Also See:
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture One)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Two)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Three)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Four)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Five)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Six)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eight)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Nine)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Ten)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eleven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Twelve)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Thirteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fourteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fifteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Sixteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seventeen)
(I made the English translations with the help of ChatGPT from the Chinese original)
Footnotes were produced by ChatGPT and are not present in the original Chinese material.
English Translation (Paragraph 1):
“The Ganges Mahāmudrā
(Sixteenth Lecture)
Composed by Elder Yuanyin
Sixteenth Lecture”
Original Text (Paragraph 1):
元音老人 著
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 2):
“‘Without having undergone the fourth empowerment of the Vajrayāna, one cannot call it Mahāmudrā.’
Here, it refers to the Vajrayāna stipulation regarding ‘empowerment.’ Let us briefly explain the origin of ‘empowerment.’ Empowerment was a custom in ancient India. When a crown prince was about to assume the throne, an empowerment ceremony would be held. Water from the four great seas, containing jewels, fragrances, and rare objects, would be used. Then, mounted atop an elephant, water would be poured onto the prince’s head from the elephant’s tusk. Through this ceremony, they offered blessings for the king’s peace, health, and longevity, as well as peace in the country, prosperity, and abundance for the people. Empowerment is a symbol of auspiciousness. Śākyamuni Buddha, in accordance with beings, also performed empowerments for the public, conforming to this custom. As a result, the ritual of empowerment was preserved in Buddhism, and the Vajrayāna tradition places great importance on empowerment. But what exactly is meant here by the ‘fourth empowerment’? The Vajrayāna tradition practices four kinds of empowerment and five locations. A brief explanation follows:”
Original Text (Paragraph 2):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “Vajrayāna” (密乘) refers to the Vajrayāna or Tantric Buddhist tradition.
English Translation (Paragraph 3):
“The first kind of empowerment: The Empowerment of Light. One radiates light upon the crown of the head of the Buddha-child.”
Original Text (Paragraph 3):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 4):
“The second kind of empowerment: The Empowerment of Nectar. One uses nectar-water to confer empowerment upon the Buddha-child.”
Original Text (Paragraph 4):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 5):
“The third kind of empowerment: The Empowerment of Seed. One visualizes a seed-mantra and directs this visualization into the practitioner’s mind.”
Original Text (Paragraph 5):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 6):
“The fourth kind of empowerment: The Empowerment of Sealing Mudrā. One forms hand mudrās and bestows blessings upon five locations on the practitioner’s body.”
Original Text (Paragraph 6):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 7):
“These five locations correspond to the Five Buddhas in the five directions. Thus, the fourth empowerment is also known as the ‘Empowerment of the Five Direction Buddhas.’”
Original Text (Paragraph 7):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 8):
“First: The center. Vairocana Buddha (some scriptures say it is Amitābha Buddha). This represents the wisdom of the dharmadhātu’s fundamental essence. It is placed on the practitioner’s forehead.”
Original Text (Paragraph 8):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “Dharmadhātu’s fundamental essence” here translates 法界體性智, denoting the wisdom that directly realizes the fundamental essence of the dharmadhātu.
English Translation (Paragraph 9):
“Second: The southern direction. Ratnasambhava Buddha. This represents the wisdom of equality. It is placed on the practitioner’s right shoulder.”
Original Text (Paragraph 9):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 10):
“Third: The northern direction. Amoghasiddhi Buddha. This represents the wisdom of accomplishing what is done. It is placed on the practitioner’s left shoulder.”
Original Text (Paragraph 10):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] 不空如來 (Bùkōng Rúlái) is often rendered as “Amoghasiddhi” in Sanskrit. The text literally says “Not-Empty Tathāgata,” but the recognized name in classical Vajrayāna tradition is Amoghasiddhi.
English Translation (Paragraph 11):
“Fourth: The eastern direction. A (pronounced chù)-Tathāgata (Akṣobhya Tathāgata). This represents the great mirror-like wisdom. It is placed at the practitioner’s heart.”
Original Text (Paragraph 11):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] 不動如來 (Bùdòng Rúlái) refers to Akṣobhya Buddha.
[2] The Chinese character “阿” is pronounced in a manner approximating “chù” here, as noted in the text.
