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Mr DMTop Contributor
A very honest sharing from Suzanne. It’s also important to point out that it doesn’t play out like this for everyone. For a lot of people there can be lots of unresolved trauma that may make this realisation process seem almost nihilistic, or may seem like your losing something.
It’s almost like a contradiction in terms isn’t it “end of suffering” yet there’s the deep dark “cost”. For me it’s been nothing but relief and pure magic 🪄 luminous, empty appearance, how wonderful 😍😍
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Soh Wei Yu
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She only expressed non doership and impersonality. There is no insight into luminosity and no genuine insight into AtR's anatman.
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Soh Wei Yu
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99% of those who say they realised or experienced no-self only experienced non-doership and/or impersonality. See what I wrote in https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../different-degress...
And without insight into luminosity one can veer into nihilism.
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
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Mr. PP
Soh Wei Yu Can’t nondoership also present like a “divine pattern” or “divine will” in I AM? These would be the opposite of nihilistic. Although I suppose it’s rare for these experiences to show up with a non-theistic interpretation. Maybe, the “intelligence of reality” would work.
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Mr. PP Most of the time there is no real insight into https://www.diamondapproach.org/.../refinery.../intelligence
And non-doership is just nihilistic
Intelligence | Ridhwan
Intelligence | Ridhwan
Intelligence | Ridhwan
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Mr. PP
Soh Wei Yu So divine will is more like stage 4 then? Interesting link you shared btw, thanks.
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Soh Wei Yu
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no, can be stage 1.5 also
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Soh Wei Yu
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His book Brilliancy in 2006 about intelligence is also nice. I have that book. But at that point he has not gone beyond i am and one mind. His insights into anatta and total exertion is recent
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A. H. Almaas: God, Awakening, & Consciousness
A. H. Almaas: God, Awakening, & Consciousness
A. H. Almaas: God, Awakening, & Consciousness
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Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Mr. PP This video is good:
"Soh Wei Yu
January 6 at 12:17 PM
Shared with Your friends
Shared this video exactly two years ago. Very clear and worth watching.
“Really good 👍
John Tan: “Total exertion is about a single thing, a single event, a single action. Seen is just seen, walking is just walking. Yet this single event is a total participation.
Suchness is beyond speech and termination of words as conventionally, words can only express right and inherent thought linked by relations. However Almaas though talk about oneness and I AM and total exertion, he must also understand -A that is free from all elaborations is equality non-dual and non-local in taste, there is no difference.
The message carried in his video is that the single thing is in our everydayness not resorting elsewhere, no referencing needed, no oneness, no speciality...fire is the single thing, ash is the single thing, by itself it is all and involved all 三千世界.”
Note: San qian shi jie 三千世界 = the three thousand world systems, aka. the cosmos
San qian shi jie 三千世界 = the three thousand world systems, aka the cosmos”
Dogen: Founder of Soto Zen in Japan
Dogen: Founder of Soto Zen in Japan
In the lecture “Dogen: The Founder of Soto Zen in Japan”, delivered November 6, 2021, Diamond Approach founder and spiritual teacher A. H. Almaas investigate...
Soh Wei Yu
However, he misunderstood the view of Dzogchen and conflated it with Advaita Vedanta, which is why I wrote a letter to him: https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../a-letter-to-almaas... "
Dogen: Founder of Soto Zen in Japan
Dogen: Founder of Soto Zen in Japan
Dogen: Founder of Soto Zen in Japan
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Soh Wei Yu
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Therefore she does not experience what I wrote here:
Why awakening is so worth it
From time to time, people ask me why should they seek awakening. I say, awakening will be the best thing that happen in your life, I guarantee it. It is worth whatever effort you put into it. You won't regret it. Or as Daniel M. Ingram said, "Would I trade this for anything? Maybe world peace, but I would have to think about it. Until then, this totally rocks, and missing out on it would be barking crazy from my point of view."
What is it like? I can only give a little preview, an excerpt of what I wrote taken from the AtR guide:
"Personally, I can say from direct experience that direct realization is completely direct, immediate, and non-intellectual, it is the most direct and intimate taste of reality beyond the realm of imagination. It far exceeds one’s expectations and is far superior to anything the mind can ever imagine or dream of. It is utter freedom. Can you imagine living every moment in purity and perfection without effort, where grasping at identity does not take hold, where there is not a trace or sense of 'I' as a seer, feeler, thinker, doer, be-er/being, an agent, a 'self' entity residing inside the body somewhere relating to an outside world, and what shines forth and stands out in the absence of a 'self' is a very marvellous, wondrous, vivid, alive world that is full of intense vividness, joy, clarity, vitality, and an intelligence that is operating as every spontaneous action (there is no sense of being a doer), where any bodily actions, speech and thoughts are just as spontaneous as heart beating, fingernails growing, birds singing, air moving gently, breath flowing, sun shining - there is no distinction between ‘you are doing action’/’you are living’ and ‘action is being done to you’/’you are being lived’ (as there is simply no ‘you’ and ‘it’ - only total and boundless spontaneous presencing).
