Showing posts with label Books and Websites Recommendations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books and Websites Recommendations. Show all posts

Hello! Welcome to the Awakening to Reality blog.

For all new to Awakening to Reality blog, I highly recommend reading the 'Must Read' articles on the right panel, such as 


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If you are interested in realizing and actualizing these insights, do read the following (free) e-books:

1) The Awakening to Reality Practice Guide by Nafis Rahman:

  • Update: Portuguese translation now available here

2) The Awakening to Reality Guide - Web Abridged Version by Pablo Pintabona and Nafis Rahman:

Special thanks to these individuals for their efforts in making these compilations. I trust they will greatly benefit spiritual aspirants.

3) The Awakening to Reality Guide - Original Version compiled by Soh:

  • Feedback:  "I also want to say, actually the main ATR document >1200 pages helped me the most with insight. I am not sure how many have the patience to read it. I did it twice 😂 it was so helpful and these Mahamudra books supported ATR insights. Just thought to share.", "To be honest, the document is ok [in length], because it’s by insight level. Each insight is like 100 plus pages except anatta [was] exceptionally long [if] I remember lol. If someone read and contemplate at the same time it’s good because the same point will repeat again and again like in the nikayas [traditional Buddhist scriptures in the Pali canon] and insight should arise by the end of it imo.", "A 1000 plus pages ebook written by a serious practitioner Soh Wei Yu that took me a month to read each time and I am so grateful for it. It’s a huge undertaking and I have benefitted from it more that I can ever imagine. Please read patiently."  - Yin Ling

Part 6 is now out:

A decade ago, John Tan commented on the depth of Kyle's writings, noting they are as insightful as those of Buddhist masters. He advised taking Kyle's insights seriously.

Note: Text in larger font formatted as a question usually comes from others. Kyle's responses are in smaller font, except when he quotes extensively from the master's text in larger font. Thus, Kyle's replies are typically in smaller font, except for long citations.

Also see:


Hi AtR Group Members,

We are thrilled to announce the final release of version 1.2 of the AtR Practice Guide! This update brings significant enhancements and additions that we believe will be of benefit.
Key changes in Version 1.2 include:
  1. New Chapters:
• [Potential Sleep Disruptions]
• [Dealing with Potential Energy Imbalances Post-Anatta]
2. Expanded Resources:
• A sample booklist and numerous guided meditations/videos on I AM have been added to the related articles section of Stage 1 along with a new introduction.
3. Updated Content:
• Articles for Stage 5 and Stage 6 have been updated, along with the sample booklist at the end of the guide.
4. Subtle Enhancements:
• Various subtle changes have been made in each section to improve clarity and depth.
5. New Cover:
• A fresh, new cover design for the guide.
6. Shift in Focus:
• Stage 4 now emphasizes contemplating the two anatta stanzas.
“The shortened AtR guide is very good. It should lead one to anatta (the experiential realization of no-self) if they really go and read. Concise and direct.” - Yin Ling
In addition to guiding practitioners towards the realization of anatta, the AtR Practice Guide also explores the realizations of I AM, non-dual awareness, emptiness, dependent origination, and total exertion.
You can download the final version of the AtR Practice Guide (Version 1.2) in PDF format or listen to the audio version on SoundCloud. Follow the links below:
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Nafis Rahman for compiling this comprehensive guide, as well as to the AtR admin team and group members for their invaluable contributions.
I would also like to make an announcement on a new rule:
Each group member can post promotions or advertisements no more than once every month, but only for different teachers/organizations or events. For the same teacher, event, or organization, promotions are limited to once every two months. Different members also cannot post about the same organization or teacher more frequently than every two months, and all promotions are subject to admin discretion and review for suitability.
See the updated Welcome Message for more details:
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our collective journey.
Warm regards,

 I recommended a book to someone on healing trauma and nondual realization:

Soh: “ For traumas read . I think she will be helpful for trauma and nondual realization.

John Tan recommended me this author in 2008/2009 (not for trauma but for the nondual exercises which he thought was really good, although maybe not anatta -- I AM and nondual)”

Mr AS wrote: “ Isha A. yeah I read your post and thought the same. I'm comforted by the knowledge that it cannot be lost, even if things may appear dark sometimes. The book recommended by Soh Wei Yu seems helpful, tho I haven't finished reading it, the method is similar to IFS but maybe more somatic, and with better understanding of the Beingness and Non-Duality, so I think it is even better. Recommended for our present situation. :)”

Part 5 is now out:

A decade ago, John Tan commented on the depth of Kyle's writings, noting they are as insightful as those of Buddhist masters. He advised taking Kyle's insights seriously.

