Also See:
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture One)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Two)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Three)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Four)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Five)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Six)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eight)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Nine)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Ten)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Eleven)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Twelve)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Thirteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fourteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Fifteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Sixteen)
- Ganges Mahāmudrā By Elder Yuan Yin (Lecture Seventeen)
(I made the English translations with the help of ChatGPT from the Chinese original)
Footnotes were produced by ChatGPT and are not present in the original Chinese material.
English Translation (Paragraph 1):
Ganges Mahāmudrā
(Lecture 14)
Yuan Yin Lao Ren (Elder Yuan Yin) – Author
Lecture 14
“This cessation of the understanding [that grasps appearances] is precisely the sole key to self-liberation’s direct perception.”
Original Text (Paragraph 1):
元音老人 著
English Translation (Paragraph 2):
Previously, we spoke of “following delusion as fundamentally pure.” Where does delusion arise from? Delusion arises in dependence upon circumstances. If there were no external situations, there would be no deluded thoughts. Even though deluded thoughts arise when following deluded circumstances, our true mind is not polluted—it remains pure. Earlier, we used a pearl as an analogy, for instance when a pearl is covered in mud. The pearl itself remains pure and radiant and is not rendered filthy or black because of the mud covering it. Once the mud is removed, the pearl is still as bright as before. Therefore, you only need to recognize the true mind; there is no need to fear deluded thoughts. By putting to rest any incorrect understanding about deluded thoughts—by untying the knot of being afraid of those thoughts—we recognize our true mind. This is called “the cessation of the understanding [that grasps appearances].” “This cessation of the understanding [that grasps appearances] is precisely the sole key to self-liberation’s direct perception.” direct perception means laying everything bare without adding discrimination, like a mirror reflecting objects. If it reflects a round object, it shows a round shape; if it reflects a square object, it shows a square shape. If it reflects ten thousand ounces of gold, the mirror does not rejoice; if it reflects a pile of excrement, the mirror does not feel disgust. This is direct perception. direct perception is a reflection that accords with the shapes of external objects, without a trace of deluded discrimination. If one discriminates “this is good, that is bad; this is long, that is short; this is beautiful, that is ugly,” that is inferential cognition [i.e., conceptual discrimination].
Original Text (Paragraph 2):
English Translation (Paragraph 3):
In our cultivation of the path of liberation, we transform the eighth consciousness into the Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom, illuminating the ten directions. The myriad phenomena of the universe all appear within our true mind, without the slightest trace of attachment or rejection. This is what is meant by “the direct perception of liberation.” Although we use a mirror as an analogy, it is not entirely the same as a mirror. Indeed, it resembles a mirror in that it appears in accordance with external forms. However, a mirror has no power of discernment, no sense of awareness. We, on the other hand, do possess awareness and know right from wrong, long from short, gain from loss; we simply do not harbor aversion or attachment. It is just as a sutra states: “Able to distinguish well the characteristics of all dharmas, yet unmoved in the ultimate truth.” Although we distinguish, we do not allow it to settle in our mind. Thus, it is direct perception yet accompanied by inferential cognition. If we had only direct perception, we would become fools, ignorant even of right and wrong, good and bad, long and short—how could that be acceptable? In our practice, our effort should be lively. At every moment, we employ the true mind of direct perception to exercise that inferential cognition. Since inferential cognition is what we call deluded thought, we must understand the principle stated in the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: “Do not extinguish various deluded minds.” We use them when needed; and if we can indeed make use of them, then that is marvelous function. This is the profound meaning of “the cessation of the understanding [that grasps appearances].” This cessation of the understanding [that grasps appearances] is liberation’s direct perception, is “the sole essential.” This alone is of utmost importance.
Original Text (Paragraph 3):
English Translation (Paragraph 4):
Recognizing our true mind is of the utmost importance. Where is the true mind? It is radiating light right in front of every person. Where is that brightness? Whatever objects I see, whatever sounds I hear, whatever smells—fragrant or foul—I detect, whatever circumstances I know, that is precisely the brightness! Some people are intent solely on suppressing deluded thoughts. But after deluded thoughts are extinguished and the true mind emerges clear and bright, they fail to recognize this true mind and instead keep practicing techniques to stop thoughts. Practicing like this over a long time leads to a form of mental deadness that lacks any lively, wondrous function—because they have not recognized the true mind. As we previously stated, merely ceasing deluded thoughts without knowing the fundamental essence is of no use. One must realize the fundamental essence at the point where deluded thoughts subside; that alone is the sole priority.
Original Text (Paragraph 4):
English Translation (Paragraph 5):
“Indeed, this is also the unique key and profound point of Self-Nature Great Perfection that is unsurpassed.”
Great Perfection (Dzogchen) does have specific methods of practice, yet what is described here is “Self-Nature Great Perfection.” Self-nature is originally perfect and complete, pervading all space and the entire Dharma-realm from the beginning. Wherever space extends, it likewise extends; it encompasses the worlds of the ten directions and all sentient beings. No matter which school—Pure Land, Vajrayāna, Chán, Yogācāra, Tiantai, Huayan—they all cannot depart from this wondrously luminous true mind. “There is nothing that does not flow out from this Dharma-realm, and there is nothing that does not return to this Dharma-realm.” This Dharma-realm is the One True Dharma-realm, the wondrously luminous true mind. Ganges Mahāmudrā directly enters this “Self-Nature Great Perfection” by means of a “supreme key method.” “Supreme” means exceptional; “superior” means surpassing. This is an exceptionally superior Dharma, different from and beyond comparison with other methods; hence it is “unshared (not in common) with others.” “Shared” means something shared in common, and “not shared” means not the same. This is the highest teaching in Vajrayāna. Other teachings in Vajrayāna are not stated in this same way. The highest level of Vajrayāna and Chán see eye to eye. The Pure Land school is not explained in that manner; it emphasizes wholeheartedly reciting Amitābha Buddha’s name, being reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and then continuing cultivation in the presence of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas until one attains the stage of non-retrogression—avaivartika. This has its own marvelous aspects. In the end, it also merges back into the One True Dharma-realm. We will not elaborate further here. Every Dharma door has its own unique and skillful aspects, each attuned to different karmic circumstances for guiding beings, but ultimately they all converge upon the One True Dharma-realm. As for Ganges Mahāmudrā, it is a direct entry—no detours—and differs from other methods of practice, hence it is called “the unique key and profound point of Self-Nature Great Perfection that is unsurpassed.” “Key” means pivotal; “profound” means subtle and wondrous. “Not shared (uncommon) key and profundity” means that it is different from other Dharma doors, possessing its own unique pivotal aspect and unique wondrous aspect.
