Also See:
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture One)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Two)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Three)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Four)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Five)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Six)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eight)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Nine)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Ten)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eleven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Twelve)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Thirteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fourteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fifteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Sixteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seventeen)
(I made the English translations with the help of ChatGPT from the Chinese original)
Footnotes were produced by ChatGPT and are not present in the original Chinese material.
English Translation (Paragraph 1):
River Ganges Great Mahāmudrā
(The Tenth Lecture)
Original Text (Paragraph 1):
English Translation (Paragraph 2):
Written by Elder Yuan Yin
Original Text (Paragraph 2):
元音老人 著
English Translation (Paragraph 3):
Tenth Lecture
Original Text (Paragraph 3):
English Translation (Paragraph 4):
“This is the great practice of non-practice; abiding naturally in the wisdom that is equal and all-pervasive. Like the yoga of a flowing river, there is not the slightest correction, yet not even a moment of distraction.”
Original Text (Paragraph 4):
English Translation (Paragraph 5):
The practice of the River Ganges Great Mahāmudrā is “the great practice of non-practice.” True cultivation has no external appearance of cultivating. You may see that person and think he is not practicing at all, but actually he is practicing at every moment—this is the great practice of non-practice. Because he is constantly contemplating and constantly protecting his own numinous awareness.
Original Text (Paragraph 5):
English Translation (Paragraph 6):
Having no appearance of cultivation is called “no practice.” When all is unattainable—even “emptiness, bliss, and clarity” cannot be attained—this is called “no attainment.” One is originally a Buddha oneself; one only needs to put an end to delusive thoughts and attachments. There is no need to add anything, for one naturally possesses all wondrous functions—this is called “no realization.” Hence the so-called “no practice, no attainment, and no realization.” “No practice” means that from the start there is no arising and ceasing. “No attainment” means that from the start it is empty quiescence. “No realization” means that one is originally Buddha. This is precisely “abiding naturally in the wisdom that is equal and all-pervasive”! “Equal” means impartial; “pervasive” means universal. It is to spontaneously abide in the great wisdom that is equal and pervades everything. “Equal and pervasive” means that at all times and in all places, and among all people, everything is equal. No one is higher and I am lower, nor am I higher and they are lower, and likewise there is no question of my Dharma being superior and yours being inferior. People love to argue, each holding firmly to their own view, thinking that only what they say is the truth, while they slander others from their own vantage point, speaking in terms of right or wrong, good or bad. For example, there is a type of automatic umbrella that is very convenient to use but not very sturdy; it breaks soon and people call it a “short-lived umbrella.” In the eyes of consumers in our country, this umbrella is bad, because we like durability. But in the eyes of foreigners, this umbrella is great—it is easy to use, cheap, and cost-effective; it is fine to toss it away after using it for a while. We are not used to throwing things away, so we say this umbrella is no good; they are used to discarding things, so they say it is very good. Actually, an umbrella is just an umbrella—there is no inherent good or bad. Calling it good or bad is nothing but the deluded mental distinctions of people. As it is said, “Myriad things are fundamentally at ease; the foolish disturb themselves.” If “the wisdom that is equal and all-pervasive” appears bright and clear, and you do not stir up a mind that discriminates and chooses, you will then be able to hear the “short-lived umbrella expound the Dharma.”
Original Text (Paragraph 6):
English Translation (Paragraph 7):
Previously, we spoke of “the inanimate expounding Dharma.” How can the inanimate expound Dharma? If you are unable to hear it, that is because ignorance obscures your true mind, and your mind of differentiation remains intact. Therefore, your capacity for perception extends only throughout your body. If someone strikes your head, your head feels pain; if someone strikes your foot, your foot feels pain. But if someone hits this chair, you feel nothing. If you break through ignorance and remove the habit of “giving rise to mind when encountering objects,” and sweep away the mind of discrimination and preference, then your nature of awareness will pervade all things. Your mind’s expanse will be like empty space, and nothing will remain outside of your mind. In that way, you will extend throughout the ten directions and into the three times; there will be nothing you do not know, nothing you are not aware of. Sun, moon, stars, the vast universe, mountains, rivers, earth, flowers, birds, insects, and fish—all beings, both sentient and insentient—are within your mind. Like pearls in Indra’s net, each radiant light reflects into the next, and each is rounded in all others. They are within your mind, and you are within their minds. In you there is me, and in me there is you. When you pick up one, the entirety is revealed. This is just like modern “laser hologram” photos, in which every small segment contains the information of the entire picture. That is “all-pervasiveness.” If you wish to be like this, then you must commence practice. How to practice? “Like the yoga of a flowing river, not the slightest correction, yet not for an instant does one lapse.”
