Yuan Yin Lao Ren Writings / ChatGPT (Paid/GPT4)'s ability to translate Chinese to English has improved
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ChatGPT (Paid/GPT4)'s ability to translate Chinese to English has improved
[28/11/23, 10:37:33 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Im impressed with gpt4 at translating yuan yin text
[28/11/23, 10:37:36 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Translate 四曰泯境存心。谓做工夫时,将一切内外诸境,悉观为空寂,只存一心,孤标立。所以古人云:
[28/11/23, 10:37:44 AM] Soh Wei Yu: The text you've provided is an excerpt from a classic Chinese Buddhist text, discussing various methods of spiritual practice in Buddhism. Here's a translation of the excerpt:
**Fourth Practice: Erase the Realm, Retain the Mind.**
This refers to practicing with a focus on observing all internal and external phenomena as void and silent, keeping only the mind, standing alone. An ancient saying goes, "Do not associate with all things, do not oppose any dust. If the mind attaches to realms, it becomes delusion. Now, with no realms, what delusion can there be?" This is the method of the ancients who removed realms but not the mind.
**Fifth Practice: Erase both Mind and Realm.**
This involves first emptying the external realm and then extinguishing the internal mind. With both the internal mind and external realm in silence, where can delusion arise from? As Guanxi said, "The ten directions have no walls, and the four sides have no doors." This is the method of the ancestors who removed both person and realm.
**Sixth Practice: Retain both Realm and Mind.**
Here, the mind stays in its place, and the realm stays in its place. When the mind and realm face each other, neither clings, each staying separate, naturally preventing the rise of delusive thoughts and not hindering the path. Thus, a scripture says, "This dharma stays in its place, and the world's appearance remains constant." This is the method of not removing either mind or realm.
**Seventh Practice: Complete Integration of Internal and External.**
In practice, everything such as mountains, rivers, the earth, the sun, moon, stars, one's own body, external objects, and all phenomena are seen as of the same true mind, bright and empty, with not a hair's difference. The entire universe is unified, leaving no place for delusive thoughts to arise. Therefore, Master Zhao said, "Heaven and earth share the same root with me; all things are of the same body as me."
**Eighth Practice: Complete Function of Internal and External.**
This involves viewing all internal and external physical and mental phenomena, and all movements and actions, as the wondrous function of the true mind. As soon as a thought arises, it manifests as this wondrous function. Since everything is this wondrous function, where can delusion find a foothold? As Yongjia said, "The true nature of ignorance is Buddha-nature, the illusory empty body is the Dharma body."
**Ninth Practice: Identity of Substance and Function.**
Even though one merges with the true substance in a state of uniform emptiness, within it is the hidden brightness, which is substance as function. In this brightness, emptiness is hidden, so function is also substance. Thus, Yongjia said, "Awake and silent is it; awake and deluded is not; silent and awake is it; silent and unmarked is not." Since in silence there's no room for the unmarked, and in wakefulness there's no need for chaotic thoughts, how can delusive thoughts arise?
**Tenth Practice: Transcending Substance and Function.**
In practice, do not differentiate between internal and external, nor distinguish directions. Consider all directions as one great liberation gate. The substance and function are inseparable, completely unified. Where then can delusion arise? The ancients said, "The entire body is without seams, above and below are perfectly round." This is the practice of transcending substance and function.
The above ten kinds of practices need not all be done; mastering one can suffice to quiet delusion and reveal the true mind. Practice according to your affinity with these teachings. These are effortless practices, not requiring intentional effort. Even those who have not realized the true mind can see it immediately if they practice these methods. It's crucial for those learning the way, so I record it here for future students, urging not to overcomplicate it!
