Showing posts with label Zen Master Hong Wen Liang (洪文亮禅师). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zen Master Hong Wen Liang (洪文亮禅师). Show all posts


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    Just found this video. 👍👍 so good, so well said. Just as i told my mom yesterday.


    Soh Wei Yu
    Also similar to what I wrote more than a decade ago:
    Gap Between Thoughts, Thought Between Gaps
    Based on some conversations earlier this year and last year by Thusness/PasserBy which I have slightly edited:
    First experience the Isness of the gap between 2 moments of thought, then the Isness of the thought between 2 moments of gap.
    ~ Thusness/PasserBy
    When we discriminate between awareness from thoughts, awareness appears as the 'space' behind and between thoughts. And because of discriminating awareness and content thinking, the behind background reality is preferred over content, so background awareness appears as 'awakening' -- but it is really only treating a particular speck of dust as mirror and thus unable to see all as mirror... and so instead of being 'awakening' it is actually being 'lost'. That experience is just a dimension of Presence... but due to deeply rooted habitual tendencies to grasp dualistically, one tightly clings to the 'background subject'. That is, Presence is mistaken as a true Subject or True Self behind all objects, as some kind of unchanging background. Or it becomes the Eternal Witness perceiving (dispassionately) and untouched by all impermanent objects coming and going (where in reality the knowingness cannot be separated from the flow of phenomenality). (See Stage One of Thusness/PasserBy's Seven Stages of Enlightenment) But it is not the entirety of Presence -- the aspect of non-dual, Anatta (no-self), Emptiness and Dependent Origination are not included. Because of this, it is difficult to see that the five aggregates (the 'heaps' of experiences that are designated as 'self': forms, feelings, perceptions, volition and consciousness) are Buddha-Nature.
    When we talk about naked awareness it is not a state where not even a single thought arise. When it is taught about the gap between 2 moments of thought, it is to first have an experience of the nakedness of awareness. To touch just that aspect of awareness. When we extend the gaps, our thoughts become less and clarity becomes more obvious.
    However it will come to a time that no matter what is done, how much effort is being invested, how long, the other aggregates do not subside. This then is the crucial moment whether one can break through into non-duality (of subject and object).
    Awareness is a seamless experience that is non-dual in nature. In this seamless experience, there is no boundary whatsoever, no experiencer experiencing experience; whatever arises is experience, is awareness -- as the sound of birds chirping, as words appearing on the screen, as the thoughts itself. There is no separate hearer, seer, watcher, observer, thinker. Everything is shining, self-felt, self-luminous, without a center. It is always just spontaneous arising and ceasing. There is no center, agent, boundary, inside or outside... merely a seamless whole experience.
    Whether perception or no perception, whether momentum or no momentum, whether there are thoughts or no thoughts, it doesn't matter. That is the arising of the non-dual wisdom, with the understanding that the transience are the Presence.
    Then no thoughts and thoughts are thoroughly understood. When no thoughts and thoughts are clearly understood, it becomes Gap-less. That is true effortlessness and is the pathless path without entry and exit.
    Going before the arising of thoughts and perception and have a glimpse of that luminous nature is simply just a glimpse. If a practitioner mistakes it as the entirety of Buddha Nature by maintaining the mirror bright and attempt to go after that particular state, it will eventually proof futile. If we see only the realm of no-thought, then the gap between two moments will eventually becomes an obstruction.

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    Jace Min
    Soh Wei Yu 🙏 much appreciation for sharing in such depth and clarity.
    May be an image of text that says 'Whether perception or no perception, whether momentum or no momentum, whether there are thoughts or no thoughts, it doesn't matter. That is the arising of the non-dual wisdom, with the understanding that the transience are the Presence.'

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Then the practice becomes the thought moment between two moments of gaps. To experience that luminous empty essence of that thought. It is in essence clarity, awareness itself, and is empty. The waves and the ocean are one and the same. All waves are One Taste. Experiencing Isness as an ocean and shunning away thoughts and manifestation is equally lost, the further insight (insight into non-duality) is the insight into everything as self-luminous awareness or Mind. smile.gif
    However, start by practicing the gap between 2 moments of thought and expand it but with the right understanding of no-self/non-duality. Then when the luminosity shines, it will gradually understand because it knows what blocks. When it tries all its best to do away the transients and yet the transients persist, one will have to wait for the right condition to come, such as having someone to point out or some verses that serves as a condition for awakening.
    So first experience the Isness of the gap between 2 moments of thought, then the Isness of the thought between 2 moments of gap.
    Excerpt from Pointing Out Innate Thinking:
    "Is it an aware emptiness after the thought has dissolved? Or is it an aware emptiness by driving away the thought from meditation? Or, is the vividness of the thought itself an aware emptiness?"
    If the meditator says it is like one of the first two cases, he had not cleared up the former uncertainties and should therefore be set to resolve this for a few days.
    On the other hand, if he personally experiences it to be like the latter case, he has seen identity of thought and can therefore be given the following pointing-out instruction:
    "When you look into a thought's identity, without having to dissolve the thought and without having to force it out by meditation, the vividness of the thought is itself the indescribable and naked state of aware emptiness. We call this seeing the natural face of innate thought or thought dawns as dharmakaya.
    "Previously, when you determined the thought's identity and when you investigated the calm and the moving mind, you found that there was nothing other than this intangible single mind that is a self-knowing, natural awareness. It is just like the analogy of water and waves."
    ~ 14th Century Mahamudra Master, Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
    Dzogchen Master Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche:
    Even if those who begin to practice this find it difficult to continue in this state for more than an instant, there is no need to worry about it. Without wishing for the state to continue for a long time and without fearing the lack of it altogether, all that is necessary is to maintain pure presence of mind, without falling into the dualistic situation of there being an observing subject perceiving an observed object. If the mind, even though one maintains simple presence, does not remain in this calm state, but always tends to follow waves of thoughts about the past or future, or becomes distracted by the aggregates of the senses such as sight, hearing, etc., then one should try to understand that the wave of thought itself is as insubstantial as the wind. If one tries to catch the wind, one does not succeed; similarly if one tries to block the wave of thought, it cannot be cut off. So for this reason one should not try to block thought, much less try to renounce it as something considered negative. In reality, the calm state is the essential condition of mind, while the wave of thought is the mind's natural clarity in function; just as there is no distinction whatever between the sun and its rays, or a stream and its ripples, so there is no distinction between the mind and thought. If one considers the calm state as something positive to be attained, and the wave of thought as something negative to be abandoned, and one remains thus caught up in the duality of accepting and rejecting, there is no way of overcoming the ordinary state of mind.
    Shurangama Sutra:
    "Ananda, you have not yet understood that all the defiling objects that appear, all the illusory, ephemeral phenomena, spring up in the very spot where they also come to an end. Their phenomena aspects are illusory and false, but their nature is in truth the bright substance of wonderful enlightenment. Thus it is throughout, up to the five skandhas and the six entrances, to the twelve places and the eighteen realms; the union and mixture of various causes and conditions account for their illusory and false existence, and the separation and dispersion of the causes and conditions result in their illusory and false extinction. Who would have thought that production and extinction, coming and going are fundamentally the eternal wonderful light of the Tathagata, the unmoving, all-pervading perfection, the wonderful nature of True Suchness! If within the true and eternal nature one seeks coming and going, confusion and enlightenment, or birth and death, one will never find them."
    "You still have not realized that in the Treasury of the Tathagata, the nature of form is true emptiness and the nature of emptiness is true form. That fundamental purity pervades the Dharma Realm. Beings’ minds absorb itaccording to their capacity to know. Whatever manifests does so in compliance with karma. Ignorant of that fact, people of the world are so deluded as to assign its origin to causes and conditions or to spontaneity. These mistakes, which arise from the discriminations and reasoning processes of the mind, are nothing but the play of empty and meaningless words."
    Lama Surya Das:
    I think this five skandha scheme is a very interesting one, in the sense that it can begin to raise some very interesting questions and help us dig deeper, rather than just having a vague, amorphous kind of understanding. We are individual. We are each responsible for ourselves and our karma and our relations. Our individuality is comprised of these five aggregates or skandhas. We can work with that. It is actually an expression of the Buddha-nature.
    Now, doesn't anybody want to say, "I didn't hear anything about Buddha-nature in the five skandhas. Where's the Buddha-nature? Who made that up?" That's the right question. What Buddha-nature? I never said anything about it. Who made that up? What enlightenment? What nirvana? Who made all that stuff up? Is it in us or elsewhere? How to get from "here" to "there"?
    We're all looking for something to hang our hopes on, but when we really get down to the present moment, to our own experience, to clear seeing, we come to what Buddha said: "In hearing there is only hearing; no one hearing and nothing heard." There is just that moment, that hearing. You might think, "Oh, a beautiful bird." How do you know it's a bird? It might be a tape recorder. It might be bicycle brakes squeaking. In the first moment, there is just hearing, then we get busy, our minds and concepts get involved. The Buddha went through all the five senses. "In seeing there is just seeing; no one seeing and nothing seen." And so on, with tasting, touching, smelling, and thinking. Thoughts without a thinker. In thinking there is just thinking. There is just that momentary process. There is no thinker. The notion of an inner thinker is just a thought. We imagine that there is somebody thinking. It's like the Wizard of Oz. They thought there was this glorious wizard, but it was just a little man back there behind the screen, behind the veil. That's how it is with the ego. We think there's a great big monkey inside working the five windows, the five senses. Or maybe five monkeys, one for each sense; a whole chattering monkey house, which it sometimes feels like. But is there really a concrete individual or permanent soul inside at all? It seems more like that the lights are on, but no one is home!
    Labels: I AMness, Non Dual, Thought 5 comments | |
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  • William Lim
    I thought the method of observing and abiding in the gaps of thoughts (non-conceptual awareness) one of the common meditation practices?