Original Text (Paragraph 7):
English Translation (Paragraph 8):
“Yoga” means “accordance.” The yoga of a flowing river is to accord in the same manner as a river. Observe how river water flows: if the river bends, the water flows in a bend; if the river is straight, the water flows straight. It accords everywhere with the environment—never only straight and not bent, never only bent and not straight. Our true mind originally resembles a river, naturally in accordance with all states. As previously mentioned, “Deluded thoughts and afflictions are all the fundamental body of Dharma and the primordial gnosis of wisdom.” The Dharma-body is our true mind—our self-nature. From the very beginning, it neither comes nor goes, is neither defiled nor pure, neither increases nor decreases. It always has “not the slightest correction” and “not an instant of lapse,” and this is the foundation of all phenomena. When we do our practice, we must start from this foundation; we should be like a river, in accord with all situations, without concerns about success or failure, gain or loss, love or hatred, acceptance or rejection. Whatever needs to be done, do it; when doing it, keep it orderly, carefully, and flawlessly. After it is done, it is as if nothing was done—do not leave any trace in your mind. In doing things this way, the wisdom and skillful means will arise naturally, allowing you to handle many tasks without confusion. If, on the other hand, you have expectations or fears beforehand, or carry psychological burdens, then when it comes time to do things, you will not be able to manage them smoothly. And if afterward, you become smug because of success, or depressed and angry because of failure—“The wind of joy topples the bodhi tree, the fire of anger burns the forest of merit”—you will be far from “yoga.”
Original Text (Paragraph 8):
English Translation (Paragraph 9):
We should be like a river: bend when needed, be straight when needed, and not mind when the wind comes and creates waves. Joy, laughter, anger, and reproach are all wondrous functions of the Buddha-nature. It is no problem to get angry sometimes. Why? If you are too compliant, others may think you are weak and easily bullied, so their desires swell, and in an instant they may harm many people. How can that be allowed? At such times, it is necessary to have “the heart of a bodhisattva and the face of a rakṣa,” to fly into a rage and reprimand them, or even strike them, so that they quickly turn back. This is a form of education! Therefore, as people learning the Buddha’s way, we cannot always be soft and weak; when we see wrongdoing, we should get angry if we must. Is that truly getting angry? Outwardly, it looks like anger, but it is merely a method to educate. It is not that you have lost control of your mind or given rise to actual hatred. Long ago, under Zen Master Liangshan Yuanguan, there was a gardener (one who managed the vegetable garden to provide produce for the assembly). He asked Liangshan, “When there is a thief in one’s own home and it is hard to guard against, what should one do?” A “thief in one’s own home” is a metaphor for a deluded thought. Following a deluded thought veils one’s self-nature’s radiance, just like being robbed of the wealth of Dharma by that “thief at home.” When a deluded thought comes, what can we do? Liangshan said, “If you recognize it, there is no injustice.” Once you see it and recognize it as a deluded thought, simply do not follow it—then it is not an injustice. If you do follow it (whether by clinging to it or suppressing it, you are still following it), you have wasted your practice. Wouldn’t that be an injustice? However, the gardener was already enlightened, so he would not just let that teaching pass. He wanted a face-to-face presentation to firmly grasp the essential point and not let the teaching slip away. After several exchanges, he suddenly asked, “What if suddenly a storm breaks loose, overturning lakes and toppling mountains—what then?” In other words, what if one suddenly has a huge outburst of anger as if a flash flood that can even topple mountains—what then? Zen Master Liangshan got down from his seat, seized the gardener, and said: “Acharya! Do not let a single drop get my robe wet!” Even the corner of the robe must not be damp—this is a metaphor for the mind not moving at all. It means: even though you show anger, your mind must hold firm without moving in the slightest.
Original Text (Paragraph 9):
English Translation (Paragraph 10):
Reaching this point is precisely “not the slightest correction, yet not an instant of distraction.” There is neither concentration nor chaos—both are unattainable, and they are equal and as one. You might say: “I’ve become concentrated!” Then you still have a notion of “concentration.” If there is “concentration,” inevitably there is chaos, because concentration is spoken of in contrast to chaos. If there is no chaos, then what is the need to mention concentration? In discussing what is true, there must be something illusory; in discussing goodness, there must be something evil; in discussing beauty, there must be something ugly. If there were no illusory, evil, or ugly, there would be no need to talk about “true, good, and beautiful!” We need our mind to be truly equal, free of both chaos and concentration, free of both correction and distraction. Only when our practice reaches this level does it succeed.
