
Also See: Translation of One Though Traveller (一念行者) , Part 1

Part two of the ChatGPT translations of One Thought Traveler (一念行者) articles. He emphasizes I AM to his readers but explains that it is merely a skilful means and not the final understanding; he does not consider true permanence to be real or ultimate.

His blog's link: 

Footnotes are made by ChatGPT (using the o1 model) and do not come from the blog.

[Continued from previous message]

English Translation (Paragraph 20)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Heaven Will Rain; a Wife Will Remarry” (2022-05-24 17:59:27)

If your wife is with someone else, it means her mind is sick, and that other man is the medicine. She wants to take that “drug” to cure her illness. It’s like those who take mind-altering substances, trying to get a good feeling, to get excited, to get rid of sadness or pain. If you insist that your wife must not go with that man but should stay with you, it means your mind is sick, and you want to use the “medicine” of your wife to cure yourself. What I want to say is: Are you aware of your respective illnesses? How do you understand the other patient, and how do you heal yourself? There are many possible treatments; medicine is not limited to just one kind.

If your wife has pus and abscesses in her heart, and your wife herself is a kind of pus and sore for you, then letting that sore leave you might be a better remedy in some circumstances. No matter how we struggle or choose which way to go in life, it all comes down to healing ourselves. Reflect on this: if you have an abscess or infection inside, with throbbing pain—would it help to drain and release it, or keep it festering underneath the skin or deep in the heart? Either way, you’re just seeking to relieve your body and mind.

The course of practice is a process of healing. Studying the Buddha’s teachings is attempting to become absolutely healthy in body and mind. The Buddha had a wife who was healthy and beautiful and loved him. Yet he chose to leave her in order to practice. Now, a sore or wart on your body is about to fall away and attach itself to someone else’s body. This is precisely your best time for solitary practice—so what is there to be sad or reluctant about? If she must leave you, imagine it as some sort of “boil” leaving you. A boil on you remains a boil; once transplanted onto someone else’s body, perhaps it becomes “horse-treasure.” She attains a new life in that relationship, and you get to be healthy again. If divorce is inevitable, how do you know it’s not a blessing, a favor from God?

“Heaven will rain; a wife will remarry”—let it be. Remain in your practice room, learn from Bodhidharma, and face the wall for nine years. Sitting facing a wall is a process of physical-mental recovery, a method of cultivation, a therapy leading to the replenishment of your original vital energy. Now that she’s gone and only you remain, all the more you can be at peace, sit facing the wall, practice, and be alone in your practice. In the drama of life, the farewell always comes at some point. This time, it only came sooner.

Looking ahead, you do not know what is better for you or for her. So just accept the present reality as it is: If she stays, I’m happy; if she goes, I’m content. Whether or not she is here, love remains there, unchanged. If you are uncertain about her path, be certain about your love—feel your love and know that it’s still there.

Furthermore, if your wife leaves you, your heart will stir with waves. For a practitioner who has not yet attained fruition, that is only natural. Do not demand of yourself that you feel no turmoil; do not blame yourself for experiencing mental waves. When the wind passes over the ocean, if the ocean says, “Don’t let me produce any waves, don’t let me produce any waves,” and then feels distressed for having waves, the ocean must have gone mad. The ocean has no self; it naturally goes along with conditions. Our mind is likewise. It’s like an ocean—no self, responding to conditions. If karmic winds blow, you feel mental waves and thoughts arise—this is natural. Do not expect that there be no waves, no thoughts, and do not feel upset on account of them.

Whether your wife stays or goes, whether your life changes or not, you are still you. This is “following conditions without changing.” Though you remain yourself, your life will keep happening and keep changing—“unchanging while following conditions.” Experience your unchanging fundamental mind along with all that changes. What changes never stops; what does not change has never shifted. Know the unchanging in the midst of change. Know the changing from the vantage of the unchanging. If so, you have attained the Great Samādhi of the Śūraṅgama. You have realized the secret of the Śūraṅgama Sūtra.

O good spiritual friends, know well your knowing, know well your consciousness. See your seeing, see your consciousness. Do not engage with yourself like one ignorant meets another ignorant.

Namo Amitābha Buddha.

One Thought Wanderer places palms together.

Original Text (Paragraph 20)

“天要下雨,妻要嫁人 (2022-05-24 17:59:27)









Footnotes/Annotations (if any)


[Continued in next message]

[Continued from previous message]

English Translation (Paragraph 21)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Consciousness and the Fundamental Essence of Non-Form” (2022-05-23 07:27:35)

Human consciousness is hidden within all the myriad things that a person sees, hears, senses, and knows. Those who know it feel it is so obvious—it reveals itself everywhere. Those who don’t know it simply don’t notice that it is the action of consciousness; they believe it’s something existing objectively “out there,” unrelated to human consciousness. Yet all along, it is acting everywhere and every moment. If you set out to look for it, even over three great asaṃkhyeya kalpas, enduring infinite hardships, you still wouldn’t find it.

It hides extremely deeply, yet it has never really hidden. Those who know simply know; those who don’t know have no way to know.

I look at the dazzling azaleas in the courtyard of a neighbor, clearly seeing them shine on the branch in flamboyant colors; I smell the jasmine tea in a tin, clearly meeting the fluttering fragrance that moves with each swirling speck of dust; I take a sip of the milk tea prepared by my wife, and yet again I see it sparkle upon every taste bud cell…

This marvelous consciousness does not part from each and every thing you see, hear, sense, and know, yet it is not those things themselves. You cannot separate it from the perceived objects, and yet you do not see it merging with them. Those who know see it revealed everywhere; those who do not know can search heaven and earth in vain.

God’s things have no form of their own, and it also has no form. Once they meet, myriad shapes burst forth—endless forms, each manifestation unique. It is wondrous indeed, this union.

Once you recognize it, you see clearly that formless “you”; you recognize it vividly. You witness both the heavenly realm and the human realm; you understand the Heavenly Father (the Way) and the Holy Mother (the mind). You see clearly those two worlds. It is like you are simultaneously man and woman, comprehending fully all matters of male and female physiology and psychology.

In our human world, sugar isn’t actually sweet, salt isn’t actually salty, vinegar isn’t actually sour, a flower isn’t actually beautiful, perfume isn’t actually fragrant… In themselves, these things are without color, without flavor, without form. Their appearance as color, flavor, or form arises only through the union with human consciousness, becoming the illusions of sensations. The mind of nirvāṇa is the mind’s pure essence—pure, bright, and inherently so—yet it is co-emergent within and without with the myriad phenomena. Those who understand do not discard the appearances of dharmas, but remain peacefully seated in the “first seat,” which is ultimate reality. The first seat is the true aspect: it has been researched by countless buddhas in numberless eons.

O practitioners, come to recognize that consciousness and understand that fundamental essence of “non-form.”

Original Text (Paragraph 21)

“意识和无相之本体 (2022-05-23 07:27:35)









Brief Explanation / Key Concepts

1. Consciousness: Here, consciousness is not just a mental function but a creative principle that co-arises with phenomena to produce experiences like sweetness, color, fragrance, and so on.

2. Non-form (無相, wúxiàng): In many Buddhist contexts, “non-form” can be interpreted as “signless” or “without characteristic,” but here the text emphasizes “no specific form or shape.”

3. Union of Mind and Phenomena: The text illustrates how phenomena (which are themselves empty of inherent attributes) and consciousness come together to create subjective experiences.

[End of the provided text segments]

Final Note on Translation

We have presented each paragraph in English translation, followed immediately by the original text exactly as provided, adhering to the user’s instructions. All terms and concepts have been faithfully rendered according to the guidelines, avoiding omission or paraphrasing.

Brief Closing Explanation

Across these passages, the author, “One Thought Wanderer,” employs vivid imagery and accessible language to guide the reader into a deeper recognition of mind, consciousness, and the “fundamental essence” beyond appearances and stories. Drawing on core Mahāyāna Buddhist teachings such as “consciousness-only,” “emptiness,” and “nirvāṇa,” the author encourages readers to investigate the nature of awareness itself—pointing repeatedly to the immediate experience of one’s own mind as the path to awakening.

Bibliographic References / Acknowledgments

• Author: 一念行者 (Yinianxingzhe / “One Thought Wanderer”)

• Compilation: 《修行路上的故事》 (“Stories on the Path of Practice”)

• Date Range of Blog Entries: 2022-05 to 2023-12

Namo Amitābha Buddha.

[Continued from previous message]

English Translation (Paragraph 22)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“A Certain Kind of Death Called Nirvāṇa” (2022-05-18 22:19:52)

Q: Please talk about death.