These ten practices should be applied in all activities: walking, standing, sitting, lying down, dressing, eating, using the restroom, talking, working - always maintaining mindful awareness without needing to focus solely on meditation. If one's habitual tendencies are deep and strength insufficient, meditation may still be necessary. After meditation, apply the practice to situations, striving to unify and achieve the great effortless achievement, completing the path to enlightenment.
As for Esoteric Buddhism, after enlightenment, secret practice is still necessary to achieve "body" accomplishment. The methods of practice are vast and skillful, far beyond what is found in exoteric teachings. However, the esoteric teachings require transmission and initiation from a teacher and are not to be openly disclosed.
**About Realization and Application**
Ancient masters often did not elaborate on the experiences of realization, for several reasons. Firstly, such states are beyond words and thought, and any description risks creating attachment. Secondly, those who truly realize it attain a state of 'no
[28/11/23, 10:37:53 AM] Soh Wei Yu: attainment' and do not wish to show off. Thirdly, there's a fear that those who have not realized might mistakenly claim it as their own, misleading others. Fourthly, describing these states might lead people to seek these experiences, creating obstacles to enlightenment. Finally, the experiences of individuals can vary significantly. Therefore, descriptions are often metaphorical, like "clouds dispersing in the sky," "a cloudless sky," "the moon's solitary circle with light embracing all," "neither light nor dark, neither large nor small, neither blue nor yellow." Such metaphors attempt to convey the indescribable nature of enlightenment.
This text reflects deep philosophical and spiritual insights from Buddhist teachings, emphasizing the importance of inner silence, the non-attachment to phenomena, and the realization of the true nature of the mind.
[28/11/23, 10:38:01 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Translate: 团,光灿灿”等约略描绘之。余今似亦不例外,况余并无所证,亦无所得,更无能为言,只得拾几句
句,千圣不传,面前一丝,亘古无间!”又, 谓“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。”即指此也。
[28/11/23, 10:38:10 AM] Soh Wei Yu: The provided text is a continuation of the previous excerpt, elaborating further on Buddhist spiritual practices. Here's the translation:
"This is a rough depiction. I, too, am no exception. Moreover, I have nothing to prove, nothing to gain, and am unable to speak of it. I can only pick a few existing public cases to share with readers. The detailed experiences can only be realized and understood through the readers' own diligent practice.
When a practitioner reaches a state where both subject and object are forgotten, and both mind and law are obliterated, regardless of the sect, it's like an explosion, where suddenly, internally the body and mind, and externally the world and even the void, collapse and shatter, turning into nothingness. This is the moment when the earth sinks level, and the void crumbles. Although there's nothing left, there is still the clear, silent, and ever-bright spirit, always conscious but not like wood or stone. Although aware, there is no knower or known, because this awareness itself is a vast clear, spiritual consciousness. Adding any more to this is like putting a head on top of another head, and thus it's not the true state. After realizing this true state, one understands that this 'spiritual consciousness' is not elsewhere but shining at the six sense gates all day, inseparable from oneself. All actions are the wondrous function of 'it.' We've been ignorantly dirtying and demeaning it, suffering in the cycle of samsara - how unjust! The ancients said, 'One word before sound, a thousand saints do not transmit; one thread before the face, throughout the ages, there is no gap!' Also, 'Searching for it, one finds nothing; it comes without effort.' This refers to the same.
But this is just the primordial Buddha-body, still requiring diligent polishing and removing of habitual tendencies to shine brightly. When the practice is mature, even in deep sleep, the crown of the head is like a bright full moon. When the light is pure and broad, the heavenly eye naturally opens, and the ten directions are all clearly seen. As Indra's net, the interplay and wondrous function are endless.
