Also See:
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture One)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Two)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Three)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Four)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Five)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Six)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eight)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Nine)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Ten)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eleven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Twelve)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Thirteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fourteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fifteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Sixteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seventeen)
(I made the English translations with the help of ChatGPT from the Chinese original)
Footnotes were produced by ChatGPT and are not present in the original Chinese material.
English Translation (Paragraph 1):
Ganges Great Seal
(Eleventh Lecture)
Original Text (Paragraph 1):
English Translation (Paragraph 2):
Yuanyin Laoren, Author
Eleventh Lecture
Original Text (Paragraph 2):
“元音老人 著
English Translation (Paragraph 3):
“If one does not know how to nurture post-attainment wisdom, so that it accords with one’s conduct and observances, one merely relies on antidotes and cannot conquer external conditions. Consequently, one is dragged into the obscuration of ordinary foolishness by the conditions of deluded thoughts. Therefore, it is especially important to protect and nurture for a long time, and to fully penetrate post-attainment [wisdom].”
Original Text (Paragraph 3):
English Translation (Paragraph 4):
Post-attainment wisdom is spoken of in relation to fundamental wisdom. Once you have obtained fundamental wisdom—this is called “seeing the tenet,” namely seeing the mind and realizing the nature—after that, you must continue to refine yourself in various circumstances, so that you give rise to vast wondrous function. Post-attainment wisdom is precisely that wondrous function. To nurture post-attainment wisdom is to protect and maintain fundamental wisdom over a long period, without interruption, always refining yourself in the midst of situations and protecting the true mind, so that limitless wondrous function arises. “Conduct and observances” refers to rules of conduct (behavioral norms) and regulations. For instance, when we practice the Mind-Centering Dharma, off the cushion we are constantly mindful and do not follow wandering thoughts, nor are we swayed by circumstances—this is “conduct.” Every day, practicing seated meditation for at least two hours, keeping the mudrā from scattering and the mantra uninterrupted—this is “observances.” “Antidotes” refers to what was discussed earlier, such as practicing the meditation on impurity when lustful thoughts are intense, or going into retreat to cultivate meditative concentration when the mind is excessively scattered, and so on.
Original Text (Paragraph 4):
English Translation (Paragraph 5):
However, if one does not understand how to nurture post-attainment wisdom so that it integrates with our norms of behavior and our practices, and instead merely uses methods of antidote-based cultivation, it becomes futile. One will not be able to withstand the onslaught of external conditions. Why is that so? Because “if one does not recognize one’s original mind, studying the Dharma is of no benefit.” Relying solely on methods of antidote not only vexes people’s minds but also makes it very easy to become attached to forms. Thus, not only does one fail to overcome the influence of external circumstances (the environment), but one is also bound by internal factors (deluded thoughts) and therefore falls into the “obscuration of ordinary foolishness.” The ignorance of ordinary beings—namely greed, anger, and delusion—obscures the attainment of the Path, so it is called “obscuration of ordinary foolishness.” Hence it is especially important to protect and nurture for a long time and to fully penetrate post-attainment wisdom, continually sustaining and refining it in the midst of circumstances. How, then, should one nurture and fully penetrate post-attainment wisdom over the long term?
Original Text (Paragraph 5):
English Translation (Paragraph 6):
“There is no other method than not to depart from the view of the fundamentally quiescent dharma-body, where there is no differentiation of ‘subject and object’ or ‘right and wrong.’ Naturally and spontaneously, one abides in the alert and still state. This is the key point of non-discriminating wisdom’s śamatha and vipaśyanā, the naturally present self-appearance of the unconditioned, and the essential core of all practice.”
Original Text (Paragraph 6):
English Translation (Paragraph 7, first part):
To recognize that the dharma-body is fundamentally quiescent means it neither comes nor goes, and remains unmoved. This correct view is called “the view of the fundamentally quiescent dharma-body.” By entering this correct view, there is no “person who practices” and no “Dharma that is practiced,” no right or wrong, no discrimination. One is naturally and spontaneously at ease, wide open and free—clear and alert yet unconfused, profoundly still and in great meditative absorption. The Great Way is without form; the self-nature is vast and still. The dharma-body remains ever unmoving, which is the essence of great meditative absorption. It is not a matter of whether you believe or not, or whether you make an effort to enter meditative absorption.