When we speak about death while still alive, that “death” is but part of life. People who discuss death while alive are, in fact, still talking about life. We are simply projecting our life’s stories onto a backdrop called “death.”

Real death cannot be spoken of; any death we can talk about is not real death. It’s just like what Laozi said about the Dao: “The Dao that can be spoken of is not the real Dao.”

Any discourse on death is inevitably a discourse on living. Your attitude toward death invariably reflects your attitude toward life. If you fear death, you likewise fear life. If you can feel calm toward death, you can likewise feel calm toward life.

While we are alive, all talk of “death” is still just imagination—another of our countless imaginings. It’s like entering a dream realm with our eyes open, everything we see or hear is a dreamlike fantasy.

So what we say about death is mere dream talk. When you hear someone talking about death, you’re hearing dream talk. If you, too, are still asleep, you might believe that dream talk is truth. But if you’re awake, you’ll know that no so-called “truth” is anything but dream talk.

Hence, talkers should refrain from talking, and listeners should remain quietly receptive—entering a silent knowing. Use your own mind’s self-nature to contemplate all the dream-waves arising in the ocean of mind. If death is a state of cessation, you might as well experience it while you’re still alive. Experiencing that cessation—death—while alive is called nirvāṇa. From the perspective of knowledge that leaves no trace, from the vantage of pure self-nature, it is that quiescent awareness free from conceptualizing, that is nirvāṇa.

Experience that kind of “death,” wherein the old world and old way of understanding die, where your mistaken mind and illusory perception die, and where your identification with a self and personal viewpoints dies. Going through this is indeed like being reborn, a fresh reincarnation. Come, be born into the “holy womb,” turn into the world of the Buddha, and live in a new dimension of consciousness.

One Thought Wanderer places palms together.

Original Text (Paragraph 22)

“有一种死亡叫涅槃 (2022-05-18 22:19:52)










English Translation (Paragraph 23)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Only the Dao Reveals Itself” (2022-05-17 13:50:46)

Enlightenment isn’t about being able to do anything, nor is it about resigning yourself to your inability. It’s fundamentally about living effortlessly.

If you claim you can do anything at all, that’s just wishful thinking. If you say you accept that you “can’t do anything,” that implies you see yourself as separate from the world—that there is a “you” and a world that needs changing, yet you cannot succeed in changing it, so you are powerless.

No—enlightenment means realizing that there is nothing that truly needs changing. You do not need to exert strength to live. Eating, dressing, cleaning, working—these all happen by the Dao’s own functioning, while you just know it’s happening. In fact, even the “knower” isn’t you; the Dao itself recognizes itself.

That nameless operator—what is it called? As Laozi said, “I do not know its name, so I call it Dao.” Here, I call it the “Great Dao.” Within my awareness, there is no individual, only the Dao and the Dao’s body, which is spontaneously functioning. No effort, no doer, and no special attempt.

Upon enlightenment, one is not all-powerful, nor is one “accepting powerlessness.” Rather, the sense of “I” simply vanishes. Only the Dao remains present, only the Dao in action, everything flowing without effort—there is not even a doer of that effort.

For me, my mind is the Dao, my liver is the Dao, my spleen is the Dao, my lungs are the Dao, my kidneys are the Dao, my stomach is also the Dao… My whole being is the Dao—no “me” to be found. Everything is secretly operating, each organ doing its job. “I” vanish into the Great Dao, like a fish vanishing into the ocean. Indeed, that fish was only ever a wave—a slight ripple of water. So, too, am I but a ripple of the Dao.

In my experience of awareness, only the Dao reveals itself, only the Dao is at work, unobstructed by any “self,” unaffected by any so-called “personal affair.”

Original Text (Paragraph 23)

“唯道现前 (2022-05-17 13:50:46)








English Translation (Paragraph 24)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Beings of the Great Heart” (2022-05-16 06:29:42)

A tree supports the existence of its fruit, yet it does not manage the fruit’s destiny. God is the same way with us. Can we emulate this toward our children—support their existence without trying to control their fate? Such love overflows; anxieties silently vanish. Heaven’s gates open wide to you.

Imagine a tree that supports the flowers on its branches but also tries to control their destiny—wanting them to bloom more brightly, last longer, not be carried off by the wind, or not fall off due to old age or disease. If a tree were like that, it would become lost in its own ego, turning every flower into an extension of itself. If you treat your child the same way, love becomes silted with mud, anxiety grows in the shadow, and the gates of hell open to you.

Your child is not yours. Neither the soul nor the physical form belongs to you. He is a child of the universe, of Heaven and Earth. His real home is the universe, and his fate is driven by his own karmic winds. You are only the starting point for his journey across this vast realm—nothing more. To cling to “I am the parent, and he is my child” is just a heart that needs stories to survive.

Can you be like a tree regarding its fruit, like God regarding us—loving, supporting, but not controlling? Those with a great heart can do it; those with a small heart must first transform that small heart into a great one. A being of the great heart is a buddha, a god, the very spirit of Heaven and Earth. A great heart is impersonal—it is beyond ordinary emotions—simply aligned with all phenomena in Heaven and Earth.

Imitate the tree; honor Heaven and Earth. For the sake of liberation and freedom, become like that.

Original Text (Paragraph 24)

“大心众生 (2022-05-16 06:29:42)





English Translation (Paragraph 25)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Burning-Lamp Buddha and Vairocana” (2022-05-15 21:59:00)

Always stay aware of your feelings—constantly remain conscious of your feelings. Practice observing your feelings from “outside” them, so as not to remain “inside” them when facing objects or the world. Feelings are the result of chemical substances secreted by the brain and body; they’re nothing but a momentary gathering of tiny particles. Apart from that, they are nothing.

“Mood” is a type of feeling. Anxiety, fear, worry—these all arise from that kind of feeling. Practice looking at them from outside. Notice that “this is just a feeling, produced by a chemical reaction in my brain and body—do not believe it; let me just know it.”

Knowing your feelings is crucial to taming body and mind. Please cultivate the ability to differentiate, examine, and be aware of your feelings. Feelings are like mist enveloping us, just like a fog that arises on damp ground. The sunshine disperses the fog; likewise, awareness can disperse our inner humidity and vapor. Do not be afraid of fog arising; invoke your inner sun—awareness—to shine. Let awareness appear and the fog vanish.

Observe your inner fog, and whenever it arises, let awareness co-arise. The sun can dispel the mist, and the light of awareness can clear away that inner dampness. There is no need to resist the arising of inner fog; simply let the awareness appear. Fog arises only because the ground is wet. When the sun of awareness shines, it dries that moisture. Fog recedes without a trace.

Stay mindful of your inner feelings—these feelings, whether anxiety or fear, produce illusions in perception. Like water vapor bending light rays, creating illusory scenes, our feelings create illusions in consciousness. Rather than living from “inside” those illusions, let them be illuminated from “outside.”

Standing “outside” the feeling is “illumination by awareness.” Entering the feeling unawares is “the illusion of shadows.”

Feelings are illusions. They’re basically illusions that produce illusions. Let the sun of awareness arise, and those illusions vanish. This is why we say “Burning-Lamp Buddha,” or “the Buddha of the shining lamp,” is a metaphor for deliberately maintaining awareness, while “Vairocana” (“Great Sun Tathāgata”) points to self-existing awareness in its original nature—pure illumination needing no special effort.

When we look up at the starry sky, we recall Burning-Lamp Buddha. When we pay homage to the sun, we recall Vairocana. Burning-Lamp Buddha is mindful, purposeful awareness. Vairocana is naturally radiant awareness. Both are but different facets of your own luminous mind, your own luminous buddha.

Original Text (Paragraph 25)

“燃灯佛和大日如来 (2022-05-15 21:59:00)












[Continued in next message]

(If character limit is reached, we will continue exactly from here.)

[Continued from previous message]

English Translation (Paragraph 26)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“A Beautiful Society” (2022-05-15 20:29:24)

“In a place where there is scheming and calculation,

you not only have to bring sweets,

but also a knife.”

Sweets and knives are both methods of the bodhisattva. If you stand on a higher level when applying them, they are simply skillful means. Sweets can delight others, but they cannot actually sweeten you; knives can wound others, but they cannot actually harm you. If you can maintain this perspective—like an adult playing with a child’s toy knife and plastic utensils—then life becomes excellent.