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    Soh Wei Yu
    William Lim At most a shamatha method. It is as Zen master Hong Wen Liang said, "non-Buddhist" in the sense that it is not a unique point of Buddhism, you can find it in all religions. Shamatha can be found in all religions, the specific insights unique to Buddhadharma are found only in the Buddhist form of Vipashyana or insight meditation.
    Even if you reveal the I AM, it is also not the Buddhist sort of awakening. It will lead to Atman-Brahman. Not anatta realization or shunyata

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  • William Lim
    Soh Wei Yu The video was cut off after he highlighted what's the wrong (ie 外道) practice. Did he give instructions to the "proper" practice?

  • Soh Wei Yu
    William Lim idk i have never watched the whole video and dunno where

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金 刚经云:“若以色见我,以音声求我,是人行邪道,不得见如来”。各位想想
咒音或佛号一直在耳边响,这个时候会觉得很殊胜,也一定会觉得很高兴。 色身以外,
了,很高兴。这个是不是在金刚经讲的“若以色见我,以音声求 我”?都以色声香味触



色 见声求,取道未正,那么应该怎么求?色见不应该在修行的时候,佛菩萨现身不
‘象’字,原文没有人字旁)。以这个说明为什么不对,再加上一点脑的生 理学,用比

先 讲“来去不以象”,譬如一个人走进来,大家说他进来了,不一会儿,出去了,我们说他出去了,我们是不是根据他的这个象说他出现又消失了,进来又出去了?那 么“去来不以象”,不要用这个身象当做来去的话,我们怎么知道他来了又去了?就算是有修行很好的人或者真正开悟的修行人,在禅宗讲是明心见性,真正发觉到 正觉了,那么如果有一个人进来出去,他难道不以那个人的身象说他进来出去,那是以那个人的什么?他的心吗?他的感情吗?他的思想脑子里想什么?如果开悟的 人知道那个人在想什么,那个想的思想进来,就知道进来了。那个人的思想在想什么,因为开悟的人开悟呀,知道那个人脑子里头想什么,那想什么的思想如果在开 悟的人能够知道的话,当然不以象,不要用他的象,知道他的心里想什么,那个想什么的东西离开了、进来了,就是不以象,是不是这个意思?开悟的人有神通啊! 不要看他的象,他的心里想什么,开悟的人就知道,“噢!我不看他,我看那边,他进来了,我没有看他的象,但是我有这个能力知道他的心里想什么。他进来的时 候,那个想的那个力量越来越近,哦!他进来了。”是不是这样?不是的话,那么“去来不以象”是什么意思呢?

“去 来不以象”,我们从什么东西知道他的来跟去,既然不能看他的这个身象,佛讲“若以色见我,以音声求我,是人行邪道,不得见如来”,我们都认为求佛啊!我看 到佛!不能凭他的庄严或听到他的咒音,不能以这个当做他来了或者他走了。不仅对佛,一般人出去进来,都不能以象当做他来了或者他走了。

我们读了金刚经,就以为如果我们要见佛,是不能以他的身象见到,例如:观世音菩萨是一尊、MAHAKALA是一尊、VAJAVIKINIS是 一尊,我们用这个身象去分别是哪一尊,或者念咒语而认为哪一尊菩萨来了,他说不可以,不能这样子,其实金刚经讲的不是这个意思。一只狗跑进来或者一只蟑螂 爬进来了,它不是菩萨,也不是人,如果你是真正开悟见性的人,就不会以狗或蟑螂的那个样子,当做有来去。那怎么办?以如来的性?如来的性没有来去?你怎么 知道没有来去?书上说的。所以要探讨为什么这么说?楞严经也说:一切都没有来去。那就好了嘛!本来存在,存在那个动不动,动与不动都是因为因缘而动或不 动。