Original Text (Paragraph 5):
English Translation (Paragraph 6):
“When endowed with this key and profound point, no matter what afflictions or deluded thoughts arise, they all become manifestations of the Dharma Body.”
To be “endowed with this key and profound point” is to recognize the wondrous functioning of the true mind. Having this key and profound point means that “no matter what afflictions or deluded thoughts arise, they all become manifestations of the Dharma Body.” Whether the afflictions are illness, heartbreak, career failure, and so on—whenever afflictions proliferate and deluded thoughts surge—they all manifest as the Dharma Body. This is because “deluded thoughts and afflictions are all aspects of the primordial gnosis wisdom of the Dharma Body.” Just as there could be no waves without water, there can be no deluded thoughts and afflictions without the true mind. When deluded thoughts and afflictions arise, that is the very display of the Dharma Body. Everyone must realize that this statement is extremely important. In the midst of abundant afflictions and chaotic deluded thoughts, immediately recognize that this is the wondrous functioning of the Dharma Body, and those afflictions and deluded thoughts will instantly dissolve like ice melting. Once you recognize the Dharma Body, you will not run after deluded thoughts; if you do not recognize the Dharma Body, you will chase after them, and those afflictions will be endless—even leading some people to the point of suicidal despair. Nowadays, some people are so tormented after a breakup that they want to kill themselves, feeling they cannot go on living. They do not recognize the Dharma Body and do not realize that all afflictions and deluded thoughts are actually the wondrous functioning of their true mind!
Original Text (Paragraph 6):
English Translation (Paragraph 7):
The “Universal Gate Chapter of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva” says: “If there are those who uphold the name of this Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, even if they enter a great fire, the fire cannot burn them, due to the Bodhisattva’s awesome spiritual power; if they are carried away by a great flood, by calling upon his name they will find shallow ground.” No matter how great your fire of affliction, no matter how high your waves of deluded thought, as soon as you turn your attention back upon itself, calling out “Namo Guanshiyin Pusa”—Ah! So this is the wondrous functioning of the true mind—those afflictions and deluded thoughts will subside at once. This is the essential instruction, the most vital instruction. Yet many people who have studied Buddhism for years are unaware of it. They do not recognize their true mind, nor do they know where it is. They cannot find it, so what do they do? They plan to seek it in the Western Pure Land, so far away it cannot be measured. In fact, your true mind is shining right before you. Ganges Mahāmudrā is so excellent because it tells us directly and plainly what the true mind is. Everyone here is fortunate; your karmic connections have matured so that you can hear this great Dharma. Having heard it, do not fail yourself. Always safeguard your true mind. Know that wherever a deluded thought arises, it is precisely the wondrous functioning of the true mind; recognize the true mind from within deluded thoughts. Practicing in this way for one year, two years, three or five years—how could you not attain realization? Success is absolutely guaranteed. As mentioned last time, my teacher (Wang Xianglu Shangshi) once said, “You don’t need two or three years of practice—just one and a half years is enough for success. If you don’t succeed, come and ask me!” We ourselves simply refuse to put in the effort and continually follow our habituated tendencies—how can we succeed then?
Original Text (Paragraph 7):
English Translation (Paragraph 8):
“Deluded thoughts entirely become wisdom; adverse conditions become our companions in assistance; afflictions become the path of practice.”
If you possess this “unique key and profound point of Self-Nature Great Perfection,” then “deluded thoughts entirely become wisdom.” When deluded thoughts are scattering all around, when afflictions proliferate, in that very moment you stand firm and switch perspective: Ah! This is the wondrous functioning of the Dharma Body! With that single shift, you manifest great wisdom. You face circumstances with direct perception, then apply conceptual discrimination without clinging to or dwelling in them—knowing good from bad, right from wrong, long from short—yet you remain unattached. This is wisdom. If, after discriminating, you grasp or reject, fixating on the circumstance in your mind and chasing after it, becoming utterly distressed—then it is deluded thought. In truth, deluded thought is wisdom; the key is whether you know this or not. Hence the statement, “Nor do we extinguish various deluded minds.” When the true Dharma Body is in command, deluded thoughts are reduced to servants or helpers. The master is the true mind, and the first five consciousnesses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) are transformed into the wisdom of accomplishing activities. The true mind instructs them: “Look at that for me—what is it? Listen for me—what kind of sound is that? Smell for me—is it fragrant or foul? Taste for me—is it sour or sweet?” Seeing, hearing, perceiving, and knowing all transform into the wondrous functioning of the true mind—thus all deluded thoughts become wisdom.
Original Text (Paragraph 8):
English Translation (Paragraph 9):
“Adverse conditions become our companions in assistance.” Everyone loves the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where every condition is favorable; nothing goes against one’s wishes—gold forms the ground, the ponds are of the seven precious substances, the water has eight meritorious qualities, the calls of birds and rustling of trees all proclaim Dharma sounds—everything is good, and there are no enemies or grudges. This is unlike our impure world of the Five Defilements where adversities abound. In your job, you may encounter numerous frustrations; one person steps on your foot, another kicks your leg. At home, things also fail to go smoothly: you want to do this, she insists on that; arguments are endless. Yet you must realize that these adverse conditions assist you on the path. They remind you to remain unattached to circumstances. Recognizing that these adverse conditions are suffering, you develop the intention to escape—Ah! This world is so painful, let’s hurry and get free! How to get free? By recognizing the true mind and not running after external conditions. Otherwise, if you cling to this world, thinking it is truly comfortable and delightful, you will not learn or practice the Dharma, so you cannot attain enlightenment.