Note: Text in larger font formatted as a question usually comes from others. Kyle's responses are in smaller font, except when he quotes extensively from the master's text in larger font. Thus, Kyle's replies are typically in smaller font, except for long citations.

Also see:

There is a book Yin Ling shared that she found to be genuinely helpful for those suffering anxiety. Although I do not have anxiety, I trust this book will be beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety (which is very common in this day and age), and even for those who do not currently suffer from anxiety.

Based on what I've seen from the book, even though it does not teach anatta as a realization, this book leads to the energetic signature of the non-doership aspect of anatta through the practices, which is important and key for solving anxiety as John Tan said before. 

A good book.

Yin ling added, “the only downside is it is written in 1960s when SSRI - the med for depression has just been approved .. so there is no section for encouraging ppl to eat med. if I rewrite this book, I will add this section and make it 30% of the book haha”

John tan also said to someone,

“Try to learn the art of effortlessness to allow arising conditions do the work.

Then when u take the antidepressant even without sleeping tablets, u will sleep within seconds or few minutes.”

Also, this practice can be helpful and important, should be done everyday, even if you start with just 15~20 minutes a day it can be good and beneficial:

Excerpt from “Open Mind, Open Heart” by Tsoknyi Rinpoche:

“Vase Breathing

One of the methods that helped this woman and countless others cope with emotions is a practice that helps us draw lung back to its center, or “home.” For this, we use a special breathing technique as a tool, because breath is a physical correlation to the subtle wind energy of lung.

This technique is called vase breathing, and it involves breathing even more deeply than the type of deep diaphragmatic breathing often taught in many yoga and other types of classes with which people may be familiar.

The technique itself is rather simple. First, exhale slowly and completely, collapsing the abdominal muscles as close to the spine as possible. As you slowly breathe in, imagine that you’re drawing your breath down to an area about four finger widths below your navel, just above your pubic bone. This area is shaped a bit like a vase, which is why the technique is called vase breathing. Of course, you’re not really drawing your breath down to that region, but by turning your attention there, you will find yourself inhaling a bit more deeply than usual and will experience a bit more of an expansion in the vase region.

As you continue to draw your breath in and your attention down, your lung will gradually begin to travel down there and begin to rest there. Hold your breath down in the vase region just for a few seconds - don’t wait until the need to exhale becomes urgent - then slowly breathe out again.

Just breathe slowly this way three or four times, exhaling completely and inhaling down into the vase area. After the third or fourth inhalation, try holding a little bit of your breath - maybe 10 percent - in the vase area at the end of the exhalation, focusing very lightly and gently on maintaining a bit of lung in its home place.

Try it now.

Exhale completely and then breathe slowly and gently down to the vase area three or four times, and on the last exhalation, hold a little bit of breath in the vase area. Keep this up for about ten minutes.

How did that feel?

Maybe it was a little uncomfortable. Some people have said that directing their breath in this way is difficult. Others have said that doing so gave them a sense of calmness and centeredness they’d never felt before.

Vase breathing, if practiced ten or even twenty minutes every day, can become a direct means of developing awareness of our feelings and learning how to work with them even while we’re engaged in our daily activities. When our lung is centered in its home place, our bodies, or feelings, and our thoughts gradually find a healthy balance. The horse and rider work together in a very loose and easy way, neither trying to seize control or drive the other crazy. In the process, we find that subtle body patterns associated with fear, pain, anxiety, anger, restlessness, and so on gradually loosen up, that there’s a little bit of space between the mind and the feelings.

Ultimately the goal is to be able to maintain that small bit of breath in the vase area throughout the day, during all our activities - walking, talking, eating, drinking, driving. For some people, this ability becomes automatic after only a short while of practice. For others, it may require a bit more time.

I have to admit that, even after years of practicing, I still find that I sometimes lose my connection to my home base, especially when meeting with people who are very speedy. I’m a bit of a speedy person myself, and meeting other speedy people acts as a kind of subtle body stimulus. I get caught up in their restless and displaced energy and consequently become a bit restless, nervous, and sometimes even anxious. So I take what I call a reminder breath: exhaling completely, breathing down into the vase area, and then exhaling again leaving a little bit of breath in the lung’s home.”

