I find this a good read including the text he linked. https://app.box.com/s/jarnprcugpon7fzdj5xt8hif0c6i49y4
The suttas are quite clear on the matter that consciousness is one of
the aggregates and it is very much impermanent. SN 12.64 itself states
that "for the nutriment consciousness, if there is no delight, if there
is no craving, consciousness does not become established there and come
to growth." (Bhikkhu Bodhi translation), that is, there is no
consciousness to talk about without nutriment. On the concept of
unestablished consciousness mentioned there, see e.g. What the Nikāyas Say and Do not Say about Nibbāna by Bhikkhu Brahmāli, p 47ff.
Also, regarding consciousness, see chapter 4 of Theravada Abhidharma by Y. Karunadasa:
"Early Buddhism recognizes three basic
psychological principles. The first is the dependent arising of
consciousness, expressed in the well-known saying: “Apart from
conditions, there is no arising of consciousness.” (M. I, 256: Aññatra
paccayā natthi viññāṇassa sambhavo.) Consciousness is not some kind of
potentiality residing in the heart and becoming actualized on different
occasions. Nor is it a static entity that runs along and wanders without
undergoing any change, a kind of permanent soul entity that
transmigrates from birth to birth. (M. I, 256)"
And chapter 5:
"In the Abhidhamma psychology, bare
consciousness, that which constitutes the knowing or awareness of an
object, is called citta. It can never arise in its true separate
condition. It always arises in immediate conjunction with mental
factors, the factors that perform more specialized tasks in the act of
cognition. In the books of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka the individual nature
of consciousness is often sought to be described by positioning it in
relation to other basic factors (dhamma) into which individual existence
is analyzed.
As a basic factor of actuality (dhamma), consciousness is the mere
occurrence due to conditions. (VsmṬ. 462: Yathāpaccayaṃ hi pavattimattam
etaṃ sabhāvadhammo. See also Abhvk. 116; VśmS. V, 132.) It is not an
entity but an activity, an activity without an actor behind it. The
point being emphasized is that there is no conscious subject behind
For Karunadasa on the subject of nirvana see chapter 10 of Early Buddhist Teachings: The Middle Position in Theory and Practice.