This is a world where nothing can ever sully and touch that purity and perfection, where the whole of universe/whole of mind is always experienced vividly as that very purity and perfection devoid of any kind of sense of self or perceiver whatsoever that is experiencing the world at a distance from a vantagepoint -- life without ‘self’ is a living paradise free of afflictive/painful emotions (note: I am not proclaiming a state of Buddhahood or
Arahantship where all traces of mental afflictions are totally obliterated, see
, and Traditional Buddhist Attainments: Arahantship and Buddhahood in the original AtR
guide https://app.box.com/s/157eqgiosuw6xqvs00ibdkmc0r3mu8jg for more details), where every color, sound, smell, taste, touch and detail of the world stands out as the very boundless field of pristine awareness, sparkling brilliance/radiance, colorful, high-saturation, HD, luminous, heightened intensity and shining wonderment and magicality, where the surrounding sights, sounds, scents, sensations, smells, thoughts are seen and experienced so clearly down to the tiniest details, vividly and naturally, not just in one sense door but all six, where the world is a fairy-tale like wonderland, revealed anew every moment in its fullest depths as if you are a new-born baby experiencing life for the first time, afresh and never seen before, where life is abundant with peace, joy and fearlessness even amidst the apparent chaos and troubles of life, and everything experienced through all the senses far surpasses any beauty previously experienced, as if the universe is like heaven made of glittering gold and jewels, experienced in complete gapless directness without separation, where life and the universe is experienced in its intense lucidity, clarity, aliveness and vivifying presence not only without intermediary and separation but without center and boundaries - infinitude as vast as an endless night sky is actualized every moment, an infinitude that is simply the vast universe appearing as an empty, distanceless, dimensionless and powerful presencing, where the mountains and stars on the horizon stands out no more distant than one’s breath, and shines forth as intimately as one’s heartbeat, where the cosmic scale of infinitude is actualized even in ordinary activities as the entirety of the universe is always participating as every ordinary activity including walking and breathing and one’s very body (without a trace of an ‘I’ or ‘mine’) is as much the universe/dependent origination in action and there is nothing outside of this boundless exertion/universe, where the purity and infinitude of the marvellous world experienced through being cleansed in all doors of perception is constant. (If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern. - William Blake)
Why awakening is so worth it
Why awakening is so worth it
Why awakening is so worth it
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Soh Wei Yu
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You know all the Mahayana Sutras (e.g. Vimalakirti Sutra), old Zen talks about seeing this very earth as pure land and all the Vajrayana talks about the point of tantra as the pure vision of seeing this very world, body, speech and mind in its primordial unfabricated purity as the Buddha field, palace, mandala, mantra and deity? Now you truly get it, you realise everything is really just like that when experienced in its primordial purity and perfection, and that the old sages have not been exaggerating at all. It is as much a literal and precise description of the state of consciousness as it is a metaphor. As I told John Tan before, Amitabha Sutra’s description of pure land resembles my living experience here and now. “To me it just means anatta. When what’s seen, tasted, touched, smelled are in clean purity, everywhere is pure land.” - John Tan, 2019. "If one is free from background self, all manifestations appear in clean purity in taste. Impurities from what I know come from mental constructions." – John Tan, 2020
This is a freedom that is free from any artificially constructed boundaries and limitations. And yet, this boundlessness does not in any way lead to the dissociation from one’s body, instead one feels more alive than ever as one’s very body, one grows ever more somatic, at home and intimate as one’s body. This is not a body normally conceived of, as the boundaries of an artificially solidified body that stands separated from the universe, dissolve into energetic streams of aliveness dancing and pulsating throughout the body in high energy and pleasure, as well as sensations of foot steps, movement, palm touching an object, where the body is no longer conflated with a constructed boundary of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’, ‘self’ or ‘other’, where no trace of an ‘inside’ and an ‘outside’ can be found in one’s state of consciousness - there’s only one indivisible, boundless and measureless world/mind - only this infinitude of a dynamic and seamlessly interconnected dance that we call ‘the universe’. This is better than any passing peak experiences be they arisen spontaneously, in meditation or through the use of psychedelic substances. And yet, despite experiencing life to it fullest every moment without any veils, in complete openness and utter nakedness, nothing gains a foothold in consciousness, for as vivid as they are, they leave no trace just as a bird leaves no tracks in the sky, an empty and lucid display such as a gust of wind and the glittery reflections of moon on the ocean waves - appearing but nothing ‘there’ or anywhere. All these words and descriptions I just wrote came very easily and spontaneously in a very short time as I am simply describing my current state of experience that is experienced every moment. I am not being poetic here but simply being as direct and clear as possible about what is immediately experienced. And this is only a figment that I am describing. If I were to tell you more of what this is like, you would not believe it. But once you enter this gateless realm you shall see that words always pale in comparison."
