Soh Wei Yu
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The Magical Hypnotic Spell of Convention
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- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:24:16 AM] Soh Wei Yu: It's like extending Anatta to everything.. When we see consciousness we see manifestation and release from subjectivity. When we see body we release from physicality and see dependencies and total exertion... When we see objects the same applies
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:27:53 AM] John Tan: In anatta, u release the self. In mind body drop, u release the understanding conventions and emptiness, u realized there r the anatta and mind-body drops rest on the same principle...
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:30:04 AM] John Tan: But what is important is u must see the immense power of conventions leading reification...the magic power that hypnotized u feel when u r under the spell of conventions.
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:38:26 AM] John Tan: U directly experience how the mind under the mind lives in spell ... U see how breaking through conventions and reification is different from non-conceptuality...that is not only experience becomes direct, non-dual, boundless and free, the center and background is also gone...which is unlike just being non-conceptual. Almost non-dual awareness allows the pure sense of boundless presence, it cannot free one from the background.
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:42:30 AM] John Tan: So when talking abt conventions, u must b able to point out how conventions has this special power that blinds and make our world feel so different ... Feel so solid and isolated and separated.
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:43:13 AM] John Tan: U realized the "cause".
- [ ] [18/12/15, 1:50:58 AM] John Tan: If u cannot lead one to feel and see how "conventions" can make one feel so "solid" and "real" in experience, then saying they r just conventions is not very helpful.
All reactions:1Yin Ling
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Soh Wei Yu
This is also why,
"The process of eradicating avidyā (ignorance) is conceived… not as a mere stopping of thought, but as the active realization of the opposite of what ignorance misconceives. Avidyā is not a mere absence of knowledge, but a specific misconception, and it must be removed by realization of its opposite. In this vein, Tsongkhapa says that one cannot get rid of the misconception of 'inherent existence' merely by stopping conceptuality any more than one can get rid of the idea that there is a demon in a darkened cave merely by trying not to think about it. Just as one must hold a lamp and see that there is no demon there, so the illumination of wisdom is needed to clear away the darkness of ignorance."
Napper, Elizabeth, 2003, p. 103"
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