Our brain is an armory, containing various weapons used for stabbing and cutting, yet none of them are truly real. Thus, you can wield them without fear of injury. Our brain is also a candy store, full of all sorts of sweets. You can freely hand those out, too. None of this is a problem—simply be mindful of your head and keep it above these creations of the mind.

Facing other people, you can use your head-based methods to engage with their heads. Facing yourself, use a transcendent approach to deal with your own head. By doing this, worldly matters and transcendent matters both become settled. The mind is our trusty mount, like the green lion of Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, the golden-haired mythical beast of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the six-tusked elephant of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, or the single-horned creature of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. We should take good advantage of our mount.

How do we rise above the mind? Whenever you know that the mind is the mind, you have placed yourself above it. The mind is a tool, and everything produced by it is also a tool. You are the user—just be careful not to cut yourself with your tool. Tools are wonderful things; good tools bring delight in one’s work.

Society is the outward projection of our mind, and mind is our inner society. We each live in that place. The sort of society you feel you live in depends on your karmic consciousness; the nature of your mind, in turn, is reflected in how you perceive your environment. If you want to know what kind of mind you have, look at how you believe your society to be.

Sweets and knives are ordinary items in this society—each is a fine tool. Put them to good use, manage them well, and let these sweet and sharp implements open up a better society within your own mind.

Original Text (Paragraph 26)

“美好的社会 (2022-05-15 20:29:24)








Footnotes / Annotations (if any)


[End of Current Translation]

Brief Explanation / Key Concepts

1. Skillful Means (upāya): In Buddhism, particularly in the Mahāyāna tradition, using various expedients or methods—like “sweets” to delight or “knives” to cut illusions—can be seen as compassionate tactics employed by bodhisattvas to help beings.

2. Mind as Armory and Candy Store: This metaphor captures how the mind holds both aggressive/defensive tools (knives, weapons) and pleasant, helpful aspects (sweets)—yet all are fundamentally mental constructs.

3. Head Above the Mind: Recognizing that the mind is just a tool, we “stand above” it by acknowledging its nature rather than being controlled by it. This idea aligns with the text’s broader theme of “not being carried away by mental fabrications.”

[Continued Translation]

English Translation (Paragraph 27)

(Shared Post)

“On the Teaching of True Permanence” (2022-05-10 17:06:53)

The Buddha did speak of “true permanence,” but that doesn’t mean he was setting “true permanence” up as absolute truth. It was merely a skillful means.

Suppose you have fallen into a vast ocean, submerged in confusion and disoriented, unsure of east or west, with no idea how to save yourself. The Buddha tells you that not far from where you are, there is an island or a continent; you can climb onto it to avoid being overwhelmed by the waves. He shows you the way to climb up, offering you a rope or a small raft.

Once you climb onto the shore or island—or realize it is only a small drainage ditch, or that there isn’t really an ocean at all, just a fevered hallucination from a high temperature—you discover the reality for yourself.

If someone hears the Buddha speak of “true permanence” and, not realizing the context, insists it’s incorrect, attacks it, and says the speaker lacks understanding or is on a wrong path, it would be like scolding the Buddha for “lying” when he’s only using a compassionate expedient to help a person who’s feverish and hallucinating. He’s skillfully meeting them where they are.

If you are truly wise, you don’t object. You see a person’s words or actions that may seem untrue or incomplete, and you investigate why they say what they say, or do what they do. Then you understand them and dissolve the seeming gulf between you, making you no longer “two.”

Whenever you discover “two,” it shows that you’re still “two.” To make “two” vanish—this is wisdom, maturity, and true practice.

Likewise, I speak of the ninth consciousness, of the Pure Land, of the wondrously bright true mind that is originally pure, or the essential luminous nature. Even the Buddha’s words in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra—these are all expedient means. They are simply ways to help those still searching for home to return to rest, to be done with searching.

Don’t assume I actually believe all these things I say, or that I am deluded by them. Not so. I speak of dream states, but I do not dwell in the dream states I describe; I speak of concepts, yet I am not confined to the concepts I speak of. Where I remain is called “wakefulness.” Don’t worry I might be confused—worrying about my confusion is your own confusion.

O good spiritual friends, the Buddha’s talk of true permanence is only an expedient, not the final reality. Please don’t misunderstand the speaker’s intention. “True permanence” is not false teaching; it is skillful means.

One Thought Wanderer places palms together.

(Comments by Soh: Also see Excerpt from link: True Mind and Unconditioned Dharma

Master Hui Lu:


Within our China's Mahayana Buddhism, there are many, in fact the majority of those latter-day commentators, due to not having attained Great Realization, have distorted the Buddha's meaning.


For example: Shakyamuni Buddha has never said anything like "while following conditions one is unchanged, one is unchanged while following conditions". That [saying] actually came from our Mahayana venerables, they keep on spouting such saying, such a saying is actually [based on] beginningless ignorance, it is a false understanding, the Buddha has never said such a saying; the Buddha has never said: from true emptiness comes marvellous existence, marvellous existence true emptiness, [I have] searched throughout the entire Tripitaka [the three textual collections of sutras, vinaya and abhidharma] and Shakyamuni Buddha has never ever said such a thing.


The Buddha has also never said: from the illusory one enters into emptiness, from emptiness the illusory is produced; not attaching to either side is known as the middle way.


Shakyamuni Buddha has never said such a saying, never!


I have flipped through the Tripitaka's twelve sections of sutras, it has never ever said anything with regards to "being unchanged while following conditions, following conditions while being unchanged"; it has never said: "true emptiness produces miraculous existence, from miraculous existence comes true emptiness"; and it has never said: "from the illusory one enters into emptiness, from emptiness comes the illusory, not attaching to either side is known as the middle way". Having an exit and entry, how could that be Buddha-nature?


Therefore, the first saying should be changed into: Appearing according to conditions.


Those who say: being unchanged by the flow of conditions, the flow of conditions does not change/affect us - we usually have the view of a self-nature, conceiving that the Treasury of the Thus Come One is always unchanging in suchness, unchanging in suchness, like a pool of dead water. Wrong!


It can give rise to marvellous function, therefore, it manifests according to conditions. When the Buddha preaches the dharma he is also in Samadhi, in movement, standing, sitting and sleeping, the ingenuity in varying usage depends on natural intelligence, how could there be an unchanging thing?


This "being immutable in the midst of conditions" will cause people to fall into (the conclusion of): there is a kind of "something" that is unchanging, and one constantly seeks after a kind of "something that is not changing", mistaken that there is a kind of "something" that is called "eternal".


[In actuality] what is known as eternal is eternally non-abiding, filled with wisdom-mind - that is called eternal, it is not that there is a kind of "thing" that is called eternal.


We have to understand, conditioned dharma IS precisely unconditioned dharma, conditioned dharma is the dependently arisen, arising and ceasing, impermanent dharmas; it is completely empty and hence unconditioned dharma, its immediate essence is empty, we do not speak of any dualities.


Therefore we say: manifesting according to conditions, is what completely and greatly realized people would say, for if you talk about "being immutable in the face of conditions", what is the thing that never changes?


Those greatly realized mind knows that Buddha-Nature is like the Wish-Fulfilling Gem, when the Hu man arrives Hu man is made manifest, when the Han man arrives Han man is made manifest, it will always change, if it were unchanging it would be like a pool of dead water, how could it manifest functions?


Isn't that the case? If the Treasury of the Thus Come One never changes, then how would Shakyamuni Buddha expound the sutras and preach the dharma?


[If] it is unchanging, [it would be like] a pool of dead water, when Shakyamuni Buddha expounds the sutras that would be the coming forth of marvellous activities, how could it have been that it never changes?


Isn't that the case? Therefore: Buddha nature is Impermanence. What is known as Buddha-nature is Impermanence, is spoken from the point of view of marvellous activities; when Buddha-nature is spoken as permanent, it is spoken from the perspective of [fundamental] essence, when speaking to those who have not realized, this is the only way we can explain.


When speaking of Impermanence, that is due to the Buddha's bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind, thus letting us realize that the ten thousand dharmas are arising and ceasing in impermanency, empty without self-nature, therefore, Shakyamuni Buddha cannot avoid speaking about Impermanence to let you realize it earlier.


When explaining Permanence, it is for the purpose of providing something to rely on for the practitioners of the two [lower] vehicles, wherefore we speak of our Treasury of the Thus Come One as Permanence, Bliss, Self and Purity, however the practitioners of the two [lower] vehicles then grasp after a kind of something that is 'Permanent, Blissful, Self and Purity', and thus again becoming attached to an eternal something.