Original Text (Paragraph 10):
English Translation (Paragraph 11):
“The verse says: ‘Never once has there been cultivation, never once has there been leaving, nor is there any leaving from the meaning of no cultivation.’”
Original Text (Paragraph 11):
English Translation (Paragraph 12):
This verse is divided into three sections: first, “never once has there been cultivation”; second, “never once has there been leaving”; third, “nor is there any leaving from the meaning of no cultivation.”
Original Text (Paragraph 12):
English Translation (Paragraph 13):
“Never once has there been cultivation” refers to the great practice of non-practice mentioned above, “not the slightest correction, yet not an instant of lapse.” This is not to say that no effort is required. Effort is indeed necessary, so the verse says “never once has there been leaving”—one has also never departed from making effort. However, you cannot remain attached to that effort. Having done it, it is as if you have done nothing—this is “nor is there any leaving from the meaning of no cultivation.” You may well keep practicing yet never give rise to a notion of practice. Practice is unattainable, and leaving is also unattainable. Cultivation is like taking a boat across a river. If the boat is still in midstream, you certainly cannot leave it; if you do, you will fall into the current of birth and death and drown! When you reach the other shore, you must leave the boat; if you do not leave it, how can you arrive at the nirvāṇa shore of no arising and no ceasing? When one’s cultivation is truly accomplished, then there is neither cultivation nor leaving. Nor is there a near shore or a far shore; no six realms to fall into, no Buddhahood to realize, no birth and death to be freed from, and no nirvāṇa to be realized. “No birth and death to be ended” is precisely true ending of birth and death; “no nirvāṇa to be realized” is truly realizing nirvāṇa. This is not something you can simply talk about—it is known only in actual experience. As the saying goes, “Like a person drinking water, only he himself knows whether it is cold or warm.”
Original Text (Paragraph 13):
English Translation (Paragraph 14):
“In this fundamental text of the Great Perfection of self-nature, there are those who, like the ‘swastika’ symbol (in other words, who attain realization in the Great Perfection teaching commensurate with its scope), may suddenly attain liberation. Then all the wondrous functions of the Dharma-body, which manifest as the great transcendence of both form and mind, reveal themselves, with no one who can practice and nothing that is practiced.”
Original Text (Paragraph 14):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraphs 1–14 so far):
1. Great Mahāmudrā (大手印): A profound meditation system primarily associated with Tibetan Buddhist traditions, emphasizing direct recognition of mind’s nature.
2. Dharma-body (法身): The ultimate reality or true nature of the Buddha, free from signs.
3. Primordial gnosis (本覺): The primordial and fundamental pristine consciousness.
4. Nature of awareness (覺性): The inborn capacity of knowing or cognizing naturally present in all sentient beings.
5. “Short-lived umbrella expounding Dharma”: A humorous metaphor suggesting that, when one’s mind is free of discrimination, everything—down to an umbrella—can reveal the truth.
6. Bodhisattva’s heart and a rakṣa’s face (菩薩心腸羅剎面): Acting outwardly strict or fierce while harboring compassion within.
7. Self-view (身見): The mistaken view that a “self” exists.
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 15):
In the Great Perfection teaching, there are several methods of practice, of which the primary ones are “Trekchö” and “Tögal.” “Trekchö” literally means “cutting through,” that is, to immediately cut off delusive thoughts, the deluded mind, and habitual tendencies. “Tögal” means sudden transcendence—instantly leaping beyond the sea of birth and death. The sequence is first to practice “Trekchö,” then to practice “Tögal.” One must first cut through—namely, first see one’s own self-nature. Seeing one’s self-nature is seeing the root. The River Ganges Great Mahāmudrā constantly points out how we may see our self-nature at all times, so the Great Mahāmudrā is the precursor to the Great Perfection; it is the root of the Great Perfection. One could also say that Great Mahāmudrā is itself Great Perfection; hence it is called “the fundamental text of self-nature Great Perfection.”