English Translation (Paragraph 12):
“Fifth: The western direction. Amitābha Buddha (some scriptures say it is Vairocana). This represents the wisdom of wondrous observation. It is placed at the practitioner’s throat.”
Original Text (Paragraph 12):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] 妙觀察智 is often translated as “wisdom of wondrous observation,” sometimes “marvelous observing wisdom.”
English Translation (Paragraph 13):
“When the Empowerment of the Five Direction Buddhas is performed, blessings are conferred upon the five locations of the practitioner’s forehead, right shoulder, left shoulder, heart, and throat. This is called the ‘fourth empowerment.’ The Vajrayāna stipulates that only by undergoing the ritual of the fourth empowerment can one be regarded as having received the Dharma of Mahāmudrā. If one has not received the fourth empowerment, it cannot be considered Mahāmudrā. In reality, this human empowerment ceremony is only a formality. The true empowerment comes when you attain the stage of Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva and receive the empowerment of the Buddhas of the ten directions—this is the genuine empowerment. India is the birthplace of Buddhism, and in the transfer of kingship in India, empowerment was used. Śākyamuni Buddha also employed this formality to grant empowerment to everyone. Hence, the ritual of empowerment was passed down in the Vajrayāna. Nowadays, when transmitting the Dharma in the Vajrayāna tradition, empowerment is conferred upon practitioners.”
Original Text (Paragraph 13):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] Equal Enlightenment Bodhisattva (等覺菩薩) refers to a very advanced stage of bodhisattva realization, one step away from Buddhahood.
English Translation (Paragraph 14):
“‘The true dharma is fundamentally and originally so—this is the genuine Mahāmudrā. Not cultivating, not fixing, not scattered—this is the highest Dharma gate.’
‘True’ refers only to the true suchness of Buddha-nature, which alone can be called ‘true reality.’ True reality is signless, yet there are no appearances that it does not include. ‘Dharma is fundamentally and originally so’—it has always been so. Our Buddha-nature has always been genuinely so and has no dependence on cultivation; it has always been infinitely luminous and inexhaustibly wondrous in function. Because it is obscured by ignorance, it appears as an ordinary person (which is itself a wondrous function). Genuine and unchanging, fundamentally and originally so—‘that is the genuine Mahāmudrā.’ Mahāmudrā is the One True Dharmadhātu; it is our wondrously bright true mind, which is the genuine Mahāmudrā. The fourth empowerment is merely a formality and may not necessarily be the genuine Mahāmudrā. Merely forming a hand seal and practicing a method may also not necessarily be the genuine Mahāmudrā. The genuine Mahāmudrā is our true mind—it needs no cultivation, no correction, no scattering. If there were scattering, then it would need to be corrected, but it is not scattered, so what is there to correct? ‘Not cultivating, not fixing, not scattered—this is the highest Dharma gate.’ This is the gate of the highest vehicle. This Dharma gate lies in immediately recognizing the true mind—this alone can be considered truly attaining Mahāmudrā. At that very moment, recognizing the true mind and protecting it so that the true mind does not get carried away by external conditions—this is the Vajrayāna’s highest method, and the Chan school is the same. In Chan, a practitioner asks the master, ‘What is the Buddha?’ The master replies, ‘I fear that if I tell you, you will not believe it.’ The disciple says, ‘Master, if you speak honestly, how could I dare not believe you?’ The master says, ‘If you believe, then you are the Buddha.’ The disciple has an immediate realization: ‘Oh, so that is how it is!’ Once he acknowledges it and preserves it diligently, in a few years he attains the Great Way. Why can he attain the Way so quickly? Because he can immediately shoulder it and protect it thoroughly. The Vajrayāna’s highest method is the same as that of the Chan school. It says: as you presently experience cold, heat, pain, or itchiness…this awareness of sensations is your true mind. You need only protect it at all times. You must know that all phenomena are the wondrous function of the Dharma-body, and by means of phenomena, you realize the true mind. The true mind is like a mirror; phenomena are like reflections. Merely recognize the mirror and do not recognize (i.e. identify with) the reflections. Practicing in this way is the highest vehicle of Mahāmudrā, the most perfect Dharma gate, and the fastest path to Buddhahood.”
