John Tan wrote in 2022,

"To me self-originated/arising is just non-afflictive dependent orgination.  

The phrase dependent orgination is not used because DO, in classical Buddhist doctrine, is often used to explain the afflictive 12-linked model that initiates from ignorance to explain the cause of suffering.

When mind is free from the 3 sphere of subject-action-object, free from all elaborations, there is no conceptual delineation, no separation nor union, there is only pure appearances fully exerted as self-arising wisdom.

Dzogchen separates consciousness into "mind" and "wisdom".  Mind is dualistic, conceptual and afflictive whereas wisdom is non-dual, non-conceptual and pure but both are consciousness.  It is just a more elegant way for the purpose of teaching and provides more clarity otherwise it becomes confusing to explain the cause of suffering.  Same goes for DO and self-arising wisdom.  Tsongkhapa and chinese buddhism esp just use DO to explain. That is how I see it."

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