Kyle Dixon:

If by “awareness” we mean the mind’s cognition, then what we are aiming to recognize is that said cognition is not actually a substantial substrate that is the foundation for a discrete entity in the way we assume it is.

When we have the realization that our cognitive capacity, consciousness or whatever, is unable to be located, we are recognizing that the feeling of being an internal knower of external phenomena is a fallacious assumption that is structured through habitual conditioning in our own delusion regarding the actual nature of the phenomena we are experiencing.

When we really fail to locate the mind as a substantial knower of what is known, we again, as many have pointed out for years in this group and elsewhere, are experientially having an epiphany that there is no seer, hearer, feeler, etc., as an established entity.

This insight occurs in various ways and can unfold pertaining to (i) the mind, (ii) external appearances, (iii) in the individual sense gates related to both internal and external dimensions respectively, and so on.

On the other hand, a cognition that is locatable is simply the deluded assumption that our consciousness is an established internal substrate, and the mistaken notion of a discrete identity is based on that misconception.

Which is to say no cognition is actually locatable. We just feel that it is and suffer as a result.
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