(Soh's personal comments: certainly this issue does not apply to the 'arahants' of Buddhism who have realized anatta or no-soul, maybe the comment is more appropriate for adherents of the non-Buddhist tradition, the term 'two vehicles' originally meant for the arahants and pratyekabuddhas have in latter days of Chinese Mahayana become a very loose term used to imply all and any kind of 'misguided practitioners')


When the Shakyamuni Buddha talks about impermanence, it is meant for severing your craving; when speaking about permanence, it is meant for providing a means of support for the practitioners of the two vehicles, yet the practitioners of the two vehicles then attached to a kind of something that is called 'permanent'.


Shakyamuni Buddha tells us: when talking about Permanent, Bliss, Self and Purity, that is just a kind of skillful means, [for] when it arises transformation, then it is impermanence.


Could expounding sutras and preaching the dharma have been permanence?


It will change/be impermanent, impermanence in its essence is empty, just that is permanence.


Therefore, nature and appearance are fundamentally one suchness, where could there be permanence or impermanence?


Nature and appearance are fundamentally one suchness, where could there have been abidance or non-abidance?


When reaching the state of the Buddha, if we impute a view then it is completely wrong. Imposing any kind of view is not allowed, not one dharma is established, only then is this the true Dharma.


Buddha has never talked about true emptiness producing marvellous existence, or marvellous existence [comes] true emptiness, this is a commentary from China's patriarchs.


The Buddha has also never said: from the illusory enters emptiness, from emptiness comes the illusory, the Buddha has said: Not-two dharma door [the Dharma of Non-Duality], you have to be clear about this!


What is known as the dharma door of non-duality means Mind and Situation are not two, isn't it so?


Dependent arising is equivalent to empty nature, it is not that apart from dependent arising there is another empty nature.


Or that apart from dependent arising there is another empty nature, dependent arising is going in accord with conditions, and apart from that there is an empty nature that is known to be permanent.


Isn't it the case? Then that would be splitting it into two, then this is no longer the dharma door of non-duality. Dependent arising is fundamentally empty, just that is the empty nature; birth and death are fundamentally empty, just that is Nirvana, birth and death and nirvana is without distance, Bodhi [enlightenment] is originally not one thing.

Original Text (Paragraph 27)


关于真常论 (2022-05-10 17:06:53)











English Translation (Paragraph 28)

(Composed via mobile phone [mobile access])

“Great-Treasure Dharma King” (2022-05-10 15:45:00)

In the world, there are many treasures, but the mind is the greatest treasure. In the world, there are many dharmas, yet the mind is foremost among them. Therefore, the mind is the Great-Treasure Dharma King. The Great-Treasure Dharma King is simply the mind.

Know your mind, fully understand your mind, dwell freely in your mind—then you are the Great-Treasure Dharma King. “Great-Treasure Dharma King” is not a special title for some particular individual; anyone who truly knows and masters his or her own mind is the Great-Treasure Dharma King.

“Great-Treasure Dharma King” (大宝法王) are four characters that hint at “mind.” When you hear those four words, you should immediately realize your own mind.

The mind has two aspects. One is the constantly shifting, proliferating consciousness that changes. The other is the unchanging, ever-knowing awareness, beyond conditioning. I often call them “discriminating mind” and “awareness mind.” The first is truly a “great treasure,” and the second is truly the “dharma king.”

When you hear “Great-Treasure Dharma King,” reflect on your own consciousness.

• Great Treasure = eighth consciousness? Or you could say “seeds consciousness.”

• Dharma King = ninth consciousness? Or we might say “immaculate consciousness.”

When you say to yourself “Great-Treasure Dharma King,” be mindful of both your consciousness and your awareness.

O good spiritual friends, come to know your mind in its two modes: the infinitely changing face of consciousness, and the eternally knowing face of awareness. Recognizing these two aspects is to become the Great-Treasure Dharma King. Since all persons have these two aspects, we are all Great-Treasure Dharma Kings in potential—wealthy and autonomous in the dharma. Turn inward to your own mind, see it clearly, become it.

One Thought Wanderer places palms together.

Original Text (Paragraph 28)

“大宝法王 (2022-05-10 15:45:00)








Brief Explanation / Key Concepts

1. 真常 (zhēn cháng) / “True Permanence”: A concept appearing in certain Mahāyāna texts, often as a provisional teaching to guide practitioners out of confusion—pointing to an aspect of mind or reality that does not change. The text clarifies it is not an absolute dogma, but a skillful means.

2. 大宝法王 (Dà Bǎo Fǎ Wáng) / “Great-Treasure Dharma King”: Interpreted here as a reference to one’s mind, highlighting both its infinitely creative or storing aspect and its eternally aware aspect.

3. Two Faces of Mind:

• A “discriminating” or “constantly changing” side (aligned with the eighth consciousness or seeds of consciousness in Yogācāra).

• An “ever-knowing” or “awareness” side (sometimes called the ninth consciousness or amala consciousness).

4. Ninth Consciousness: In some Chinese Buddhist teachings, a “pure consciousness” beyond the eight consciousnesses taught in Yogācāra.

End of Currently Quoted Text

Below is a brief concluding section, as no additional paragraphs remain in the quoted text. We have completed the paragraph-by-paragraph translation in full, following all instructions given.

Brief Explanation of Key Concepts and Interpretive Choices

  1. Structure and Literal Rendering

    • Throughout this translation, each paragraph of the source text is followed immediately by its unabridged original Chinese. This preserves the paragraph structure exactly as in the source, with no omission or summary.
    • Where possible, we employed direct, literal wording for Buddhist concepts (e.g., “self-nature,” “numinous light (靈光),” “nature of awareness (覺性),” and so on) per the guidelines.
  2. Terminology

    • 無自性 (wú zìxìng) has consistently been rendered as “without self-nature.”
    • 無相 (wú xiàng) was usually rendered as “signless,” except in a few contexts where “non-form” or “formless” seemed to fit better. (The text itself sometimes points to “no shape, no external form.”)
    • 本體 (běntǐ) is generally “fundamental essence,” reflecting the notion of the underlying ground or reality.
    • 妄念 (wàngniàn) is “delusional thought,” “unreal thought,” or “conceptual fabrication,” depending on context. We aimed to keep the nuance that it is an untrue or illusory mental construct.
    • 本覺 (běn jué) is “primordial gnosis,” capturing the innate, ever-present capacity for awakening.
  3. Contextual Clarifications

    • Ninth Consciousness (第九识): Mentioned in certain Chinese Buddhist traditions as a pure, undefiled consciousness beyond the eighth consciousness (ālaya). We followed the author’s usage without adding personal commentary.
    • “True Permanence” (真常): Shown as an expedient teaching rather than an absolute doctrine. We explained that the Buddha’s references to “true permanence” are upāya (skillful means) to guide beings.
  4. Challenges and Choices

    • Idiomatic Expressions: Chinese phrases such as 森罗万象 (sen luó wàn xiàng) and 相表里 (xiàng biǎo lǐ) were rendered with slightly expanded English to reflect the sense of “myriad phenomena” and “inside–outside interpenetration.”
    • Clarity vs. Literal Accuracy: At times, we provided interpretive expansions in brackets (or in slight paraphrase) for the sake of readability, while remaining faithful to the original meaning.
  5. Overall Approach

    • The text, attributed to 一念行者 (Yinianxingzhe / “One Thought Wanderer”), is informal and didactic, blending Buddhist teachings (Chan, Pure Land, Yogācāra) with everyday examples. Our aim has been to retain that instructive tone and the directness of the author’s style.
    • All personal commentary was placed outside the translation proper (e.g., in footnotes or brief annotations) to respect the instruction “no additional commentary within the translation.”

Bibliographic References / Acknowledgments

  • Author: 一念行者 (Yinianxingzhe / “One Thought Wanderer”)
  • Collection / Category: 《修行路上的故事》 (Stories on the Path of Practice)
  • Dates / Source: Various blog entries from 2022 to 2023, posted via mobile phone on

No further paragraphs from the original text remain to be translated. The translation presented here is complete as per the source material provided.

Paragraph 1

English Translation (Paragraph 1)

Understand Yourself (2022-05-08 19:25:07)

I speak of ultimate teachings, and I also speak of non-ultimate teachings. I do not distinguish between ultimate and non-ultimate with regard to the Dharma. I only look at the audience. If the ultimate teaching is helpful for someone, I speak of the ultimate teaching; if the non-ultimate teaching is helpful for someone, I bring out the non-ultimate teaching.

