Glad to hear of your good progress.
Should meet Kyle Dixon in San Francisco. He is very clear. All his writings are worth reading, like http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2021/05/kyle-dixon-on-dependent-origination-and.html , http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2014/10/advise-from-kyle_10.html , www.awakeningtoreality.com/2012/03/a-sun-that-never-sets.html etc
Then as John Tan told Yin Ling in http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2022/03/gelug-and-non-gelug-insights.html -- you might resonate with Mahamudra and Zen (particularly Soto Zen / Dogen) teachers. As for Mahamudra, maybe check out Thrangu Rinpoche ( http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2022/01/all-thrangu-rinpoche-58-books-at-35.html ) and the other late Mahamudra teachers like Dakpo Tashi Namgyal and Khamtrul Rinpoche (some articles can be found in AtR blog like http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2015/12/self-liberation-by-khamtrul-rinpoche-iii.html , http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2020/06/the-royal-seal-of-mahamudra-volume-one.html and http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2008/11/few-excerpts-from-clarifying-natural.html )
"Still haven’t read the full ATR guide so forgive me if I mix up phases and use terminology incorrectly here. If anyone has further advice on emptiness and non-arisen please share. I’ve read some articles on the blog already on that but am continuing to review them."
The general advise for post anatta is as John Tan said in http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2022/01/dont-bombard-and-dont-stereotype.html
John Tan: "1. Extend the insight of anatta, the de-reification process to all events and phenomena. MMK comes handy here. It will help one investigate most of the subtle assumptions we held to be "true" in a hypnotic way.
2. Open up our body and go deeply into body-awareness. This is critical imo. Less intellectual activities and more body-awareness. Post anatta and along the path, due to the de-construction process, the energy released from unconscious holding of our mental constructs can be quite overwhelming. It may also be due to other reasons, for example, attachment to non-dual experiences and as a result it will cause discomfort to both our mind and body.
3. So opening up our body is key at this phase. The imbalance can be released by massage, non-inflammatory diet, qi gong, tai chi movements, yoga or any other body awareness exercises. Just open up our body and bring awareness to our body to complement the anatta insight and less intellectual activities.
4. If after that, the practitioner can intuit directly the relationship between mind, prana and body and wish to pursue his knowledge further on how the energy system works, they can then look for experienced teachers in this space to guide them. U r not into this, hence, do not advise ppl on what u r unsure and have no experience.
5. Lastly, bring the insight of anatta into our daily activities, meet conditions and engage. "
As for which MMK translation to read, you can find some suggestions here http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2021/06/anatta-and-post-anatta-mmk-etc.html
Also Acarya Malcolm Smith recently recommended a new translation as the best he's seen yet:
"The Coughlin translation is my preference these days, 'cause Buddhapalita."
"It is not possible to understand MMK without reading Buddhapalita, or, Bocking’s translation of the Pingala commentary preserved in Chinese."
The link: https://www.amazon.com/Buddhapalitas-Commentary-Nagarjunas-Treasury-Buddhist/dp/1949163202
On Maha and Total Exertion / Soto Zen : http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2018/12/being-time-by-shinshu-roberts.html