I once met a Chinese-French businessman who had a tremendous amount of money. His warehouse was connected to the railway, so trains could roll right in. He believed in Buddhism and did charitable works, donating to temples whenever he visited home. I said to him, “You believe in Buddhism and are so generous in giving; it would be even better if you yourself would practice the Dharma. Doing good deeds and giving make for wholesome merits, but not attainment of enlightenment. You still need to develop wisdom—cultivating both merit and wisdom so you can become enlightened. So you should also cultivate the Dharma.” He replied, “No, no. I am too comfortable and too happy. I don’t need to endure any hardships to practice.” Satisfied with his present blessings, he had no desire to practice. If that is true even for humans, how much more so for celestial beings?
Original Text (Paragraph 9):
English Translation (Paragraph 10):
When you encounter all sorts of adverse conditions and have reached the limits of suffering, you truly feel deep pain—then you generate a great resolve to escape suffering. Once you decide to escape suffering, what should you do? Quickly learn and practice the Dharma! This is why “adverse conditions become our companions.” Adverse conditions help us to refine ourselves against external circumstances, to see whether our mind still clings to them or not. If your mind is genuinely empty, neither favorable nor unfavorable conditions matter. You will not chase after anything. Among the Ten Great Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra is “To always accord with sentient beings.” That means we constantly follow beings’ inclinations: if you like spicy food, all right, I will join you in eating spicy food; if you like sweets, I’ll join you; if you want to play ball, I will play with you; if you want to dance, I will dance with you; if you want to convert to Christianity, I will follow you to do so. None of it matters. Why? Because I am cultivating the true mind by letting it engage in all experiences without clinging, so that I may lead you in return. This is called “the practice of being in fellowship” (one of the Four Methods of Gathering Beings).
Some great practitioners do not wish to be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss because that land is all favorable conditions, and it may take a very long time to reach enlightenment. One day in the Western Pure Land is equivalent to a great eon in our world, an inconceivably long period. A great eon contains four middle eons, each middle eon has twenty small eons, and each small eon is the time it takes for human lifespan to go from 84,000 years down to 10 years and then rise back to 84,000 years. This rising and falling once is a small eon; 80 such cycles is one great eon. That’s how long a great eon is. The time of just one day in the Western Pure Land is equal to that entire length. Moreover, everything there accords with your every wish—whatever abode, clothing, or objects you want instantly manifest, so it is not easy to cut off habitual tendencies. Consequently, attaining realization might take more time. For this reason, many Bodhisattvas with lofty aspirations say: “You go to the Western Pure Land; I will remain here in the saha world to refine my true mind amid adversity.” This is the spirit of a Bodhisattva’s great aspiration—truly extraordinary! “A real hero is determined to soar to the heavens, not taking rebirth in Brahmā’s heaven or the Pure Land.” He will not go to the great Brahmā heavens or the Pure Land. That is the resolve of a great hero. But if you want to demonstrate that heroic resolve, you must be able to endure these tests. If you fail the tests, being seized by Māra and becoming a minion of demons, that is the end. If you really cannot handle the tests, then it might be better to seek rebirth in the Western Pure Land, which is far safer. Thus, Dharma is not fixed; it depends on one’s capacity. There is no one-size-fits-all. In our present cultivation, when we encounter adversity, we must not lose heart—these are our companions that assist us on the path.
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 11):
I have a Dharma brother whose wife is a believer in Christianity. She pulled him along to attend services at a Christian church. He said, “All right, fine. I’ll go with you.” After listening to the pastor’s sermon, he said to her, “I’ve accompanied you to hear the pastor’s preaching—why don’t you come with me to the temple to listen to the talks on the Buddha-Dharma given by great spiritual teachers?” She replied, “No, no! That’s the work of the devil. You’re also not allowed to go. Let’s go home.” Accordingly, he just followed her home. It seemed like an adverse condition, but he wasn’t afraid. “You can’t wear me down,” he thought. “I simply accord with you, and my mind remains empty and free.” So their marriage relationship is actually very good. She asked him, “You’re saying I’m the devil?” He answered, “No, I’m saying you’re wonderful—you’re a great Bodhisattva.” She said, “I’m not a great Bodhisattva; I’m God, the Lord.” Immediately he replied, “All right, all right! You are God, the Lord.” All of that serves as a supportive companion, refining the emptiness of your mind! There is a poem that puts it well: “Empty, empty, empty—success is attained in emptiness. When the roots are firmly nourished, one has no fear of snow or wind.” When your foundation is firm, you fear neither blizzards nor fierce gales. No matter what adversities come, you need not be afraid, for they are all companions that help you advance on the path. Adverse conditions are also good—do not fear them.
Original Text (Paragraph 11):
English Translation (Paragraph 12):
“Afflictions become the path of practice.” Speaking of “the path of practice,” some people say, “The White Snake Spirit* only had five hundred years of spiritual attainment; Dharma Master Fahai had one thousand years of spiritual attainment.” But these are all legends—there never really was a White Snake Spirit. If we know how to make use of afflictions—awakening right in the midst of them with the realization, “This is the wondrous functioning of my true mind”—then afflictions help us attain enlightenment, and afflictions themselves become our path of practice. The greater the afflictions, the higher one’s spiritual attainment can grow. If you can withstand the tempering of great afflictions with an empty mind, your strength becomes vast, enabling you to develop within the raging fires of affliction. This is “A lotus born of fire, enduring without harm”—a truly extraordinary accomplishment. A lotus growing in water cannot withstand flames, and would wither as soon as fire touched it. But a lotus born of fire has far more potent vitality.
*Translator’s Note: In Chinese popular literature and folklore, “White Snake Spirit” (白娘娘) and “Fahai” (法海) are figures in The Legend of the White Snake. This reference underscores the idea of “道行” (spiritual attainment) in mythical tales.
Original Text (Paragraph 12):
English Translation (Paragraph 13):
“Not abandoning saṃsāra and yet abiding in purity.”