As for Buddhadharma, I am not an innovator; I am a cook, a maker of dough-based foods. Over centuries, cooks have been making meals using nothing but firewood, rice, water, flour, sugar, vinegar, oil, and salt. I too use just these raw ingredients and basic methods, flipping them back and forth into different forms of steaming, stir-frying, quick-frying, shaping, rolling, and kneading—resulting in plain home cooking. It is not like the fancy restaurant meals that are perfect in color, aroma, and taste. Home cooking is eaten often; restaurant fare is not necessarily so. I am like a parent in an old home. You may wander outside for as many years as you wish, as far as you wish, but if one day you want to return home, come here and have a bite of simple home cooking. My blog is that old home; my words are that home-cooked meal.

Among those who eat a housewife’s cooking, some will pick and choose; or even after eating their parents’ cooking, they may complain and scold the one who made it, saying it’s not delicious. There is no helping it. A good wife may spoil her husband, and parents love their children; these grown and not-yet-grown children all have their own process of maturing—just wait.

Some foolish people enter a restaurant not to eat a meal but to pick faults. They look like gourmets, yet they have no good fortune, because whatever enters their mouths becomes the enemy of the tongue, an adversary to their taste buds. All they can do is complain. Not only do they fail to savor good flavors, they cannot even fill their stomachs or absorb any nutrition. That is their karma—truly no way around it.

A picky child has a skinny heart. In contrast, how the stomach longs to avoid fussiness, to accept and take in what comes, waiting patiently. Beggars on the street do not fuss over their food—they eat whatever they get, not even discerning the taste. As practitioners, they are my teachers; day by day I learn from them.

Sometimes being able to discriminate makes one foolish; not discriminating is actually wise. Those who can discriminate appear clever; those who do not discriminate are actually wise. The wise seek common ground; the foolish seek difference—what different paths they take! A road you walk in reverse often leads you home; if you chase poetry and faraway places, that is usually sleepwalking. If our head is a prodigal, then to return home it must travel in reverse. What you truly want is not poetry, nor something far away, but rather a self at ease and a tranquil room for peaceful living.

People who are picky about food usually do not have a stomach problem but a heart problem. Are you someone who’s picky about food? If you want to heal yourself, first check your heart, then examine your stomach. Picky eaters like to complain, and complainers dislike eating; they prefer to feed on their own resentments. A heart full of pent-up agitation swells the belly—like a fierce tiger in appearance, but it’s really a sick tiger. Maybe you think you’re a fierce tiger, but in reality you might be a sick tiger. A healthy tiger would not feel “I’m fierce.” Only a sick tiger feels fierce. Fierce means the qi is surging. Surging qi brings about a decline of the heart.

The wise often remind people: “Know yourself.” But very few actually devote themselves to self-knowledge; too many want to know others instead. That path is indeed backward. “Know yourself”—this phrase truly ought to become a practitioner’s motto, inscribed by one’s seat as a reminder. For a practitioner, “know yourself” is synonymous with “who am I?” It is both a practice proposition and the main focus of practice. Know yourself. It does not mean sending your eyes far away, but rather returning your gaze to your own mind.

Original Text (Paragraph 1)

“了解你自己 (2022-05-08 19:25:07)









[Continued in next message]

[Continued from previous message]

Paragraph 2

English Translation (Paragraph 2)

Discover and Experience Your Ninth Consciousness (2022-05-08 16:49:57)

Human beings possess a ninth consciousness—namely, the consciousnesses of eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mental consciousness, manas consciousness, ālaya consciousness, and amala consciousness. The amala consciousness is called the ninth consciousness.

The ninth consciousness is a pure consciousness, the ālaya consciousness is the “seed consciousness,” the manas consciousness is the self-consciousness, and the eye–ear–nose–tongue–body consciousnesses are consciousnesses that differentiate external phenomena.

In my view, the ninth consciousness is pure perceptual consciousness that both transcends yet includes the contents of perception. It is like still water, serene and unmoving; it is also like a bright mirror, quietly illuminating whatever appears before it.

Compared to the first eight consciousnesses, it remains ever unmoving. All the other consciousnesses are in flux, arising and ceasing. Even though you may not perceive changes in the eighth consciousness, it too shifts subtly over time, like the transformations of seas into land. Only the ninth consciousness is eternally unmoving.

The ninth consciousness is like empty space, within which everything—be it fast or slow, hidden or visible—undergoes change, while empty space itself remains unmoving and unturning. The ninth consciousness is indeed like empty space.

The eighth consciousness is like the earth; the first six consciousnesses and the seventh consciousness are like what emerges or takes shape from the earth. The ninth consciousness is like empty space, encompassing them, yet neither separate from nor identical to them.

The first eight consciousnesses are like a great ocean, while the ninth consciousness is akin to the ocean’s overall reflective function.

Humans possess this ninth consciousness—go and discover and experience your ninth consciousness. In the Buddhist scriptures, the ninth consciousness has many other names—bodhi, nirvāṇa, the “great mind,” the buddha-body, the wondrously clear true mind’s nature of luminous clarity, and so on. However, I call it the “pure consciousness.”

Amid the ceaseless operation of your defiled consciousness, discover and experience your pure consciousness: that pure perception, that true permanence, that bodhi, that nirvāṇa citadel, that wondrously clear true mind’s nature of luminous clarity. If you can dwell in the pure consciousness, you will not follow the defiled consciousness from illusion into illusion, becoming lost by illusions. This is what I mean by “depart from arising and ceasing, safeguard true permanence, do not be carried away by karmic flow.”

O good spiritual friends, discover and experience your ninth consciousness. No, no, it is not “your” ninth consciousness; rather, it is the ninth consciousness that is you—realize it, experience it, and come to be that ninth consciousness.

One Thought Wanderer, palms joined.

Original Text (Paragraph 2)

“发现和体会你的第九识 (2022-05-08 16:49:57)












Paragraph 3

English Translation (Paragraph 3)

Abandon Arising and Ceasing, Safeguard True Permanence (2022-05-07 10:16:46)

Whether it be extreme joy or deep sorrow, whatever you have experienced is not so important. What matters is that you acknowledge and protect the one who perceives all these experiences. No matter what emotions or feelings you have—since they are impermanent, they come and go, transient in nature—they are not where your attentiveness should lie.

Our focus should be on this principle: Abandon arising and ceasing, safeguard true permanence, and do not be carried along by karmic flow. Any phenomenon that arises and ceases—any that come into being and fade away—need not be overly attended to or valued. Overinvesting yourself in them does little good. As they disappear, your psychological investment goes to waste. You should seek and protect that which in your life is relatively truly permanent and unchanging; that kind of endeavor is meaningful.

What, in your life, has remained unchanged all along? Recognize it, search it out, safeguard it, so that you do not follow illusions in the realm of dharmic dust, drifting in birth and death. Abandon arising and ceasing, safeguard true permanence—if you can act like this, that is called practice. Otherwise, in thirty thousand days of life, what are you busy doing? Falling into dreams, following illusions, revolving in birth and death—a pointless expenditure of mental energy.

Original Text (Paragraph 3)

“弃生灭,守真常 (2022-05-07 10:16:46)




Paragraph 4

English Translation (Paragraph 4)

Telepathy (2022-05-05 15:10:49)

To merge body and mind with an old tree, a sunflower, a horse, a cow, a teacup, a car, and so on—this is what I call “awareness of the other.” In other words, empty your defiled mind, use an empty and pure mind to integrate with all things and perceive them. In that way, you can experience your most ancient subconscious and your most primordial forms of numinous awareness (靈知). This is also an “absence of self” type of perception, and I call it telepathy.

Telepathy is a mode of perception, a way of thinking from the “original knowing mind.” As long as there is no interference from a defiled mind, and as long as one can regain an empty and pure mind, anyone can possess telepathy. Everyone’s mind can exist and speak in the identity of myriad things. Telepathy is simply a person’s ability to open up the collective subconscious of humanity, the subconscious of animals, the subconscious of plants, the subconscious of minerals—everything the process of life evolution has ever experienced is stored and settled therein.

The tool of telepathy is the empty mind, and the way to access it is by practicing “awareness of the other,” or by practicing meditative quietude, becoming so still that you spontaneously awaken. Those who cannot do telepathy may need a process to begin to experience it; those who can will enter the other’s being in an instant—instantly becoming the Earth, or a rock, or a dog or cat, or a flower or a tree—whatever object the eye sees or the mind envisions, taking form and speaking from that identity.

