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Soh Wei YuAdminMr. SG Vipassana and Self-Enquiry are different forms of practice and I am glad Kenneth Folk made it three gears so as not to confuse one form of practice with another. (Samatha-vipassana 1st gear, self-enquiry second gear, surrender/non-dual 3rd gear)From AtR guide:"On a related topic, John Tan wrote in Dharma Overground back in 2009,“Hi Gary,It appears that there are two groups of practitioners in this forum, one adopting the gradual approach and the other, the direct path. I am quite new here so I may be wrong.My take is that you are adopting a gradual approach yet you are experiencing something very significant in the direct path, that is, the ‘Watcher’. As what Kenneth said, “You're onto something very big here, Gary. This practice will set you free.” But what Kenneth said would require you to be awaken to this ‘I’. It requires you to have the ‘eureka!’ sort of realization. Awaken to this ‘I’, the path of spirituality becomes clear; it is simply the unfolding of this ‘I’.On the other hand, what that is described by Yabaxoule is a gradual approach and therefore there is downplaying of the ‘I AM’. You have to gauge your own conditions, if you choose the direct path, you cannot downplay this ‘I’; contrary, you must fully and completely experience the whole of ‘YOU’ as ‘Existence’. Emptiness nature of our pristine nature will step in for the direct path practitioners when they come face to face to the ‘traceless’, ‘centerless’ and ‘effortless’ nature of non-dual awareness.Perhaps a little on where the two approaches meet will be of help to you.Awakening to the ‘Watcher’ will at the same time ‘open’ the ‘eye of immediacy’; that is, it is the capacity to immediately penetrate discursive thoughts and sense, feel, perceive without intermediary the perceived. It is a kind of direct knowing. You must be deeply aware of this “direct without intermediary” sort of perception -- too direct to have subject-object gap, too short to have time, too simple to have thoughts. It is the ‘eye’ that can see the whole of ‘sound’ by being ‘sound’. It is the same ‘eye’ that is required when doing vipassana, that is, being ‘bare’. Be it non-dual or vipassana, both require the opening of this 'eye of immediacy'.”"
Soh Wei Yu
Yes, there is no relation between MCTB cessation and I AM. They are different.
there are cessations related to I AM where all senses and thoughts shut
off and what remains is I AM. This is Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is
*Not* MCTB or Mahasi cessation.
Soh Wei Yu
I led this author to nondual and then anatta realization in 2011, previously he was at I AM.
Soh Wei Yu
I also do not agree that MCTB stream entry correlates with Sutta stream
entry or 'nibbana', and this is well explained in an article that John
Tan and I likes: https://www.reddit.com/.../insight_buddhism_a... , http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../insight-buddhism...
[buddhism] A reconsideration of the meaning of "Stream-Entry"
considering the data points of both pragmatic Dharma and traditional