Original Text (Paragraph 7, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 7, second part):
How do we nurture for a long time and fully penetrate post-attainment wisdom? There is no other method than to remain inseparable from “the view of the fundamentally quiescent dharma-body,” abiding at all times in the fundamental nature, refining yourself in worldly situations, neither becoming attached to appearances nor generating “subject and object, right and wrong,” and so on—this is most crucial. People’s deluded thoughts abound, always making distinctions about everything—this is good or that is bad, this is right and that is wrong, this is true and that is illusory…they keep discriminating endlessly. If you can, moment by moment, separate from such discriminations of “subject and object, right and wrong,” refrain from clinging to appearances or being attached to circumstances, realizing that nothing whatsoever can be grasped—indeed even the idea of “nothing to be grasped” itself cannot be grasped—then your fundamental nature will be ever clearly present. That is to say, you are never separated from “the view of the fundamentally quiescent dharma-body.” “Buddhadharma is not complicated.” It sounds easy, but it is not just a matter of hearing it explained once and taking it at face value—you must make it real. You must apply effort in this manner at all times. Only then can it become real. You must “naturally and spontaneously abide in the alert and still state.” “Stillness” means that not even a single thought arises, indicating “immovability,” and that immovability is meditative absorption. “Alertness” means clear and distinct awareness, i.e. contemplation (prajñā). To sustain “numinous awareness (靈知) that arises when not a single thought is produced and yet everything is vividly clear,” this is the integration of meditative absorption and wisdom—wisdom within absorption and absorption within wisdom. Without wisdom, absorption becomes a “dead absorption”; without absorption, wisdom becomes “delusional wisdom.” Thus, for those of lower capacity who follow the gradual path, just cultivating meditative concentration in a hermitage is not enough; after leaving retreat, you must also refine yourself in the midst of worldly situations in order to nurture and fully realize post-attainment wisdom over the long term. “Naturally and spontaneously” means to follow conditions; “abiding in alertness and stillness” means not to waver. One follows conditions without changing, and remains unchanged while following conditions. Gaining great wealth is fine; being penniless is also fine; whether you have congee to eat or a full meal of rice, do not give rise to thoughts of discrimination, acceptance, or pursuit. An ancient worthy once said: “Alert and still is correct; alert with random thoughts is incorrect. Still and alert is correct; stillness in blankness is incorrect.” This is the ultimate key to “nurturing for a long time and fully penetrating post-attainment wisdom.” Not only does it blend wisdom with absorption and absorption with wisdom, it also prevents both “dead absorption” and “delusional wisdom.”
Original Text (Paragraph 7, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 8, first part):
“This is the non-discriminating wisdom’s śamatha and vipaśyanā, the naturally present self-appearance of the unconditioned, and the essential core of all practice.” Here, the śamatha and vipaśyanā mentioned do not refer to the Tiantai school’s “Mahā-śamatha and Mahā-vipaśyanā” or any other specific teachings on śamatha and vipaśyanā, but rather to the śamatha and vipaśyanā of non-discriminating wisdom—wisdom free of discrimination. “Stillness” is śamatha, “alertness” is vipaśyanā. Stillness is absorption; alertness is wisdom. “Unconditioned” means spacious and without contrived effort; “naturally present” refers to the myriad phenomena, “dharma is fundamentally and originally so” means that things are originally thus. The three words—“unconditioned,” “naturally present,” “fundamentally and originally so”—vividly bring out the signless true reality of the dharma-body. “The essential core of all practice” is the heart of all methods of cultivation. All methods of cultivation cannot be separated from alertness and stillness, cannot be separated from the mutual support of absorption and wisdom, cannot be separated from śamatha and vipaśyanā. Those who recite the Buddha’s name let their minds focus on the Buddha-name so that no other thought arises—this is śamatha; and hearing each syllable of the Buddha-name clearly and distinctly—this is vipaśyanā. Those who investigate Chan are entirely enveloped in the feeling of doubt, so there is no room for deluded thoughts to arise—this is śamatha; bringing forth the huatou (the meditation topic) with total clarity—this is vipaśyanā. For us who practice the Mind-Centering Dharma, forming the mudrā and reciting the mantra to gather body and mind—this is śamatha; being aware in the mind and hearing with the ear, perceiving each syllable distinctly—this is vipaśyanā. The Great Seal teaching instructs us to “naturally and spontaneously abide in the alert and still state.” Here, stillness is śamatha and alertness is vipaśyanā.
