'mark of self' – where there is no 'self', we insist on perceiving one. Once the 'mark of self' arises, naturally, it's either 'me' or 'you', the 'mark of person'. Because the 'mark of self' exists first, anything not mine becomes the other, the 'mark of person'. 'Marks of self' and 'person' emerge. What about 'mark of beings'? Many say 'I' is the 'mark of self', 'you' is the 'mark of person', and 'they' are the 'mark of beings'. This is just one interpretation, not the ultimate truth. 'Mark of self' can be considered the subject, and 'mark of person'? The object. 'Host/agent and guest', 'subject and object'. Do you understand? With 'agent', there must be a 'object of action'. With 'subject', there is the corresponding 'object'. 'Agent and object of action', 'subject and object', 'self and person', all these represent the 'marks of self and person', with the same meaning.)

那么“众生相”是什么?比方说,我这里“啪”(师用力击掌),有没有声音,各位?有了。在各位耳边都响起来,有一个我拍手的声音。我请问各位,声音本身,这个声音哪,sound也可以,我发出的voice也可以。这个上头有没有“能所”?你听到的声音,这个声音上有没有“能”跟“所”在里面?你听到的声音哪,而且是被你听到的声音,才叫做声音是不是?只是你能听的不能称其为声吧,没有“所”的声,哪有这样的声音!但是,光是被你听到的声音,“所”,有了“所”,你没有能听的“能”,你怎么听到的。所以声音本身呢,本来就是声音而已,没有“能、所”之分对不对!哪有“能、所”之分,在哪里分呀?在哪里mix?声音本身没有办法分“能、所”,对不对,我有没有骗你?你告诉我,你听到的声音里有“你能听的”跟“被你听到的”我的声音在哪里碰头,在哪里交汇,在哪里混合,分得出来吗?可是光是能听不成其声,光是所听那你听到了什么?没有能所。但声音就是这样哦、呜、哎、啊、咿……那么明显,这声音上头没有能所。这个you can prove by yourself。这是很明历历的事嘛!声音是没有能所的,没有能所的是不属于我相人相哦!那么,我们把它叫做什么?这个才叫做“众生相”。声音如是,色相是不是?你看到的相,相上有没有“你能看到的”跟“被你看到的”?混在什么地方?相就是相。没有办法分成你能看的“能”跟被你看到的“相”在哪里交汇,才变成一个相。有没有?没有。不能分能所,能看所看不能分,跟能听所听不能分一样。

(What then is the 'mark of beings'? For instance, when I clap my hands (the teacher claps forcefully), is there a sound, everyone? There is. The sound of my clap resounds in everyone's ears. I ask you all, the sound itself – this sound, whether it's a sound or my voice – does it have 'agent and object of action'? The sound you hear, does this sound have 'agent' and 'object of action' in it? The sound you hear, and moreover, the sound heard by you, is only then called a sound, isn't it? A sound that can only be heard cannot be called a sound without a 'object of action', there's no such sound! But the sound that is just heard, the 'object of action', once there is a 'object of action', and if there is no 'subject' that can hear, how would you have heard? So, the sound itself is just sound, without division into 'agent and object of action/subject and object', right? Where is the division of 'agent and object of action/subject and object'? Where do they mix? The sound itself cannot be divided into 'agent and object of action/subject and object', right, have I deceived you? Tell me, in the sound you hear, where do 'your ability to hear (hearer)' and 'my voice heard by you' meet, intersect, or blend? Can you distinguish them? But just the ability to hear (hearer) does not make the sound, nor does just the heard – what then have you heard? There's no agent or object of action. But the sound is just like this – oh, woo, ah, ee... so obvious, this sound has no agent or object of action. You can prove this by yourself. This is quite a clear matter! Sound has no agent or object of action, and without agent or object of action, it does not belong to the 'marks of self or person'! "So, what do we call it? This is what is called the 'mark of beings'. Is it the same with visual forms? In the forms you see, is there 'what you can see' and 'what is seen by you'? Where do they mix? A form is just a form. It's impossible to divide into 'the ability to see (seer)' and 'the form that is seen' to find where they converge to become one form. Is there such a (point of) division? No, there isn't. It's impossible to divide between the subject and object, just as it's impossible to divide between the ability to hear (hearer) and the heard."