Original Text (Paragraph 14):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “真如佛性” (true suchness of Buddha-nature) is the ultimate reality or suchness inherent in all beings.
[2] “最上乘” may also be read as “the supreme vehicle” or “the highest vehicle.”
[3] “知覺性” here is rendered simply as “awareness of sensations,” though more literally it is “the capacity for knowing and perceiving,” akin to “nature of awareness.”
English Translation (Paragraph 15):
“‘“Emptiness, bliss, and clarity” (where “clarity” is also called wisdom)—emptiness means absence of thoughts, hence it is also called “bliss, clarity, and no-thought.”’”
Original Text (Paragraph 15):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “空、樂、明” is translated here as “emptiness, bliss, and clarity,” sometimes also rendered as “absence of thought, bliss, and clarity,” referring to meditative experiences (nyams).
[2] “無念” (no-thought) does not necessarily mean total absence of any mental events, but rather the non-grasping of thoughts.
English Translation (Paragraph 16):
“In our earlier discussion of ‘signs of attainment on the path’ (道驗), we mentioned ‘emptiness, bliss, and clarity’—these are three kinds of experiences that naturally arise in the course of diligent practice. ‘Clarity’ does not necessarily refer to luminous light; rather, it indicates that the mind’s luminosity is revealed, so ‘clarity’ is also called ‘wisdom.’ When there are no deluded thoughts, yet one remains clearly aware, with the mind as empty and pure as if washed clean, that is the experiential insight of ‘emptiness.’ ‘Emptiness means absence of thoughts, hence it is also called bliss, clarity, and no-thought.’ Sometimes ‘emptiness, bliss, and clarity’ is referred to as ‘bliss, clarity, and no-thought.’ ‘Bliss’ denotes a sense of ease and joy. This kind of joy far surpasses any worldly pleasure. ‘Clarity’ is the wondrous brightness of the true mind; the Buddha-nature radiates great light, and prajñā wisdom is manifested, resulting in utter clarity, openness, and ease. ‘No-thought’ does not necessarily mean having no thoughts at all; rather, when a thought arises, one does not abide in it, and at its very source, it is empty—this is called ‘no-thought.’”
Original Text (Paragraph 16):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “道驗” (signs of attainment on the path) refers to experiential signs or confirmations that arise during meditative practice.
[2] “真心妙明” (the wondrous brightness of the true mind) underscores that the mind’s intrinsic nature is luminous and awake.
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 17):
“We have already discussed quite a bit about ‘signs of attainment on the path’ earlier, so we will not elaborate further here.”
Original Text (Paragraph 17):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
English Translation (Paragraph 18):
“‘Not giving rise to a mind of cultivation and correction, and also completely free from scattering, all to protect one’s own mind. In such a manner—abiding in neither anything nor any conditions, and allowing things to flow naturally—yet not going against one’s own mind’s bright and pure fundamental essence: this is just like holding a bright lamp to dispel the darkness. This is what is meant by skillfully preserving samaya.’
Not giving rise to a mind of cultivation and correction is exactly what was previously called ‘not cultivating, not fixing’; being utterly free from scattering is what was previously called ‘not scattered.’ ‘Not cultivating, not fixing, not scattered—this is the highest Dharma gate.’ One uses this highest Dharma gate to protect the wondrously bright true mind. The wondrously bright true mind is primordial gnosis; it is originally signless, originally without abode, originally unmoving. It pervades emptiness and pervades the entire Dharma realm, and is fundamentally not scattered. Whether you are in the heavens or in the hells, it remains eternally unchanged. Therefore, in the process of diligent preservation and protection of the mind—i.e., guarding one’s own mind—there is no need to produce any thought of counteraction, acceptance or rejection, or correction. One should constantly let go of everything, remain empty and unconfined, and harbor no attachments. Only in this way can one attain the Great Way.