Original Text (Paragraph 8, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 8, second part):
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Chan Master Miyun Yuanwu served as abbot of Tiantong Monastery in Ningbo. Back then, there were many thatched huts around Tiantong Monastery for monks who were devoted to intensive Chan practice. One winter solstice, Chan Master Miyun sent an attendant to deliver cotton clothing to the monks in their huts. One elderly monk in a hut said to the attendant, “I myself have a robe that Mother gave me at birth; I need no winter clothing.” The attendant reported these words to Chan Master Miyun, who replied, “It seems this monk may have an insight, but I fear it may not be genuine; investigate further under his words.” He then instructed the attendant to ask again: “Before your mother gave birth to you, what clothing did you wear?” The old monk had no answer. So Chan Master Miyun told that elderly monk to investigate the huatou “What clothing did you wear before your mother gave birth to you?” Three years later, that elder passed away without having broken through that huatou or uttering any turning phrase. After cremation, innumerable śarīra (relics) were found, which astonished many people: “So many relics—this elder must have done well in his practice!” But Chan Master Miyun commented, “Ten bushels of relics are no match for a single turning phrase. Try answering on his behalf.” Those who had admired the relics could not answer, and none of the five hundred monks in Tiantong Monastery could produce an answer either. Chan Master Miyun lamented, “Out of a countless number of those who train on the Path, not even one among them has awakened.”
They could not respond because they had not entered “the naturally present self-appearance of the unconditioned” of true reality. If one had merged with such a reality, one could have answered without thinking. One could have replied, for example, “The tender peach and plum blossoms have just fallen; now the fresh chrysanthemums and pear blossoms have emerged.” What does this mean? It completely reveals “the naturally present self-appearance of the unconditioned.” As we mentioned before regarding inanimate things giving teachings, and the saying “the myriad dharmas return to the One; where does the One return?”—where does that One return? At all times and places, it never departs from the dharma-body, never departs from one’s self-nature. All these flowers are inanimate, yet even inanimate things can preach the Dharma, and none of it lies outside our dharma-body. Our self-nature remains unchanging and immovable, yet it manifests infinite transformations. Its unchanging aspect is called the dharma-body, and its infinite transformations are called the reward-body or the transformation-body. All three bodies are in fact a single body. Some imagine that the transformation-body must be a multitude of human forms, not realizing that the myriad phenomena—in all their variety—are all our transformation-bodies. The sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, earth, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, tables, benches, daily food and drink, men and women, old and young—all these are “the naturally present self-appearance of the unconditioned,” flowing from the One True Dharma Realm. They are all our transformation-bodies. Because of your deluded thinking and attachments—continual mental discrimination—you conjure up the marks of “me,” “others,” “sentient beings,” and “life span,” thus burying your own vast, innocent Buddha in the six destinies. From the realm where there is no six destinies, you create an illusory sixfold cycle of transmigration; where there is actually no suffering, you fabricate a boundless ocean of suffering. If you now make a firm resolution and practice the Dharma diligently to eradicate the habitual tendencies of deluded attachments and discriminations accumulated since beginningless time, you can immediately attain realization and become liberated on the spot.
Original Text (Paragraph 8, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 9):
“If, with a mind of discrimination, you get caught in the net of contrived endeavor, then there will be no time for liberation.”
Original Text (Paragraph 9):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraph 9):
“Net of contrived endeavor”: Refers to fixating on external “achievements,” like special powers, signs, or conditions, thereby falling into elaborate entanglements of “doing” or striving, which obstruct genuine liberation.