Some say these states are experienced by Zen or Esoteric practitioners, not those in the Pure Land sect who recite Buddha's name aiming to be reborn in the Western Pure Land and should see Amitabha Buddha and the Western sacred realm in meditation. If they see nothing, how can they be reborn in the Pure Land? Didn't you see Master Yinguang's Samadhi of Buddha-recitation? Master Yinguang strongly advocated relying on Buddha's compassionate power for rebirth in the West. Why did he also say in his Buddha-recitation Samadhi that the view of nothingness is the true view, and the true view sees nothing? Truly, Buddha-nature is signless and without characteristics, untainted and unattached. To speak of it as something is not accurate. Therefore, the true Buddha is beyond words and form. But this signless Buddha-nature is not dumb void; it manifests and functions according to conditions. Since manifestations arise conditionally, they are nominal, not substantial. Hence, seeing a Buddha with form is not seeing the true Buddha. The ancients said: 'Nirmanakaya and Sambhogakaya are not the true Buddha, nor the speaker of the Dharma.' The Lotus Sutra refers to them as 'transformation cities,' not the real treasure. To be reborn in the highest realm of the Western Pure Land, one must transcend the realm of form and realize the signless, wondrous body of the true Buddha. Holding onto the form of Buddha and the realm of form, one can only be reborn in the lower realms. This is an unalterable truth. Hence, Master Yinguang, when speaking of the highest state of Buddha-recitation -- Samadhi -- had to say that the view of nothingness is the true view. Realizing such a profound state, the mind and realm become one; the mind is the realm, and the realm is the mind. Aspiring to be reborn in the West is to be reborn in the pure land of one's own mind. Isn't this the highest form of birth?
After realizing the nature, if one clings to the emptiness or indulges in tranquility without knowing how to function in circumstances, it's like a poor person who becomes wealthy but doesn't know how to use the wealth, remaining as poor as ever. Moreover, without practicing in worldly situations, one cannot attain the great Samadhi of integrating principle and affairs, nor reach the state of unobstructedness in all things to complete the great achievement of the Buddha-path. Therefore, one must apply the realized principle in worldly situations, rounding off the edges to attain perfection. However, those who have just realized often don't know how to apply it or understand the process. They may even
[28/11/23, 10:41:19 AM] Soh Wei Yu: doubt their realization when shaken by circumstances and become anxious and lost, which is truly regrettable! Here, I select the essential parts of my former teacher Xiang Lu's 'Process of Manifesting and Utilizing Realization' to help readers develop wisdom after enlightenment and achieve the ultimate effortless practice.
The wondrous substance of ultimate reality has its own unfixed function. Practitioners must apply the realized state of pure and free reality to the confused and inverted situations of daily life, transforming existence into emptiness, inversion into purity, and afflictions into freedom. Not only can one eliminate one's own suffering but also that of others. This is called 'liberating sentient beings.'
The deeper the practice, the more habitual tendencies arise and quickly. Practitioners need not fear; these are seeds naturally emerging from the eighth consciousness. Although they arise quickly, they also dissipate quickly. With each emergence, they decrease in size and frequency, never to grow again.
The deeper the practice, the greater the courage. If startled suddenly, one is startled only once, never again, and one's strength grows with use.
The deeper the practice, the greater the fluctuations in memory—sometimes forgetting, sometimes remembering strongly and becoming increasingly sharp. Sensory perception also strengthens, often responding to things without thought, a sign of penetrating insight."
This text continues to delve deeply into Buddhist philosophy and practice, emphasizing the importance of applying spiritual insights to everyday life and the transformative power of diligent practice.
[28/11/23, 10:46:51 AM] John Tan: Wow...
[28/11/23, 10:47:26 AM] John Tan: Very good translation.