Being free from any abiding means having no clinging; being free from conditions means no craving of external objects; allowing things to flow naturally means adapting to the environment without resistance. All phenomena arise in response to causes and conditions; do not let your mind be stirred by these arising causes and conditions. Whatever the environment is, that is what you are. If the environment changes, you change along with it. Do not add any personal judgment; simply follow all conditions with ease. If you try to impose your own will—demanding this or that—or if you reluctantly follow the circumstances, it will not work. ‘In such a manner—abiding in neither anything nor any conditions, and allowing things to flow naturally—yet not going against one’s own mind’s bright and pure fundamental essence’: acting in this manner of no-abiding, no-craving, and letting things flow naturally does not contradict or violate one’s inherently bright and pure fundamental essence (which is one’s own nature). To violate it means to go against or deviate. The self-nature is originally unmoving and unshakable, yet you are forever in agitation; the self-nature is originally without coming or going, yet you keep coming and going; the self-nature is originally neither arising nor ceasing, yet you are forever in arising and ceasing. That is what it means to go against your own mind’s bright and pure fundamental essence! The self-nature is originally unborn and undying, undefiled and stainless, neither coming nor going, neither increasing nor decreasing—yet you continually sway, come and go, arise and cease, and that is incongruent! We must always remain in accord with the fundamental nature, abiding in no-abiding, attaching to no conditions, letting things flow naturally in every situation, without ever going against our own mind’s bright and pure fundamental essence. If we are able to do this, ‘it is like holding a bright lamp that dispels the darkness’: as if holding a bright light in one’s hand, all darkness is driven away and the eyes behold an entire field of brightness. Even if the road ahead is full of holes and pits, one has no fear; there is no fear walking at night. If you do not wish to fall into a deep pit, you must shed light on the darkness. Otherwise, with a pit in front of you, you would not even realize it! So we face all conditions without letting the mind move. ‘A horse lost by the frontier man—who can say it isn’t a blessing?’ ‘When fortune comes, misfortune follows; when misfortune comes, fortune follows.’ If you see a chance to make a fortune and your mind is stirred, this so-called fortune might ruin you. Why so? Because, upon making a fortune, kidnappers might come for you, abducting you for ransom—wouldn’t that turn out badly?
During the Tang Dynasty, Layman Pang Yun sank tens of thousands in wealth into the Xiang River, saying, ‘Gold only confuses people’s minds.’ The more wealth you have, the more your mind is disturbed, and it provokes jealousy in others, robbing you of peace. It becomes a source of calamity, so he wanted none of it! If we only acknowledge the wondrously bright true mind, without following external conditions—unmoved by wealth, beauty, and so on—then the Buddha-nature continually manifests, and the mind remains unconfused. In order to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, we must maintain ‘one mind unmoving.’ If the mind is disturbed, one cannot be reborn there.
Therefore, at all times and places, abide in no-abiding, no-craving, and allow things to flow naturally, without going against the bright and pure fundamental essence of the mind—this is just like holding a bright lamp to dispel darkness. If you can do this, ‘that is skillfully preserving samaya.’ What is samaya? It is the principle of equality, the vow, and not violating. Equality means that the Buddha and all sentient beings are equal; the bright and pure fundamental essence of the mind is exactly the same in each, without any higher or lower distinction. Fundamentally, there is no ocean of suffering; it is only due to beings’ deluded grasping and clinging that a boundless sea of suffering appears. Vow means vowing to free all from this sea of suffering. One must rouse the great vow to save sentient beings, following the example of Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, ‘Not attaining Buddhahood until hell is empty,’ or of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, who perpetually accords with beings, rolling through the six paths together with them. ‘Not violating’ has been discussed already, so we will not repeat it here. We must remain constantly vigilant, not letting ourselves be confused by circumstances, and constantly purifying the defilements and habitual patterns that pollute us. If a little adversity arises, causing us to waver—‘Oh dear, this is too painful: my hands hurt, my legs are numb; I can’t practice anymore’—then we feel depressed and miserable, and prefer to drift aimlessly, going off to watch operas or chat with friends. And in the midst of our chatting, without realizing it, we sink into the three evil realms. If we genuinely wish to transcend birth and death, we must resolve on a great vow, not being afraid of hardship, diligently applying ourselves in walking, standing, sitting, and lying down. Sitting in meditation for only two hours or even three or four hours is not enough; at all times, remain vigilant and unconfused by the circumstances, preserving our pure fundamental nature. That is what it means to skillfully preserve samaya.”