English Translation (Paragraph 8, second part):
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Chan Master Miyun Yuanwu served as abbot of Tiantong Monastery in Ningbo. Back then, there were many thatched huts around Tiantong Monastery for monks who were devoted to intensive Chan practice. One winter solstice, Chan Master Miyun
English Translation (Paragraph 9):
“If, with a mind of discrimination, you get caught in the net of contrived endeavor, then there will be no time for liberation.”
Original Text (Paragraph 9):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraph 9):
“Net of contrived endeavor”: Refers to fixating on external “achievements,” like special powers, signs, or conditions, thereby falling into elaborate entanglements of “doing” or striving, which obstruct genuine liberation.
English Translation (Paragraph 10):
Reciting the Buddha’s name is also for the purpose of protecting our originally luminous essence—it is likewise for the purpose of removing discriminating mind. If you start distinguishing how many times you recite the Buddha’s name, doubting again and again, “Is reciting three hundred times a day too few? I have only recited for a year; will I be reborn in the Western Pure Land?”—these are all discriminations. Whether your recitation is effective or not depends on its quality. Great Master Hanshan once said: “If one recites ‘Amitābha’ with a scattered mind, even if one shouts until one’s throat is hoarse, it is all in vain.” If the quality of your recitation is not good, no matter how many times you repeat it, it will be of no use. One must let go of discriminating mind; such discriminating mind is most harmful. If you recite the Buddha’s name while fixating on whether your practice is “making something happen,” you fall into the net of contrived endeavor and cannot be reborn in the Western Land. Being reborn in the Western Land may appear to involve “going,” yet in reality there is no going; it may appear to be “being born,” yet in reality there is no birth. That is the unconditioned Dharma: Though it does nothing, nothing is left undone. There is “no going,” yet you do in fact go; there is “no birth,” yet you do in fact become born. Hence, one of the founding patriarchs of the Pure Land school stated: “If one is born there, one is definitely born; yet in truth, one does not go there.” Production and cessation, coming and going, all arise from discriminating mind. The Buddhadharma is an unconditioned Dharma, so we must eliminate discriminating mind. In reciting the Buddha’s name, what is required is deep faith, earnest aspiration, and vigorous practice—discriminations are not necessary. Still less should one become competitive or denigrate other methods, which reflects an even stronger discriminating mind. Not only does it place you squarely in the net of contrived endeavor, making liberation impossible, it also brings the offense of slandering the Dharma.
Original Text (Paragraph 10):
English Translation (Paragraph 11):
“This itself is the naked wisdom of the dharma-body abiding by itself, the nature of awareness that has never been deluded from the beginning. One must definitely protect and sustain it continuously.” (The above is the second esoteric meaning.)
Original Text (Paragraph 11):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraph 11):
“Naked wisdom of the dharma-body”: Literally “the dharma-body abiding in its own bare, unobstructed wisdom,” indicating the originally unhidden, intrinsic wisdom of one’s true nature.
“Nature of awareness” (覺性): Translating 覺性 as “nature of awareness,” the intrinsic capacity for knowing, which is primordially undefiled and never truly lost.
English Translation (Paragraph 12):
What has been explained above as the non-discriminating śamatha-vipaśyanā is precisely the wisdom of the dharma-body naturally being as it is, without abiding—an intrinsic function of your own self-nature. It does not come from outside nor is it obtained from another person; it is entirely a preexisting virtue of the self-nature. It has never been obscured and is originally revealed in full, hence called the “naked wisdom of the dharma-body abiding by itself.” If you earnestly practice this method of non-discriminating śamatha-vipaśyanā, diligently protecting and sustaining this “naked wisdom of the dharma-body abiding by itself,” then all great supernormal abilities will come effortlessly; if you harbor any mind that pursues supernormal powers, you fall into the net of contrived endeavor. Not only will you fail to gain liberation, but you will not be able to manifest those powers. If malevolent spirits or ghosts latch onto your desire for powers and come to possess you, the consequences are truly dreadful.
