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Thank goodness my China AtR blog has been unlocked after so many years of not using. (short story: after many years of not using, I forgot password, reset but their security mechanism locked my account awaiting verification to ensure I'm the right person. I sent in my IC / passport and other details. Currently able to post - China blog posts require censor approval, so it took about one hour after which they approved my latest post) 

Soh Wei Yu
wait wrong link

Yin Ling
Bookmarked! What’s ATR in Chinese call ? 

Soh Wei Yu
William Lim
! There are at least 1.4 billion targets for the Anatta Bot to attack 
Rob Saunders
Sim Pern Chong
Thanks will share link with Chinese or Chinese-educated only friends
Soh Wei Yu
Sim Pern Chong can ask them to start from my chinese translation of the 7 stages
Soh Wei Yu
Sim Pern Chong i am currently translating more john tan articles. So that is coming up
Sim Pern Chong
Ok noted. Thanks.
William Lim
What's the Chinese for Anatta Bot?
Sim Pern Chong

William Lim 《金刚bot经》:"无我bot,无人bot,无众生bot,无寿者bot"
Sim Pern Chong
days ago, I whatsapp the Chinese version of 7 stages to one of my
cousin. Just now, I, very coincidentally, bump into him and his family. I
haven't seen him for a few years. The odds of bumping into him is low.
I told him, maybe one day we can meet to discuss awakening insights. Sometimes, there are no coincidences 

Yin Ling
Sim Pern Chong I love “coincidences” “synchronicity” story
Sim Pern Chong
As a follow up... I met up with my cousin yesterday.
Like many on my paternal side of the family, my cousin is an accomplished qigong master... but i am not a practitioner 
(or else my health may be better ).…

See more
William Lim
Sim Pern Chong you probably have alien dna and hence alien energies structure 

Sim Pern Chong
William Lim
Haha no lah... I think our practices pertaining to awakening also is
energetic as well. Qiqong practitioners can sense the qi/energy in
someone much more distinctly. I can feel them too although I am not an
avid practitioner. Some chanted paper sheets can emit energy as well.
For example, once my brother hand me a piece of paper that he got from
certain Zopa Rinpoche event, wow, the energy emitted from that piece of
paper is massive. But when we pass it to my Mum, she cannot feel
anything from it.
the distant healing using qi is simply an application of the
holographic nature. By visualing and intending the target, the qi is
instantaneously 'sent' to him or her.
William Lim
Sim Pern Chong
it's amazing how awakening affects energies, and vice versa. I know of
yogis who practises energy work for awakening. They are called Kriya
Sim Pern Chong
William Lim I see.. thanks.
Soh Wei Yu
John tan said in 2006:
“(3:09 PM) John: once a person goes traceless, he can't be tracked.
(3:09 PM) John: lol
(3:09 PM) AEN: haha
(3:09 PM) AEN: wat u mean by tat
(3:10 PM) John: DO is profound, deep. Not from the words of even one that has reached non-dual. 

(3:10 PM) AEN: oic...
(3:10 PM) AEN: so wat u mean by one cannot be tracked
(3:10 PM) AEN: if he goes traceless
(3:11 PM) John: once he is in no mirror reflecting, no one knows who he really is. 

(3:11 PM) AEN: oic
(3:11 PM) AEN: i still dun understand
(3:11 PM) AEN: hahaha
(3:12 PM) John: dun tell u.
Not that important lah.

(3:12 PM) AEN: i read from dhammapada that maras cannot track where the consciousness of an arhant went
(3:12 PM) AEN: is that wat u mean
(3:13 PM) John: something like that. 