Original Text (Paragraph 18):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “三昧耶” (samaya) in Vajrayāna contexts often connotes vows of commitment, purity, and not transgressing the essential nature and related pledges.
[2] “龐蘊居士” (Layman Pang Yun) was a famous Chan lay practitioner known for his profound realization and for his renunciation of worldly wealth.
[3] “恒順眾生” (constantly according with beings) means to go wherever beings go in order to guide them toward awakening.
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 19):
“‘If one discriminates and clings, how could that be merely violating samaya?!’
In other words, if one continues to discriminate without ceasing and cling without letting go, how could that be just ‘violating samaya’? It is not only a violation of samaya—it becomes the seed for wandering in the six realms of rebirth, the seed for hell. Discrimination and clinging clearly indicate a deluded and restless mind, unwilling to relinquish self-interest. How can such practice accord with the vast and open Great Way? Take note, everyone: ‘not discriminating’ definitely does not mean failing to recognize good and bad. Rather, we cannot allow discrimination to go on endlessly, our thoughts forever racing beyond our control. When needed, we must be crystal clear about good versus evil, right versus wrong; but after we have acted, there should be no more clinging, no more preference or aversion, no leaving of any trace. If one practices in this manner, direct perception and reasoning unite; reasoning and direct perception unite. This is not discrimination in the sense of persistent attachment. We know perfectly well what is good and what is bad, but we do not bias ourselves to prefer the good people and reject the bad ones. Instead, we hope that bad people will transform into good, and we wish good people to progress even further.
Long ago, in a monastic community, there was a person who stole things, thus violating the precept against stealing. He did this again and again. The chief monk wanted to expel him from the community. The thief wept bitterly and begged forgiveness, but because this was not his first offense, the chief monk would not accept his repentance and insisted on expelling him. However, the abbot wanted to keep him and give him another chance to reform. The chief monk, together with some upright practitioners, said to the abbot, ‘If you keep him, then all of us will leave.’ The abbot responded, ‘Even if you all leave, I will still keep him.’ The chief monk said, ‘If we leave, we at least deserve an explanation. Why do you choose him over us? Are you saying none of us are any good—that we are all worse than a thief who breaks precepts?’ The abbot replied, ‘It is precisely because each of you is better than he is that I will keep him rather than you. If you all leave, you can continue to cultivate somewhere else. But if he leaves, who will take him in? Other than falling into ruin, what outcome could there be for him?’ These words deeply moved everyone, and they all stayed. The monk who had broken the precepts was moved all the more; from that point on, he wholeheartedly reformed himself. Not only did he cease stealing, but he also practiced diligently and eventually attained realization. Therefore, to have no discrimination does not mean blurring black and white, confusing right and wrong. Rather, it means upholding boundless compassion and sharing the same body of great compassion with all beings, never loving or hating for one’s own gain and loss. This way, one fully unites direct perception with inference, and inference with direct perception. Although in direct perception (現量) there is no discriminating mind, inference (比量) still recognizes good and bad. Our Buddha-nature is aware; it is not like wood or stone. Yet it must not lapse into discrimination and clinging. If one discriminates and clings, how could that be only violating samaya? It is a seed for the six realms of rebirth, possibly even leading one to hell. Discrimination and clinging bring endless consequences!”
Original Text (Paragraph 19):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “Samaya” (三昧耶) in Vajrayāna refers to sacred commitments or vows that ensure practitioners do not deviate from ultimate truth.
[2] “Layman Pang Yun” is mentioned in a previous paragraph; likewise, many Chan stories highlight the distinction between skillful discernment (knowing good from bad) and clinging discrimination (attachment to judgments).
English Translation (Paragraph 20):
“‘Those who forever depart from discrimination and clinging, dwelling nowhere and yet giving rise to mind—these alone can thoroughly see the true meaning of all the teachings in the Tripiṭaka, leaving nothing out.’
