Also See: Mr. RD's Breakthrough

The Buddha on Non-Duality

Mr C:

The insight of Anatta in actual experience, meaning day to day, came by way of Bahiya Sutta. The insight through actual experience. In contemplating it in the back yard casually. The initial insight was in meditation pushing the mind to see what came Before its identity. Meaning I went in memory looking for a me and when I found it I asked what was Before. That led to the unraveling of identity and booted me from always in thoughts past present future and spit me out here.
Then there is a a though of "nothing is happening" and seeing that everything is perfect and unfolding. Not good no bad not neutral either.
There is still this effort to attain something. To make Anatta a permanent everyday moment to moment experience. There is the sense of me left. Just a sense.
What do I do and how to do it?
I had a dream that I asked you this question
And the answer was clear
There are only thoughts the cover this up and the clarity is already so.
Fundamentally I know experience has something false, ME. But it keeps reinforcing the sense of me.
Be straight, tell me as it is. Direct. Please.

Soh replied:

Bahiya sutta must be realised as pointing to what is always already the case, not a state or a stage. In seeing, always already, only the seen, seeing is merely the seen, never a seer. Same for all other senses. This must be seen..

I will say more later.. having dinner now 🙂

Mr C:

Ok. I'm dropping the kids to school. Thanks

Soh replied:

So when you contemplate on bahiya sutta, try not to treat it as a stage to attain. But rather a pointer, a koan, to investigate the nature of reality, mind, consciousness and phenomena
Meaning when engaged in the act of seeing, investigate and challenge the very view and sense of being a seer or a seeing that exists behind or besides the seen
Is there a seer seeing? Is seeing anything besides colors or is it just colors? Does the seer seeing seen paradigm truly apply to reality or it is just another linguistic construct much like “the wind is blowing” or “the lightning is flashing”, where language moulds a vivid appearance into entities, agents and actions… but in truth both “lightning” and “flash” are simply two words imputed on a single activity or happening?
Likewise is there a “knowing” besides “known” or is it just another linguistic construct like lightning and flash, wind and blowing?
There is no wind besides blowing, no lightning besides flash, no seer or seeing besides colors and no hearer or hearing besides sound
Is this the case? So we look into our experience and challenge and investigate whether this is so until a paradigm shifting insight arises that cuts through all doubts and delusion.. and “in the seen just the seen” is realised to be what is always already the case, never was there a seer
Doer doing deed… hearer hearing heard… sensor sensing sensed. All these can be investigated the same way

Mr C:
It is. It's a constant cycle
Seeing so then going back it lol and cycling through again.
But there is that fundamental dissatisfaction. Only when it's seen, meaning contemplating the sutta and result does that goes.
Then, it cycles again. It gets easier and easier. But man.....

Soh replied:

Now supposed sense of self arise. What do you suppose is the difference between how sense of self is seen in light of the insight of anatta? Any difference before and after?

Mr C:
It's hollow
No substance.
Before it was indistinguishable. Could not see it.
The center to which everything happened to.

Soh replied:

Yes.. so before insight of anatta, Self is not hollow or substanceless. It is seen to be real, actual, truly existing by its own side. You feel that you truly are an agent, a self, a Self.

If insight is clear, there is no doer or doing besides deed or hearer or hearing besides sound. Likewise sense of self is also not an agent but merely a “being done without doer” activity. It is just an activity of grasping without truly a true grasper and grasped. So until this is clearly seen, one should contemplate. When seen just remain in equipoise.. and refine one’s view into dependent origination and twofold emptiness

Mr C:
Now, there are happenings. Sounds are crisps and of their own. Same with each sense

Soh replied:

There must be clarity what the insight is about
And what is the experience of no mind and how insight leads to effortless no mind
Otherwise no mind will not become stable
What satellite and phroggy said here must be clear


Mr C:
That came by way that there is just experience. The first experience by way of memory and unraveling. Reading the above.
I was watching the vid you posted. Very clear and confirming.
A alot of this I have no context for.
That helped immensely
Seeing that the bahiya sutta is a pointer to the nature of reality instead of a place or stage to try and get too. Just that subtle shift was of great help.

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