• When mind is free from any dualistic sense of perceiver and perceived,
    When everything turns transparent and luminous,
    When appearances are naturally pellucid and pure,
    Don't get over excited.
    Don't be over focused.
    Don't think of cycling these experiences 24/7.
    Instead prepare your body.
    Have enough rest and sleep.
    Take less inflammatory diet.
    Continue for 30 days.
    Wait for auspicious signs.


    Yin Ling
    What auspicious signs? 😁
    I need to hear this thank you.

    • Reply
    • 1d

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling lol don't tell u. 😝
    It can be fragrance from another world, can be rainbows of colours, can be continuous mint like soothing sensations throughout ur body, can be dreams of clarity...but the experiences are quite tangible...means not day dreaming type...but my purpose of writing this is to also hear from others having similar experiences.

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    • 1d

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan oooo I see, those are auspicious signs!

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  • John Tan
    Yin Ling Ur body is very important. As u wrote, "ur body is ur mind" is a crucial insight, treasure it.

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  • Yin Ling
    John Tan oh ok! Yes I experience a lot of energy imbalance and using the body as a gateway to balance it is the only way I know 🤣

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  • John Tan
    Yin Ling u over focused. Take less inflammatory diet also.

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  • Yin Ling
    John Tan ok. Gonna google what is less inflammatory diet. Haha.

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  • Soh Wei Yu
    Yin Ling usually those that your mother and grandmother say are 热气 those are inflammatory

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    • 1d

  • Soh Wei Yu
    John Tan the only two times i experienced fragrance from another world i believe it is a sign from buddha/bodhisattvas (once when i first did garab dorje dzogchen/ati guru yoga in 2012, and another time when tara appeared to me and informed my wish was granted and i found out its true the next morning)

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  • John Tan
    Soh Wei Yu haha...try to eliminate those religious descriptions. Focus on more tangible stuff and how they trigger further insights.

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  • Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu oh wow. I always suspect there’s some truth in it but never heed any advice. 🤣

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    • 1d

  • Mr. RB
    John Tan spontaneous love arising in every cell every moment and breathe as Grace. All as mind flowering into to all as heart.
    Only lasted 15 minutes or so but interesting how not even on a Brahmavihara retreat did this arise before. Spontaneous Presence as Emptiness-Love.
    Driving past the RV I saw something I’ve never seen before. A baby white owl in the middle of the dirt road. Never seen an owl by the beach before much less a white one. Pretty rare.

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      • 1d

  • Mr. RB
    John Tan thank you. Meditating over here looking at the ocean and the body is feeling far too holographic. Note to self don’t have pork or caffeine on solo meditation retreats 🤣

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    • 1d

    John Tan
    Mr. RB lol. Have enough and rest, don't over focused and result in energy imablance. Be natural and light. 👍

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  • Mr. RB
    John Tan Ive slept 12 hours last night and every night since I got here and will continue to. There’s some animals here didn’t think of playing with them until now 🙏
    May be an image of animal, food and outdoors

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  • Mr. RB
    John Tan note taken on not over focusing lol only relaxation from this point onward 🤣🤦‍♂️

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  • John Tan
    Mr. RB but balance and don't laze🤣.

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  • Mr. RB
    John Tan hahahahaha

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  • Joel Agee
    John Tan, I imagine you meant to write "When mind is *free* from any dualistic sense of perceiver and perceived.

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  • John Tan
    Joel Agee yes. Corrected and thks!

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  • Geovani Geo
    My experience is the encounter of 'space'. There can never be a time when space was not there (here). It is the natural, unborn, non-caused, natural presence that can not be absent. Though without marks it can not be said to be absent. How could space be absent? How could natural, original, absence of everything ever not be? How could it said to be if it is the absence of all qualities? The natural effortless nature of existence, just as it is, in whatever mode could that be.

