
Soh Wei Yu
Key to make this into a natural state and effortless without entry or exit lies in the realization of anatman ( ). See if you can relate to the three links I sent above. The two stanzas of anatta when contemplated will lead to the anatman realization. That would be the commentary of the ninth oxerding picture by Zen Master Kubota Jiún:
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
Different Degress of No-Self: Non-Doership, Non-dual, Anatta, Total Exertion and Dealing with Pitfalls
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Sudden Awakenings

Soh Wei Yu what’s meant by your distinction between glimpse and realization? Does realization mean being able to glimpse on demand? Abiding permanently in that glimpsed state? A knowing that it’s true even if you’re not currently glimpsing it? Thanks for clarification. 🙏


Soh Wei Yu


Sudden Awakenings An excerpt from the AtR guide:

“What's important is realization. The 7 phases of realization as per JT map emphasizes the distinction of view, realization and experience. Realization is important for breakthrough.

With the correct realization comes the experience and possibility of stable and effortless experience of pure presence in its nondual, uncontrived, full-blown, empty and liberating way. Most crucial key is the anatta realization, and with that mature into two-fold emptiness and spontaneous perfection and self-liberation. But even before anatta, even for I AM, there is distinction between experience and realization.

On the other hand, having an experience does not indicate having realization necessarily. In such cases, experience fades in time.

The words of Jigme Lingpa:

Understanding is like a patch, it wears off

Experiences are like the mist, they fade

Realization is like space, unchanging” – Soh, 2021


Soh Wei Yu


For example for many years even prior my I AM realization -- the unshakeable doubtless certainty of Beingness dawned, which led to a permanent shift of identity, I had many glimpses where I felt that the I AM or Witness is the ever present Self or Beingness etc. But it is still glimpses, it did not lead to a permanent shift of identity, nor did it come with an unshakeable certainty etc.


Soh Wei Yu


Another quote I had about the AMness as a glimpse vs realization in the AtR guide: "If one has an experience of being a Witness or enter into a state of Witnessing, but it needs to be “maintained” or is felt to be “gained” or “lost”, even if one intuits that Witness to be ever-present, that is still an “experience” but not “realization” (see the classifications above). This does not mean after the I AM realization one can never be distracted by thoughts ever, it just means there is a kind of unshakeable certainty of Being that is never lost. You realized this is You without a shadow of doubt, as the ground of Being. As John Tan puts it, “Being freed from individuality -- coming and going, life and death, all phenomenon merely pop in and out from the background of the AMness. The AMness is not experienced as an ‘entity’ residing anywhere, neither within nor without; rather it is experienced as the ground reality for all phenomenon to take place. Even in the moment of subsiding (death), the yogi is thoroughly authenticated with that reality; experiencing the ‘Real’ as clear as it can be. We cannot lose that AMness; rather all things can only dissolve and re-emerges from it. The AMness has not moved, there is no coming and going. This "AMness" is God.”"


Soh Wei Yu


Likewise in the article John Tan wrote for me in my nondual phase (transitioning from I AM to nondual but not yet anatta):

"Doing this foreground practice, you are effectively refining your realization from “You as pure Existence” to “Existence is the very stuff of whatever arises”. The actual stuff - the screen, the keyboard, the clicking sound, the cool air, the taste, the vibration…is the actuality of Universe itself, there is no other. Nevertheless do take note that these are still experiences, they are not realizations. You will have to go through what you have gone through in the phase of ‘I AM’ from intermittent experiences to realizations."

---> this 2 sentences in particular: Nevertheless do take note that these are still experiences, they are not realizations. You will have to go through what you have gone through in the phase of ‘I AM’ from intermittent experiences to realizations.

Bringing Non-Dual to Foreground


Bringing Non-Dual to Foreground

Bringing Non-Dual to Foreground

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Yin Ling


echoing Soh's point above, realization is when you literally live your life like how you live ur life in a dual state now except it is a non-dual state.

you don't experience the world like before anymore, and you even forget how other ppl experience their world. you just live in anatta, or non dual, or emptiness naturally, like how others live in dual, inherency naturally. it's completely effortless, one don't even think about it until when ask then probably look into the state and teach from there.


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