Continuing the translation:


(Thus, a phenomenon is just as it is, without the division of 'agent and object of action', which is why it's called the 'mark of beings'. It's neither the 'mark of self' nor the 'mark of person', but the 'mark of beings'. Therefore, sounds are also the 'mark of beings', visual forms are the 'mark of beings'. Pain, numbness, comfort, and sensations are also the 'mark of beings'. 'Knowing', what do you know? You talk about knowing this and that, the content of what is known. The 'known' and 'knower' don't come into contact with each other, so what do you really know? Thus, even 'knowing' lacks 'agent and object of action/subject and object'. In the realms of form, sound, scent, taste, touch, and Dharma, form is form, sound is sound, scent is scent, taste is taste. The realms of form, sound, scent, taste, touch, and Dharma are all different! But these different realms of form, sound, scent, taste, touch, and Dharma lack 'agent and object of action', and one cannot find 'agent and object of action' in them. Yet, there are so many 'beings', so many, form, sound, scent, taste, touch, and Dharma, each different — the 'mark of beings'.)


(Alright, what does he finally speak of? The 'mark of life-span'. Oh, in our practice, there is no 'agent and object of action/subject and object' in sound or visual form. We mistakenly think there is a self that sees these forms, ah, this is a fundamental error! But strangely, form is form, sound is sound, touch is touch, thought is thought. Although lacking 'agent and object of action', each exists independently, thus the 'mark of beings'. Right? So, we assume that forms have their own essence, a substance that manifests these forms. We always think they must have an origin point, a manufacturing factory, a place where they are produced, a starting point. Do you know? We are convinced only when there is a starting point. This 'must-have-a-starting-point' is delusion and misconception born from within, what is it called? The 'mark of life-span'! This is hard to deal with. You know that form, sound, scent, taste, touch, and Dharma lack 'agent and object of action/subject and object', but they all seem to truly exist. At this point, the practitioner gradually becomes clear, and those inexplicable thoughts become fewer and lighter. But still, there lingers an attachment to every existence as being real, having its origin point — this is attachment to Dharma! What are known as 'Buddha view' and 'Dharma view' are this 'mark of life-span'. How to break free from this 'mark of life-span'? Not even a million Einsteins could figure it out. What method can break it? Invite your legs and your waist and buttocks to rest on the cushion and sit steadily. Don't show off your intelligence, your thoughts, your emotions — let's not even talk about emotions! Only then can you realize that this 'mark of life-span' is false! Must there be an origin point? Must everything born have a substance?)

I will continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or have specific requests!




Continuing the translation:


(Therefore, the Zen masters often tell you to contemplate, 'What was your original face before your parents were born?' We generally think that we exist because of our parents. If there were no parents, there would be no us. That's what most people say. Then the question arises: if you didn't exist before your parents, where were you? Where were you before your parents were born, before they were even conceived? How do you think about this problem? It's baffling. But curiously, where did you come from? Clearly, I exist due to my parents' relationship! So, where was I before my parents were born? Searching to the ends of the earth, 'up to the lofty skies and down to the depths of the earth', searching everywhere, finding nothing. What's the answer to this question posed by the Zen master? Do you know? It asks of your 'just sitting in meditation'. The Four Marks in the Diamond Sutra are so clear, yet look at the many interpretations – a plethora of literary works, but none showing the effort of actual practice from the butt. Oh, such a headache!)


(Who is Meditating)


(When it comes to learning Buddhism, many are fond of pursuing the mysterious, the novel, and the special. Very few are inclined to contemplate this 'light'. The light is your essence, your true nature, but few pay attention to this. The light is always in motion, everywhere – it's your own light moving. Instead of contemplating this, people chase after the mysterious, the bizarre, the complex, the special. What others can't do, I can; oh, the Wheel of Time, the empowerments, the inserting of grass, the visualizations – what is this called? 'Gazing at the moon in the sky, losing the pearl in hand.' One day, someone got angry during a meal, talking about this. They said, 'The moon in the sky is false, the pearl in hand is also false, both are nonexistent.' Look, using the mind to read the verses of Master Hongzhi, not sitting in meditation, just using the mind. Master Hongzhi is compassionate, using this metaphor. You yourself are moving right there, you yourself are the light, 




Continuing the translation:


(He used this metaphor, yet they argued, 'The moon isn't really there, the pearl in hand isn't really there either.' So, what you're saying now, is it true or false? Alas, those who like to use their heads are especially prone to this...)