Saṃsāra refers to the six paths of rebirth—gods, humans, asuras, hell beings, hungry ghosts, and animals. Truly transcending birth-and-death does not necessarily mean leaving the six paths. Why? Because if one merely abides in a pure land outside the desire, form, and formless realms, that is only the small-vehicle realization of an Arhat. To become a Buddha, one must act like a great Bodhisattva, remaining within the six paths to liberate beings, not abandoning saṃsāra. There is a famous kōan illustrating this point. After a certain Chán master passed away, someone asked one of his disciples: “So in which pure land was your teacher reborn? The Western Land of Ultimate Bliss? The Eastern Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli? Or Tuṣita Heaven?” The disciple answered, “My teacher is not going East or West.” The questioner asked, “If he’s not going East or West, then where has he gone?” The disciple replied, “He’s taking rebirth as an ox at one household to the East and as a horse at another household to the West!” The questioner exclaimed, “You are slandering your master!” The disciple laughed and cried, “Alas, Heaven, how I’m wronged!” He meant: “I’m actually praising my master, but you think I’m cursing him—how unjust this is! My master’s spiritual attainment is profound and fully assured, so he dares to become an ox or a horse, traveling among different forms of life, ‘not abandoning saṃsāra while abiding in purity.’ Do you have that level of assurance? I’m praising him, yet you don’t understand. Hence I cry out, ‘Heaven, Heaven!’”
Original Text (Paragraph 13):
English Translation (Paragraph 14):
Chan Master Zhaozhou, known as “the Ancient Buddha of Zhaozhou,” spoke in a most subtle manner—soft as a ball of cotton, but impossible to squeeze. Why? Because hidden within that cotton was a needle; if you tried to squeeze it, you would be pricked. One time, he set out for Mount Tiantai to see Amitābha Buddha. Who is Amitābha? Venerable Fenggan was Amitābha’s incarnation. Under Fenggan, there were Hanshan (“Cold Mountain”) and Shide (“拾得,” literally “Foundling”), incarnations of Mañjuśrī and Samantabhadra, respectively. As Zhaozhou headed to Mount Tiantai, it had just rained; on the ground, he saw many hoofprints left by cows. He also spotted a young boy riding on a cow’s back while blowing a flute—this boy was Hanshan in disguise. The boy asked Zhaozhou, “Venerable Elder, do you still recognize a cow?” (In Chinese, “上座” is a respectful address for senior monks.) If Zhaozhou had answered, “Yes, I recognize it,” he would have fallen into the trap, exposing his lingering attachment to phenomena. Another Chán master, Danxia Tianran, once tested a visiting monk in a similar way: “Where have you come from?” “From the foot of the mountain,” the monk answered. Danxia said, “Have you eaten?” The monk replied, “Yes, I have.” Danxia asked, “Does the one who served you food have eyes or not?”—meaning the person giving you alms misjudged, feeding an ordinary mind entangled in phenomena.
But Zhaozhou was a grand master, not easily trapped. So when Hanshan asked, “Do you still recognize a cow?” Zhaozhou answered, “I do not recognize it.” This echoes the story of Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of Liang: The emperor asked, “Who is facing me?” Bodhidharma replied, “I do not know.” Neither of them was lacking self-awareness; rather, they pointed directly to the impossibility of grasping “someone” or “something” in ultimate truth. Since Hanshan asked about the “cow,” Zhaozhou swept away all traces of duality by saying, “I do not recognize it.”
Hearing this, Hanshan pointed at the cow’s hoofprints and said, “These are five hundred Arhats roaming the mountain.” Zhaozhou asked, “If they are Arhats, why have they gone off as cows?” Hanshan said, “Heaven, Heaven!” By this, he meant: “You’re still making distinctions, looking at footprints and dividing them into Arhats and cows—your discriminative mind is too strong!” With that cry of “Heaven, Heaven!,” he tried to envelop Zhaozhou in his net of Chán. But Zhaozhou, being a truly adept master, could still pivot freely even where there seemed no room to move—like an expert Taiji practitioner deflecting a thousand pounds with four ounces. He burst out laughing. Hanshan demanded, “What are you laughing at?” Zhaozhou replied, “Heaven, Heaven!”—implying, “You are likewise grasping that something is there. Why question my laugh?” Hanshan then praised him, saying, “This guy truly possesses the quality of a great man,” meaning that Zhaozhou displayed the spirit of a great liberator.
In Chán Buddhism, we are taught to see our nature at all times, within every situation, and never be swayed by phenomena. As Great Master Yongjia said, “Walking is Chán, sitting is Chán; speaking or silent, moving or still—the (fundamental) essence is at ease.” Chán is everywhere, in every moment—hence, “Every day is a good day.” Therefore, “not abandoning saṃsāra and yet abiding in purity.” The fundamental essence is pure; wherever one goes is a bodhimaṇḍa. What appearance of saṃsāra remains to be grasped?
Original Text (Paragraph 14):
English Translation (Paragraph 15):
“Liberation from the entanglements of impurity and purity; no practicing or correcting by contrived efforts; resting in spontaneous abiding.”
If one endlessly discriminates between impurity and purity, one becomes entangled by these concepts and thus bound. Getting free from these entanglements is “liberation from the entanglements of impurity and purity.” The Vajra Sūtra teaches: “One should produce the mind that abides in no place,” which is simply a teaching of being unattached—responding freely to all conditions without sticking anywhere. When one can thus give rise to a numinous and marvelous mind that never abides, that is “non-action in cultivation.”
Before the Eighth Bhūmi (the eighth stage of a Bodhisattva), one still engages in deliberate cultivation and correction of mind. For example, we teach practitioners to be ever-watchful of their fundamental essence. This watchfulness is indeed a method of deliberate cultivation. But if you do not employ it, you’ll succumb to your heavy habitual tendencies; as soon as you lose awareness, your mind immediately attaches to appearances and circumstances, chasing after deluded thoughts again. Hence, you must keep up vigilant observation at all times. This transforms deliberate effort into effortless effort. Only a Bodhisattva from the Eighth Bhūmi onward can truly have “no practicing or correcting by contrived efforts, resting in spontaneous abiding.”