Original Text (Paragraph 12):
English Translation (Paragraph 13, first part):
This “naked wisdom of the dharma-body abiding by itself” is exactly “the numinous awareness (靈知) that remains when not a single thought arises, and yet all is vividly clear,” which is the nature of awareness that has never been deluded from the beginning. “It reveals, instructs, and enables entry, reaching across the Ten Realms; the myriad phenomena are originally natural, without delusion or awakening.” Sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, earth, men and women, old and young, all things are utterly natural from the very beginning, all possessing the Buddha-nature, “dharma is fundamentally and originally so.” There is neither delusion nor awakening; hence, it is called “the nature of awareness that has never been deluded from the beginning.” The nature of awareness itself has never been deluded, and there is no question of any attainment of awakening. Entering the Buddha Realm neither increases it; traversing the hell realms neither decreases it. Yet, due to being covered by ignorance and entangled in false grasping, the Buddha-nature fails to manifest; provisionally, one speaks of it as “delusion.” But once one diligently practices to break through ignorance and refine oneself in actual circumstances—eradicating the habitual patterns of stirring the mind over external phenomena—then one returns to this innate innocence of self-nature, provisionally called “awakening.” In fact, both delusion and awakening are merely names. Once ignorance is shattered, then both delusion and awakening are unattainable—truly empty. The Buddha-nature does not pertain to delusion or awakening. Even when wrapped in ignorance, its luminous essence is never diminished or enhanced by a hair’s breadth. “By learning, one gains day by day; by the Way, one loses day by day.” The spiritual practitioner must lose or reduce only the habitual patterns of ignorance. The natural Buddha-nature was never actually deluded or awakened, and never increased or decreased.
Original Text (Paragraph 13, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 13, second part):
Practice fails to succeed because one has not protected and maintained this innate Buddha-nature. Thus, “It must be decisively protected and sustained in continuity”—this is extremely important. “Decisively” means to rouse a great vow and firm resolve. “Protect” means not following wandering thoughts nor being swayed by circumstances—whether walking, standing, sitting, or reclining, never leaving this state, ensuring that every moment one does not depart from self-nature. “In continuity” means never letting it be interrupted for even an instant. If practice is off-and-on—three days of fishing and two days of drying the net—one step forward and two steps back, or if one cannot sustain it without break, then realization is impossible. For instance, in practicing the Mind-Centering Dharma, if you only do one sitting per day, which lasts two hours, that leaves twenty-two hours. If during those twenty-two hours, you give your mind free rein like a wild horse, then you have only two hours for meditative concentration, which is not even one tenth of your day. How can you hope to realize the Path that way? Even more so if you sometimes practice, sometimes not. Hence we say that mindfulness (observing) is the main practice, and sitting meditation is the auxiliary. Mindfulness means not following wandering thoughts nor being moved by circumstances so that self-nature remains present in every instant—this is to protect it in continuity. The same applies to the Pure Land practice. Great Strength Bodhisattva taught us how to recite the Buddha’s name: “Gather in the six faculties, and keep pure mindfulness in unbroken succession.” “In unbroken succession” is “in continuity.” “Pure mindfulness” means that one’s recitation of the Buddha’s name reaches a state of such mastery that both the mind that is reciting and the Buddha that is being recited fall away at once—no subject, no object, no purity, no defilement—and one’s natural Buddha-nature becomes radiantly present. Only then can it truly be called “pure mindfulness.” Some people misunderstand, thinking that continuously chanting “Namo Amitābha” is “pure mindfulness in unbroken succession,” but that is still far from it. Remember, “Reciting ‘Amitābha’ verbally with a scattered mind—shouting until your throat is hoarse—is all in vain.” The Pure Land school does not have low requirements; on the contrary, it has very high ones. Nowadays, certain people are lazy and refuse to practice diligently. They carelessly recite a few lines of Buddha’s name without “utmost sincerity,” as if they had not recited at all, yet still dream of rebirth in the West. If they fail to be reborn there, they imagine it to be the fault of Amitābha Buddha. Some even tell others, “No need to seek single-minded concentration,” which is a serious misunderstanding. Alas! The magnificent Pure Land school, which pervades the three times vertically and spans the ten directions horizontally, gathering in beings of the three dispositions—sharp or dull—has been distorted to such an extent. How can one not be utterly heartbroken?