Original Text (Paragraph 15):
English Translation (Paragraph 16):
On the Buddha’s chest is the “swastika” (“卍”) symbol. Strictly speaking, it is not pronounced “wàn,” but since it signifies the myriad virtues, splendid and pure, people read it as “wàn.” This symbolizes the adornment of myriad virtues, pure and free of defilement—this is precisely “in accord with the Great Perfection teachings, in measure attaining realization.” The “swastika” turns to the right as it is written. Some say that if the “swastika” on the Buddha’s chest turns to the right, it is the true Buddha; if it turns to the left, it is a false Buddha—this is how they distinguish between genuine and false Buddhas. Moreover, others say that if the “swastika” on the Buddha’s chest emits light that brings coolness to people’s hearts, that is the true Buddha; if it causes heat and vexation, it is false. These are merely discussions at the level of outward forms, not touching the root. We say that what is without any sign whatsoever is the true Buddha, and anything with a sign is a false Buddha, because “the reward body and the transformation body are not the true Buddha, nor are they the ones who teach the Dharma!” The reward body manifests a radiant form, and the transformation body appears in a physical form. As the Diamond Sūtra says, “If one sees me in forms, seeks me in sounds, that person practices a deviant way and cannot see the Tathāgata.” The Buddha’s transformation body has thirty-two marks and eighty secondary characteristics, but that is only a provisional body; if you cling to that provisional body, you cannot see the Tathāgata. Only the Dharma-body is the true Buddha, and the Dharma-body is without form. Both the reward body and the transformation body have form, so they are not the true Buddha. Yet from the ultimate perspective, false is also true, and true is also false. The utterly false is true; the utterly true is false. If there were no Dharma-body, how could the reward body and transformation body appear? If one separates waves from water, the waves could not appear; likewise, if one separates reflections from a mirror, there could be no reflections. Apart from the Dharma-body, there can be no reward or transformation bodies. Where is the Dharma-body? It is precisely the myriad phenomena right before your eyes! Apart from the Dharma-body, the myriad phenomena cannot appear. We use phenomena to see the nature: nature is phenomena; phenomena are nature. Labeling them as true or false is simply our own deluded thinking. The Dharma-body is without signs, yet is not apart from any form; it is originally so. “Attainment like the ‘swastika’” means attaining that myriad array of virtues, splendid and pure—this is “in accord with the Great Perfection teachings, in measure attaining realization.”
Original Text (Paragraph 16):
English Translation (Paragraph 17):
“Or (one) may suddenly attain liberation.” Whether reciting the Buddha’s name, engaging in Chan meditation, or practicing Tantric methods, one should practice consistently at all times and places, never letting go for even a moment—while walking, sitting, sleeping, eating, or doing tasks. Over time, when one’s practice ripens, upon encountering the right conditions, “snap!” it suddenly breaks through. Clinging to forms arises from the deluded habits nurtured through many lives and eons. Because of these habits, we revolve in the six realms; they are like ropes binding you so that your Buddha-nature cannot be revealed. By practicing diligently, you are grinding away this rope until it becomes thinner and thinner, until at last it is as fine as a hair, and with a “snap!” it breaks—this is called “suddenly attaining liberation.” If you do not diligently put in the work, you will not be suddenly liberated. The moment of sudden liberation may not necessarily happen on the meditation seat. I have repeatedly told all of you that practicing the Mind Centering Dharma does not guarantee your original nature will open up only on the seat—it may happen while walking, or even while sleeping and dreaming. It might occur when you are working, and suddenly neither mind nor external world appears—“snap!”—it all opens up. But only if your practice is continuous! If you keep stopping and starting, practicing a bit today, then taking a break tomorrow—“three days fishing, two days drying the nets”—or if you work diligently on the seat but let the wild horse loose off the seat, it will not work. You have not ground the rope of deluded thinking and attachment into fineness; thus, it will not break. We must apply ourselves constantly, abiding in “the fundamental text of self-nature Great Perfection.” When our practice matures, we will “suddenly attain liberation.”
Original Text (Paragraph 17):
English Translation (Paragraph 18):
“This becomes all the wondrous functioning of the Dharma-body, manifested through the great transcendence of both form and mind.” Achieving the attainment symbolized by the “swastika” or suddenly attaining liberation is precisely the wondrous functioning of the Dharma-body. This wondrous functioning appears when body and mind are greatly transcended. “Form” refers to the physical body—this mortal shell of ours; “mind” refers to the deluded mind of clinging and attachment. Our mind constantly latches onto this body, regarding it as “I”—this is self-view, leading the body to become “the shell of ignorance.” When form and mind are transcended, we are no longer attached to this mortal shell as “I.” Once the “shell of ignorance” is broken, the wondrous functioning of the Dharma-body naturally emerges.