The term “cultivation and correction” implies non-scatteredness, maintaining unwavering mindfulness at every moment—clear and aware, still and alert, silent yet awake, awake yet silent. “No practicing or correcting” means that even the notion of observation vanishes, revealing the ultimate state of effortless cultivation. Please take note: This does not mean you should try to jump directly to that now; first, you must move from deliberate effort to no effort. You must not imagine your practice is already perfected merely by some initial progress. We must progress and advance still further: even reaching the Eighth, Ninth, or Tenth Bhūmi, or the stages of equal enlightenment and wondrous enlightenment is not final; only attaining ultimate enlightenment—complete Buddhahood—marks the true end. So we must exert ourselves in practice, and only when practice reaches its ultimate perfection can one naturally abide. We begin with “deliberate cultivation and correction,” and only then can we reach “no practicing or correcting by contrived efforts.” The most crucial point is to recognize the true mind where deluded thoughts subside, and protect it diligently at all times.
Original Text (Paragraph 15):
English Translation (Paragraph 16):
“If one lacks the Dharma power of recognizing this nature, then even possessing the loftiest viewpoints or the most profound practices is of no benefit to the mind.”
“Recognizing this nature” means recognizing the Dharma Body. If you only know how to apply effort mechanically, or you merely speak wonderful theories, yet you fail to recognize the Dharma Body—then you do not have this Dharma power. Without such Dharma power, “even if you possess lofty viewpoints or profound practice, it does not benefit your mind.” Lofty viewpoints refer to understanding extensive doctrines and presenting them eloquently. Profound practice refers to skillful meditative absorption, going deep into samādhi. But if one does not recognize the Dharma Body, these alone are useless.
Chan Master Xiangyan was a disciple of Great Master Baizhang. He was very bright, thoroughly versed in sutras, treatises, and Chan teachings; he could respond with ten answers to one question. Yet he lacked the Dharma power of recognizing this nature—he had not realized the Dharma Body. After Great Master Baizhang’s parinirvāṇa, Xiangyan went to consult his elder Dharma brother, Chan Master Weishan. Weishan said, “I hear that at our late master Baizhang’s place, if asked one question, you responded with ten answers; if asked ten, you responded with a hundred. That merely shows your quick intellect, conceptual understanding, and mental processes—the root of birth and death. Before your parents were born, say a word about your original face!” Xiangyan was stumped, at a loss for an answer. He searched the scriptures and the texts he had read, but could not find a single phrase to use. Realizing the futility, he exclaimed, “A drawn cake does not satisfy hunger!” Several times he pleaded with Weishan, “Please just tell me the answer!” Weishan replied, “If I told you, you’d scold me afterward. What I could tell you would only be my own words—it would not truly concern you!”
Hence, without this Dharma power of recognition, there is no genuine benefit for cultivating the mind. Greatly disappointed, Xiangyan burned all the writings he possessed and declared, “In this life, I will no longer study the Buddha-Dharma. I’ll just be an ordinary monk earning my meals, sparing my mind from this trouble.” Then he tearfully bade farewell to Weishan and went to live in an abandoned temple (the former residence of National Teacher Zhong in Nanyang), sustaining himself by farming. He gave up worldly fame and profit by renouncing lay life to cultivate the Way, and he also relinquished the notion of “enlightenment” or “attainment,” focusing on a single point without distraction. Day by day, in all actions—walking, sitting, tilling—he kept the question “What is my face before my parents were born?” in mind.
Although the “investigation of the huatou (話頭)” was widely promoted by Great Master Dahui Zonggao in the Song Dynasty, making it highly popular in Chan monasteries, Xiangyan lived in the Tang Dynasty, a time when most Chan practitioners did not rely on huatou practice but used direct pointing methods. We can consider Xiangyan a precursor to huatou meditation. He did not chase after worldly learning or conceptual Dharma talk, but single-mindedly investigated his question. Then, one day, while clearing land to plant, his hoe struck a piece of rock. He lifted it and tossed it aside; it hit a bamboo near the field—“Crack!” Instantly, Xiangyan was awakened from his great dream of birth and death, directly realizing his original nature. Ah! So that’s how it is! This is what Chan circles call “breaking through in one’s investigation.” As for what he actually saw in that moment—he never explicitly disclosed it. Fortunately, he did not reveal it; otherwise, “What was your face before your parents were born?” would no longer be a viable huatou for people to investigate later, for having a ready-made answer prevents genuine doubt from arising.
Original Text (Paragraph 16):
[Continued in next message]
English Translation (Paragraph 17):
By the time of the Song Dynasty, due to Great Master Dahui Zonggao’s advocacy, investigating huatou (critical phrases) became widespread. One monk also investigated the huatou “What was my face before my parents were born?”—yet unlike Chan Master Xiangyan, who burned his books, stopped studying the Dharma, and lived as a simple meal-taking monk to spare his mind, this monk did not entirely cut off the “lofty viewpoints” or the “profound cultivation.” He continued to rely on them, and thus could not fully free his mind. His approach to investigating the huatou became too strained. Over time, he actually went mad: he wandered the streets muttering to himself, sleeping outdoors, yet he never forgot the question “What was my face before my parents were born?”
One day, he came upon two brothers quarreling, and their uncle stepped in to mediate. The uncle scolded them: “When your father was alive, he was a man of 面目 (miànmù)…”—in common usage, 面目 means ‘face’ or ‘reputation,’ implying he had status and prestige. Hearing the words 有面目 (“he had face/reputation”), the crazy monk foolishly pushed into the crowd, trying to locate this so-called “face.” The uncle continued chastising the brothers: “Yet here you are, brawling—what is this? So disgraceful (沒面目)!” The moment the monk heard 沒面目 (“no face”), suddenly—“the sky shattered, the great earth sank away,” and the true reality of suchness shone forth. He broke through in his investigation, attained awakening on the spot, and from then on was no longer insane but roamed about at ease. “No face” is precisely the signless reality, one’s self-nature. Merely knowing the principle of signlessness without actually seeing one’s self-nature has no real application; no matter how eloquently one can speak—like conjuring flowers in the sky or lotuses sprouting from the earth—it’s of no use. One must bring it down to the depths of one’s own heart, truly perceive self-nature, and only then can one penetrate the myriad states.
Original Text (Paragraph 17):
English Translation (Paragraph 18):
After Xiangyan was enlightened, he bathed and burned incense, then, facing in the direction of Weishan, he made prostrations and said, “Master, your great compassion surpasses even that of my parents. Had you explained it to me at that time, would I have had this breakthrough today?” He also composed a verse:
“One strike, and I forgot all I’d known,
No further cultivation or practice required.