这 个存在实际上是什么?实际上是我们看来有一个人一样,一只狗也好,看到它的象进来,看到这个象离开了、去了,这样讲是方便讲。我们讲话的时候,某某人出去 了,某某人进来了,可以这样讲,但是它的第一义谛就是,它真正的那个境界是没有来去,不是把这个象消掉,也不是说“哦!我成就了,我修得很好,明明有他进 来,我都看不见”,那你变成瞎子了,修得那么好,变成瞎子一样。不是这样的!成就的人看见他进来,也看见他出去,狗、猫、鸟、甚至鱼池里的鱼,通通都好, 有来去啊!不是说修得很高了,把那个象没有了,不是这个意思。那个象有来有去的真正意思是,梦中的象有来去,醒过来之后,梦里的来去就没有了,但一定要 醒,没有醒以前根本不知道,做梦的时候实际上有,梦境里头有来去,这是用梦做比方。释迦牟尼佛也知道实际生活里白天不会做梦,可是也跟做梦一样的境界。我 们就有一点没有办法完全接受,明明是白天嘛,我没有睡觉啊,你要我把这个当做梦一样,我不能啊!梦有一个梦,我晚上睡觉是一件事,睡着了做梦,很有分别, 和白天大家一起会面不同啊!如果硬要把白天的情况把它想成梦一样,我们听了,总是不愿意,是不是?梦境里有一个境界啊!现在是现在,你怎么把这个当作做 梦,当做一样?总是不愿意接受这个。以梦来解说,我们现在看,有动静来去,其实与梦里头的梦境一样,这样说会比较明白。明白就是明白,可是我们没有办法把 这个白天的境界当做梦一样,因为两个完全不同,所以读经或听法师讲解这些如梦幻一样,心里头是听他的,觉得很奇怪,梦跟白天明明不一样,把这个当做梦境一 样,很不容易做到。


现 在用现代科学来解说,比较没阻力。比方,我看到他,我怎么看到他?靠耳朵吗?鼻子吗?是眼睛看,眼睛怎么看到他?有光线、有距离,如果他太靠近,他和我的 眼睛之间没有空间的话,就看不见他,一定要有一段距离、要有光线,灯打开了、还要眼睛健康,瞎子就无法看;还要脑子健康,植物人也无法看,因为没有视觉, 刚断气的人眼睛没坏,他就是没有PICTURE,没有反应。(一切法是因缘条件所生,故无自性。)

那 么我们平常说这个人来了,你怎么知道?那个进来的人的象,那个样子,透过眼睛,借光线的力量,眼睛就如照相机,照相机不知道它照了什么。我们的眼睛也一 样,照到了这个象在这里,光线的光在这个地方有倒象,倒立的象在这里接到网膜上,象在网膜上,光是这样,我们也不知道,因为眼睛和照相机一样,它在刺激道 理的那个象,在网膜上的象变成另外一个消息,用普通平易的话讲,它把这个消息送到哪里?送到我们脑里头专门管视觉的,脑里头有许多分工合作的部分,有的部 分管看、有的部分管听、有的部分管闻、有的部分管味的、有的部分管思想的。一个人走进来,有一个象,和照相机一样,我们的眼睛那么一动,这个刺激或消息送 到里面的脑里去,经过神经,脑里头专门管视觉的,它受了这个刺激,我们不说这个刺激是什么,反正是有变化,光线的关系,所以有‘节象’(Synapses=神经细胞与下一个神经细胞的交接处), 节象把这个象当做另外一个消息传到脑的视觉中枢,收到消息,就如电视机一样,电台将节目播出来,电视就接收节目。我们的脑里头有一个地方就接收了这个,刺 激它起变化,这个变化是脑神经细胞的变化。注意这个脑神经细胞的变化,不是哪个人的象哦。不要以為狗是狗的象,猫是猫的象,鱼是鱼的象,那个象直接到脑, 不是这样!那个象只是到网膜为止,而且这个网膜的象是颠倒的,大家学物理的就知道,头在下,脚在上头,然后这个消息传到专管视觉部分的,再把这个象倒过 来,变成正常。过了眼网膜后就沒有那个象的形狀和存在了。

再 简单化一些,我们看见他,其实是现在看到他,看他的象,由于光线的关系,在我的眼睛网膜上起变化,网膜把“这个消息”,不是把“这个象”,变成另外一个消 息传到外面的视觉中枢,这个地方起了变化,脑细胞受了刺激就起变化,(就如敲桌子,因为震动的关系,透过空气,就起变化,而发出声音),看到他的时候,由 于各种关系,我的脑的那个管看的脑神经细胞起了变化而已,但是这个脑里头没有他的象,这是相对(CORRESPONDENCE)的变化,红色是红色的变化、白色是白色的变化、绿色是绿色的变化,各种不一样的变化在这里动。

那 么这个变化怎么可以指挥脑细胞的变化?假定,看到红的时候就这样动〔↑〕,看到白的时候就这样动〔→〕,看到绿的就这样动〔←〕,看到黄的就这样动 〔↓〕。你怎么有能力把这个当成一个象显现在我的眼前呢?因为我们自己有本事,不是我们想出来的。我们不可能把这个变化变成一个象在我们的眼前显现,不是 我们变的,也不是我们想出来的。这里有这样的变化,自然就在我们的眼前。一朵花就是花的象在我们的眼前,其实这朵花的象,不是在这里显现,如果这个象没有 经过光线、网膜、视觉神经的变化到脑神经,我们根本不知道花的象在这里,其实这个象没有直接到脑里头去,知道这一点,很要紧!是我在这里,我身体脑的一部 分专管视觉的这个地方,由于前面有花,这个地方起了变化,不是这个象直接到脑里头去,那么把这个地方,我脑里头的变化,我自己有本事把这个变化换成有一个 象在我的前面,GET IT! 所以在脑里头的变化,就是脑神经一个细胞是这样,假定脑细胞是这样,看到你的时候,它这样动,看到他的是时候这样动,这个动是不是象?对应到你的时候,因 为光线的关系,折射、反射的关系,透过视觉神经种种缘,它这样动,动是你的象吗?脑神经的变化就是你的象吗?你的那个象只是变化不一样吧了。对到他的时 候,这样动,这样动或那样动,是你的象或他的象吗?不是吧!只不过是神经的变化不一样而已。红色、白色、长的、短的、圆的、变化的大小、范围的不同,我们 就有这本事,真的很厉害,把这个脑神经细胞的动、变化变成我眼前的狗、猫、鱼、蓝天、白云,奇怪!这是脑神经细胞的变化而已,不是这个象照到我脑里头去。 是两回事,截然不同,要弄清楚,不可以色见声求,都是在脑里头的细胞起变化,而且这个视觉神经细胞的变化很有定力。


刚才是用色相(PICTURE),听觉神经也一样,管听觉的脑细胞收到声音高低的变化,AH的时候是这样动,EE的时候是那样动,有没有定力,定得很呢!A来的声音它一定是这样动,若同一個A聲,有的时候这样动,有的时候又不同的那样动,我们就乱了。这个叫“我们本来清净”,很定,不是我们修定了才定。我们的六根,不管心境好不好,A的时候这样动,B的时候这样动,C的时候这样动,从来就不会把我们给误了,它们很定、很守戒。喝酒也是这样动,不喝酒也是这样动。不会说喝酒了,A这 个声波变成那样动,把它听成别的,是那个解释分析的那个能力差,耳朵里的听觉神经细胞,它动的时候,不管你是怎么样,它是这个声音应该这样动,就永远这样 动,它不会有的时候这样动,有的时候动大一点,有的时候小一点,随便你的喜欢不喜欢,喜欢听的声音,它就动快一点,不喜欢听的声音就懒懒的这样,对吗?那 是我们的分别!头脑坏掉的那个心意识,它在那里分別。耳朵的听觉细胞不会这样。高兴不高兴它也是这样动,很守本份,很定,都一样平等平等。怎么能够听成有A、E呢? 它有慧,自然就有的慧,不是你学来的、不是你读经典、听法、灌顶,才有这个慧,我们的眼耳鼻舌身意进来的资讯,能够如实地让我们觉得有这种花,这种声音, 这个不是智慧、不是神通,是什么?我们根本就有,你还要去求戒、定、慧,那是骗人的勾当。但是为什么我们强调这个,因为我们把不是我的当做是我,所以要修 戒定慧,那个不是你很讨厌,做恶乱来,要把它修好,要弄乖一点,其实真正的我们是六根在动的“那个作用”体相,就是我们自己,真正的自己。作用体,六根六 种作用,作用的方式不一样,但是整个就是一个作用、一个