We mentioned above that if one does not depart from discrimination and clinging, not only does one violate samaya but also brings about limitless harm; hence we must ‘forever depart from discrimination and clinging.’ Even if your family property is immense, you cannot cling to it—can you actually keep it forever? You cannot, for ultimately you must die. When you die, not a single penny goes with you. You will leave empty-handed. One way or another, you must let it go; better to be wise and let go of it now, thereby gaining great wisdom and immense benefit. Even before death arrives, you might not be able to preserve such wealth. Śākyamuni Buddha once taught that material wealth belongs to the ‘five families.’ It is not truly yours, but is shared among the five families: water, fire, thieves, the king, and relatives. Your riches might be washed away by floods, burned by fire, stolen by robbers, confiscated by the king, or seized by your kin. How can you claim it as yours? Once any of these five families arrives, whether you want to let go or not, you must let go of it. Therefore, be smart—do not discriminate and cling. We must ‘forever depart from discrimination and clinging, dwell nowhere and yet give rise to mind’; at every moment and in every place, we do not discriminate or cling. This is called ‘forever depart from.’ The mind does not crave, the intention does not adhere—this is called ‘dwelling nowhere.’ It is not that the mind is like cold ashes, but rather that its wondrous functioning is alive and vivid—this is what is meant by ‘giving rise to mind.’
If we truly practice this way, we can ‘thoroughly see the true meaning of all the teachings in the Tripiṭaka, leaving nothing out.’ Indeed, if we can be utterly free from abiding and from clinging and bring forth our bright, lively true mind, then we fully perceive the true meaning of the Buddha’s teachings with no remainder. If instead we engage in practice like deadwood leaning against a cold cliff, lacking even warmth through three winters, at most we might attain the fruition of an Arhat—and still be within the realm of ‘changing birth and death.’ Why so? Because Arhats abide in a pure realm outside of the three realms, unmoving. If they die there, that is yet another death—just a subtler form of samsāra. Ordinary beings experience ‘segmentary birth and death,’ while Arhats experience ‘transformational birth and death.’ Hence, we must give rise to a mind that does not abide, manifesting infinitely wondrous functions. The Diamond Sūtra says, ‘One should produce a mind that does not abide in anything.’ Master Huineng of the Chan school awakened precisely upon hearing these words. This was in response to the verse by Venerable Shenxiu: ‘The body is like the bodhi tree; the mind is like a bright mirror-stand. Constantly wipe it diligently, lest dust should cling.’ Master Huineng composed a verse in reply: ‘Bodhi is fundamentally without any tree; the bright mirror is not a stand. Fundamentally there is not one thing—where could dust alight?’ Since Venerable Shenxiu held the perspective of existence, Master Huineng spoke from emptiness. Both had their biases, so the Fifth Patriarch said, ‘He has not yet seen the nature.’ Some say this was just a pretense by the Fifth Patriarch to protect Master Huineng from Shenxiu’s supporters. But in fact, it was not merely a pretense. If it were, why would the Fifth Patriarch have asked Huineng to come to his chamber in the third watch of night to give him direct instructions? The Fifth Patriarch lectured on the Diamond Sūtra to Huineng. When he reached the line, ‘One should produce a mind that does not abide in anything,’ Huineng became instantly enlightened. ‘Ah, so the self-nature is originally lively and dynamic, not empty nothingness, not static and immobile!’ Overjoyed, Huineng exclaimed, ‘Who would have thought the self-nature was originally pure and undefiled? Who would have thought the self-nature was originally unborn and undying? Who would have thought the self-nature was originally complete in itself? Who would have thought the self-nature was originally unmoving? Who would have thought the self-nature can give rise to myriad phenomena?’ Five times he marveled, ‘Who would have thought!’—and in so doing, brought his practice to life.
Previously, Master Huineng’s insight—as suggested by his verse ‘Fundamentally there is not one thing; where could dust alight?’—leaned toward emptiness, almost as if it were lifeless or static. Such a view was not ultimate. The Fifth Patriarch recognized Huineng’s great potential. Striking the pestle three times, he signaled for Huineng to come at midnight. He then expounded the Diamond Sūtra, and Huineng suddenly awakened.