In all movements, I tread the ancient path,
Never do I fall into silent vacancy.
Everywhere, not a trace to be found—
Beyond all forms are my outward ways.
Those from every place who have realized the Way
All call this the supreme capacity.”
This verse was transmitted to Weishan, who shared it with his foremost disciple, Yangshan. Weishan commented: “He has indeed penetrated the matter.” Yangshan demurred: “He still might be using mental consciousness to compose these lines. It’s not necessarily genuine awakening yet. I’d better test him myself.”
When Yangshan met Xiangyan, he said, “Our master praises you for grasping the great affair. Can you show me?” Xiangyan recited his earlier verse. Yangshan replied, “These lines might be from your habitual literary prowess—if there is genuine awakening, please try something else.” Xiangyan then offered another verse:
“Last year’s poverty wasn’t real poverty;
Only this year’s poverty is truly poor.
Last year, though poor, I still had a place to stick my awl;
This year, I haven’t even the awl.”
Yangshan said, “The Tathāgata Chán may suit you, but you haven’t yet dreamed of the Patriarch Chán.” Xiangyan responded with another verse:
“I have a single ‘device’—
In the blink of an eye I see you.
If a person cannot comprehend,
Let someone call the novice attendant.”
At this, Yangshan was delighted and reported to Weishan, “At last, we can rejoice—our brother Xiangyan has indeed awakened to the Patriarch Chán!” Xiangyan’s Dharma name was Zhixian. Though originally a disciple under Baizhang, he attained enlightenment through Weishan’s skillful encouragement, so Xiangyan became recognized as a disciple of Weishan. We needn’t elaborate further here—this kōan is left for readers to investigate on their own.
Original Text (Paragraph 18):
English Translation (Paragraph 19):
Despite the large crowd here listening to the lecture, if one lacks “the Dharma power of recognizing the nature,” one’s foundation may remain unsteady. At the first sound of another person proclaiming, “My method is so wonderful, so supreme!” you may slip away to chase “the loftiest viewpoint.” Or if you hear someone else say, “My method is so powerful—it can unleash great supernatural powers!” you may run after it for “the most profound practice.” But you don’t realize that the true mind is the root! “If you lack this Dharma power of recognizing the nature, even lofty viewpoints and profound practices provide no benefit to your mind.” Your theories can’t stand up to birth-and-death; your magical powers won’t count as true liberation. If one does not recognize the root, it’s all pointless. If you do not attain the leak-free wisdom, even if you develop five sorts of supernatural abilities, they are demonic powers, not leading to liberation. Because “without the Dharma power of recognition…they bring no benefit to the mind.”
Original Text (Paragraph 19):
English Translation (Paragraph 20):
“If the power of affliction remains unweakened, it is not the true path.”
Why is “the Dharma power of recognizing the nature” so crucial? Because if you lack it, you have not realized the signless true mind. This means “the power of affliction remains,” so you stay locked in afflictions; it cannot be the genuine path of liberation. We who study the Buddha’s teachings must recognize the root so that we obtain this “Dharma power of recognizing the nature,” which is the real, true path—otherwise, following heterodox or demonic teachings would only make us become a “child of Māra” or “grandchild of Māra,” never achieving Buddhahood!
Original Text (Paragraph 20):
English Translation (Paragraph 21):
“If one obtains this subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing, then even without the highest understanding of the Dharma or the deepest reliance on meditative techniques, one’s self-nature will most certainly be freed from the bondage of dual attachments.”
We realize that deluded thoughts cannot truly be grasped, so we need not suppress them; we let them arise and cease on their own. At the precise juncture of arising and ceasing—“since delusions are fundamentally pure”—by swiftly looking inward, you seize it all at once, thereby recognizing the true mind. Thus you gain “this subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing.”
When we sit in meditation and thoughts arise, don’t pay them any heed; simply recite your mantra and allow thoughts to come and go on their own. If you try to forcibly keep them from arising, chanting in your mind, “Stop arising, stop arising,” you’ll grow tense in your chest and feel distressed, uneasy, uncomfortable. Many people experience that tightness in the chest due to too much tension. By letting thoughts come and go without following them, you can remain relaxed and, in time, enter samādhi. Through continuous mantra recitation, you eventually attain meditative absorption and from samādhi arises wisdom. Whether meditating or going about daily life, it’s the same principle. Just like walking along Nanjing Road and Tibet Road in Shanghai, where multitudes of people and vehicles pass by—if you don’t cling to them, they just pass. Thoughts arise; you let them arise and vanish. They do not last long. They vanish naturally. But if a thought arises and you fail to notice, that spells trouble. You are clearly running off after it unconsciously—clinging to it and letting your mind dwell there. How can that be called cultivation? Therefore, seeing the arising of thoughts and refusing to chase them—letting them come and go naturally—is extremely important.
Thus, “by obtaining this subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing, even if one has no lofty doctrinal perspectives to hold, nor profound meditative techniques to rely upon, one’s self-nature will surely be freed from the bondage of dual attachments.”
Original Text (Paragraph 21):
English Translation (Excerpt 1):
“The phrase ‘having a supreme doctrinal perspective to uphold’ refers back to what was mentioned as ‘the supreme doctrinal perspective.’ The phrase ‘relying on a profound method of cultivation’ refers to what was mentioned as ‘profound cultivation.’ Even if one has a supreme doctrinal perspective to uphold and a profound method of cultivation to rely upon, neither is dependable. What is crucial is ‘the Dharma power of recognizing (解法)’, which is precisely ‘the subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing.’ The previous sentence says that without obtaining this subtle key, even if you possess a lofty doctrinal view and deep cultivation, you cannot be liberated. This sentence says that once you gain this subtle key, even if you do not possess lofty views or deep cultivation, you can still become liberated. These two lines—one negative, one affirmative—both emphasize the importance of ‘the Dharma power of recognizing (解法).’ In truth, only after gaining this subtle key can one truly be said to have a supreme doctrinal perspective, and only by possessing this Dharma power can one truly have profound cultivation. The so-called lofty view and profound cultivation mentioned above are in the realm of having attributes and are relatively lofty; but when one obtains this subtle key and possesses this Dharma power, that is transcendent, free from attributes, and absolutely lofty.”
