John Tan shared a nice picture generated by ChatGPT. It reminded me that I had a dream of people being semi transparent that inspired me two weeks before my anatta insight and mind body drop over a decade ago. John tan replied, “This is good. Be light and insubstantial when you meditate.”

“Just remember it has to be light and insubstantial without essence”

ChatGPT: “A serene and spiritual image showing a person in deep meditation. The person is sitting cross-legged, their expression calm and peaceful. Around them, a radiant light is emanating outward, resembling the transformation of a concave lens turning convex. This radiant light gradually dissolves into a spectrum of rainbow colors, symbolizing insubstantiality, lightness, weightlessness, and a lack of dimensions. The background is tranquil, enhancing the sense of peace and spiritual depth of the scene.

Here are two images that combine elements from your previous requests, featuring the tranquil background of the first image with the transparent meditator from the last image, surrounded by radiant light transforming into a spectrum of rainbow colors.”

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