[28/11/23, 10:48:20 AM] Soh Wei Yu: someone should translate the whole book 

[28/11/23, 10:49:46 AM] Yin Ling: I will make myself read the Chinese hahaha
[28/11/23, 10:50:02 AM] Yin Ling: Don’t send me translation soh, my Chinese needs to be saved 

[28/11/23, 10:50:10 AM] John Tan: Lol
[28/11/23, 10:51:25 AM] John Tan: I probably read both and see how gpt4 translates, whether they imagined and fill in the blanks using zen-mastee models...
[28/11/23, 10:52:56 AM] John Tan: Soh must have realized his mistakes of saying yuan yin lao ren as substantial non-dual...

[28/11/23, 10:55:18 AM] Soh Wei Yu: ya.. often my dreams tell me something useful... like that time i had dream of someone who just joined group had strong karmic conditions to breakthrough and is about to realise something, i knew i had to guide him then a few days later he broke through to nondual anatta
likewise when i dream yuan yin lao ren and felt he is very enlightened and strong practitioner and very inspiring, i take it seriously
maybe he really appear in my dream and try to inspire me to practice harder

[28/11/23, 10:58:16 AM] Yin Ling: 托梦to talk to you 

[28/11/23, 11:00:13 AM] John Tan: Haha...auspicious...but lazy in contemplation
[28/11/23, 11:01:39 AM] Soh Wei Yu: lol
[28/11/23, 11:01:49 AM] John Tan: How u tell gpt4 to translate?
[28/11/23, 11:01:59 AM] Soh Wei Yu: i just say "translate:
[28/11/23, 11:02:04 AM] Soh Wei Yu: then paste the chinese text
[28/11/23, 11:03:43 AM] John Tan: Did u type tdlr?
[28/11/23, 11:03:59 AM] Soh Wei Yu: no
[28/11/23, 11:04:13 AM] Soh Wei Yu: tldr is 'too long didn't read', its for summarising texts
[28/11/23, 11:04:20 AM] Soh Wei Yu: in this case i want the full translation mah
[28/11/23, 11:09:08 AM] John Tan: Yeah
[28/11/23, 11:48:10 AM] Soh Wei Yu: image omitted
[28/11/23, 11:48:27 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Ask ChatGPT translate like this with chinese followed by english in parageapgs so you can compare
[28/11/23, 11:48:35 AM] Soh Wei Yu: Paragraphs
[28/11/23, 11:51:14 AM] John Tan: Means translate para by para?
[28/11/23, 11:52:02 AM] Soh Wei Yu: yeah, maybe you prompt "translate and respond with one paragraph in chinese followed by the translated paragraph in english for my comparison"
[28/11/23, 11:52:18 AM] Soh Wei Yu: i told it line by line then it started with one line by one line then evolved into that, but i think one line is too short
[28/11/23, 11:57:40 AM] John Tan: Actually after authenticating appearances r radiances, I see the next most important step is to arise insight of DO and emptiness. It is a sort of special insight that sees the "middle path" and we use this insight to re-orientate our conventional world view and understand 8 extremes do not apply.
Soh Wei Yu
3:49:23 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Its like a mirror is a mirror because it
reflects and reflection is reflection because of mirror.. or sun is sun
because of shining and shining is shining because of sun. There is no
sun apart from shining or shining apart from sun.. both have no essence
of its own therefore they dependently originate and is dependently
designated. Rather than sun can only shine if it has its own essence.
Sun can shine not because it is thing in itself but precisely because it
has no essence, is dependent designation and d.o.
[25/11/23, 3:54:34 PM] Yin Ling: Yeah
4:02:35 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Was re reading some by yuan yin lao ren just
now. I think yuan yin lao ren might have non substantialist view even
tho he talks about mirror and reflection
4:04:09 PM] John Tan: And we do not see emptiness, we only see
appearances. Therefore Tsongkhapa in his 3 principles aspect of the
appearance eliminates the extreme of existence
And emptiness eliminates the extreme of nonexistence.
[25/11/23, 4:04:41 PM] John Tan: Depends
4:05:05 PM] Soh Wei Yu: I think malcolm also said before, emptiness
cannot be seen.. we see presence/appearance. Might have recalled wrongly
4:06:45 PM] John Tan: No sun apart from shining and no shining apart
from sun. Is like the relation example. So u must relate correctly and
don't refute wrongly.
[25/11/23, 4:07:54 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Oic..
4:11:36 PM] John Tan: There is another unique part of Tsongkhapa. He
question is it even right and possible to say freedom from all
conceptualities, that is, can there be no parts and no concepts at all
from sentient being to buddhahood since Buddha also engage in
conventional terms.
[25/11/23, 4:12:38 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Malcolm also said thats a controversial qn and views vary lol
[25/11/23, 4:13:02 PM] John Tan: Lol his view recently changes if u noticed...
[25/11/23, 4:13:17 PM] John Tan: More and more gelug 