Original Text (Excerpt 1):
English Translation (Excerpt 2):
“‘Moreover, one’s very self-nature will surely become freed from the shackles of the two attachments.’ The ‘two attachments’ are the grasping at dual extremes, and there are many ways to explain this. It includes grasping good vs. bad, existence vs. non-existence, right vs. wrong, emptiness vs. existence, as well as grasping at a personal self or grasping at dharmas. There are indeed many kinds of ‘two attachments,’ all of which lean toward one extreme or another. ‘Personal self-view’ arises when one identifies this body or these thoughts as ‘I.’ Thus, everything orbits around me as the center; one wants everyone else to comply, accept one’s ideas, and submit to one’s will, giving rise to arrogance and pride. The Two Vehicles—Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas—may have eradicated the attachment to personal self, yet they still harbor the ‘attachment to dharmas’: there is a dharma to practice, a path to accomplish. The Emptiness-oriented school in the Mahayana tradition teaches ‘emptiness’ with a very lofty view and a subtle, rigorous theory, but if one grows attached to emptiness, that becomes ‘attachment to emptiness.’ Meanwhile, a ‘substantialist’ Mahayana school such as the Faxiang (Yogācāra) School teaches ‘existence’—also a lofty view with detailed theory—but if one clings to existence, that becomes ‘attachment to existence.’ Through countless lifetimes, people have grown accustomed to clinging, so they are deeply bound by these two attachments—i.e., the ‘fetters of duality.’ They bind us, preventing liberation. However, if you obtain this ‘subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing,’ and possess this ‘Dharma power of recognizing,’ then these two attachments cannot hold you for long. You will most certainly gain liberation from the shackles of those dual attachments.”
Original Text (Excerpt 2):
English Translation (Excerpt 3):
“‘It is as though having arrived at a land of gold, where searching for some other kind of stone is impossible to achieve.’”
Original Text (Excerpt 3):
English Translation (Excerpt 4):
“A golden land is a place composed entirely of gold. Does such a place exist? Indeed, there is such a place—and even places far surpassing it. The Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is superior to a land of gold. In the Western Pure Land, you could never find a single stone. The pavilions and halls there are not built of bricks or stones; they are formed from the Seven Precious Substances and are exceptionally solid and full of radiance. Thus, if you reached a ‘golden land’—a place made entirely of gold—you simply could not find a single piece of stone that was not gold. ‘Searching for some other kind of stone is impossible.’ This analogy shows that if we have obtained the ‘subtle key of arising and ceasing’ and possess the ‘Dharma power of recognizing,’ it is like having reached the land of gold, where there is nothing but gold—likewise, there is nothing but liberation. Apart from liberation, there is no other outcome, so one will certainly attain enlightenment and nothing else.”
Original Text (Excerpt 4):
English Translation (Excerpt 5):
“‘Whatever deluded thoughts may arise, whether active or quiescent, all become the directly manifest state of true samādhi.’”
Original Text (Excerpt 5):
English Translation (Excerpt 6):
“This statement means that whatever deluded thoughts occur—be they active deluded thoughts or quiescent deluded thoughts—can only manifest as the present, genuine state of samādhi; they are no longer just ‘delusions.’ It is like ‘arriving at a land of gold and being unable to find any other stone.’ Having arrived here, one finds only true samādhi and cannot find anything that is merely a deluded thought. Why can deluded thoughts be turned into a true state of samādhi? It is because one has gained the subtle key of arising and ceasing and thus possesses the Dharma power of recognizing.”
Original Text (Excerpt 6):
English Translation (Excerpt 7):
“You may ask, ‘Aren’t deluded thoughts always active? Are there such things as quiescent deluded thoughts?’ Indeed, seeking quiescence can itself be a deluded thought—such as single-mindedly pursuing meditative absorption, wanting to remain in samādhi for several eons, completely inhabiting that state of samādhi that you can ‘obtain.’ This is precisely quiescent deluded thinking. Therefore, when we say not to hold expectations of entering samādhi as soon as you sit down, we call that ‘quiescent deluded thought.’ Once deluded thinking arises, the meditation session is ruined. One should simply allow the natural process, without worrying about whether you enter samādhi or not—just keep reciting your mantra continuously, one phrase after another, and you will naturally enter samādhi. Moreover, clearly knowing your environment is unsuitable or lacking the proper conditions, yet obsessing about withdrawing to some remote, quiet place, is another form of ‘quiescent deluded thought.’ ‘Active deluded thoughts’ are even more numerous—for instance, wanting this or that, all are active delusions.”
Original Text (Excerpt 7):
English Translation (Excerpt 8):
“Although there are many active and quiescent deluded thoughts, all of them are actually the present, genuine state of samādhi. Let thoughts arise and vanish without paying them any attention; at all times be aware of your true mind and recognize your original face, never running after delusions. Naturally, liberation is achieved, naturally it is samādhi. As we have discussed, real samādhi is not merely remaining still as if lifeless; rather, it is not being confused by conditions. No matter what circumstances appear, one’s mind remains unshaken. That is the great samādhi in which there is neither exiting nor entering. For instance, seeing a youthful beauty—what is she, really? Just a skeleton of white bones and a foul, reeking body. What is there to be attracted to? Why let your mind be stirred, why run after her? Clearly, it is your lustful mind at work. ‘A sixteen-year-old maiden, soft as congealed butter, wields a sword at her waist to slay common folk. Though we do not see heads falling, secretly she destroys the marrow of one’s bones.’ Lust is truly the root of birth and death! Friends, if you do not cut off lust, you cannot be reborn in the Western Pure Land. Some may say, ‘Between husband and wife, at least it is legitimate desire.’ Ha! ‘Legitimate desire’ is just a concession to your habits, a skillful means of speaking. Knowing that a married couple cannot yet cut off desire entirely, we say ‘legitimate desire,’ aiming to discourage any illicit behavior. Ultimately, however, even ‘legitimate desire’ must be severed. Why? Because to be reborn in the Western Pure Land, one must eradicate lust. If one’s lust remains, one cannot be pure, which does not accord with the Pure Land. Then how could one be reborn there? Lustful desire is the worst hindrance. Even if you have developed supernatural abilities, once lust arises, your powers disappear. After Yunmen Chan Master lived three lifetimes as a king, he lost every bit of his powers. In a past life as a king with countless consorts, he was overindulgent with women, and all his powers vanished completely. There is also the example of a great Arhat from the West whose physical body could fly. One day, a king invited this Arhat to the palace for offerings, and the Arhat flew into the palace. The king respectfully requested his queen—an exceptionally beautiful woman—to offer the Arhat some wine. The Arhat’s mind was stirred the moment he beheld her beauty; in that instant, his powers were lost, and he could not fly back out. Many such stories exist; thus, one must not allow lustful desire to move.”
