This blog is about spiritual awakening, maps and stages, the blinding effects of our strong momentum/conditioning (karmic propensities), view, realization, experience, etc. If you're new here, I recommend going through the 'Must Reads' articles (see sidebar). For discussions you are welcome to join the Awakening to Reality Facebook group
Straightforward Presence
I was meditating in my big stuffy purple chair in front of my altar the
other day and i noticed an index card on the table next to me. An … Continue
At The Drop of This Leaf
Well hello there.
It's been quite a few years, I guess. I've come back to this blog time and
again but never really found much to talk about. It seems that...
Buddha alone together with Buddha
*Buddha alone together with Buddha*
According to Dogen reality is actualized by ‘Buddha alone together with
Buddha’ (*Yui Butsu Yo Butsu*). Huike, the se...
Dharmatā is adorned with vidyā, vidyā is adorned with pristine
consciousness [*ye shes*], pristine consciousness is adorned with
compassion,* also compas...
Words Point To Flow
I’ve recently got some emails and blog comments with concerns about the
language I use – how I talk so much about a ‘me’, and how I seemingly
imply a ‘pers...
I transmit the Zen Dharma of Absolute Tathata (Suchness). Striking away
all words & concepts, penetrating right to the Heart of Emptiness. Pointing
out ...
Gewahrsein und Gewahrtes
Die meisten Leute wissen nicht, was Gewahrsein ist. Dabei ist es sehr
einfach: Gewahrsein ist das, was weiß oder sich gewahr ist, dass gerade ein
Vogel zwi...
A new dawn: the end of co-dependency
I dream that everyone would just step back for a few moments and simply
stop investing (read: wasting) time and energy into others and thus start
dealing w...
The Ultimate Nature of Phenomena
*Bdcrtgb Rcnrcrrdfvnb*
It is not existent - even the Victorious Ones do not see it.
It is not nonexistent - it is the basis of all samsara and nirvana.
Four Ways of Letting Go
Technorati: Buddhism Buddha Buddhist Dharma Compassion Wisdom Religion
Meditation Zen Philosophy Spirituality Insp...