Telepathy is a way to understand others or other objects, stepping beyond your own narrow identity. By itself, it cannot bring complete liberation, but it can lead you from one story into another story, from one dream into another dream. Because once you move into a new story, you seem to escape the old story; upon entering a new dream, the old dream seems to fade. Overall, there is no ultimate awakening.

True awakening means no longer playing with telepathy, no longer hopping from one story to another, no longer moving from one dream to another. Or, you may know story after story, dream after dream—like ascending countless Maitreya towers—yet you recognize the emptiness of the whole. It is as though you see a row of rooms painted on paper, but you live in a three-dimensional open space without impediments.

Original Text (Paragraph 4)

“他心通 (2022-05-05 15:10:49)






[Continued in next message]

[Continued from previous message]

Paragraph 5

English Translation (Paragraph 5)

Life: Ocean and Light (2022-05-04 10:05:43)

Go and be aware that humans have eight consciousnesses: the eighth consciousness is like the great ocean; the first six consciousnesses are like waves upon the ocean, and the seventh consciousness is like the Dragon King of the ocean. The ocean’s waves are not separate from the ocean, and the Dragon King is also but the ocean’s waves.

The ocean is greater than the Dragon King; the Dragon King dwells in the ocean and is also hidden within all the waves. The waves represent thoughts; the Dragon King is self-consciousness; the ocean is the mind.

The Dragon King can whip up winds and stir up waves, yet the winds and waves he stirs up are still the ocean.

The eight consciousnesses are life; life is the eight consciousnesses. Realize your ocean of life, the sea’s Dragon King, and the waves of the sea, and discern their relationships. These are all parts of life’s content, and there is One who encompasses this entire content of life.

Seek the one who encompasses; become that encompass-er. The encompass-er is the knower, which is the buddha. To become the buddha is to become it. Attaining buddhahood means being aware of the contents of life and going beyond those life phenomena.

The eighth consciousness is the ocean, the first six consciousnesses are the waves, and the seventh consciousness is the Dragon King of the sea. Practice is directed at the Dragon King of the sea. Everyone has an “old Dragon King” inside—recognize your old Dragon King, and do not mistake it for yourself, nor take yourself to be it.

You are not the Dragon King; you are the mobile ocean, the light that illumines the sea. You are the sea in motion, the light shining over the waters—you are the god of sea and light. Experience the existence of your life, perceiving that ocean and light.

Original Text (Paragraph 5)

“生命:海与光 (2022-05-04 10:05:43)








Paragraph 6

English Translation (Paragraph 6)

Nature (2022-05-01 19:06:40)

Nature itself is the Medicine Buddha. Its sunlight and air, its flowers and trees, its vastness and infinite distance, its empty space and all present objects—everything is medicine.

Simply being in nature is itself healing, is itself a cure. If nothing else, take time to walk in nature. That place is the great clinic, the great sanatorium, the grand rehabilitation center of the Supreme Medicine King.

If your eyes look upon nature, it heals your eyes. If your ears listen to nature, it heals your ears. When your body experiences nature, it heals your body. If you use your mind to be near it, kiss it, touch and stroke it, it heals your mind.

Our six faculties—body and mind—are children of nature. If you love it, respect it, it will care for you like a mother loving her children, bestowing grace upon you.

This earth is paradise. Those who recognize this truth have reached paradise; they already dwell in paradise. Those who live in paradise are sure to possess health in both body and mind. Nature protects and nurtures its offspring so that they prosper and flourish.

Original Text (Paragraph 6)

“大自然 (2022-05-01 19:06:40)






Paragraph 7

English Translation (Paragraph 7)

Be a Bodhisattva (2022-04-30 23:18:11)

Under the same moonlight,

Living together in the spring breeze,

Those who feel good radiate love,

And those who radiate love feel good…

Thank you for your giving,

No matter what you offer,

Giving is the flowering of buddha-nature through you.


Those with money give money,

Those with strength give strength,

Those with good words give good words…

Giving is a kind of opening—

An opening of the channel of your inner life energy.

Among the Six Perfections (pāramitās) and the myriad practices, giving stands first.

Giving can open the door to a whole new world.


This world is a bodhisattva’s training ground.

Being a bodhisattva is the best way for life to survive,

And it is also the most vibrant and energetic form of practice.

If your life needs an identity,

Let “bodhisattva” be your identity.

Devote yourself to the identity of “bodhisattva,”

And “bodhisattva” will bring you the brightest, most splendid fulfillment in life.


All the teachings of Mahāyāna Buddhism direct you to be a “bodhisattva,”

And the primary quality or practice of a bodhisattva is giving…

Practice giving:

Give whatever your life has, whether surplus or not, whether rich or poor…

Then your life will open to a different radiance.

Stones will turn into gold—this is real, not illusory.


Come to understand how wonderful it is to be a “bodhisattva,”

Taste the flavor of life brought about by “giving”…

If you can walk this path,

This is the greatest blessing gathered over a thousand lifetimes and myriad eons,

The greatest gift from the fundamental origin of the universe.

May those with such blessings practice the bodhisattva path.

Giving is like water flowing on the ground, carrying your energy into the forest of life, causing myriad trees and grasses to bloom.

A strange world will appear before your eyes—a buddha’s world.


The secret of secrets,

The wonder of wonders,

Become a bodhisattva.

The bodhisattva’s precious treasure is giving—

Giving and what is given form a key

That opens your world into a flourishing paradise where birds sing and grass grows green.

Blessed are those who become bodhisattvas,

Resurrected are those who give.

Original Text (Paragraph 7)

“做一名菩萨 (2022-04-30 23:18:11)













































[Continued in next message]

[Continued from previous message]

Paragraph 8

English Translation (Paragraph 8)

Dharma Wealth and Worldly Wealth (2022-04-26 13:49:31)

There were two brothers: one devoted himself to worldly life, earning a great deal of money; the other left worldly affairs to practice and accumulate dharma wealth.

The elder brother, who had earned a lot of worldly wealth, looked down on his younger brother who was practicing. He said to him, “You’ve been cultivating and piling up all this so-called ‘dharma wealth.’ What use is it? It can’t buy you a nice mansion, it can’t be exchanged for a BMW, and it can’t even guarantee you a full meal or good clothes. Isn’t that just chasing illusions instead of practical concerns?”

Hearing this, the younger brother responded, “My dharma wealth can become effective precisely when your worldly wealth can’t. It can do great things in places where money is powerless.”

The elder asked, “What do you mean by that?”

He answered, “When you have no dharma wealth and you are poor or short on money, you feel anxiety, fear, or worry. Even if you have a lot of money, you may never feel satisfied. But if I have dharma wealth, it doesn’t matter whether I have money or not, or how little or how much—there is no anxiety, no fear, no worry. Even if I don’t have a single cent, I still feel fulfilled and rich.”

Then the younger brother turned the question on the elder: “Is there anything that money cannot do?”

The elder brother said, “No, there isn’t. Money can make ghosts grind your mill. There is nothing that can’t be done if you have money.”

The younger brother said, “On the contrary, there is. In the face of old age, sickness, and death, money is impotent. You might be able to eat well, drink well, live comfortably, and even postpone aging, but you cannot stop it. If you are stricken with a terminal illness, money can buy good medical conditions but not real health of body and mind. And when death arrives, the King of the Underworld does not accept bribes. Even if you are a billionaire with luxury cars and mansions, the best of everything, he will treat you no differently than anyone else.”

The elder brother said, “What you’re saying is true. Let me discard my worldly wealth and join you in cultivating for dharma wealth.”

The younger brother replied, “No need to abandon your worldly wealth. To keep your worldly wealth and at the same time acquire dharma wealth—that is even better.”

He asked, “How can dharma wealth be obtained?” The younger brother answered, “Listen to the Buddha’s teachings, follow them, put them into practice, and you will gain dharma wealth. Dharma wealth can stand up to birth and death. Even the King of Old Age, Illness, and Death bows before those who possess dharma wealth. When dharma wealth is within you, you walk freely in all times and places, unimpeded in whatever you do.

“‘The hand of wisdom can open any door. Where the Dharma King arrives, all kings make way, and the paths to the heavens unfold.’ Nothing can obstruct the Dharma King, and what the Dharma King possesses is precisely dharma wealth. Dharma wealth is like the energy of spring—it can melt all the world’s ice, it can bring forth the growth of myriad living things. Dharma wealth is like the most potent acid—it can dissolve the iron of the world, it can melt all the world’s gold. The Dharma King’s quality is dharma wealth. May my sons all become Dharma Kings and acquire dharma wealth.” So spoke the old father, who overheard the brothers talking.

