The more I read Nargajuna’s Middle Way (MMK- mulamadhyamakakarika), the more I find the usual way of perceiving the world seem so weird and strange.
    Concepts which are taken for granted to be true like :
    Arising and dissolution
    Cause and effect
    Characteristics of things
    .. Are only fictional. If one investigate just a lil bit, they don’t even make any sense, ludicrous even.
    Nargajuna is truly masterful. For us modern ppl who didn’t go through the middle way school standard training, I find it slightly easier to read MMK after insight of anatta and some direct experience into emptiness, even with that it takes up a lot of brain juice. Not easy but easier with repeated reads.


    Jayson MPaul
    Yes all those concepts yielded great results when continuously seen through in practice.
    Arising seen through is non-arisen insight
    Cause and effect can lead to conditionaly/DO
    Movement deconstructs identity over space
    Characteristics was instrumental in second-fold emptiness
    Actions can lead to total exertion glimpses (at least so far)

  • Mr./Ms. SK
    What is second fold emptiness and total exertion?

  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. SK second fold emptiness is emptiness of all phenomenas (first fold is emptiness of the personal self)
    And total exertion basically is
    What is Total Exertion?
    What is Total Exertion?
    What is Total Exertion?

  • Mr./Ms. SK
    That's wonderful
    Total exertion very interesting.
    I tried to observe the conditions of the current experience, then I came back to thinking. And it felt like "me" doing is stressful and the whole experience supported by the conditions felt relaxing.
    Though now I am not very sure

  • Mr./Ms. SK
    But what Jayson meant when he said "Actions can lead to total exertion"…
    See more

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  • Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. SK will let Jayson MPaul explain his insight 🙂

  • Jayson MPaul
    Mr./Ms. SK i meant the deconstruction of action after anatta can lead to total exertion glimpses. MMK is great for working through all your cognitive obscurations and blindspots

  • Sredharan Ramakrishna
    When reading a book, how long the ideas stay in yr awareness?

    Yin Ling
    Sredharan Ramakrishna I don’t get what you mean? Sorry

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  • Sredharan Ramakrishna
    Yin Ling i used to read books thinking they provide answers, now my view is just books provide mind entertainment.

  • Yin Ling
    Sredharan Ramakrishna depends on what you read. And how you read 🙂

  • Mr./Ms. SK
    Isn't arising and dissolution, movement, cause and effect are experiential?
    Isn't fictional only applies to conceptual understanding of above truths?

    Yin Ling
    Mr./Ms. SK hehe need to read MMK to understand 🙂

  • Mark Lackey
    Hi Yin! Would you mind sharing which particular translation you are reading?

    Yin Ling
    Mark Lackey I use mark siderits 🙂

  • Mark Lackey
    Thank you 🙏

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