“不 以象”的意思,花的象直接跑到我的脑里头去,然后我的脑去读它,哦,这是白花!不是这样,没有象跑到脑子里头去,是借这个光线的形状、大小、空间种种,它 把这个象变成另外一个消息,送到我们的脑里头去,脑就接受这个变化,就起各种不同的变化,这个变化,我们有本事、我们有慧,这就叫无分别慧,为什么无分 别?因为没有动思想,所以能够把这个变化变成白花,因为没有动思想,不要想就变成刘小姐,为什么?因为我这里有智慧,无分别的智慧,这叫做大神通,真正佛 讲的大神通,个个都是,就是指这个。否则这里的变化变成白花,那里的变化怎么一条鱼呢?我们可曾想过?我们可曾用力过?都不需要啊!它是与生俱来的。所以 你说这个象进来出去,我这里脑的变化是因为物理关系,光线、距离等等,光线的照射、反射、折射的关系起变化,有变化进来、出去了,那个象的变化,还有没 有?没有象,这个变化没有,所以在这里是什么?是细胞在动,它的出现,这里有这样的变化一动,它的消失这个“动”,只是脑细胞在那里动,哪有象?去来不以 象,本来我们在这个状态,不是你修好了,很有道德、念经、守戒、观想才有这个本事,没有!哪有这样。狗猫都一样,不仅是我们,佛也是一样,佛走一步和我们 走一步都一样,佛听AH,我们听AH,同样一个AH字,佛听了会变成E字吗?不会吧!我们听E,佛在座的话也听E,这个能力没有凡夫众生之别,心佛众生无二,一直讲这个。我们偏偏要修成什么大师、开悟,我们本来悟,不知道就叫迷,知道后哪有什么迷、悟?

象的去来,就是我这里的脑细胞在变化,有了就这样地动,你的象没有了,它就没有这样的动,是“这里”有动跟没有动的分别而已,这里哪里有你的象?没有。以 你的象的来去当做来去,脑细胞会提出抗议。这个就是佛法说的颠倒妄想。这个要先弄得懂,佛经才读得懂。我没有讲我的,佛也没有讲他的,实际上是这样,它只 是这样,他不是把理论学说想出来了,给我们讲。佛的道理是他发现我们是这样真正动,那是事实,HE POINT IT OUT!指出来而已,佛没有讲他的意见、理论。不管你的理论懂不懂,我们就是这样动,耳朵、眼睛、鼻子、舌头、身体的感觉都一样,最难的是我们搞不清楚“意”和“想”。

有一个念头,“花”的念头。意根动,才有花的念头上來,不是用眼睛看的,是用心的意根,才有花的念头。意根不像眼睛、耳朵、鼻子一样有一个形让我们分别,因为意根是分散的。比方想到“花”,跟耳朵听到A一样,B的变化、C的 变化、白花的那个念头的变化、跟狗的那个念头的变化,在我们的意根动起来,都不一样,“白花”念头起来意根动的变化,是那个样子,如果是一只鱼或一只狗的 念头,那个念头变化不一样。耳朵里收了这个声音,到听觉细胞,听觉细胞动了,这个会让你听到声音吗?光是动还是动而已,我们有本事把这个动当做AH,E的声音,为什么我们能分别?是意识的作用加进去了。听的细胞变化一样,看的细胞变化一样,光是变化我们不知道我们听到什么,我们看到什么。我们还有一个力量,是分别的第六意识的力量。噢,A,B, 红,白把这个变化读成各种不同的声音、各种分别、分别名相,第六意识分别意识的作用。意根也一样,有一个念头,白花这个念头进来了,那个意根接受这个意念 的来访,它也起变化,这个时候它知道不知道是白花?不知道。分别意识没有去分别这个是什么念头。这个地方很要紧,很多人搞不清楚。意根有一个念头来的时 候,意根的变化跟耳朵听到狗叫声所起的变化,鸟叫时候的变化,虽然是不同的变化,但是显现的方式是一样的。意根有一个念头是白花的念头,一个念头是狗的念 头来了,意根的变化是不一样。只是这两个变化,这个时候你知道是你想到什么吗?不知道啊!意识分别加进去了之后,才说:“啊!我想到白花,想到狗”,能够UNDERSTAND ME? 不是说意根动了,马上就知道是是狗。念头来了,你还不能知道这个念头是什么念头,分別意识那个作用没有加进去,只是念来,只是耳朵收进声波的变化而已,还 没有办法分出是狗叫还是猫叫,这两种情況是一样的。一个念头来,收进来,意根动,如实地动,什么念头它怎么动,但是你自己还不知道。是念头来了,然后你自 己的分别意识起了作用,才知道是什么念头。噢!我想到你,想到他,我想到你的那个念头先进来,然后才分别那个是你的念头。


用 意根修法的人,禅宗祖师比较多一点。佛一见明星,所以是眼根,从眼根看到明星,看到桃花,就是用去来不以象,原来不是那个象来去。一朵桃花从树上掉下来, 我看到看到花掉下(平常我们总是这个境界),可是忽然那一次,视觉细胞它在动,在有动没动之间的差别变化中,那样子的变,“那个变化本身就是我的知”,不 是另外起一个知去读这个变化。这是最后一着。平常我们都顛倒在把这个变化当成有一个“我”,有一个能力去读我这个视觉细胞、听觉细胞的变化,把这个变化当 成妄想,这是不对的。因为那个变化本身就是知,所以才叫“不触事而知,不对缘而照”,所以叫“色见声求,取道未正”。若没有从这个地方探讨,若人以色见 我,以音声求我,金刚经背到滚瓜烂熟,可是知道它真正的意思吗?