Original Text (Excerpt 8):
English Translation (Excerpt 9):
“‘If you seek once again a self-nature that is confused and chaotic, you will find nothing at all.’”
Original Text (Excerpt 9):
English Translation (Excerpt 10):
“Once you recognize your own self-nature and diligently maintain that recognition everywhere and at all times, over the course of prolonged practice, you will realize the Path. At that point, if you then try to look back and search for the ignorant delusions of a confused self-nature, you will find nothing—‘If you seek once again a confused and chaotic self-nature, it is nowhere to be found.’ Some people ask, ‘After I recognize the Buddha-nature and no longer become confused, once I achieve Buddhahood, will I get confused again?’ There is no need to worry. The Perfect Enlightenment Sutra says: ‘It is like refining gold ore; the gold is not produced by the act of refining. Although it was originally gold, it is eventually perfected through the refining process. Once it is refined into real gold, it never reverts to ore.’ Here, the term ‘refining’ is what we presently call ‘smelting.’ Since the gold ore originally contains gold, it is not generated by the smelting; that is the meaning of ‘the gold is not produced by the act of refining.’ This is a metaphor for sentient beings who inherently possess Buddha-nature, not that it arises only from cultivation. Nevertheless, although we restore the gold that was originally contained in the ore, it is ultimately through the process of smelting that we accomplish it—‘Although it was originally gold, it is eventually perfected through refining.’ In the same way, sentient beings may inherently possess primordial gnosis (本覺智) and are fundamentally aware, but due to deluded thinking and clinging, coupled with ignorance and afflictions, they must rely on practice to develop actualized gnosis (始覺智). When the actualized gnosis merges with the primordial gnosis, ignorance is broken, afflictions are cut off, and the inherent Buddha-nature is revealed. ‘Once it is refined into real gold, it never reverts to ore.’ This illustrates that once one attains the Path, one will never again become deluded.”
Original Text (Excerpt 10):
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
1. 本覺 (primordial gnosis) and 始覺 (actualized gnosis): In Mahayana thought, 本覺 refers to the ever-present, original awareness intrinsic to every being, while 始覺 is the awakened wisdom actively realized through cultivation, which ultimately merges with 本覺 to complete enlightenment.
2. 自起自滅之妙要 (the subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing): The crucial point for recognizing thoughts’ empty, luminous nature and allowing them to arise and subside without clinging.
3. 解法之道力 (the Dharma power of recognizing): The direct insight into the nature of mind or the Dharma Body, beyond mere theoretical understanding or meditative technique.
4. 夫妻正淫 (legitimate desire between husband and wife): A provisional teaching that acknowledges marital relations while discouraging immoral sexual behavior; ultimately, even this attachment must be transcended to attain higher realization.
Brief Explanation:
In these passages, Elder Yuan Yin emphasizes that neither profound theory nor deep cultivation alone guarantees liberation; rather, recognizing the true nature of mind (the Dharma Body) is paramount. Once one obtains the “subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing,” dualistic attachments dissolve, and all deluded thoughts transform into opportunities for samādhi. Through diligent maintenance of this recognition, one eventually realizes the Path and never backslides into confusion—just like refining gold ore until it becomes pure gold, which can never revert to its unrefined state.
(End of Translation)
Footnotes/Annotations (if any):
1. 靈知 (numinous awareness) and 靈光 (numinous light): These terms point to the innate luminous clarity of mind in Buddhist meditative contexts.
2. 本覺 (primordial gnosis) and 始覺 (actualized gnosis): In Mahayana teachings, 本覺 refers to the original, ever-present wisdom within all beings, while 始覺 refers to the awakened wisdom that one actively realizes through cultivation, merging with 本覺 to achieve full enlightenment.
3. 無相 (signless): Translating 無相 as “signless” unless the text specifically refers to the formless realms.
4. 空樂明 (emptiness, bliss and clarity): In certain contexts, these are transient meditative experiences (nyams) in Vajrayāna or Chan practice, which should not be clung to.
5. 自性大圓滿 (Self-Nature Great Perfection): Refers to the Dzogchen principle that one’s own mind is already complete, originally pure, and pervading all.
6. 最上乘禪 (meditation of the highest vehicle): Highest or supreme vehicle of meditation, often pointing to direct, non-dual, or Mahāmudrā/Dzogchen/Chan approaches.
7. 自起自滅之妙要 (the subtle key of self-arising and self-ceasing): A crucial point for understanding that thoughts arise and cease spontaneously and that recognizing their empty, luminous nature is the key to liberation.
Brief Explanation of Key Concepts:
This text by Elder Yuan Yin presents instructions consistent with Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings, emphasizing that all deluded thoughts, when correctly recognized, reveal the luminous, empty essence of mind, the true mind. He uses vivid analogies, Chan koans, and quotations from various sutras to demonstrate how afflictions can be transformed into wisdom. A core theme is that recognizing this nature of awareness—sometimes referred to as the fundamental essence, the Dharma Body, or self-nature—is the essential key. Without that direct recognition, even profound meditative ability or extensive theoretical knowledge cannot lead to true liberation.
Bibliographic References:
• Yuan Yin Lao Ren. Ganges Mahāmudrā (Lecture 14).
• Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment (《圓覺經》).
• Vajra Sūtra (《金剛經》).
• Selected Chan Gong’ans (Koans), including teachings of Masters Baizhang, Weishan, Yangshan, Xiangyan, Zhaozhou, et al.
(End of Translation)