


This is damn good... cutting straight at the root.



  • Soh Wei Yu
    Top contributor
    Malcolm's teachings are very clear. So I recommend those who wish to learn and practice Dzogchen to sign up and attend his teachings.

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    Sim Pern Chong
    Top contributor
    Soh Wei Yu Thanks for the link... I just bought the ebook version.

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Top contributor
    His entire talk series in videos commenting on each chapter of the book are also available online, but have to sign up to join the forum first before you can purchase it. I think need to receive direct introduction from him first also

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  • Sim Pern Chong
    Top contributor
    Ah I see... thanks.

  • William Lim
    So why when phenomenon is empty (has no inherent existence) = phenomenon doesn't arise
    * Note to Soh Wei Yu aka Anatta Bot, kindly summarize (instead of cut and paste) like the way your rival Chat GPT does 😂

    Soh Wei Yu
    Top contributor
    William Lim as Kyle Dixon wrote two weeks ago:
    Nāgārjuna states the following:
    That which comes into being from a cause, and does not endure without conditions, it disappears as well when conditions are absent - how can this be understood to exist?
    Going on to say:
    Since it comes to and end when ignorance ceases; why does it not become clear then that it was conjured by ignorance?
    This is the actual meaning, and the heart of dependent origination, which is nonarising [anutpāda]. For an object to inherently exist it must exist outright, independent of causes and conditions, independent of attributes, characteristics and constituent parts. However, we cannot find an inherent object independent of these factors, and the implications of this fact is that we likewise cannot find an inherent object within those factors either.
    The object itself, as the core entity which possesses characteristics, is ultimately unfindable. We instead only find a designated collection of pieces, which do not in fact create any discrete object. In the absence of an object the pieces are likewise rendered as incapable of being "pieces" or "parts" and therefore they are also nothing more than arbitrary designations that amount to nothing more than inferences.
    This means that all entities, selves, and so on are merely useful conventional designations, their provisional validity is only measured by their efficacy, and apart from that conventional imputation, there is no underlying object that can be ascertained or found.
    Dependent origination is the apparent origination of entities that seem to manifest in dependence on causes and conditions. But as Nāgārjuna states above, those causes and conditions are actually the ignorance which afflicts the mindstream, and the conditions of grasping, mine-making and I-making which are the drivers of karmic activity that serve to reify the delusion of a self, or a self in objects, and so on.
    This is why many adepts are explicitly clear that dependent origination is synonymous with a lack of origination [anutpāda], because phenomena that originate in dependence on ignorance as a cause, never actually originate at all, for example, Candrakīrti states:
    The perfectly awakened buddhas proclaimed, "What is dependently originated is non-arisen.”
    Or Mañjuśrī:
    Whatever is dependently originated does not truly arise.
    Nāgārjuna once again:
    What originates dependently is non-arisen!
    Thus dependent origination is incapable of producing existence of any sort, because dependent origination is incapable of producing entities. Entities and existence only appear because of the ignorance which afflicts your mind. When that ignorance is removed, all perceptions of existence are removed, all perceptions of selves are removed and all perceptions of origination are removed.

  • My Favourite Sutra, Non-Arising and Dependent Origination of Sound
    My Favourite Sutra, Non-Arising and Dependent Origination of Sound
    My Favourite Sutra, Non-Arising and Dependent Origination of Sound

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  • Sim Pern Chong
    Top contributor
    Just my opinion only. This is how i understand it... and its very simple and direct.
    I use an analogy.
    If there is just 'space' -originally-.. can any 'thing' be produced out of space? If for anything to be produced out of space, there will need to be a secondary medium. But can 'voidness' have a secondary medium? It cannot.
    Hence, there can be no arising at all. To imply arising is to have some 'thing' distinct that is separated from another thing. But it is not possible.
    Hence, even at this very experience now.. it is non dual.
    Since it is non-dual, any kind of grasping, implies that there is duality hence needing the correction. So, we just leave it as it is.. 'Perfection' is the approximation of this..

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    Soh Wei Yu
    Top contributor
    Yes indeed everything is nondual and equal to space.. although it is also good to stress that non-arising is to be understood from dependent origination, for luminous appearances continue to manifest in nondual and not in a haphazard nor random manner, and dependent origination and non arising is understood as the nature of this empty clarity. Nondual unbounded spontaneous presence ultimately and dependently originating when expressed relatively, the two truths are a union.
    John tan expresses nicely:
    The Only Way to the Ultimate Truth
    [10:10 PM, 4/12/2021] John Tan: The DO part is really good.
    [10:11 PM, 4/12/2021] John Tan: When did malcom say that?  Recently or in the past?
    [10:11 PM, 4/12/2021] Soh Wei Yu: oic..
    [10:11 PM, 4/12/2021] Soh Wei Yu:
    [10:11 PM, 4/12/2021] Soh Wei Yu: from above
    [10:12 PM, 4/12/2021] Soh Wei Yu: the others from here

    [10:30 PM, 4/12/2021] John Tan: Many misunderstand that oh ultimately it is empty and DO is conventional therefore conceptual so ultimately empty non-existence.  

    We must understand what is meant by empty ultimately but conventionally valid.  Nominal constructs are of two types, those that are valid and those that r invalid like "rabbit horns".  Even mere appearances free from all elaborations and conceptualities, they inadvertently manifest therefore the term "appearances".  They do not manifest randomly or haphazardly, they are valid mode of arising and that is dependent arising.  When it is "valid" means it is the acceptable way of explanation and not "rabbit horn" which is non-existence.  This part I mentioned in my reply to Andre.