Listening to his father’s words, the younger brother’s aspiration for dharma grew stronger. The elder brother, hearing both him and their father, decided he would not abandon worldly wealth but would also seek dharma wealth. How ideal it would be to have both in the world—neither failing the Tathāgata nor failing one’s worldly commitments.

Original Text (Paragraph 8)

“法财,世财 (2022-04-26 13:49:31)














[Re-Translation and Continuation]

Below is the re-translation of the section beginning from “Eight Characters” (八个字), with special attention to conveying the non-dual condition—i.e., that in the act of observing (or experiencing) something, one does not stand apart from it. The translation continues paragraph by paragraph, following the user’s instructions and the original Chinese text verbatim.

Paragraph (Re-Translation from “Eight Characters”)

English Translation

Eight Characters (2022-04-25 23:18, reposted)

An old practitioner sat quietly in his courtyard, peaceful and joyful.

A disciple asked, “What is the secret to being worry-free all your life?”

The old man answered, “The secret to being free from worry lies in four characters: 自覺覺他 (zì jué jué tā)—‘self-awakening, awakening others.’”

The disciple said, “Please explain in more detail.”

The old man said, “What we call ‘self-awakening’ is the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (四念處). The Four Foundations of Mindfulness constitute the content of self-awakening. As for ‘awakening others,’ that too is a dimension of self-awakening, specifically using an empty, pure mind to be aware of what is directly present. In other words, you become each phenomenon so that it experiences itself. For example, if you are in the garden, you let go of all karmic and defiled consciousness, and with an empty, pure mind, you become the flower so that the flower awares/experiences the flower. If you are walking along the roadside and there is a tree across the way, you become the tree so that the tree awares/experiences the tree. If you are sitting at a table drinking tea, you become the teacup so that the teacup awares/experiences the teacup; you become the teapot so that the teapot awares/experiences the teapot. All such instances are called ‘awakening others.’ My entire life of practice can be summed up in these four characters: 自覺覺他. If you collapse that into one character, it is 覺 (awareness/awaken).”

The disciple asked, “How many kinds of awareness are there?”

He answered, “There are two kinds: the awareness of ordinary beings and the awareness of buddhas. ‘The mirror is aware of its reflection’—that is buddhas’ awareness. ‘The reflection is aware of the mirror’—that is ordinary beings’ awareness.”

The disciple then said, “You just spoke about the secret of being worry-free. Then what is the secret of being happy?”

The old man replied, “That is also four characters: 自利利他 (zì lì lì tā)—‘benefit oneself, benefit others.’”

The disciple continued, “Please elaborate.”

The old man said, “If, throughout your life, you think about and practice self-benefit that also benefits others, you will be happy. Another way to say ‘benefit oneself and benefit others’ is: you yourself feel love, and you let others feel love; letting others feel love also allows you to…

[At this point, the text abruptly ends with the partial sentence and a link, so we must present it exactly as given.]

Original Text

“八个字(2022-04-25 23:18)转载▼












阅读 ┆ 转载┆ 收藏查看全文>>”

(Text ends abruptly here.)

Paragraph 10

English Translation

Just in Time to Practice (2022-04-20 21:31, reposted)

The pandemic has brought lockdowns, and it is just in time for practice. Bathe and burn incense, constantly mindful of impermanence. Observe your seeing, hearing, awareness, and know them well by your own self-nature. In all your actions—walking, standing, sitting, reclining—let them fall entirely under the Buddha’s radiance. If fears of birth and death come, let them come without concern. If scattered vexations arise, observe them without blindness. Everything that appears is your own mind’s direct perception. Practice by contemplating the mind, not by resisting. Do not refuse any visitor—whoever comes is a guest. Accept them all as they are, fully and wholeheartedly. My mind is vast; it can contain everything. I hold a Maitreya’s cloth sack that can take in the four seas as I roam. Anything that exists, I toss into my bag. I pack away mountains as if carrying them in a paper basket.

Cultivating a great heart in practice makes one a person of great capacity, and such a person of great capacity is precisely the essential person (本尊) who is Buddha. May we attain a great heart and see the Buddha, our essential nature.

Original Text

“恰好修行(2022-04-20 21:31)转载▼


Paragraph 11

English Translation

When You Practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (2022-04-19 14:27, reposted)

Reasoning or viewpoints belong to the mind. When you practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, you do not need reasoning or viewpoints. It is like eating—you do not need a rationale or viewpoint for it; just chew and taste. It is like walking—you do not need a rationale or viewpoint for that either; you just step and move forward.

No matter how excellent your reasoning or viewpoint, it does not compare to actually being aware just once of your own body, your own feelings, your own mind, and your own dharmas [i.e., mental objects]. For someone truly pursuing liberation, there is no need to discuss theories, no need to discuss viewpoints; you simply practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

Reading other people’s words is not as good as becoming aware of your own body, your own feelings, your own mind, your own dharmas. Judging whether someone else’s words are ultimate or correct drops you into a trap of your own mind, diverging from your practice of the Four Foundations.

Those accustomed to studying or delighting in Great Vehicle thought must turn back and practice the Four Foundations of Mindfulness of the so-called “Lesser Vehicle.” The Four Foundations of Mindfulness are the place where all practitioners begin; after circling around, one must return here again.

Practicing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness means cutting off and discarding the mind’s need to weigh doctrines, viewpoints, what is ultimate, or whether something is correct. Practicing the Four Foundations means walking a path free of thought, free of arguments, and free of viewpoints. You bypass the enticements, blockages, and entanglements that arise from thought, reason, or viewpoint—this is exactly the time you are practicing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

Original Text

“当你修行四念处(2022-04-19 14:27)转载▼






Paragraph 12

English Translation

The Woman in the Garden (2022-04-11 11:03, reposted)

She is a simple person—

A simple life, a simple love—

She loves flowers and grasses, loves kittens and puppies,

Listening to the insects chirp, the birds call, watching flowers and plants grow,

Digging here, turning soil there,

And can stay in the courtyard an entire day without feeling tired.

What a healthy person in both body and mind!

In an ordinary life,

Nothing is more wonderful than this:

You love things of nature,

You do things related to nature,

And you devote yourself wholeheartedly and joyfully to them.

This is precisely “the union of heaven and humanity,”

Because in this way the person—and her mind—have become part of nature itself.

Some people travel everywhere seeking to visit eminent teachers,

But the one most worthy of visiting is often just a woman tending to her flowers and plants in her garden.

In my view, women are closer to God than men,

Closer to the Way—women stand at the gate of the sacred.

If a practitioner were to ask me

Where to find a bodhisattva worth learning from, or a buddha worth learning from,

I would mumble, hinting, indicating that he go to a garden

And follow a woman who happily works with her flowers.

A Chan master who has practiced for many years also merely lives like that.

Original Text

“园子里的女人(2022-04-11 11:03)转载▼
























Paragraph 13

English Translation

One Who Plants Flowers (2022-04-09 18:27, reposted)

Every spring, I see the flowers you plant.

That shows that year after year, in the flow of time, your heart harbors a spring.

The flowers you plant are so beautiful—

They are just like your heart, like you.


In this world, not many can continually give others the beauty and freshness of spring,

But you are one of them.

In your previous life, you might have been the goddess of beauty or a servant next to that goddess.

Otherwise, why do you pass on the gene of beauty to this world?


Tulips, daffodils, hibiscus—

Each one is your name.

Their colors, their forms, are the visage of your heart.

Within your inner world there is a wonderfully beautiful you.


You are the flower fairy who bestows flowers on this world,

Offering the world your beauty—even if only one person knows and remembers,

God also remembers your goodness.

He shapes you into someone who loves, appreciates, and grows flowers—this is the blessing returned to you.

Original Text

“种花的人(2022-04-09 18:27)转载▼

















Paragraph 14

English Translation

Practice Looking at Everything from the Eyes of God (2022-04-09 17:13, reposted)

The flying butterfly and the falling flower—

Both dance with gentle grace.

How are they different?

Who brought about that difference?


The flying butterfly and the falling flower—

Both sway in their quiet dance.

But in God’s eyes,

Are they any different?


The flying butterfly and the falling flower—

One gently drifts upward,

One calmly descends downward,

One fully displays the splendor of life,

One reflects a serene beauty in death…


Up and down, life and death—

Where do these concepts come from?

If viewed through God’s eyes,

Would such distinctions exist?


All our lives, we look at the world from a human perspective.

Can we try looking at things from God’s perspective?

Even if only in imagination.

Practice seeing everything on Earth through God’s eyes.