    • Reply
    • 23h
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    John Tan
    Geovani Geo It means absence of the notion of "things" in what appears, like "no-seeing" or "not seeing anything". A way of expressing that one has exhausted the conceptual notions mind and phenomena. Like when all is/are mind, then the notion of mind must also be exhausted in actual experience.

    • Reply
    • 19h

  • Geovani Geo
    Then, someone may ask: "and what about seeming phenomena? How can 'space', as total absence of things, create them?"
    Empty 'space', because of absence of things, emanates seeming things. Its just the mysterious natural law - like gravity is a natural law in 'material' world. As 'space' is empty of everything, it has the natural potential to emanate anything. All action, all striving, are the natural outcome of their lack in original natural unborn 'space'.
    Using some words in trying to express the ineffable naturalness of what is due to their original absence.

    • Reply
    • 19h
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  • John Tan
    Geovani Geo I think dzogchen termed it "non existence apparent appearances". I just called it "pure appearances". Gelug called "phenomena" without superimposing "inherentness" as "mere existence" however "mere existence" includes both "conceptual" and "non-conceptual".

      • Reply
      • 18h

  • Jackson Peterson
    Lol! Yes! Spiritual and other profound Experiences
    People often write to me describing amazing experiences of bliss or deep insights or realizing how they aren’t a personal self or any number of mental and physical occurrences.
    None of these have any benefit or relevance.
    Rigpa, Buddha Mind or Brahman Consciousness is simply that which “knows”. It’s not an experience. It’s that to which all experiences occur.
    It’s always already fully present, if not then this text couldn’t be known. What is knowing that reading and perceptions are occurring?
    It obviously requires no practices, no study, no meditation, no integration with different life situations, requires no mindfulness or stabilizing.
    It is the permanent background awareness to which everything appears; such as thoughts, dreams, sensations, emotions, suffering, bliss, identities and perceptions. That’s all.
    In any experience; what’s aware of that experience? That’s it!

    • Reply
    • 16h

    Geovani Geo
    Jackson, could be stated that way. But I would not use the term background for it may suggest that its some foreground stating it.

    • Reply
    • 13h

  • Geovani Geo
    But then.... of course.... no term is adequate.

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    • 13h

  • Geovani Geo
    Any affirmation or to fierce attempt of definition will lead to 'something' that is, more or less subtly, conceptual that then will need some effort to 'get there'. OTOH, when someone says that absolute emptiness is one with awareness, it is pointing to the fact that all and any conceptual mind striving game is totally unnecessary for 'absence' can not fail to be the case, just like the obviousness of conventional space in the material world. Just some thoughts...

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  • Geovani Geo
    And... I would like that my words would be understood as a mutual harmonious investigation and not some words of truth.

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    • 13h

  • Jackson Peterson
    Geovani Geo well the foreground is like an outward extension from the background.

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    • 12h

  • Jackson Peterson
    Geovani Geo there are no seekers..

      • Reply
      • 12h

  • Elena Nezhinsky
    less inflammatory diet please ? What do you eat?

    • Reply
    • 12h

    John Tan
    Elena Nezhinsky I think it depends on individual. For my body - oat, kiwi, blue berry, tomatoes in the morning, afternoon anything, night porridge, fish, vegetables (70% full).

    • Reply
    • 6h

  • Elena Nezhinsky
    John Tan you eat 2 times a day 70% full? I need to do 70% full, its a good practice of no-greed

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    • 3h

  • Elena Nezhinsky
    lol of that nondual robot above, I didn't see him long time! 🤡

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  • Matt Joe Garrett
    can I ask why the diet to be inflammatory? 🤣

    • Reply
    • 11h

    Elena Nezhinsky
    Matt Joe Garrett because if you eat in a way that food creates inflammation in the body, you end up sick and no amount of meditation will do, unless you specifically want to be sick and be ok with it - whatever works for spirit to evolve, its individual as John said above

    • Reply
    • 3h

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