现 在是借科学的知识帮忙了解,原来是这样动,但我们不知道,我们以为有一个“我”在看、有一个“我”在听,所以来去都是象,其实这个地方有没有变化而已,甚 至能够清楚到这个变化本身就是觉知,不是另外有一个能力去看这个变化,然后读它,把它当做外面有象。那个变化本身就是知,不要另外造一个有能知的去读这个 变化。把它当做什么,那是不得已,IN REALISTIC, 在实相中没有所谓能跟所这回事!没有设定一个“能知”的去知道“所知”,所以这朵花,花的影子在这里起变化,变化本身已经是能知,没有一个能知道的能力去 读我的脑子变化才是,不是这样的!那个“变化本身”是包括能知,这是无情说法,花也在说法,不要把“佛的那个觉性”当做能知的知的精神作用,这个就是佛 性,不是觉知那个最高深的法、非常真善美、体谅人的精神、最高清净的那个知,已经把人的分别认识的能知,就是把能知的最深的法〔作用〕当做佛的觉知,那完 蛋了,错到一塌糊涂。所以无情说法,就不知道了。什么叫无情说法?这个东西在这里起变化,没有这个就没有起变化,这个变化的四大,由四大构成的脑,四大有 主吗?没有主,外面的这个四大有主吗?也没有主。内外四大都是没有主的,都是相通的,没有分别,它是跟这个东西是同一个东西在动,“动本身”就是知,没有 一个能知的去看这个动。(没有能知所知,所以才叫无情说法。)赵州禅师说:佛性是什么?就是路边的一颗石头或亭中的一棵柏树。


动 静不以心,也是一样。举手我知道是动,手放下是静,每一个地方进来的象不一样,光线的变化不一样,那么脑里头起变化,一下子这样,一下子那样,受到的刺激 不同,它就相应地变、如实相应地变,一体的东西才对啊!本来外面跟我们根本就没有分开。我们看在外面、听在外面,是我们自己那么想,其实我们的六根根本没 有经过这个,根本是我们自己在乱想,它们是一起动。谁在骂我,就是在骂我的声音在这里动而已,动的听觉细胞没有说是你在骂我,所以它动的小一点,就没有听 到!大声就大的动,小声就小的动,这是我们的本来。你骂,我生气,那是我们莫名其妙地有一个“我”的妄想,听到不舒服,就有一个我了,这个东西出来干涉, 我们就开始乱掉。

六 根本来清净,我们就把这清净的六根认为是自己的作用,再把第六意识加进去的妄想分别当做自己,就苦恼一大堆,所以禅宗祖师常常讲,不谈禅、不谈法、不说 佛。如何修行?好好体认自己的真正样子。那个样子在哪里显现?在我们的六根显现。六根是作用体,那个作用是什么力量?那个力量就是佛的力量,每个人都有, 就那么简单。我们却一直持咒、念佛号、灌顶、一定要加持。那是不是我们自己在脑筋里头假想那个理想境界?那不是我们的第六意识在要求吗?这位老兄〔我相〕 很坏的,一天到晚地要求,今天要求这样,明天又不一样,今年这样,到了明年要求又不一样,我们可能会觉得这位师父不行,另外换一个,因为我们习惯听他的, 这个师父没什么。这个第六意识就像孙悟空一样,永远不满足地要听那个新奇,以为新奇的才对。我们的六根本来就那么的清净、本然,我们的佛性本来显现在六根 上。

动 静不以心,用听觉来解释会比较简单。有声音就动,没有声音就静。我们的情况是,有声音,那个心起来了,是不是心的作用?狗叫的时候这样动、猫叫的时候这样 动、鸟叫的时候这样动,它分别喔!而且分得很清楚,但是有没有念头说我听了狗叫的声音、猫叫的声音、鸟叫的声音,这个念、这个思想,有没有在耳朵里起来? 没有啊!没有这个念头,但它如实地起那个对应的变化,无分别地分别,那是我们本来的心地风光,清净妙明田地所现的。

梦还没有醒的时候,烦恼一大堆,要成佛啊,西方在哪里?西方比较近,还是东方比较近?南方宝生佛保护我们的健康,北方不动如来,那里有很多神奇的表现,阿弥陀佛是西方,不要走错路,走到东方......, 烦恼的都是思想,这个叫各说各话。一下子想东,一下子想西,叫我们的眼睛、耳朵怎么动?一下子喜欢,一下子不喜欢,随着我们的喜欢,眼睛就照得鲜明一点, 不喜欢就照得模糊一点,我们的眼睛才不理你这一套。红就红、白就白、蓝就蓝、大就大、小就小、照到什么它不觉得美、也不觉得丑。那个照到之后我们的意识分 别习惯,如:文化、教养、条件等的不同加进去后,就有美丑之分。那没有关系,这个分别意识本来也是法身的作用,我们知道这样去分别,就可以用分别作用,不 给分别作用骗去,这个就是“我”。就如赵州禅师说的:开悟以前,我是被二六时用,开悟以后,我用二六时。

动 静不以心,不是有一个心知道那个声音的有和没有,它没有心,外面的声音跟这里的动是一体的东西。外面没有声音的那个缘,这里也不动。如果这里没有,外面怎 么动也沒用?所以这里的动跟外面的声音是一体的,我们不要分开内外,有内外的说法那是为了说明方便。我们就很容易在身心上发现不二的状态,这不二的状态就 是佛的状态,是净土,还要到哪里去找净土?当下我们就在净土里头动,我们还不知道,我们抓着假的东西要把它修成能到净土去,多奇怪啊!我们就站在净土里, 还要在外面找净土。



禅 宗祖师没有看你的学问、修行,只是论见性不见性,见性是什么意思?有没有发现真正的我是谁!不是有一个很好的心,我们去读、去修养或念经,就可以达到那个 境界,不是的!要清楚一点,我们从无始劫以来,都是六根给我们大神通、大的用,我们还不感谢它,反而把假的抓起来当做自己,它根本没有生过,所以也不会 死,把这个假的臭皮囊当做自己,然后求一个长生不老,能够轮回,能够清楚,神经病!因为有个假我,才有生死轮回,我们认识到宇宙的大生命本身还有生死吗? 地震起了,大暴风雨起了,起了就起了,哪有生死?这里“砰”的一声,缘来了,就地震,那边缘来了,就大地震,太平洋台风起了,台风有生死吗?缘起性空,有 缘有条件就生,没缘就消失,它本身就是清净妙明田地,说它有吗,看不见,说它没有吗,它随着各种缘的条件在变化。这个要弄清楚,才见性,知道自己不是这个 臭皮囊,把这个假的当做自己,每个人都一样,不管你迷还是悟,不管你兴趣密宗、律宗,都一样的,那是大作用的作用体在那里动。

地 藏禅师有一位弟子文益禅师,他学问好,提倡“三界唯心,万法唯识”的理论。有一天地藏禅师就问文益禅师:“文益,我问你啊,你说万法都是识,三界都是在唯 心变的”,他指着亭中的一块大石头,“我问你,这块大石头在你的心内还是心外?”,文益禅师给师父一问,没回答,因为如果是在心外的话,那三界唯心就不成 立了,如果说这块大石头不在我的心内,那三界唯心就变成谎言了。文益禅师就答:“在我心内。”地藏禅师再问:“你安放一块大石头在心里,会不会很累啊!会 很累的!”