Original Text (Paragraph 18):
English Translation (Paragraph 19):
Among those learning the Buddha’s teaching, quite a few people pursue supernatural powers. Seeking supernatural powers is unwise: as soon as you harbor a desire, you will be unable to “in measure attain realization of the Great Perfection,” let alone “suddenly attain liberation.” In other words, seeking supernatural powers obstructs seeing one’s nature, and seeing one’s nature is the root. Once the root is gained, you need not worry about the branches. Simply abide in your fundamental nature, applying yourself at every moment, day by day lessening your deluded mind and habits—lessening and lessening further… then suddenly “snap!” they break, and the supernatural powers and wondrous functions naturally arise. They are not sought. Any supernatural power obtained through seeking is a conditioned phenomenon—unreliable. Some individuals claim to have supernatural powers, such as foreknowledge of the future, but in reality they rely on a “spirit that whispers in one’s ear.” And what is this “ear-reporting spirit”? It is the “spirit ghost” we spoke of earlier! In past lives, it committed heavy sins due to its strong greed, thereby falling into hell and suffering bitterly. After its penalty ended and it left hell, it still retained its greedy habits and was reborn as a hungry ghost, often attaching itself to a person’s body to suck away that person’s energy. If a person’s mind is empty and unattached, the ghost cannot cling. But if one seeks supernatural powers, the ghost seizes the opportunity. Ghosts have “ghostly powers.” If one is possessed by such a ghost, it will whisper in one’s ear, telling you who will come tomorrow or what events will happen—and then it actually happens the next day. Mistaking this for genuine supernatural powers, one falls for its deception. In fact, this has nothing to do with true supernatural powers. One should not heed, rely upon, or pay any attention to the ghost. If you depend on it, it will entangle you, and you will never achieve the Way.
Original Text (Paragraph 19):
English Translation (Paragraph 20):
We must not pursue supernatural powers but rather practice diligently in all situations, paying no attention to any phenomena. After a long period of sincere practice, your original nature may suddenly open up—subject and object both vanish, senses and sense-objects fall away, and you attain liberation in an instant. When the sense faculties and their objects fall off, that is “the great transcendence of form and mind.” Subject and object both vanish—no one to practice and no Dharma to practice. At that time, it is “no one practicing and nothing being practiced.” Buddha-nature has always been complete, manifesting boundless wondrous functions and has the potential to manifest all phenomena. As long as we persistently and earnestly practice, one day we will suddenly break free, and the state of “no one practicing and nothing being practiced” will naturally manifest. At that time, all supernatural powers and wondrous functions will arise spontaneously, without seeking.
We must practice with unwavering determination, persevering tirelessly, always keeping the mind empty and unattached, returning everything to self-nature. In this way, we will accomplish the path in its fullness.
Original Text (Paragraph 20):
English Translation (Paragraph 21):
“If one has not attained stability, then one is prone to generating current deluded thoughts and being carried away by external forces. Such a person of inferior faculties must follow the gradual path of an ordinary being. They must still abandon places of bustle and distraction and diligently cultivate the fullness of meditative concentration. Otherwise, even with long practice, one will not produce any evidence of the Way.”
Failing to attain stability means lacking a firm resolve and being unable to persevere. The method of practice previously discussed—the great practice of non-practice—is intended for those of sharper faculties who can faithfully abide by the teachings of Great Mahāmudrā, vigorously applying themselves upward until they gain stability. If one cannot practice consistently and diligently, that is “having not attained stability.” Such a person always finds excuses not to practice: perhaps the body is unwell or one has a cold or cough, or one is busy with many tasks, or the environment is noisy—“It’s just not the right day; I’ll do it tomorrow.” Thus “tomorrow after tomorrow; how many tomorrows remain?” In that way, one will never achieve success. Such an individual is sure to “give rise to apparent deluded thoughts and be carried away by external forces,” constantly following thoughts and reacting to circumstances, becoming what is termed “an ordinary being of inferior faculties” who must proceed on the gradual path over three incalculable eons, unlikely to realize the Way in this lifetime.
Original Text (Paragraph 21):
English Translation (Paragraph 22):
Yet one who has not attained stability is not entirely without hope of realization in this lifetime. “One still must abandon places of bustle and distraction, diligently cultivate the fullness of meditative concentration, and gather it firmly.” Internally, do not let deluded thoughts sway you, and externally, do not let circumstances move you. You must possess robust meditative concentration, referred to as “firmly established in concentration.” You should leave the bustling, distracting places that cause the mind to scatter, finding a peaceful, tranquil location to diligently develop meditative concentration. By persisting in this way, it is still possible to succeed in this lifetime. Otherwise, “even with long practice, no evidence of the Way will emerge.” Here, “evidence of the Way” refers to what was previously discussed as “emptiness, bliss, and clarity.”