Hence, we must not practice in a dead manner but rather in a living manner, always bringing forth the wondrous function. ‘Everything now is me’—all these phenomena are my reflections, my wondrous function. Yet ‘I am not them,’ so we must not cling to the wondrous function either. We do not fear sentient beings, nor do we fear the presence of demons, because all of them are manifestations of wondrous function, not empty nonexistence. Some say the Diamond Sūtra teaches emptiness—that there is nothing at all. That is a misunderstanding. The Diamond Sūtra teaches infinite wondrous function; it reveals the true mind. The Western Land of Ultimate Bliss does indeed exist—a magnificent realm: ground of gold, lotus ponds of seven treasures, eight kinds of meritorious water, breezes, birdsong, ceaselessly proclaiming the Dharma. It is truly such a wonderful realm—it exists, yet it is a wondrous presence, not solid reality. It is originally nonexistent, arising from the vows of Amitābha Buddha and the Bodhisattvas of the lotus assembly. Clinging to empty nothingness is a mistake, just as believing in real (substantial) existence is also a mistake. True emptiness is wondrous presence; empty yet not empty, existent yet not existent, neither empty nor non-empty, neither existent nor non-existent. In this way, we ‘forever depart from discrimination and clinging’ and ‘produce a mind that does not abide,’ thus we can ‘thoroughly see the true meaning of all the teachings in the Tripiṭaka, leaving nothing out.’ The Tripiṭaka and twelve categories of scriptures, vast as the ocean, are all pointing to the true mind. Once you understand the true mind, you have grasped the real meaning. You have become part of the family—no longer an outsider. Since it is your own household property, of course you see it all clearly without remainder. Within the Tripiṭaka and twelve categories of scriptures, there is nothing you cannot resolve, nothing unknown. You comprehend them fully, with nothing left over.”
Original Text (Paragraph 20):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “The Tripiṭaka” (三藏) refers to the three baskets of Buddhist scriptures: Sūtra, Vinaya, and Abhidharma.
[2] “Arhat” (阿羅漢) is a practitioner who has eliminated all defilements but has not yet attained Buddhahood.
[3] “Segmentary birth and death” (分段生死) refers to ordinary cyclic birth and death; “transformational birth and death” (變易生死) refers to subtler transformations still undergone by higher practitioners who have not yet reached full Buddhahood.
[4] “Shenxiu” (神秀) and “Huineng” (慧能) are central figures in Chan history. Shenxiu’s verse emphasizes gradual cultivation, while Huineng’s verse points to sudden insight into emptiness. The Fifth Patriarch Hongren tested both, eventually transmitting the lineage to Huineng, who became the Sixth Patriarch.
[5] “Wondrous presence” (妙有) is a standard Buddhist term meaning that though phenomena are empty of inherent nature, they still appear vividly.
[6] “真空妙有” (true emptiness, wondrous presence) is a key concept: the ultimate nature is empty, yet all phenomena are free to manifest spontaneously.
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 21):
“‘Uncontrived cultivation’ is the most essential in observing the mind.’
‘Uncontrived cultivation’ is also called ‘effortless practice.’ When we use the mind to cultivate the mind, that is practice with effort, meaning there is a sense of engaging in cultivation with a deliberate mind. Practice with effort is an initial phase, which gradually transitions to effortless practice, that is, ‘uncontrived cultivation.’ With uncontrived cultivation, ‘observing the mind is paramount.’ Observing the mind is of utmost importance. As we mentioned earlier, observing the mind means attentively watching where thoughts arise from. When a thought appears, ask where it comes from; when it subsides, ask where it goes. Observing the mind is precisely that awareness—looking at it, illuminating it so that random thoughts will not arise and vanish haphazardly and flow on ceaselessly. If you do not observe, your false thinking runs wild and you have all sorts of thoughts. You get used to it and do not even realize how chaotic it is—how can that be acceptable? So you must be alert and watch it carefully. You should make clear what is the true mind and what is the false mind. Even the mind that observes is still the false mind, because it too is an arising thought. Without the true mind, the false mind would never arise; the false mind is generated by the true mind—it is the wondrous function of the true mind. In the moment of correct usage—i.e., during observation—do not discriminate whether it is the true mind or the false mind. When you have practiced to the point where the false mind no longer moves, both the observing mind and the observed thought momentarily fall away, and ‘both subject and object are nullified’; there is neither an observer nor anything observed. However, if you do not engage in observation, subject and object will not simultaneously fall away; you cannot detach from them. Therefore, observation is necessary. Even reciting the Buddha’s name is a form of observation—it is also śamatha-vipaśyanā (calming and insight). By reciting “Amitābha Buddha, Amitābha Buddha…,” your wandering thoughts are harnessed by the Buddha-name until the mind no longer moves—that is śamatha (calming). Reciting yourself, hearing yourself, and being clearly aware of every syllable—that is vipaśyanā (insight). Even if you recite silently, inwardly chanting “Amitābha Buddha,” you still hear it distinctly, which is illumination. To keep the Buddha-name in mind without letting extraneous thoughts intervene is śamatha; to perceive the Buddha-name clearly and vividly is vipaśyanā. Observing the mind does not mean observing the physical heart, but rather observing the mental stream of thoughts. In the Hṛdaya (Heart) Dharma Method we practice, this is also observing the mind. On the cushion, we recite mantras: the mind recites, and the ears hear—each syllable is distinct, and we hear it clearly. Off the cushion, we maintain this observation, remaining alert to the arising of any thoughts, just like a cat watching for a mouse. As soon as a thought appears, we see it. We do not follow thoughts, nor are we carried away by circumstances. ‘When a thought arises, we immediately know it,’ which Chan Buddhism calls ‘recognition.’ Once recognized, it can do you no harm!