我请问各位呀,到底谁在打坐?谁呀?查得出来吗?谁在打坐?有的人会说,《金刚经》说没有我相,所以不敢讲“我”在打坐,所以他一定会说“没有一个我在打坐”。来了一个“没有我”!前面是有个“我”,想想不对,那么回答,“没有我”,没有这样子一个“我”在打坐。“我”也不对,“没有我”也不对,为什么?有个我,没有个我,“有”跟“没有”都是你的想法。同样道理,生和死,有一个生的叫做“生”,没有那个生的就叫“死”。等于是“有生”跟“没有生”,我们叫“生”跟“死”。还不是一样和“有”跟“没有”上头讲道理?那么,到底什么东西在打坐?不能用“我”。“我”也不对,“没有我”也不对,但是在打坐啊!那何物在打坐?什么东西在打坐?怎么办?有些高明一点的禅师,象择木兴道,他有的时候是为了开导说“打坐在打坐”,为了方便才这样讲。因为他是过来人,他怎么讲都对。或者用英文讲the universe is universing ,宇宙在坐宇宙,宇宙在宇宙。有的人听了会更莫名其妙。

(I ask all of you, who is really meditating? Who? Can you find out? Who is meditating? Some might say, 'The Diamond Sutra says there is no self, so I dare not say "I" am meditating,' so they must say 'There is no 'I' meditating.' Here comes the 'no self'! Initially there's an 'I', think about it, that's not right, so the answer is 'no I', there's no such 'I' meditating. 'I' is not right, 'no I' is not right, why? Having an 'I', not having an 'I', 'having' and 'not having' are all your thoughts. Similarly, with life and death, something alive is called 'life', without it, it's called 'death'. It's like 'having life' and 'not having life', which we call 'life' and 'death'. Isn't it the same logic with 'having' and 'not having'? So, what really is meditating? Can't use 'I'. 'I' is not right, 'no I' is not right, but meditation is happening! What thing is meditating? What is meditating? How do you resolve this? Some more enlightened Zen masters, like Zemu Xingdao, sometimes say 'meditation is meditating' for the sake of instruction, for convenience in teaching. Because he is experienced, whatever he says is right. Or in English, 'the universe is universing', the universe is sitting the universe, the universe is the universe. Some people, upon hearing this, might be even more baffled.)


(All of you, listen and practice simultaneously. If you don't want to listen, let it pass from one ear to the other without clinging to it! I'm not giving a Buddhist lecture here. Just listen, you will know its usefulness yourself. The sound of that car outside, and what I am speaking now about Buddhism, so-called Buddhist principles, have equal value. There's no distinction of higher or lower. It's not that what I am saying right now is the Dharma, the sound outside is not the Dharma, the sound of the air conditioner is also expounding the Dharma. Where is it said that wearing robes, being solemn, standing on a podium, sitting on a throne, and then speaking about 'all phenomena are impermanent' is the only way to teach the Dharma. Alas, it's forever elusive, forever mysterious, misinterpreting the truly precious teachings of the Buddha.)


(Everyone knows about the great disciple of Master Shitou, Master Yaoshan. Someone asked him about the key to sitting in meditation, how to do it correctly. How did Yaoshan succinctly say it? Master Yaoshan didn't teach you, oh, one inhalation, one exhalation, inhale and recite 'Amitabha', exhale and say 'Buddha'. Inhaling 'Amitabha', exhaling 'Buddha', then the movement of the Ren and Du meridians slowly... He wouldn't teach you such circus tricks. He only told his students, how did he put it? 'Think non-thinking.' Ah, here comes the problem. To contemplate is to think! What to think about, he tells us to think about the key to sitting meditation, 'Contemplate the un-contemplatable,' think about the unthinkable. If it's unthinkable, then how do you ask me to think about 'the unthinkable'? So it's incomprehensible. Ordinary people might find this very contradictory, wondering what this Master Yaoshan is up to, completely baffled. Yaoshan says, you don't understand? Let me tell you again, how to sit in meditation, how to practice — 'non-thinking




Continuing the translation:




"Alright, those who are fond of revolving around the scriptures, who have not come into contact with the true Dharma, who have not even tasted a drop of its essence, how do they immediately explain it? Ah, I seem to have introduced this in the afternoon, and also talked about it in the morning. When the ears hear a sound, whatever the sound is, the ears have that kind of sound. A dog's bark results in the sound of a dog barking, the sound of a car horn results in the sound of a car horn. All these sounds do not require your thinking; no need to expend effort in thinking, they just naturally arise without passing through your thinking. Loud is loud, soft is soft, high is high, low is low, effortlessly. All our six senses operate in this state of non-thinking, their function, their action is called moving in such a non-thinking manner. He heard this principle, but he didn't really understand it, nor did he often sit in meditation, preferring to meditate with his intellect, sitting upside down with the mind on the cushion and the rear in the air. I laugh at them, many who learn Buddhism do not practice sitting as the Buddha taught. The Buddha taught to sit steadily with the buttocks on the cushion. I see many people learning Buddhism with their heads on the cushion, their buttocks upturned, reaching for the sky. This is an inverted delusion. Even sitting becomes an inverted delusion. Having heard about the movement of the six senses, do not expend even a bit of thinking, they move naturally, the mind in such a state, sometimes spoken of in this way. So they think non-thinking means, 'Ah, just leave it, the six senses move like that, so let it be, during meditation just let the six senses be. After all, the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind all interchange in a state and realm of non-thinking, moving in a state of mind-environment unity/single suchness.' Oh! Such meditation, letting the six senses be! So, sit down, and desperately try, doing what? Letting the six senses be. Ah, but do you need to let the six senses be? Who told you to let the six senses be?"




Continuing the translation:


(Which one is the eye root? Which one is the ear root? Is there also one called the ear root, the eye root, the mind root? Do these really exist concretely, with their own nature? Aren't you still talking in terms of theory? These six roots are just a convenient way to explain.)


(The profundity within the lines, or the meaning beyond the words. Without going through the true, through this, transmitted directly from the ancestral Zen masters who instruct and guide you constantly, everything will be misunderstood. To start with letting go of the six roots, my six roots are naturally moving in a state of non-thinking, so this is what I should do. It's called doing the unnecessary, just a slightly more sophisticated idea of your own!)


(What does Yaoshan mean here by 'non-thinking'? He's not referring to letting go of your six roots. Some equate this teaching with Manjushri's teaching. How does Manjushri speak? Not relying on body, not relying on mind, not even relying on 'not relying'. Having 'not relying' on body and mind is still not right; it is not even relying on the 'not relying'. It seems similar, so practice like that. Beginners can start this way. But those who have heard, touched even a drop of the teachings of Caoxi, and still stay on this point, oh, you are profoundly mistaken! The meaning of Manjushri isn't just not relying, but also not relying on 'not relying'. Is that his meaning? Master Yaoshan talking about 'non-thinking' isn't describing the state of your body and mind, your existence, all your activities, physical and mental are non-thinking, he's not explaining this matter. Why always like to explain? Why like to understand its principle? What does understanding or not understanding have to do with it? If you don't understand, when hungry, you still know to eat and will be full. We just like to understand, like to know. Not knowing seems like missing something. Not satisfied without knowing, must know. The reality doesn't depend on your knowing, miss! So you say you don't know reality! Hey, is knowing right, or is not knowing even more right? Don't make a joke of it!)

I will continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or have specific requests!




Continuing the translation:


(In fact, Yaoshan's 'non-thinking' and Manjushri's 'not relying even on not relying' aren't about you grasping your body and mind, telling you not to rely on the body, not to rely on the mind, nor to have the thought of not relying. That's not the point. 'Not relying even on not relying', 'non-thinking', all refer to your true nature, Truth. You can call it the local scenery, your nature, the luminous storehouse, samadhi. What more do you need to do! Eating, picking up a pair of chopsticks. When you pick up a pair of chopsticks, isn't it non-thinking in action? You don't recognize your real face as limitless, a presence that vastly transcends time and space. Why always confine yourself within such a small range, discussing non-thinking and not relying on not relying? Where has the understanding of the scriptures gone? The entire scripture is you, the real you is the scripture, not the theoretical part of the scripture that you read and understand. The sutra of Shakyamuni Buddha is the actual state of your own being, the real essence is the sutra itself. You don't need a master to go on stage to explain: 'Thus have I heard.' Who heard it! Sitting in meditation is just like this. Picking up a pair of chopsticks, you've already become a Buddha, that's the state of becoming Buddha. Then, sitting cross-legged steadily is the same as picking up a pair of chopsticks! But it is only that you added an illusory thought/perception, and therefore you ruined yourself. Mysteriously falling into the shackles of your own delusions.)

I'll continue the translation in the next response. Let me know if you need more sections translated or have specific requests!




I apologize for any confusion, but the text you've provided has already been fully translated in the previous responses. If you have any other text or a different section that you would like translated, please provide it, and I'll be happy to assist!