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Soh Wei Yu
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And I totally agree with yin ling’s comments early last year:
Do you guys know about Suzanne Chang ? Got sent videos from her YouTube .. I find her very nihilistic and not a correct no self. Wonder what you guys think
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Aayush Jain
Soh Wei Yu She seems depressed from what I've seen. I don't think anyone who has understood no-self would feel anything other than freedom, gratitude, and even reverence for attaining such a realization in this life.
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Soh Wei Yu
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Another related article:
Anatta and Pure Presence
Someone told me about having been through insights of no self and then progressing to a realisation of the ground of being.
I replied:
Hi ____
Thanks for the sharing.
This is the I AM realization. Had that realisation after contemplating Before birth, who am I? For two years. It’s an important realization. Many people had insights into certain aspects of no self, impersonality, and “dry non dual experience” without doubtless realization of Presence. Therefore I AM realisation is a progression for them.
Similarly in Zen, asking who am I is to directly experience presence. How about asking a koan of what is the cup? What is the chirping bird, the thunder clap? What is its purpose?
When I talked about anatta, it is a direct insight of Presence and recognizing what we called background presence, is in the forms and colours, sounds and sensations, clean and pure. Authentication is be authenticated by all things. Also there is no presence other than that. What we call background is really just an image of foreground Presence, even when Presence is assuming its subtle formless all pervasiveness.
However due to ignorance, we have a very inherent and dual view, if we do see through the nature of presence, the mind continues to be influenced by dualistic and inherent tendencies. Many teach to overcome it through mere non conceptuality but this is highly misleading.
Thusness also wrote:
The anatta I realized is quite unique. It is not just a realization of no-self. But it must first have an intuitive insight of Presence. Otherwise will have to reverse the phases of insights
Labels: Anatta, Luminosity |
Anatta and Pure Presence
Anatta and Pure Presence
Anatta and Pure Presence
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Sim Pern Chong
Top Contributor
Hmmm... I appreciate her honesty.. but I think it is not a complete realisation.. maybe human perspective perhaps. There are much vaster, more magical dimension beyonds this. IMO.
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Carter Spinks
Top Contributor
I love this one.
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Tony Taylor
She criticized Angelos realization in a video the other day talking with a woman and I never get involved in YouTube comments but I had to say something that time. It was passive aggressive and flat out incorrect.
Soh Wei Yu
Top Contributor
Sim Pern Chong Yes. No-Self has to be thoroughly authenticated with radiance of mind, and radiance of mind as everything. Otherwise there is no genuine insight IMO.. or skewed towards non-doership and can veer into nihilism. That's why I find Yin Ling's advise here is very important, for those wanting to breakthrough to anatman.
Nice Advice and Expression of Anatta from Yin Ling and Albert Hong + What is Experiential Insight?
Nice advice and expression of anatta in recent days from Yin Ling and Albert Hong.
Yin Ling
Thanks Soh Wei Yu. He collated all my random posts and Albert’s very nice comment, John’s training the AI 😂, and put it together.
Below is a crucial insight I wish everyone can realize.
When you bath the Buddha, the Buddha is you, the water is you, the temple is you, your hand is you, the ladle is you, and you are the nature of mind.
You are NOT the body, you are mind. You don’t die, don’t change, don’t move, and you are Buddha. Blessed Vesak. May all awaken to their true nature and stop suffering. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yin Ling:
First step of meditation is to ascertain the knowing MIND. Without it there is no realisation. The bird, the sky, the touch, the coffee, are all your MIND. MIND once ascertained and strengthen will take one out of “self view” to realisation & we won’t get lost.
The Satipatthana sutta is a wonderful instruction to reach insight.
“Feel the body in the body”, when practicing, don’t think. Feel.
Truly feel the body FROM inside the body. Feel the sound from the sound itself. (1) tbc
(2) feel the feelings, thoughts and all 6 senses in itself and via itself.