[25/11/23, 4:13:21 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ya in early days he is firmly of the view that budddhas have no thoughts
[25/11/23, 4:15:03 PM] John Tan: This message was deleted.
4:15:48 PM] John Tan: So in Tsongkhapa view, in that case, emptiness
and dependent origination is enough, y speak of freedom from all
[25/11/23, 4:52:24 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Ic..
[25/11/23, 4:54:06 PM] John Tan: Yuan yin lao ren?
[25/11/23, 4:54:14 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Yeah
[25/11/23, 4:54:58 PM] John Tan: So u must look into several writings and 对照。
[25/11/23, 4:55:46 PM] John Tan: Like u kept telling me initial mipham sounded very much like substantialist non-dual
[25/11/23, 4:56:48 PM] John Tan: U cannot take a snapshot and conclude.
4:57:10 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Yeah actually i thought yuan yin lao ren is
substantialist nondual until i had a dream about him earlier this year
that was inspiring lol then i re look at his writings
[25/11/23, 4:57:35 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Full text:
元音老人 著
[long text snipped]
[25/11/23, 5:03:07 PM] John Tan: That is anatta and authentication of appearances as one's radiance.
Next step is what?
[25/11/23, 11:10:08 PM] Soh Wei Yu: "以一切影像皆是鏡光所成,鏡即是影,影即是鏡;離鏡無影,離影無鏡,既不可背鏡住影,亦無須離影求鏡。既深知影鏡皆無所住,當能心無愛憎之情,境無取捨之住。
故學者不必怕妄,但深契一乘玄旨,於境無取無捨,無喜無瞋,則妄自除矣。" - 元音老人
11:12:07 PM] Soh Wei Yu:
"不是将此灵觉扫光,而是不住此灵觉。以不住故,即无能觉与所觉,故归无所得也。有个觉知的光景,早不是了,还说什么空空然?"- 元音老人
[25/11/23, 11:13:27 PM] Soh Wei Yu: ”妄心不要灭掉,因为妄心就是真心,波浪就是水,把波浪去掉,水就没有了,所以妄心起来亦不压灭它。只要转,不跟它跑即是。” - 元音老人
[25/11/23, 11:14:05 PM] John Tan: Insubstantial non-dual.

Soh Wei Yu
Posted posted a full chatgpt translation of a Yuan Yin Lao Ren's text here: https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../inscription-of...
Inscription of the Enlightened Mind

Inscription of the Enlightened Mind
Soh Wei Yu
[25/11/23, 6:02:34 PM] Yin Ling: Wow I read 25% didn’t realise it is so long, but very well written. I drive home then read lol
[25/11/23, 6:02:36 PM] Yin Ling: Thanks
[25/11/23, 6:02:38 PM] Yin Ling: 

[25/11/23, 6:02:58 PM] Soh Wei Yu: That is just one article out of like 12 

[25/11/23, 6:03:00 PM] Soh Wei Yu: On mahamudra
[25/11/23, 6:03:06 PM] Soh Wei Yu: I went through all
[25/11/23, 6:03:10 PM] Soh Wei Yu: Link:
[25/11/23, 6:04:04 PM] Soh Wei Yu: https://book.bfnn.org/article/0383.htm
[25/11/23, 6:04:05 PM] Soh Wei Yu: sorry
[25/11/23, 6:04:06 PM] Soh Wei Yu: 17 articles
[25/11/23, 6:04:07 PM] Soh Wei Yu: lol
6:05:20 PM] Soh Wei Yu: he foretold when he will die, sat in meditation
posture when he passed away at 95 years old and had countless sharira
relics https://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../yuan-yin-lao-ren.html
[25/11/23, 6:05:41 PM] Soh Wei Yu: *96 years old
[25/11/23, 6:11:15 PM] Soh Wei Yu: i also bought some of his books for my mom before https://www.taobao.com/list/item/wap/611526050673.htm
[25/11/23, 6:11:27 PM] Soh Wei Yu: <-- new edition of his collected works here i think
[25/11/23, 6:12:14 PM] Soh Wei Yu: but many of his writings are also available here: https://www.bfnn.org/yuanyin/article.htm
[25/11/23, 6:34:52 PM] Yin Ling: Cool thank you. Gonna take me one hour to read that excerpt coz it is 繁体字

[25/11/23, 7:04:41 PM] Soh Wei Yu: I rely on my phone read to me like always lol
[25/11/23, 7:49:43 PM] Yin Ling: I read very slow and need to 咬文嚼字 to understand lol so cannot audio