这 个问题让文益禅师想了一个半月,想来想去,一个半月之间,每天到师父那里讲这个答案,找那个答案,地藏禅师说:“佛法不是这个样子,在内不对,在心外也不 对,它不在内也不在外,在我的心的中间,内外的中间,也不对!”,搞了一个半月,什么答案都打掉,最后一次去,没有办法再想更好的答案,他想离开,地藏禅 师就可怜他,就跟他讲:“文益啊!其实我跟你讲,一切都是现成!”这一下,文益禅师开悟了。





真 正开悟的文益禅师上堂说法,有人问:“师父,佛法真正第一义谛(究竟的意思)是什么?佛要传给我们什么?佛法的最胜义是什么?”文益禅师说:“假如我给你 说了,就是第二义了。”一开口讲的就是第二义了,不是指的那个东西,将东西把它用科学的理论去分析,就好像很厉害,这些都是话,是声音啊!跟那个作用本身 不相干,说出来就是第二义,不是它了。譬如,山芭榴莲很好吃,无论我们讲得多好,又看VIDEO,它就不是榴莲本身,除非亲自去接触榴莲,否则都不是榴莲。第一义能讲吗?怎么讲都不是它,佛法也是一样的。

僧璨禅师说:“至道无难,唯嫌拣择”,我们已经在道上了,当然至道无难,还要求什么道?不是说我要成为有成就的大师,不是like or dislike, 拣择就是向外看,向外寻找,合我意的我就拿,不合我意的,个个都不是,通通由我做主,那个主是谁?是假的“我”。真正的至道、大道、佛性的那个显化,就是 我们自己本身在那里显,我们还在外面求,至道无难嘛!切莫憎爱,六根本来没有憎爱,是那个假“我”在憎爱。动静不以心。

“三 界唯心,万法唯识”,所有一切众生如生物、有情、无情,通通都是,我们听到一个心,整个本地风光,有时候语言或文字上用“心”表示,其实这个心不是指攀缘 心,但总以为所有的一切色声香味触法之外,没有别的,这个东西都是那个心变的,很多人误会变成那个样子,如何变?就在这里变化着某某东西,它不是变的,它 本身就是它,但也不是它,不就是它,就是非即,但离开这个心或本地风光,也没有办法显现那个样子,所以非即非离,是用思想,对于它就是石头,石头就是心, 也不是,但离开那个大心的佛心,不是攀缘心,离开佛心也不能存在,我们在佛学上就用非即非离NOT EQUAL TO,NOT SEPERATED FROM, 不就是它,但不能离开它而存在。这是道理,是理论,其实不是它,非即非离是把理论归纳为简要的非即非离,非是非非,不是是也不是非,这是佛法里头,最简单 的把佛的证道境界,用理论讲的时候,常常引用非即非离。这石头就是它吗?不是不就是它,非即,但是离开它可能有石头吗?不可能有石头,非离。所以这个地方 很难去显现这个样子,那个不是用理论去推想的,不是求佛他就告诉你,让你能够进入跟佛一样的境界,没有办法,佛都没有办法!所以这个地方叫做“妙“”,妙 彻,彻在这里,妙彻根源,石头的根源、大地的根源、空间、虚空的根源,我们要去彻这个根源,原来的这个根源,就是我们讲的本来妙明风光。

执事原是迷 契理亦非悟

我 们用这个道理,它怎么显现石头?它本来有吗?那是越描越离开了。所以地藏禅师教文益禅师:“一切现成”。我们不能多加思想去讨论它,若把这个当做研究的对 象,说这个,说那个,已经在理上玩弄它了!所以有“执事原是迷”,执著于这个事,我好喜欢白花,看到红花就讨厌,就拿掉,这是执事,执著名位,原来是迷。 听到佛法之后,一切都是空无自性、缘起,一切都是佛性显化出来的。

那 么石头是怎么转的?就是给你讲得很透彻,让你心服口服,“契理亦非悟”,很合乎道理,理论上没有办法反驳,你也同意,但是这是契理,契理也非悟,也不是 悟,要注意这个。执事原是迷,一般社会人士是执著在名位上,一天到晚在名利里头滚。却告诉人家我是修佛了,知道一切性空,理论上听了佛法就好像高尚一点, 一天到晚讲三界是空、轮回,讲六道怎样怎样,那个理通通都对,没有一个理不对,契理亦非悟,这不是悟,千万不要走这个路子。这个学识是要拿来用,希望有一 天能见到自己的本性,能够帮忙我们这么用,我们却被它用去了,那我们去做学问家、佛学家好了!


打 坐、念佛、观想、各种各样的修行等等,都一样,不是方法不对,若根本不清楚的话,我们把手段方法当做是一个目的。那些方法是让我们能很快地找到自己的本 来,是帮忙我们爬山的爬山用具一样。爬山用具不是山顶,但是我们不可以听了山顶的说法后,就一概否定掉工具,那也是听错了话,但是用的时候,一定要知道我 要爬到山顶。我们的本性,就是佛性,我们就是佛性所显现出来的,石头也是,但它是佛性吗?不是,但离开佛性有吗?不行!你说亭中的石头跟你,好像石头在亭 院里,我在这里看石头,这不是这个境界,是我们不知道真正的自己。所以认为石头在我的前面,在院子里头,而是那个石头跟我是不能分开的,为什么?因为没有 假设“我”的存在,所以它怎么能分开?我认为有一个“我”的话,就讨论亭院里头的石头,是佛性化的,不是佛性化的,佛性化的怎么化?“我”都没有交待, “我”就把石头跟“我”分开在那里。我们看到的石头是跟我们一体的东西,整个法界的显现,但是我们没有见性以前,总是认为有一个“我”,所以看到院子里头 的石头,就要把佛法大理论套上去说,这是佛性的显现,在那里转呀转的,这个佛性在那里转身变成石头,我们一直把石头当做身外的东西,当做观察的对象在那 里,还不断用理论。佛告诉我们,石头跟我们根本一体,为什么一体?若没有假“我”的话,“我”认为这个“我”没有了,一体了,还有别的吗?我讲你是因为有 “我”,没有“我”怎么能讲你呢?不是我的,才叫你嘛!这个认为是我,才能讲这个不是我,所以叫你,怎么讲你呢?又不是你,也不是我,是他,第三者出现 了,根本从哪里来?先要有我,没有我,怎么讲你呢?你就是NOT ME,不是我,我才能讲你啊!所以我讲你的时候,一定要先有一个我,才能分别出不是我的叫你,有了你之后,第三个、第四个、第五个出来了,先要我认为有一个我,才能成立你。假如我没有承认我的话,我不能承认是你,假如有一个我相没有,没有我的话,我怎么设定是你。


我 在看你,因为这是我,就是我怎么想,就是在看你,你是你,我是我,你在这里,我在台湾,有我才能讲这个话,我讲你,因为我承认我,我是什么?佛叫你好好 看,有没有你承认的那个我,不要谈修行、讲理论,都不要,先看看正在修行的你,或者正在反对禅宗的那个你,你既然反对禅宗,反对佛教吗?那个反对的家伙是 什么东西?你想过没有?你只是在反对,那是乱讲的,谁在主张这个?“我”。“我”是什么?乱应,最要紧的就是这里。无论是你修这个,赞成或者反对,都是那 个以为有一个假我的在做主张。在主张的这一个是什么东西?不是谁?什么东西?去找。看到一朵花的时候,花在外面吗?没有你能够知道花吗?没有你的话,花在 不在跟我毫不相关,但没有花的话,我怎么讲看到花呢?是看的这个SEEING本身,能够把我跟花分开讲吗?看是看的一个作用而已,我看花是我自己在乱讲乱想的,佛法是叫你直接去好好体会这个。(不可以心外求法就是这个意思。)