Keeping in mind my translation suggestions above, pls do a translation for the following: [Chinese original text moved to bottom]
Here's the translation of the text you provided, incorporating your suggestions:
Shikantaza - A Talk by Teacher Hong Wenliang
(Reposted from Zhengfayan Zang Forum:
Teacher sitting down, a monk asked: "What are you contemplating so deeply?"
The teacher replied, "I'm contemplating that which is beyond contemplation."
The monk asked, "How can you contemplate the un-contemplatable?"
The teacher said, "It's non-thinking."
From the Record of the Five Lantern Meeting - Master Yao Shan Wei Yan
Someone asked Master Yao Shan Wei Yan how to practice zazen (just sitting).
Yao Shan said to contemplate the un-contemplatable.

Thinking about the unthinkable?! The questioner was baffled. How do you think about the unthinkable?
Once you think, you've already activated thought. Using thought to contemplate the unthinkable, how is that possible?

Master Yao Shan answered in three words: non-thinking.

Zazen is about being in this state of non-thinking. Achieving this is true zazen.

What then is the state of non-thinking?

non-thinking is a state of true and uncontrived reality, not a fabricated, imaginary, or conceptual state. It is the mind of no-thought, the state before the arising of discriminatory consciousness. What is the state before the arising of discriminatory consciousness? We have all forgotten it from our infancy, before thoughts began to differentiate; we do not know when this consciousness started to function, beginning to know this and that. We have forgotten all this. If we can return to this state, we can see our true face. Don’t think this state can be reached through inference; what is the state before thought stirs? Pursuing it with thought is a mistake again.

So, what to do? You can consult your ears and eyes, learn from them. I ask you all, when the ears hear a sound, do they discriminate whether it's good or bad before hearing? No! The eyes see whatever they encounter; do they choose what they like or dislike, what to see and what not to see? No! Therefore, the state before the six senses' discriminatory consciousness moves is the state of non-thinking. non-thinking doesn't mean nothingness. How do you know there’s nothingness? When you know there's nothing, isn't that your consciousness moving?

Buddha said in the Agama Sutras (Soh: Referring to Bahiya Sutta): "In the seen is just the seen, in the heard is just the heard." Our six senses are naturally free and unobstructed. So, in sitting meditation, just sit like that, letting the six senses function naturally and freely. Don't interfere with them, not even non-interfering interference. In essence, there isn’t an "I" watching or listening there. Thus, zazen is about allowing all phenomena to prove there's no you, not about you proving there's no you. The key is here; don't get it wrong. When you try to prove there's no you, an "I" is already there proving it. Is that forgetting the self? No!

So, how do all phenomena prove there's no you? What exactly are these phenomena?

The seen forms, heard sounds, smelled scents, tasted flavors, felt sensations of cold and heat, the arising and passing thoughts. All these phenomena are constantly telling you, there's no me! There's no me!
For example, your feet might go numb when sitting for a long time. Of course, they do, because you don't usually meditate, it's natural. If you think, 'I am practicing now, I must sit well, not let it numb, I must endure,' then you're already playing the game of "I." You don't usually practice zazen, so it's natural to feel numb when you sit; it's the law of dependent origination. Practice is about forgetting this 'self' – the false self. Don't indulge in this "I" in your practice.

I keep reiterating this key point, hoping you don't use me to forget me. Many think they must have no thoughts during zazen, so when many thoughts arise, they feel it's wrong and want to remove them. Is this correct? You think, 'I am diligent, why so many thoughts today, no! No!' If you sit and think like this, you are fooling around, showing off yourself. Reflect carefully: do you know when a thought will arise? When it leaves, does it ask your permission to go? Thoughts don't belong to you; they arise due to conditions. You don't know when a thought will come or go. When a thought arises, then you realize, "Ah, a thought," that's your discriminative consciousness knowing afterward. If you still think there's a 'you' knowing, that's your delusion. This is fundamental ignorance; practice aims to resolve this root issue.

When thoughts come and go during zazen, don't think there's an unchanging 'you' knowing their coming and going, thinking this is right. Thinking there's an unchanging 'you' against the changing thoughts, as if there are two separate thoughts, is incorrect. In fact, the arising thought itself is the function of your Dharma Body. Many don't understand this, mistakenly thinking there's an "I" knowing thoughts coming and going. If you know brightness, you know darkness; if the unchanging knows the changing, then it's real - No! That's wrong! That's an externalist view. You have an unchanging concept in your mind, treasuring it as the truth. Isn't that your imagination? If there's no you, what do you need the unchanging for?

