Continuation of  Table of Contents for Malcolm Dharmawheel Posts + Astus, Krodha (Kyle Dixon), Geoff (Jnana), Meido Moore



 Created an app which splits Acarya Malcolm's posts into PDFs and Word documents based on keywords and themes. 

  You can now download the compilation of Acarya Malcolm's writings split up into hundreds of themes and topics here:

Three more programs that I created: 

DharmawheelKeywordExtractor and KeywordsCategorisedWordPDF are two console-based applications designed to work together to streamline the process of organizing and analyzing text data.

Firstly, DharmawheelKeywordExtractor is responsible for identifying and quantifying the presence of certain keywords within a collection of text files. It takes a file with specified keywords and their possible synonyms, then examines the text files in a user-defined directory to track the frequency of these keywords and their synonyms. The result of this process is a dataset highlighting the occurrence count of each keyword.

Following this, the KeywordsCategorisedWordPDF application comes into play. This program takes the output of the DharmawheelKeywordExtractor - the keywords - and further categorizes the text data from the specified directory according to these keywords. It then compiles these categorized posts into Microsoft Word and PDF documents. By doing this, KeywordsCategorisedWordPDF enhances data organization and simplifies the task of reviewing a significant volume of text data. Each output file generated contains posts that are sorted by date and grouped according to their associated keyword or synonyms.

AutoScrapper is a powerful automation tool designed to streamline and simplify the execution of multiple console applications for scrapping the posts of user(s). It facilitates the simultaneous running of designated console programs, captures and labels their outputs for easy monitoring, and provides automated responses to their prompts. Configurable via a settings file, AutoScrapper can be set up to execute a variety of tasks based on specific requirements. Its integration with Windows Task Scheduler via batch scripts also enables routine automated operations, making it an invaluable tool for efficient system management and data processing.


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