修证一如 果上妙修

“能” 跟“所”是一起动,不能分开,分开就毫无意义。本来没有“能所”,我们佛学里头的根本无明,其实那不是根本无明,是我们自然的糊里糊涂,每个人都在那里糊 里糊涂,但是“那个能所”本来没有,双亡不是你去亡掉,是发觉这个能所本来没有,所以叫能所双亡。千万不要认为修行是我努力的结果变成这样,修行跟修行到 的结果有一段距离。佛真正传给迦叶尊者的,只是讲修行一开始已经在果位上,修的人跟到的人一体,不是初地、二地、三地。华严经有没有十地菩萨,那是方便给 我们这样开始。佛真正给迦叶的,证到这一点,修证一如。不是修了几年、几月、几万劫以后才修证到佛的果位。不是的!一开始修,我们已经是佛了,有一句话 说,我们原来的自性本来就是佛,所以我们的本性染污不得,在地狱里头的地狱众生,畜生道里的畜生,看起来是恶鬼道、畜生道、地狱道的众生,但是本性染污不 得,都一样是法性、佛性,不要以为那个佛性不会跑到地狱做众生,地狱里头的众生都是佛性所成的。所以叫自性染污不得,入地狱众生也是佛性,佛性没办法改 掉,但是随缘的恶习做多了,佛性就如你的恶业显现出来,它的本性不变,妙到极点。显现那个恶鬼的样子,它的本性没有改,还是佛性,佛性就是妙到极点。因为 佛性没有固定的相,所以造旧恶业,它就显现六道存在的那种样子,但它都是佛性的显现,所以本性染污不得。

我 们已经在果位上,就不用修了吗?日本的道元禅师就是为了解决这个困难,才远赴中国找如净禅师,请教禅师:“既然我们的本性是佛性、法性所现,那为什么我还 要修行,打坐、念佛做什么?”如净禅师说:“本性染污不得!都是法性,但是修行即不无。修行是有呀!”不能说没有修行,还是要修行。本来就是这样,睡觉、 吃饭、穿衣,随缘任运,这里讲的随缘是随法性而不是随假我,是随大声就大声,小声就小声,狗是狗、猫是猫,是随缘现。而不是将这个东西套上去,随我怎么答 就怎么答,怎么偷就怎么偷,那是假我在随缘。

知 道我们本来是法性显现的,为什么不能没修行?比喻把那个认错的我,我有很多罪业、烦恼障、思惑、见惑都有,我要做好事、念咒,慢慢地把我的罪业消掉,慢慢 走成佛之道。我们时常抱着假的自己当做自己,所以每天用很干净的布在抹,每天在影子上用功、擦亮、给它穿衣服。达摩祖师说:“不对!这样不行,佛只是讲这 个影子不是你,你要发现这个东西本来清净。”但是要发现这个不容易,一定要用很多方法才能有一天开悟,那是修行的结果。这个真的我,不是慢慢念咒、打坐修 成的。真的我不敢承认,不肯定自己,没有比这个更可悲的事。

你 发觉不对,就一定要修行,比把影子擦亮、穿衣服还要难。不要以为本来是这个,就不要修行。大错特错。因为假的东西“我”在静坐、念咒、观想的时候,心情平 静,好的缘会加进来,影子会变,缘生缘灭,影子也一样。所以加上做好事,不生气,不贪心,身心条件会慢慢改善,一步一步走。

但 禅宗祖师不是这样小见狐疑,转急转迟,小见是指气量见解那么小,影子的见解也一定小,用影子带出来,真正的我是宇宙大的大生命,真正的我能够知道是我吗? 真正的我不能起认知作用,把自己看做是我,我怎么能看我?只好用妙彻根源,就是在讲这个。不能用二元的认识作用,大宇宙的我,用认识作用,我就是大宇宙, 那大宇宙是你所观察的对象,你站在大宇宙的外面去了。本体不能看本体,本体不能认识本体,要认识这一点,才去打坐,因为缘加进去了,定的境界也就变了。

我 们的思想一动,都是在能所二元境界,所以文益禅师开悟之后说法:“你跟我讲的那个第一义,万法归一,一是什么?一归何处?你能够认识的那个是属于一还是不 属于一?你要认识一必须跳出一的外面,才能认识一嘛!可是那是一吗?已经二了嘛!”所以不可以用语言、文字、思想、理论去解释这个,“一”要认识自己是 “一”,要妙彻。妙彻妙,转身一路难!证到空性,你是空性本身,法性本身。法性本身怎么能够认识自己就是法性呢?不能用认识的,所以转身难啊!空劫转身 难。一位投子禅师交待学生:“你要给我办到,不许夜行,投明须到!”不许晚上夜行,明天一早要到。这就是在讲修证一如,修行一开始就在果地了。六根本来解 脱自在。



More than halfway through this series. Good talks, highly recommend.
第一講 學道用心集-可發菩提心事
第二講 學道用心集-見聞正法必可修習事、佛道必依行可證入事
第三講 學道用心集-用有所得心不可修佛法事
第四講 學道用心集-參禪學道可求正師事
第五講 學道用心集-參禪可知事

Also all the other videos by him are great, some are short clips:



  • Translated a short excerpt, short yet incredibly important understanding from teacher hong wen Liang’s lecture. After reading 300 pages, I understand how much he wanted to get this across to his students. I couldn’t translate the /// part, probably will need Soh Wei Yu expertise haha. May you benefit.
    Let me tell all of you, what exactly is delusion? If you take a form you experience, and take it as there’s a real form over there; while I am over here, concretely real looking over to that real form, this is delusion. On the other hand, enlightenment is when you do not wrongly take the fake self to be real anymore. Over there, there is no real form really existing in itself, it is actually “empty yet vividly present”. It appearance is “nothing there yet fully presence-ing”. While on this ‘me’ side, it’s the same, “nothing there yet fully presence-ing”, arising dependently on conditions, not that there is an “I/Me” here really existing. Seeing and Seen, both are empty in inherent nature, both arising dependently on conditions. This is what you call dependent arising, empty nature. If you are clear about this, seeing and hearing are all dharma, arises when the conditions are ripe, ceases when the conditions are not there, changing without any obstacles.
    Those who have not seen their true nature, it is always “I am hearing that sound”. The I and the sound are separated, I on the inside and the world on the outside, is always separated and against each other. If one experience like this they will never become a Buddha, they are also not a good disciple of the Buddha. If there is a ‘me’ learning the dhamma, praying that I will get blessing, I want to be a buddha, I want to get enlightened, using these methods to practise you will always be practising with a fake self. Consequently, you will have deeper delusion of “I”, deviating further away from the true path.
    The true dhamma and practise are very important, it will allow you to realize your true self. How to realise? It is not “I”realise, I realise that this is not a me. If you do that, you are using a fake self to realise the true self.
    Then what should we do? Just sit and allow your 6 senses to be natural in their natural way.
    The 6 senses are always natural, alive in their “suchness’. This is what we call /// so natural. This is how it is! This means that only when you really sit and meditate, you will understand how boundless our mind is, with myriads of function. Because of the eye there is form, because of the ear there is sound, Because of the nose there is smell, Because of the tongue there is taste, Because of the body there is touch, Because there is a mind there is knowing, all actions and movements are the Dharmakayas. The 6 senses never had any attachment or disturbance, no desire or aversion, all equally arise when conditions mature and ceases when conditions gone, all naturally liberating itself.
    Buddha Sakyamuni personally said, if you can let the myriads dharma/objects to prove that there is no you, if you can simply just sit and meditate that way, if you practise like that, you only need the time that an ant takes to move from the tip of your nose to your forehead, this is more powerful than you using an ‘I’ to sit for ten years or a hundred years. If you use an ‘I’ to practise, you won’t get it even one hundred million years, it’s impossible. Because there is a ‘You’ who wants to become a buddha!
    So the method of “simply just sit’, it’s the true dhamma from true lineages. When you sit you are doing the buddha, doing buddha’s sacred work. Whenever you have no delusion, that moment you are doing a Buddha’s action, that is why this is call the dharma gate of great ease and joy.
    ~洪文亮 Teacher Hong Wen Liang.


