Showing posts with label Astus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astus. Show all posts


There is another forummer in dharmawheel, Astus, who wrote some good posts over the years that John Tan and I liked. His understanding and insight seems to be very much based on anatta.

[4:32 PM, 5/17/2021] John Tan: I just read what is mind in dharmawheel. Astus is anatta and mahamudra whereas Malcolm does not accept thinking without thoughts as a conventional expression. 🤣
[4:33 PM, 5/17/2021] Soh Wei Yu: Astus has anatta insight?
[4:33 PM, 5/17/2021] Soh Wei Yu: Didnt pay attention to his posts previously
[4:33 PM, 5/17/2021] Soh Wei Yu: What you mean thinking without thoughts
[4:33 PM, 5/17/2021] John Tan: U read u will know. Malcolm adhere strictly to madhyamaka 2 truth but I thought dzogchen is one truth🤣
[4:34 PM, 5/17/2021] John Tan: Thinking without thinker I mean
[4:34 PM, 5/17/2021] John Tan: Also dzogchen has a different definition for experience.
[4:35 PM, 5/17/2021] John Tan: Go read, it is an interesting discussion