Original Text (Paragraph 13, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 14, first part):
Decisively protecting and sustaining in continuity—this is the second essential hidden meaning. Then what is the first essential hidden meaning? It is what was discussed earlier: “Seeing the tenet.” The Great Seal is the One True Dharma Realm, and the One True Dharma Realm is our original, innocent Buddha-nature. It is ever-present, everywhere—forests of phenomena in all their variety are its manifestations. One must first realize this nature in order to protect and sustain it. If you have not recognized your original, innocent Buddha-nature, what is there to protect? In short, first comes “awareness of mind and seeing the nature,” and second comes “continued protection.” These are the first and second essential hidden meanings.
Original Text (Paragraph 14, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 14, second part):
“Meditative concentration is the key to advanced practice. If one lacks the path-strength of liberating wisdom, merely abiding in the practice of resting the mind will still not transcend the form realm or formless realm, because one has not subdued the arising conditions for greed and anger, nor the flow of various karmic actions.”
Original Text (Paragraph 14, second part):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraph 14, second part):
“Key to advanced practice” (至行之要): Literally “the most essential aspect of practice,” indicating that meditative concentration (定) is crucial at higher stages.
“Path-strength of liberating wisdom”: Refers to the power arising from directly realizing one’s fundamental essence (the nature of mind) and applying this realization in all situations, thus preventing any resurgence of karmic defilements.
English Translation (Paragraph 15, first part):
“Key to advanced practice” implies that “seeing, concentration, and practice” includes concentration (定) as critically important. “Liberating wisdom” here refers to what was discussed earlier about realizing the fundamental essence and sustaining that realization. “Path-strength of liberating wisdom” means the immeasurable power of function that arises from directly seeing the fundamental essence, referred to in Chan as “great potential and great function.” Here, “resting the mind” (休息) indicates temporarily halting thoughts. The practice of “resting the mind” means suppressing thoughts so that none arise—like using a stone to hold down weeds. Restricting yourself to just the practice of resting the mind leads to worldly levels of meditative absorption. Though you may go beyond the desire realm, you still have not surpassed the form and formless realms; you remain in the heavenly realms of the three realms of cyclic existence (欲界、色界、無色界).
Original Text (Paragraph 15, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 15, second part):
Why is it that mere resting the mind, without realizing the fundamental essence and actualizing its function, fails to transcend form and formless realms? Because “it has not subdued the arising conditions of greed and anger, nor the flow of various karmic actions.” Through resting the mind, one can temporarily subdue thoughts of greed and anger, but the underlying causes for greed and anger remain. “Conditions” means the circumstances that cause them to arise. Resting the mind does not break through the root ignorance of not recognizing one’s fundamental nature. Hence, when faced with outer stimuli, one still becomes helplessly subject to their pull, unable to remain free. Delusion leads to action (業), and action leads to retribution; cause and effect thus revolve, perpetuating the six destinies. This cyclical flow of karmic activities is “the flow of various karmic actions.” Dwelling solely in the resting of the mind can only hold greed and anger at bay for a time; it does not eradicate the arising conditions of greed and anger. In Chan parlance, this is like “soaking a rock in cold water”—the water is still, but it cannot nourish a living dragon. Once the power of concentration weakens, habitual tendencies surge, making greed and anger even stronger, like lifting the stone off the grass, letting it spring forth again. Of course, such a practice cannot conquer the flow of actions and cannot liberate you from cyclic existence.
Original Text (Paragraph 15, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 16, first part):
“Because one has not gained the path-strength of a resolute mind, in pleasant conditions that satisfy one’s desires, one gives rise to greed and attachment; in adverse or opposing conditions, one generates anger and resentment—just as one would feel suffering sensations and thoughts when facing illness.”
Original Text (Paragraph 16, first part):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any for Paragraph 16, first part):
“Resolute mind” (決定心): In this context, the mind firmly established in realization of its fundamental nature, free from wavering under any circumstance.