    Amy Fan
    Thank you for sharing 🙏🙏🙏

    Yin Ling
    Amy Fan you are very welcome aunty 😁

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Yin Ling 大安乐法门 dharma gate of great ease and joy

    Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu thank you, I edit. Hehe

  • Soh Wei Yu
    quiescence is more like 寂静

  • Soh Wei Yu
    All actions and movements are the Dharmakaya.

    • Reply
    • 1h
    • Edited

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Also if you google, 六般神用空不空者:謂此珠具足天眼、天耳、他心、宿命、神足、漏盡通等神用,雖空而卻不空。
    so this means the six spiritual powers are empty yet not empty

    Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu I wanted to write the 6 magical senses are empty but not empty .. but it sounds stupid 😂

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Another explanation 【六般神用空不空。一顆圓光色非色。】 這個就是說明摩尼寶珠的德用,剛才講這是比喻,比喻佛性。

    Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu ya this is good. I can understand what he wants to get across but I can’t get it translate in English well. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • Reply
  • 1h



    Feel inspired so I translate a powerful paragraph. 😝correct me if I m wrong 😁
    Have a good day!
    万法來证明无我 - 洪文亮法师
    道元禅师曾說:学佛只是学自己,学自己是忘自己。 学自己就是不向外求,自己宝贵的
    身心就是道场。 忘自己又千万不可用「自己」忘自己。 那么,怎么修行呢? 不要起心动念去
    修什么殊胜的法,或者以我去求证万法。 眼見、耳闻、鼻嗅、舌尝、身触、意知,这些就是
    万法。 万法不断的变化,毫无痕迹,有若无,身心一点都不罣礙,哪裡需要「我」來指挥、
    判断才能見闻觉知呢? 以万法來将「我」殺掉,将这个「贼」殺掉,这是大安樂法门啊!
    <The Dharmas are proof of No-Self>- Teacher Hong Wen Liang
    Master Dao Yuan used to say, “Learning about the Dhamma is just learning about your self/Self, learning about your self/Self is to forget one self/Self. Learning about one self/Self is not the look elsewhere, your own body-mind is your monastery. Do not use your “self/Self” to forget about your “self/Self”. Then, how is it to practise? Do not have the intention to practise some special methods, or use the self/Self to get enlightened.
    Eye sees, ear hears, nose smells, tongue tastes, body touches, mind thinks, these are the dharmakayas. Dharmakaya changes incessantly, without a trace, neither exist nor not exist, without a disturbance to the body-mind, why is there a need of a self/Self to control, to be aware of seeing, smelling, feeling, knowing?
    Use the myriads of objects/phenomenas to kill the ‘self/Self’, when this ‘thief’ is killed, that is the quiescence of all dharma/ nibbana.


    Soh Wei Yu
    Dao yuan is also known as Dogen

    Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu oh I see! Thanks! No wonder it sounds so much like that Dogen quote 😅😅

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Yin Ling hong wen liang’s lineage is japanese soto zen

  • Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu Ic . I should have just search for that famous quote 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  • Jachym Jerie
    It was a practice round. Waiting for more translations to come 😉

  • Dragan Milojević
    Very good! Just avoid duplication self/Self is very confusing and makes text hard to read. Zen buddhism makes no difference between self and Self anyway.

    Yin Ling
    Dragan Milojević For me it’s to express the small self and the awareness big self, both are important to be seen through, hence the replication.

  • Dragan Milojević
    I know what you wanted to say 🙂 they are important alltogether. Just on higher level of teaching master sees no difference between this two selfs

  • Soh Wei Yu
    Yin Ling makes a good point. Dogen emphasizes the need to see through the view of an unchanging Absolute, so it is not just 'self' that is seen through and dissolved but also the delusion that there exists an ultimate 'Self'. Similar to
    Dogen on refutation of an unchanging ultimate awareness, the eternalism of Shrenika:
    Also I pasted some excerpts by Shohaku Okumura on Dogen that deals with this topic very nicely:

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  • Yin Ling
    Soh Wei Yu “ In Genjokoan, Dogen used the word jiko(􀀂􀀁) and banpo(􀀄􀀃), and he said that conveying the self toward myriad things and carry out practice-enlightenment is delusion, and all myriad things coming toward the self and carrying out practice-enlightenment through the self is realization”
    I really like this too. Dogen has a way of bringing out the taste really well.
    Another one is the “seeing water from water“ … I think it’s from him too. Very powerful few words.
    The rest I cannot understand 🤣too cryptic 🤣

  • Dragan Milojević
    Is there any original quotation from dogen, in his personal words, where he makes exact distinction between self and Self?

  • Yin Ling
    Dragan Milojević nah, Dogen is a master.
    self or Self is just as expression.
    Most ppl stuck at Self hence why I express like that.
    If one is stuck at Self, they cannot be enlightened by the myriads object.
    Dogen words already indirectly pointed that out. It’s subtle but he is a master.
    It’s a masterful quote, it delivers the awakened state very beautifully with sparse words hence I wanted to translate it 😝

  • Dragan Milojević
    Well, that's exactly what i have said, there was no reason to opose me.

  • Yin Ling
    Dragan Milojević hahaha just chill. If you get it then it’s alright, dhamma is not for opposition, each one is just expressing vital points 🙂

  • Dragan Milojević
    If i get it? You repeat my exact words and then you tell me: if you get it? Interesting view 😐 i am going out of here, good bye.

  • Jayson MPaul
    Awesome work. Keep translating. If you ever want me to look over your translations feel free to DM me. I don't know Chinese but I know the insights he is pointing to 🙂

    Yin Ling
    Jayson MPaul I really think we need an AI who is enlightened to do all these translation work in between languages. 🤣thank you for that offer, I will try but have limited time, maybe a few sentences a day 🤣

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