I would like to thank Cao Khan and Vu Huy Le for offering to help with the translation and ammendments of the Thusness Seven Stages of Enlightenment article in Vietnamese and On Anatta (No-Self), Emptiness, Maha and Ordinariness, and Spontaneous Perfection article in Vietnamese. Cao Khanh had a breakthrough shortly after helping with the translation while reading the book that Yin Ling and I recommended: Cracking the Walnut: Understanding the Dialectics of Nagarjuna by Thich Nhat Hanh

I recommend the book by Thich Nhat Hanh above as an introduction to Nagarjuna's teaching and found it quite accessible for beginners.

Another good beginner book to Madhyamaka is How to See Yourself As You Really Are by the Dalai Lama:

Part 4 is now out:

A decade ago, John Tan commented on the depth of Kyle's writings, noting they are as insightful as those of Buddhist masters. He advised taking Kyle's insights seriously.

Note: Text in larger font formatted as a question usually comes from others. Kyle's responses are in smaller font, except when he quotes extensively from the master's text in larger font. Thus, Kyle's replies are typically in smaller font, except for long citations.

Also see:

 Also See: Zen Master Ven Jinmyo Renge Sensei's Teachings

A compilation of Zen teacher Anzan Hoshin Roshi's teachings I copied from available articles posted in white wind zen community website

Link to compilation:

Anzan Hoshin Roshi is the teacher of Ven. Jinmyo Renge sensei, whose teachings John and I also liked.

Those interested in receiving their teachings can join the long distance training program

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Soh Wei Yu
Also posted this recently in AtR Blog:
John, Yin Ling and I enjoyed some writings I shared from Soto Zen teacher Anzan Hoshin Roshi, who is also Ven Jinmyo Osho's teacher.
Here's an excerpt from his book Intimate Reality which you can purchase from
SEVEN: Seamlessness
“When the ten thousand dharmas move forward and practice and realize the self, this is awakening.”
Just for this moment: be right where you are, be just as you are. Release all of this pushing and pulling, this subject and object. Don’t fall into pushing against the pushing to get rid of it. Simply don’t push. Just sit. Release this pushing and pulling even slightly, for just one moment, and you will find that something begins to happen. The moment begins to exert itself as the sights and sounds, touch and taste, smells and thoughts and feelings.
You will discover that seeing has its own intelligence which presents itself as the green of leaves, the grey and blue and white of the clouds, the vast blue of the sky. Hearing has its own intelligence. All of the senses are open and the body is alive and knowing itself as the world.
Stand up and take a step. Another step. Each step exerts itself completely and then is gone. The moment exerts itself completely and then is gone, without a trace. There is no trace of that step in this step. There is just this step. There is just hearing, just seeing, just knowing. The ten thousand dharmas exert themselves completely and without effort.
You can grasp at whatever you want to, but there is nowhere that anything is separate from you so that you can take hold of it. Everything arises within the seamlessness of experience. If we enter yet further into this moment and enter directly into the exertion of these ten thousand dharmas, enter directly into how Awareness displays itself as what it is aware of, then something else begins to make itself clear. There aren’t “ten thousand” dharmas. There isn’t even “one” dharma either. There’s just this. This is the moment of dropping body and mind.
Well, where are these “bodies” and “minds” now? Someone, please, show me your body. How would you know about the body if not through the mind? The “body” is perceived by the mind. Is there an itch? A colour? A sound? You look at your hands, you move your thumb, wiggle your fingers. These are all just perceptions arising, dwelling and decaying. Your “body” is all in the mind. Now, where is this “mind”? There is this seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling, thinking and feeling — but where is the “mind”? Someone, please, show me your mind.
When there is no separation, no distance to be closed between yourself and your experience, then where are you? The sound of a hammer, the sound of your breath. When there is just this there is no room for a body, no mind, no time, no space. There is just Open Luminosity which can sometimes look like a body, a mind. Everything is released, everything is dropped, everything rises up as it is, everything leaps into and out of itself. In this moment is the arising of all world-systems, in this moment is the vanishing of all world-systems.
Labels: Anatta, Zen, Zen Master Anzan Hoshin Roshi, Zen Master Dogen |
Intimate Reality | White Wind Zen Community
Intimate Reality | White Wind Zen Community
Intimate Reality | White Wind Zen Community
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Soh Wei Yu
I want to compile all of Ven Jinmyo Osho's teachings from website's articles into a pdf file too. If someone wants to volunteer please do so, otherwise will have to wait until I find time
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