Our six functions of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind operate freely and unobstructedly within the true and selfless reality. We misunderstand, taking the ability to discriminate and contemplate as 'me.' In fact, it's just the function of the Dharma Body. Discriminative thought is so sharp that when it operates, we automatically take the ability to discriminate as 'me.' Actually, the mind is like the eye or ear; whatever condition it encounters, it exists, all are true reality. When you encounter a stone, it's a stone; a bun, it's a bun. You don't name 'stone' or 'bun' before recognizing them. Language differentiation is the discriminative consciousness activity after the fact. Before that, the stone, the bun, the object exists, clearly distinguished before discriminative consciousness moves. Non-discriminative discrimination means this. If you don't add 'I,' our minds are inherently clear and distinct.

When our eyes encounter a form, the form and perception are one function. Similarly, the arising of a thought and the selfless knowing are one function. So, the coming thought is the function of your mind root, actually your true reality. It's good if practice can understand this. Understanding this, oh, you've progressed; during zazen, you won't fear thoughts coming and going because thoughts themselves are your true reality. Do you think there's another thought to let you know? Impossible! Because at every moment, ability and object, root and dust, mind and environment, thought and you, are inseparably one, always functioning, arising, and ceasing together, inherently one. We forcefully split one thing into two for explanation, which is after-the-fact cleverness, post-event consciousness differentiation.

Snap! (Sound of slapping the table). Delusion is due to it, thinking, "Ah, I heard him slap the table"; enlightenment is also due to this, "Oh, oh, oh, it's not you knocking there, and I'm listening here; sound and the ability to hear are one thing." Snap! (Sound of slapping). Enlightenment and delusion are the same. The same sound, one deluded, one enlightened. It's not that upon enlightenment, you hear the sound differently, or as some think, enlightenment means entering samadhi and hearing nothing; then you might as well be a stone. That's not enlightenment. It's not seeing a bun as a diamond, a thatched hut as a palace, a restroom as a restaurant. That's insanity!
Let me tell you, where's the delusion? If you take a relative form as truly existing there, and here, truly an 'I' seeing that form, that's delusion. Enlightenment is the absence of the false self's misrecognition. There isn't a truly existing relative form over there; it's formless, manifesting that way. Manifesting from nothingness to somethingness. And here, it's the existence born of conditions, not a true existence called 'me.' The ability to see and the seen form are both selfless, interacting in dependent origination and cessation. This is the so-called dependent origination, inherently selfless. Understand this, and seeing, hearing, all is the Dharma Body, encountering conditions it manifests, arising and ceasing, changing unobstructedly.
For those who haven't seen their nature, it's always 'I heard that sound'. I and the sound are separate, 'I' (root) and the outside existence (dust) are always relative and isolated. This way, you can never become a Buddha or a good student of the Buddha. If there's an 'I' seeking the Dharma, 'I' pray for blessings, 'I' want to become a Buddha, 'I' want enlightenment. Practicing this way, you're always cultivating the false self. The result will only increase and amplify your self-view, moving further away from the path.
The proper practice of zazen is so important, letting you discover your true self. How to discover? Not by 'I' knowing, discovering this is not me. If so,
you're using a false self to discover the true self.
What to do then? — Just let the six senses be, simply sitting.
The six senses are truly just present, operating naturally within the true and unobstructed reality. This is the so-called natural, unobstructed functioning of the six senses. It's so natural, a matter of course. Only in the genuine practice of zazen, at that very moment, do you realize our mind is incredibly vast, its applications infinite. The six senses function naturally: eyes seeing forms, ears hearing sounds, nose smelling scents, tongue tasting flavors, body feeling touches, mind perceiving phenomena. All actions and movements are the Dharma Body. The six senses are unimpeded, free from attachment or aversion, equally interacting with arising and ceasing conditions, naturally liberated.
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha himself said, if you can genuinely let all phenomena prove there's no you, sitting zazen honestly in this way, just the time it takes for an ant to crawl from your nose to your forehead is more beneficial than sitting for ten, a hundred years with an 'I'. If you seek the Dharma with yourself for a hundred billion years, it's impossible, forever impossible. Because there's an "I" wanting to become a Buddha!
"Shikantaza," this method, is the authentic practice of zazen. Sitting in that moment is performing the Buddha's dignified conduct, Buddha's actions. The moment without delusion is Buddha's dignified conduct, hence this is called the method of great ease.
Recorded at the Seven-Day Zen Festival at He Ming Temple, Kuala Lumpur, 1999
Lecture by Teacher Hong Wenliang
Arranged by Dr. Luo
That completes the translation of the text, incorporating your suggestions for a more nuanced understanding of terms and concepts. If you have any further texts for translation or other queries, feel free to ask!
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