We have said not to cling to “emptiness, bliss, and clarity,” admonishing a direct exclamation of “phat!” to peel away the shell of emptiness, bliss, and clarity—is it not contradictory to mention seeking “evidence of the Way”? Indeed, we must directly realize (见宗) and must not attach to emptiness, bliss, and clarity, nor regard them as final realization. It is not that emptiness, bliss, and clarity are bad—on the contrary, they are wonderful, yet still inferior to having none of them at all. If one clings to emptiness, bliss, and clarity, one can never fully realize the “fundamental text of self-nature Great Perfection.” Hence, we do not elaborate on emptiness, bliss, and clarity. However, since we have now touched upon the question of “evidence of the Way,” we will briefly explain the gradual stages:
Original Text (Paragraph 22):
English Translation (Paragraph 23):
When one sits in meditation and cultivates concentration, there are eight sequential stages:
1. Coarse stabilization
2. Subtle stabilization
3. Desire Realm Concentration
4. Access Concentration
5. First Dhyāna
6. Second Dhyāna
7. Third Dhyāna
8. Fourth Dhyāna
What we call “evidence of the Way” is the sign of having reached one of these stages. For instance, if in reciting the Buddha’s name you can keep your mind on the Buddha’s name without letting it wander, that is “coarse stabilization”—subduing the coarse discursive thoughts. Going further, when your mind becomes utterly immovable, merging seamlessly with the Buddha’s name, such that there is no Buddha outside your mind and no mind outside the Buddha, that is “subtle stabilization,” subduing the subtle discursive thoughts. Advancing further, you experience the mind suddenly opening wide and your body feeling as if it were floating on clouds or like a shadow rising from the seat, as though you have left the ground—this is Desire Realm Concentration.
The “Three Realms” are the Desire Realm, the Form Realm, and the Formless Realm. Hell-beings, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, and the six heavens all belong to the Desire Realm. Above that are the four dhyānas—First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dhyāna—collectively the Form Realm. Beyond that are four levels of formless heavens: the Heaven of Boundless Space, the Heaven of Boundless Consciousness, the Heaven of Nothingness, and the Heaven of Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception.
Original Text (Paragraph 23):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraphs 15–23):
1. Trekchö (徹卻): A key practice in Dzogchen (Great Perfection) meaning “cutting through” directly to the nature of mind.
2. Tögal (脫噶): Another key Dzogchen practice meaning “leaping over” or “sudden leap,” transcending samsara swiftly.
3. Diamond Sūtra: A foundational Mahayana sūtra emphasizing the emptiness of form and the illusory nature of phenomena.
4. Ear-reporting spirit (耳報神): A term indicating a ghostly being that conveys messages; not genuine spiritual insight.
5. “Phat!” (“呸”字): An exclamation or “sharp utterance” often used in Vajrayāna practice to cut through delusion instantly.
English Translation (Paragraph 24):
Upon attaining Desire Realm Concentration, if one continues cultivating and suddenly the body and the world become empty, that is Access Concentration, meaning one has left the Desire Realm but has not yet reached the Form Realm—one has not yet arrived at the First Dhyāna. Advancing further, when within, one no longer perceives body or mind; externally, one no longer perceives the world, one arrives at the First Dhyāna. The First Dhyāna has “eight sensations” and “ten merits.” The eight sensations are “movement, itching, lightness, heaviness, cold, warmth, smoothness, and roughness.” Although one no longer feels the physical body, one experiences these eight types of sensations. They do not necessarily appear simultaneously but are limited to these eight. Movement is a buoyant, drifting feeling, surpassing worldly revelry; itching is a tingling delight, surpassing worldly sensory pleasures… In short, all eight are extremely pleasant and comfortable sensations. One is free of desire and thus experiences joy and bliss. Hence, the First Dhyāna is called the “stage of joy and bliss born of detachment.”
The ten merits are “emptiness, clarity, concentration, wisdom, virtuous mind, pliancy, joy, bliss, liberation, and accordance.” Among these are “emptiness, bliss, and clarity.” Concentration means one is not scattered; wisdom means one is not ignorant; joy means one is free from sorrow. Additionally, there is a virtuous mind, pliancy, liberation, and accordance—all are marvelous states. Therefore, these are called the ten merits.
Original Text (Paragraph 24):
English Translation (Paragraph 25):
Renouncing the eight sensations and ten merits of the First Dhyāna, one can enter the Second Dhyāna. The Second Dhyāna is known as the “stage of joy and bliss born of concentration.” Within its concentration, there arises a profound joy and bliss. Next, giving up the “joy” of the Second Dhyāna leads to the Third Dhyāna, named the “stage of wondrous bliss beyond joy,” characterized by an even subtler and more exquisite bliss, transcending ordinary joy. Finally, by renouncing all feelings and perceptions, one reaches the Fourth Dhyāna, called the “stage of pure equanimity where thought is relinquished.” Here, the mind is pure and impartial, entirely free of any experiences of “emptiness, bliss, and clarity.”