It is as though u Insert ur awareness into the middle of the feelings and feel from inside.
(3) practice satipatthana for months to years, consistently.
The Buddha’s mindfulness practice aim to transform our mind : 1) weaken the central self energy and 2) realising awareness has always infused in the 6 senses, not apart.
(4)satipatthana will bring u to the powerful no-self realisation, if u were taught correctly and if u practice consistently 2 hours a day.
The mind energy WILL transform rapidly in 8-12 months.
Albert Hong:
it's remarkable that hearing is exactly the sound. there is no distance or gap. seeing is exactly color. feeling is exactly sensation. there is nothing extra. just that arising color, taste, sensation, sound.
and the flavor/texture of that is exactly consciousness.
it's remarkable really. being to extend that sense of consciousness, which we all previously only emphasized as prior to thought, as some localized sensation behind the eyes. we have to notice how that is a very subtle effort, a kind of assumption at play.
the flavor of consciousness is exactly the sensation, the color, the smell, the sensation. like holy shit there is no hearer. no seer. no feeler. it's only ever an assumption.
you go into sensation for example. there is no actual link between sensations. it's only that sensation, which is exactly the flavor of luminosity. and it has no real link to anything else. thoughts don't touch it, smells don't, colors don't. it's remarkable what imputation-thought can assume to glob together a seeming "thingness".
but even between one sensation and another. there is only ever that arising which is exactly the sensation. there is no prior, so you don't even have a contrast. you can never hold two things. just that sensation. how remarkable. everything is contained right there. nothing prior, hence how could there even be a sensation. where is there continuity? there is no room or time or space for continuity. and yet it magically seems like there is.
even the witness. it's just a sensation at the end of the day. nothing prior, which experiences the witness-sensation. feeling is exactly that sensation. or lets extend that as the whole sphere of beingness. again another feeling-sensation. none of this has to disappear. the extra imputation of a feeler, has to be seen as silly. never will be, never has been, just never really examined.
Yin Ling's sharing:
John Tan's conversation with AtR bot:
May be an image of text that says '10:20 4G Soh Wei Yu … Yin Ling 4d.Q IAm that empty Hermitage, Smoke comes out ofmy chimney But no onei home. 09:57 The Mind Clear Light Is disguised Dust the window sill, chair, table, And even your favorite coffee cup.. All things are pulsating pointing To world which Nothing exists. 09:58 First one by naropa. Second one by tilopa 09:58 cut out these 2 because these 2 insights make up no self realization". One without the other is skewed 9:59✓ Must have both 0:00 Like Comment Share Comment as Soh Wei Yu Home Friends Marketplace Dating Notifications Menu'
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Soh Wei Yu
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John Tan's conversation with AtR bot:
May be an image of text that says '3:12 Facebook Done 08圈 Edit What anatta? Anatta the realization there never Mind, Awareness Seeing, etc these ongoing There simply seen. truly existing Reality conventions seer seeing- Anatta the seeing through reified mental construct in seif. There main insights, construct, other direct consciousness appearances. correct Anatto self that no ongoing Itinvoives seeing through mental s merely negate reified construct authentication only conceptual understanding "seif" without appearances, then anatta, Yes, that correct. Simply negating reified construct self vithout direct consciousness only anatta, the anatta otruly reification mere appearances. must lsos through the direct taste More'
Soh Wei Yu
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This is also why I recommend people go through I AM first, since those who go through this route will not be unfamiliar with the realization and taste of the radiance of Mind, which matures into All is Mind and then the realization of No Mind (as seal), and naturally authenticate nondual luminosity as all appearances as insight matures with further pointers and contemplations into the nature of Pure Presence post-I AM. Rather than no authentication of luminosity or nondual luminosity at all (even at the Mind door let alone other sense gates), then one can fall into a rather dissociative and nihilistic state and merely skew towards nondoership.
However, Yin Ling also did not go through a distinctive I AM phase of realization. But she was able to authenticate All is Mind and then into No Mind as realization. Her progress is like this: "I went through vipassana, and then non dual with strong sense of knowingness, then anatta."
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Soh Wei Yu
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Those who didn't authenticate the bliss of nondual luminosity may fall into some negative dark night states like Suzanne Segal which she could only solve after nondual luminosity dawns. https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2018/12/dark-night.html
Dark Night of the Soul, Depersonalization, Dissociation, and Derealization
Dark Night of the Soul, Depersonalization, Dissociation, and Derealization
Dark Night of the Soul, Depersonalization, Dissociation, and Derealization
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