Some say, ‘I’m better off not reciting the Buddha’s name—I have fewer stray thoughts. As soon as I start reciting, it all falls apart; my stray thoughts multiply beyond measure. Did I ruin my mind by reciting the Buddha’s name?’ Not at all! Actually, before reciting, your mind was in utter confusion, only you were not aware of it. You were just running after all your stray thoughts and circumstances, ceaselessly revolving in the six realms of rebirth. Now that you recite the Buddha’s name, your mind calms down, and you become aware of your stray thoughts and see the causes of your cycling in samsāra—this is a great thing! It is like having a tiny hole in a room through which a beam of sunlight enters, showing the dust swirling in its light. In places untouched by the beam, you cannot see the dust. Yet dust is everywhere; once illuminated by sunlight, it appears. In the same way, being able to see your thoughts is a good thing: it shows the initial emergence of wisdom’s radiance. Wanting your mind to be instantly free of all thoughts is as impossible as ascending to the sky in a single step—how could it be that quick? This is a common obstacle for practitioners: they all wish to succeed right away, become Buddhas overnight. It is not that easy. Yet it is not too difficult either—once you know the method, you just need to carry it out: do it today, do it tomorrow, do it the day after. Within a few years, you will surely succeed. Expecting immediate success in a single day is unrealistic. In Hṛdaya Dharma practice, some people can barely handle two hours of meditation per day. They struggle to persist for a few days and then give up, lacking perseverance. Consequently, they switch to casual recitation of the Buddha’s name—mouthing ‘Amitābha Buddha, Amitābha Buddha…’ while their minds remain swarmed by stray thoughts. Can that work? That is essentially not reciting at all—it won’t accomplish anything!”
Original Text (Paragraph 21):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
[1] “無作之修” (uncontrived cultivation) or “無功用行” (effortless practice) describes a state where the practitioner no longer cultivates with a deliberate sense of ‘I am cultivating,’ but rather abides naturally in recognition of the true mind.
[2] “止觀” (śamatha-vipaśyanā) are the core meditative methods in Mahayana and Vajrayāna: calming (stopping) the mind and developing clear insight (observing).
[3] “心中心法” (the Hṛdaya or ‘Heart’ Dharma Method) is a practice tradition involving recitation of certain mantras and meditative observation, taught in some lineages.
After Completing the Translation: Brief Explanation of Key Concepts
1. Uncontrived Cultivation: This teaching emphasizes that true realization ultimately arises from natural abidance in one’s true mind, rather than constant deliberate effort. Nonetheless, initial stages require deliberate practice to stabilize the mind.
2. Observing the Mind (觀心): Central to many Buddhist practices is the continual awareness of arising thoughts—observing their origin and cessation—until subject-object duality collapses.
Bibliographic Reference
• Author: Elder Yuanyin (元音老人)
• Title: Ganges Mahāmudrā (恒河大手印), Lecture 16
Translation provided in accordance with the instructions to preserve the original structure, terminology, and completeness of the text.