Original Text (Paragraph 25):
English Translation (Paragraph 26):
We practice Mahāyāna meditation—sudden and complete meditation—and do not specifically instruct in these sequential dhyāna stages. Even so, we have not really abandoned them. No matter what experiences arise, we pay them no attention; soon those experiences pass. Our focus is on direct realization of mind’s nature; we do not concern ourselves with these phenomena. Not concerning ourselves does not mean they do not occur. These transitions still happen, but they flash by so quickly that they leave no trace.
River Ganges Great Mahāmudrā is Great Vehicle Buddhism. It views “emptiness, bliss, and clarity” as merely an outer shell, which must be peeled away so that the self-nature can be laid bare. If one is a practitioner of inferior capacities who follows a gradual path, lacking a stable mind and frequently chasing states—such a person who loves beauty, for example, will be stirred on seeing a lovely woman; someone greedy for delicious food will be unsettled by a fine meal. On and off the meditation seat, they let the wild horse run loose. They are far from a direct realization of mind’s nature, and even experiences of “emptiness, bliss, and clarity” do not arise. Hence, “even with long practice, the evidence of the Way does not appear.”
Original Text (Paragraph 26):
English Translation (Paragraph 27):
“Therefore, by entering retreat to cultivate, in order to avoid letting habitual tendencies contaminate one’s practice and observances, one can thus merge the fundamental concentration of one’s own path-insight wisdom (that is, the wisdom verifying one’s power on the path) with the subsequent wisdom (or the wisdom gained after transcending concentration).”
Leaving behind bustling, distracting places and entering a quiet retreat for cultivation can prevent habitual tendencies from defiling one’s practice methods and observances. “Observances” refers to one’s daily practice routines and conduct. For example, in Mind-Centering Dharma, if off the seat you forget to be aware, letting the mind be swayed by external objects, your practice is “contaminated.” On the seat, if you cannot bring forth the mantra, letting the mind wander among discursive thoughts, then your observances are “contaminated.” “Habitual tendencies” means patterns that have become second nature through repeated habituation. The greatest habitual tendency of ordinary people is letting the mind arise in response to external phenomena—attaching to appearances. For instance, a person who loves wealth sees a chance to get rich and can’t sleep at night, thoroughly disturbed by excitement. In ancient times, layman Pang famously said, “Abundant wealth perturbs the mind.” Indeed, too much money leads to mental confusion. Therefore, he sank all his fortunes into a river so as not to obstruct his cultivation. He was a true practitioner and eventually attained great realization. Are there such people today? It is not that none exist, but indeed they are very rare.
For an ordinary person of weaker capacities following a gradual path, practice and observances are easily sullied by habitual tendencies. But if such a person can enter retreat for cultivation, then “one can merge the fundamental concentration’s personal path-insight wisdom (i.e., the wisdom verifying one’s power on the path) with the subsequent wisdom (i.e., the wisdom arising after transcending concentration).” Fundamental wisdom is the root wisdom; merging it with subsequent wisdom is what we previously described as “the meeting of mother and child luminosity.” In other words, even an ordinary, gradual practitioner who devotes themselves to retreat can still accomplish attainment in this lifetime. The text clarifies that “fundamental concentration’s personal path-insight wisdom” refers to “the wisdom verifying one’s power on the path.” How does one verify it? A cultivator tests their power of liberation—namely, the “one thought not arising, yet everything is vividly known numinous awareness (靈知).” This is precisely the “nature” realized when one sees the true mind. It is called fundamental wisdom. As for “subsequent wisdom,” also explained as “the wisdom gained after transcending concentration,” the word “transcending” here means surpassing both concentration and non-concentration. It denotes the wondrous function. Subsequent wisdom is the wondrous function.
Original Text (Paragraph 27):
English Translation (Paragraph 28):
“Even with a retreat, though supported by caretakers, one still relies on cultivation grounded in the essence of fundamental concentration.”