[Continuing the Translation Exactly Where We Left Off]
Below, we continue from Paragraph 16 (second part). As before, we will present each paragraph’s complete English translation, then the original Chinese text, followed by any footnotes or annotations if needed.
English Translation (Paragraph 16, second part):
One who has not attained the path-strength of a resolute mind is precisely one who has not recognized the fundamental nature. If you do recognize the fundamental nature, you understand that all phenomena are illusory; you understand that all phenomena are but reflections of the true mind—at root, there is nothing to grasp. You will not waver when confronted with circumstances; hence you must personally verify the fundamental nature. The Great Seal directly instructs us to see the nature, then protect and nurture it—refining ourselves through engagement with phenomena. This training involves dissolving both the body and the world into emptiness and genuinely seeing the fundamental nature, so that you truly develop “the path-strength of a resolute mind.” Without training, you will have no strength. Although in the lecture hall you may feel a temporary surge of strength, you might forget it as soon as you walk out the door; that will not suffice. One must engage in concrete, down-to-earth practice.
To illustrate two approaches: The first is that, upon hearing instructions and recognizing the fundamental nature, you then protect it moment by moment—morning, noon, and night, in adversity or prosperity—so that whenever a wandering thought arises, you immediately redirect it without chasing after it, carrying on in this manner for a long time. The second is to cultivate a specific method, whether reciting the Buddha’s name, investigating Chan, or practicing the Mind-Centering Dharma. Not only should you practice diligently on the cushion, but also practice mindfulness off the cushion—unceasingly aware of each moment—so that in due course this becomes effective. Otherwise, if you see something beautiful, you will still become stirred by it; if you encounter adversity, you will still grow angry or resentful. Hence the text says, “In pleasant conditions that satisfy one’s desires, one gives rise to greed and attachment; in adverse conditions that thwart one’s desires, one gives rise to anger and resentment.”
Original Text (Paragraph 16, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 17, first part):
Next, let us present a few examples of masters facing the condition of sickness, to see how the ancient worthies dealt with it. Chan Master Mazu Daoyi was an exceptional great patriarch of the Chan tradition, known as “Great Master Ma.” He personally guided over a hundred disciples to genuine awakening, who then spread throughout the land, benefiting countless people. Late in life, Great Master Ma fell ill. When the prior came to inquire about his health—“Master, how are you feeling these days?”—Mazu replied, “Sun-faced Buddha, Moon-faced Buddha.” This enigmatic phrase alludes to daytime as “sun-faced,” symbolizing good health, and nighttime as “moon-faced,” symbolizing illness. “Buddha” is awakened awareness. Whether day or night, whether healthy or ill, he is established in awareness. With just six characters, he clearly revealed “the path-strength of a resolute mind.”
During the Song Dynasty, Chan Master Ciming Chuyuan was likewise a remarkable great patriarch. In his old age, he suddenly had a stroke, leaving his mouth crooked. His attendant was alarmed: “What shall we do? You have spent your life reviling the Buddha and insulting the Patriarchs, and now behold this!”—implying it was karmic retribution. Master Ciming said, “Do not worry; I shall set it right for you.” He placed his hand on his twisted mouth to straighten it, and instantly it returned to normal. Illness is also karmic obstruction, but “once understood, karmic obstruction is originally empty; if not understood, one must still repay one’s past debts.” Thus, for a great patriarch, if he chooses to endure it, he simply endures it; if he chooses not to endure it, it ceases on the spot. The body is like a dwelling, inevitably subject to decay. If you can stay, you stay; if you cannot, then relinquish it without regret. If the house breaks down but you still cling to it, suffering naturally follows, and that suffering is self-inflicted.
Original Text (Paragraph 17, first part):
English Translation (Paragraph 17, second part):
Another example: Chan Master Cuiyan Kezhen, shortly before his passing (nirvāṇa), manifested a severe illness, thrashing and groaning in pain on the mat. His attendant cried out, “You spent your life reviling the Buddha and insulting the Patriarchs—how can you end up like this?” Implying that he, too, was suffering karmic retribution. Master Cuiyan glared at him: “Do you also hold that interpretation?” Immediately, the master sat upright in lotus posture and ordered the attendant to light incense. As soon as the fragrant smoke arose, the master entered nirvāṇa.
