
Soh Wei Yu

A blog post I made in 2014, I wanted particularly to share this comment by John Tan:


Piotr quoted something nice by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche:

"Nonduality does not mean that you dissolve into the world or that the world becomes you. It is not a question of oneness, but of zero-ness. No synchronization of the sense perceptions is necessary. Everything is reduced into zero, and the whole thing becomes one-pointedness—or zero-pointedness. That is moksha, or “freedom.” You do not have any hassles and no synchronization is necessary. Things just unfold by themselves."

Thusness also wrote:

The tendency to unify is the cause of reification. Consciousness always subsume into Oneness because the idea is so beautiful to the mind and fits so well to the inherent intellect. The very act of unification into oneness prevents the seeing of liberation at spot. Instant liberation at spot is realized by recognizing the very nature of appearances/phenomena and self is non-arising and empty, it is not resting in/as Awareness or space. The former is liberation via wisdom, the later is just Awareness teaching.

Mr. WA

Something I'm curious about... WHY is emptiness of inherent existence so liberating? Can anyone try to describe why? It's okay if it's not describable, but I've often wondered 🙂


Soh Wei Yu

Mr. WA The short answer is: It's like the difference between grasping something tightly with your fist and letting go.
As long as there is the trace of non-recognizing the nature of mind and appearance, there will be fixations rather than release.
Even if experience is nondual and boundless, as long as there is this subsuming into oneness or landing as awareness or space, it is not liberation, it is still fixating on something ultimate.

As John Tan said before in 2009,

"Hi AEN,

Yes not to be fixated but also not to objectify the “spaciousness” otherwise “spaciousness” is no less fixated. The ‘space’ appears appealing only to a mind that abstracts but to a fully participating and involving mind, such “spaciousness” has immediately sets itself apart, distancing itself from inseparable. Emptiness is never a behind background but a fully partaking foreground manifesting as the arising and passing phenomena absence of a center. Therefore understand ‘spaciousness’ not like sky but like passing clouds and flowing water, manifesting whenever condition is. If ‘Emptiness’ has made us more fixated and immobilized this innate freedom of our non-dual luminosity, then it is ‘stubborn emptiness’.

Nevertheless, no matter what said, it is always inadequate. If we want to fully realize the inexpressible, be willing to give up all centers and point of references that manifests in the form of ‘who’, ‘when’ and ‘where’. Just give up the entire sense of self then instantly all things are spontaneously perfected.
Just a sharing, nothing intense.
Happy New Year! 🙂"



Soh Wei Yu
Mr. WA
16/3/13 1:02:48 AM: John Tan: Ignorance is like an endless loop
16/3/13 1:04:21 AM: John Tan: U penetrated object with direct non-conceptual experience, it hides in subject
16/3/13 1:05:09 AM: John Tan: U destroy object, it hides in here/now, there/here, in/out
16/3/13 1:06:25 AM: John Tan: Becoz the fundamental ignorance is there
16/3/13 1:06:36 AM: Soh Wei Yu: I see..
16/3/13 1:07:04 AM: John Tan: With that view, there is no true overcoming
16/3/13 1:07:42 AM: John Tan: Objects will still appear to b external
16/3/13 1:07:58 AM: John Tan: Even after non-dual
16/3/13 1:08:37 AM: John Tan: A practitioner din really overcome it
16/3/13 1:09:45 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
16/3/13 1:11:13 AM: John Tan: U will hv to feel it with ur entire body-mind with that view to understand
16/3/13 1:12:34 AM: John Tan: And compare with the deconstruction of "emptiness"
16/3/13 1:14:05 AM: John Tan: If we hold substantial view, we will always feel something has changed to something
16/3/13 1:14:28 AM: John Tan: And we want to understand it that way
16/3/13 1:15:04 AM: John Tan: Therefore we r unable to overcome the source, appearances and apparent objects
16/3/13 1:15:48 AM: John Tan: How is something so solid and external is "mind"
16/3/13 1:19:24 AM: John Tan: Also when u realized there is no hearer behind sound and initially penetrated anatta, it does not mean u hv overcome appearances and apparent objects too
16/3/13 1:19:32 AM: John Tan: What is lacking?
16/3/13 1:19:55 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Insight that penetrates empty nature of objects ?
16/3/13 1:21:52 AM: John Tan: Yes only when one begin to "realize" emptiness and look into the experience of anatta and understand this "emptying"
16/3/13 1:23:27 AM: John Tan: Until it replaces that "inherent/dualistic" and apply it endlessly
16/3/13 1:23:57 AM: John Tan: When u look into Self/self it is empty
16/3/13 1:24:12 AM: John Tan: When u look into aggregates, it is empty
16/3/13 1:24:29 AM: John Tan: When u look at here/now, it is empty
16/3/13 1:25:15 AM: John Tan: When u look into in/out, it is empty then u begin to overcome appearances and apparent objects
16/3/13 1:25:51 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
16/3/13 1:27:17 AM: John Tan: R u denying Awareness?
16/3/13 1:27:30 AM: Soh Wei Yu: No
16/3/13 1:27:44 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Deconstruction is not denial
16/3/13 1:27:57 AM: Soh Wei Yu: But seeing inherent dualistic view
16/3/13 1:28:11 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Through
16/3/13 1:31:03 AM: John Tan: That is liberating it
16/3/13 1:31:21 AM: Soh Wei Yu: I see..
16/3/13 1:32:36 AM: John Tan: Life, death, here, now, this, that, subject, object...etc
16/3/13 1:32:57 AM: John Tan: Is there a substance?
16/3/13 1:33:33 AM: John Tan: Or the same substance being transformed into another
16/3/13 1:33:53 AM: John Tan: Is the current thought the same as previous thought
16/3/13 1:34:08 AM: Soh Wei Yu: Nope
16/3/13 1:34:10 AM: John Tan: The entire view has changed
16/3/13 1:34:20 AM: John Tan: It does not apply
16/3/13 1:35:03 AM: John Tan: All along we hv understood our immediate experience wrongly and treat that as ultimate
16/3/13 1:36:06 AM: John Tan: Then non-dual experience will turn liberating
16/3/13 1:36:46 AM: John Tan: Next look into total exertion


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