When entering retreat, one depends on two kinds of support: external support and internal support. External support includes someone attending to one’s daily needs—while in retreat, one cannot go out to buy groceries or cook meals, so a supporter is essential. Internal support means a mentor or guide in practice, helping prevent one from falling into demonic states and pointing one toward realization. Yet, even with someone supporting you, ultimately, the main reliance is still on “cultivation grounded in the essence of fundamental concentration.” The essence of fundamental concentration is self-nature. Self-nature is originally neither born nor does it perish, neither impure nor pure, and neither increasing nor decreasing. It is only due to beginningless ignorance that the mind stirs in response to outer objects, resulting in wandering in the Six Paths. “Only whoever tied the bell can untie it”—you alone must strive to break through ignorance; you cannot rely on anyone else. If your retreat caretaker could achieve enlightenment for you, then Śākyamuni Buddha or Amitābha Buddha would have long since liberated all of us; there would be no ordinary beings left. Even being reborn in the Western Pure Land is not so easy; Amitābha Buddha cannot simply pull you there. You must ardently recite the Buddha’s name and sever attachment to affections, only then can you be reborn in the West. The Venerable Master Yinguang said, “Only when the imprint of Saṃsāra breaks and the document for the Pure Land is completed can one be reborn there.” If your root of affection is not cut—if you still cling to gold and silver, spouse and children—it is obvious that the “Saṃsāra imprint” has not been broken, so how can you be born in the Pure Land?
Therefore, even when you are in retreat, you cannot rely on your attendant; you must rely on your own diligent effort, unveiling the fundamental wisdom innate to you, and uniting it with subsequent wisdom—only then can you realize the Way.
Original Text (Paragraph 28):
English Translation (Paragraph 29):
Thus, even when entering retreat to practice, one cannot rely on external caretakers; one must still rely on one’s own diligent efforts to unveil the fundamental wisdom that we inherently possess, then merge it with subsequent wisdom to attain the Way.
Original Text (Paragraph 29):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraphs 24–29):
1. Access Concentration (未到定): Also known as “proximate concentration,” the level just before entering the First Dhyāna.
2. First Dhyāna’s “Eight Sensations” (初禪八觸): Movement, itching, lightness, heaviness, cold, warmth, smoothness, and roughness—states experienced when one’s body consciousness refines.
3. First Dhyāna’s “Ten Merits” (初禪十功德): Emptiness, clarity, concentration, wisdom, virtuous mind, pliancy, joy, bliss, liberation, and accordance.
4. Self-nature (自性): The nature of mind, originally pure and unborn.
5. Meeting of mother and child luminosity (子母光明相會): A Vajrayāna or Dzogchen metaphor for the merging of the practitioner’s realized clarity with the fundamental, ever-present luminosity of mind.
6. “Whoever tied the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it” (解鈴還須繫鈴人): A Chinese proverb meaning that only the one who created the problem can resolve it.
7. Yinguang Dashi (印光大師, Venerable Master Yinguang): A revered modern Chinese Pure Land master.
8. “Saṃsāra imprint” and “Pure Land document” (娑婆印壞、淨土文成): Figurative expressions meaning truly letting go of attachments to the Saha world and forming a genuine karmic affinity with the Western Pure Land.
Brief Explanation of Key Concepts
1. Non-Practice as Great Practice: The text consistently emphasizes that genuine practice leaves no trace. Although one must exert effort, the practitioner neither clings to the notion of “I am practicing” nor seeks any result. This is called “the great practice of non-practice.”
2. Dhyāna Stages and Mahāyāna Sudden Path: Though the text references classical Buddhist concentrations (dhyānas), its main focus is direct recognition of the nature of awareness (nature of mind). For advanced practitioners (the “upper faculties”), experiences of “emptiness, bliss, and clarity” pass swiftly. For “lower faculties,” stepping away from distractions and cultivating stability in meditation remains vital.
3. Reliance on Self-Effort: Even with external or internal support—such as a retreat caretaker or a teacher—final awakening depends on each individual’s own continuous application of the teachings, unveiling innate wisdom rather than relying on someone else to do it for them.
Bibliographic References
• This teaching is attributed to Elder Yuan Yin (元音老人), River Ganges Great Mahāmudrā.
• Draws upon key Buddhist concepts from the Diamond Sūtra and references to Dzogchen (Great Perfection) terminology such as Trekchö and Tögal.
• Mentions classical meditative states discussed in mainstream Buddhist texts (the Four Dhyānas, etc.).
End of Translation.
• The translation provided strictly follows the user’s request to present the complete English translation of each paragraph, immediately followed by the full original paragraph.
• All terms follow the specified guidelines (e.g., “無相” as “signless,” “本體” as “fundamental essence,” “無修” as “no practice,” etc.).
• No part of the text has been omitted or paraphrased; the original text is included verbatim after each translated paragraph.