(3:13 PM) AEN: hahaha
(3:13 PM) AEN: ok
(3:26 PM) AEN: http://www.aimwell.org/.../04-Puppha/04-puppha.html...
Venerable Godhika, impeded from gaining mental absorption by a certain
disease, cut his throat with a razor; but immediately before his death
he cultivated insight and realised nibbana.
searched to see where his relinking-consciousness had arisen. The
Buddha remarked that Mara cannot trace the relinking-consciousness of an
Verse 92. Blameless Is The Nature Of Saints
For those who don’t accumulate,
who well reflect upon their food,
they have as range the nameless and
the void of perfect freedom too.
As birds that wing through space,
hard to trace their going.
With full understanding that nature is empty and objectless the mind is
free of craving and leaves no trace of its whereabouts like the paths
of birds in flight.
Verse 93. Arahat’s State Cannot Be Traced
For whom pollutions are destroyed,
not attached to any food,
he has as range the nameless and
the void of perfect freedom too.
(3:26 PM) AEN:
As birds that wing through space,
hard to trace his going.
If one is totally free of influences, internal or external, that
motivates human behaviour, and is not attached even to food, that kind
of individual focuses his mind on
objectlessness and freedom of thought. The path of such saints is
difficult to be traced, like the path of birds flying through the sky.
(3:28 PM) John: yes...after stability. 

(3:28 PM) AEN: icic
(3:30 PM) John: it is pointless to tell anyone about anything and to know anyone his stages of enlightenment. 

(3:30 PM) John: only one who experiences know.
(3:31 PM) AEN: oic
(3:32 PM) John: like i know the depth of buddha's word...heehehehe and Din knows my words...kekekeekke
(3:32 PM) AEN: hahahaha
(3:33 PM) John: i have always spoken the truth. 

404 Not Found
Soh Wei Yu
Vineeto (an AF practitioner) wrote about her breakthrough into total
exertion and how she can no longer be sensed existentially:
"The next significant event happened a week after my completion [the
abdication of the guardian]. It began with an eerie sensation in the
head as if my brain was being operated on whilst being fully conscious.
After about 15 minutes or so there was a sensation as if my brain was
being scattered throughout the universe. When I recovered from the
experience itself enough to find out what actually happened, I noticed
that I had lost my centre of reference (a discovery that left me quite
disconcerted for about 2 weeks). Richard reported that in the days
before he was able to existentially sense me as being close, very close,
right in front of his eyes, so to speak, but that after this event he
has been no longer able to sense me existentially. The direct result of
losing the boundaries of my localized reference during this
‘brain-scattering’ event is that I am permanently apperceptively aware
of the infinitude of the universe as infinite space, eternal time and
perpetual matter." Private letter to Tarin, November 29, 2010
remember a similar profound disorientation (for a short period of time)
after allowing to fully understand and experience the temporal
infinitude of the universe.
So, lots of adventures and discoveries are still to come after becoming newly free.
William Lim
Sim Pern Chong, Sadhguru
is one of them. He was a realized kriya yogi in his past life who
exited his body with all 7 chakras at its peak. In this life, he had a
sudden spontaneous awakening without any prior spiritual practise. He
even built a structure in India called the Dynalinga that is built with 7
peak chakras to help people raise their energies. He teaches Kriya yoga
as a means to better the boay and mind, and ultimately mukti. But I'm
not sure what is his level of insight.
Sim Pern Chong
Soh Wei Yu I see.. interesting info. Thanks.
Sim Pern Chong
William Lim Eh... I don't have high regards for Sadhguru..haha... sometimes i feel that he talks rubbish...
He mentioned his wife mahasamadhi... i am very doubtful abt that.
I have the Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda. Its mentioned abt Babaji and Kriya Yoga... interesting.
Sim Pern Chong
William Lim Some of those questionable stuffs that Sadhguru mentioned are:
1. Buddha is only 1% of Shiva
2. Padmasambhava is not Buddhist
3. Indians have natural immunity to COVID
for his wife's supposed Mahasamadhi.. She was cremated within 24
hours.. without the consent of her parents. She supposedly left this
world without informing anyone including her then 7 -years old daughter.
the case of Yogananda's Mahasamadhi, his body was left for a extend
periods of months and exhibited very little decomposition. Thus
demonstrated the authenticity. IMO, Sadhguru's hasty cremation of his
wife is highly suspicious of suicide, accidental death or even murder.