Now, if Master Cuiyan was able to pass away seated upright at will, why did he previously display such agonizing suffering? He was using his own physical form to teach: suffering itself is liberation, afflictions are bodhi, birth-and-death is nirvāṇa. What moment did he ever “experience suffering over illness”?
Original Text (Paragraph 17, second part):
English Translation (Paragraph 18, first part):
If you do “experience suffering over illness,” then suffering will indeed torment you, and the illness demon will take full advantage. But if your mind does not dwell on the illness—“All right, ache if you must, no problem”—you will find that you do not really feel pain. Likewise, in practicing the Mind-Centering Dharma, when you form the mudrā and your fingers start aching, do not focus your mind on your hands; rather, keep your attention on the mantra. If your mind forgets about your hands, you will not feel pain. But as soon as you rejoice and think, “Hey, my hands don’t hurt anymore,” the pain promptly returns. In the end, the experience of pain depends on whether or not the brain accepts it. As long as our mind is empty and unbound, illness can also spontaneously resolve; even if it remains, you will not feel it as suffering.
From the Pure Land perspective: “At the moment of death, the body experiences no pain, the mind is undisturbed, and the thoughts do not scatter.” “The body experiences no pain” refers to not being tormented by illness; it does not necessarily mean an absence of all bodily afflictions. If, when you are ill, you refrain from thinking about the sickness and focus solely on reciting the Buddha’s name—“Amitābha, Amitābha, Amitābha…”—with all attention on the Buddha-name, you will not notice any pain. Thus, the body is not in pain. If your mind becomes unsettled by the pain—“Ouch, ouch!”—the distress is unbearable. If you practiced diligently beforehand, your skill would be profound, and matters like sickness or pain would not trouble you. “If the mind can transform external things, that is Buddhahood.” If one genuinely keeps the mind empty and unbound, illness itself can be overcome, just as in Chan Master Ciming’s example, where he immediately corrected his crooked mouth with his hand. If one’s practice is slightly less advanced, one can still avoid suffering over the illness. Therefore, we must always keep the mind empty and pure. Otherwise, when sickness arises at the end of life, pain and misery overwhelm, and the mind becomes agitated.
I have encountered many Pure Land practitioners at the end of their lives. People would remind them: “This is the crucial moment—you are about to go to the Western Pure Land. Make every effort to recite the Buddha’s name!” And they would respond, “Oh dear! Recite the Buddha’s name? I’m in too much agony—I can’t do it.” They simply refused, their minds thrown into confusion. Our current effort to recite the Buddha’s name is precisely to prepare for that single instant before death arrives, so that we can remain undisturbed at that moment and continue reciting “Amitābha, Amitābha…” In this way, one can be absolutely certain of rebirth in the Western Pure Land. Everyone, please practice diligently! There are indeed innumerable examples of this principle.
Original Text (Paragraph 18, first part):
Brief Explanation of Key Concepts:
1. Non-Discriminating Wisdom (無分別智): Refers to a state of śamatha and vipaśyanā free of conceptual elaboration—“alert yet still, still yet alert”—where mind abides in intrinsic clarity without clinging to subject-object duality.
2. Fundamental Essence (本體): One’s original mind or Buddha-nature—intrinsically empty yet luminously aware—which neither arises nor ceases.
3. “The Net of Contrived Endeavor” (有作為之網): The entrapment that comes from fixating on attaining results or extraordinary states (e.g., psychic powers), thereby losing the spontaneous freedom that characterizes genuine liberation.
4. Resolute Mind (決定心之道力): The unwavering stability that arises once the fundamental nature is directly realized and continuously nurtured.
5. Illness and Karma: Illustrations of how advanced practitioners—upon recognizing the illusory nature of body and mind—may either endure or dissolve illness without mental suffering, demonstrating the non-duality of suffering and liberation.
Bibliographic References:
• Author: Yuanyin Laoren (元音老人)
• Title: Ganges Great Seal (Eleventh Lecture) (恒河大手印・第十一講)
This completes the requested translation.
End of Translation