Practicing to see the world through God’s eyes is a form of cultivation.

The more we see the world this way, the more we are liberated from worldly entanglements.

In the forest, the flying butterfly and the falling flower are our teachers.

They lead us to stand together with God—they lead us to become God.

Original Text

“练习从上帝之眼看世界上的一切(2022-04-09 17:13)转载▼


























Paragraph 15

English Translation

“One Consciousness Alone Endures” (2022-04-06 19:06, reposted)

One consciousness stands alone in stillness,

Myriad appearances arise in the mind’s presence.

An empty room that is not empty,

Where a multitude of emotions dance.

Being awake, dreams pour in one after another.

Close your eyes, sit cross-legged, and listen to everything around you, becoming aware of it all. As you keep listening and being aware, suddenly you may feel that you no longer have a body—only a pure consciousness, filling the entire universe.

In reality, our occasional feeling of “no-body” is on equal footing with our normal feeling that there is a solid body. Both are forms of mental awareness. If you say that the experience of “no-body” is not real, then the experience of having a substantial body is not real either. Conversely, if having a body is real, then “no-body” might likewise be real.

In short, whether you feel you have a body or not, both are merely perceptions in front of the mind, not the mind itself. As far as the mind itself is concerned, it is beyond any notion of having a body or not having a body. This is what I call “one consciousness alone endures.” Feeling “no-body” is not necessarily high-level, and feeling “some-body” is not necessarily ignorant. But if you have once had the experience of “no-body,” it becomes a reference point, a reminder: if the “no-body” experience might not be truly real, then perhaps the “some-body” experience isn’t either; or if the “some-body” experience is real, then maybe the “no-body” experience might be real, too. In short, it allows the mind to detach from the concept of having or not having a body and instead to realize “one consciousness alone endures.” The main point is to experience that “one consciousness alone endures,” whatever the circumstances.

When it comes to life’s experience, “one consciousness alone endures” is closer to reality. So we need to experience it. “One consciousness alone endures” is the mind’s own actual condition from the start. We cannot experience it because our awareness is too rarely exercised, while our attention is too entangled in this or that thing. We care so much about specific matters, yet so little about the awareness of our mind itself. That is the main reason we cannot sense the mind’s actual condition of “one consciousness alone endures.”

Therefore, by withdrawing some portion of your attention or energy from individual objects and applying it more to awareness itself, you can more readily experience the hidden reality of “one consciousness alone endures.”

When you have realized “one consciousness alone endures,” you more readily understand the facts taught by the buddhas: “All phenomena are transformations of consciousness alone; all appear from mind alone.” For the buddhas and bodhisattvas, the claim that “everything is mere consciousness, everything is from mind alone” is not a theory but a living fact of experience.

Once you experience “one consciousness alone endures,” you then realize that all phenomena emerging before you are from your own mind, similar to how the ocean might suddenly awaken and see that its waves, through various conditions, appear before it. Subsequently, you will also realize that the mind is like a vast empty room. Yet it is not truly empty, for it is filled with countless dreamlike images, like the sky floating with clouds of all colors. You simultaneously realize the mind is empty and not empty—like dreaming while still awake, recognizing both real and unreal at the same time.

Go seek out life’s experience of “one consciousness alone endures.” Among all the experiences in life, it is closest to reality—if reality is a thing. The route to awareness, as mentioned above, is to keep pulling back the mind’s energy from scattered objects and putting it into awareness itself. Keep practicing that, over and over, and suddenly you discover “one consciousness alone endures,” you become “one consciousness alone endures,” and you experience it, along with all that follows from it.

Hear my verse:

One consciousness stands alone in stillness,

Myriad appearances arise in the mind’s presence.

An empty room that is not empty,

Where a multitude of emotions dance.

Being awake, dreams pour in one after another.

Original Text

“一识独存(2022-04-06 19:06)转载▼










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Paragraph 16

English Translation

Frequent Recitation (2022-04-01 01:39, reposted)

When there’s nothing to do, frequently sit in meditation.

When there’s something to do, take care of the Way.

Never forget the original mind,

And such a person is called a practitioner.

Original Text

“常吟(2022-04-01 01:39)转载▼





Paragraph 17

English Translation

Me and You, Sea and Sea (2022-04-01 01:29, reposted)

We sit here conversing—

I am the sea,

You are also the sea.

Our conversation is a dialogue of sea with sea,

A conversation of wave with wave.


The wind is the messenger,

Stirring your waves,

Propelling my waves.

It is the same wind moving both waves,

And the rolling waves and the silent sea are not fundamentally different.

You and I—we—

Are one sea separated by land.


We sit here conversing—

It is sea greeting sea,

Wave murmuring softly with wave,

Like family members or lovers speaking quietly.


If we were sitting here without speaking,

It would be sea gazing at sea,

Each wave nestling against its sea.

That is an infinite tranquility and beauty,

We rest in the bosom of the universe,

Like hot soup in a jade bowl, warm wine in a silver cup.


When we sit here face to face,

In moments of silence,

Our bodies match each other in equal presence,

Like islands facing each other in the ocean,

The beauty between them

Is no less than the communion between gods.

A subtle shimmer of water and the softness of waves connect them,

They are bathed in love.

Original Text

“我与你,海与海(2022-04-01 01:29)转载▼
































Paragraph 18

English Translation

The “Classic of Mountains and Seas” of Self-Nature (2022-03-31 01:29, reposted)

People know one “Classic of Mountains and Seas” that lies in the great library, in ancient stacks of texts. I too have a “Classic of Mountains and Seas,” but it is within my self-nature. Once I awakened, I realized: my body is a mountain, my mind is an ocean, and my destiny manifests as a Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Whatever your eyes see, whatever your ears hear—the strange creatures, the odd sounds—are all born of the mind alone. In the great ocean of the storehouse consciousness, in the mountain of the Tathāgata, all that you see is shaped by mind-only. The mountain is the mountain your mind offers; the sea is the sea your consciousness transforms. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Tathāgata-garbha, and the Tathāgata-garbha is the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

For practitioners, sitting there, awaken to the fact that your body is a mountain, your mind is an ocean, and your life’s every piece of knowledge and perception is the Classic of Mountains and Seas. O fellow practitioners, on the seat of your meditation, feel that your mind is a great ocean, your body is an island in that ocean, or a continent in water, and your life itself is a Classic of Mountains and Seas.

All the perceptions in the Classic of Mountains and Seas do not go beyond the single mind. Everyone’s life is a volume of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Your body is a mountain, your mind is an ocean—awaken to these facts, and thus verify the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is not in distant antiquity or external sources; it is in your self-nature.

By your self-nature, verify the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is the Tathāgata-garbha, and the Tathāgata-garbha is the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is this world, and this world is the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is this life, and this life is the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The Classic of Mountains and Seas is mind-only; realize the mind-only Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Original Text

“自性山海经(2022-03-31 01:29)转载▼






[End of Translation]

Brief Explanation of Key Concepts and Choices

1. Re-Translation from “Eight Characters”

In response to the user’s request, we retranslated the passage about 自觉觉他 (Self-Awakening, Awakening Others) to capture the non-dual condition: that in becoming a flower, the flower experiences itself—there is no separation between observer and observed. This aligns with Buddhist teachings emphasizing the dissolution of subject-object duality.

2. Terminology

自性 (zìxìng): Rendered as “self-nature.”

空净心 (kōng jìng xīn): Translated as “an empty, pure mind.”

觉 (jué): “Awaken” or “awareness,” depending on context.

四念处 (sì niàn chù): “The Four Foundations of Mindfulness.”

唯识 (wéishí): “Consciousness-only” or “mind-only” (Yogācāra teaching).

3. Literal Fidelity vs. Readability

We have remained literal where possible, especially with the phrase “以花觉花,” rendered as “become the flower so that the flower experiences the flower.” This emphasizes the text’s point of non-dual awareness. Bracketed commentary is avoided in the translation itself, in keeping with the instructions.

4. Use of Poetry

Where the text provides verses, we preserve line breaks and parallel structures to convey a semblance of the original’s poetic style.

5. Cultural & Buddhist Context

References to practices like the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, the nine consciousnesses, Yogācāra concepts, and so forth are translated consistently with standard Mahāyāna terminology.

Bibliographic References / Acknowledgments

Author: 一念行者 (Yinianxingzhe / “One Thought Wanderer”)

Collection: 《修行路上的故事》 (Stories on the Path of Practice)

Dates / Source: Various blog entries from 2022-03 to 2022-05

End of Complete Translation

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