Yin Ling

How does no-self feels like?
The felt sense of “self” is a contraction. But u won’t know u are contracting because u don’t have a comparison of “not contracting”. It feels Normal to u. So most ppl live with a strong sense of self thinking it’s normal.
But once anatta (no self) realization stabilises, the boundless felt sense is so strong that it’s so hard to contract.
U just feel like the whole world when u wake up and walk around and there’s no Center to contract to.
And u don’t need to even put in any effort. u don’t think about how u sense the world unless being asked. It’s natural for u. The body sensation is just purely another sensation like a sound. Very pure. U don’t think much about it really.
But everything is very close to u.
Coz the energy that “I feel like me” is in everything.
It’s a very intimate feeling.
It’s hard to imagine how to harm others when i have this strong “me” feeling in others too. It’s feels counterintuitive.
After awhile, U will even forget how is it like sensing from a self. And the idea of other ppl sensing from the head is just really really strange.
u remember once u used to think that too and u wonder how can u think that ? It’s so obvious there’s no one there.
That’s Anatta imo. That’s how I experience it.
It sounds radical but actually
Very ordinary.
Life just goes on. In anatta.
You, John Tan, William Lim and 21 others


  • John Tan
    "After awhile, U will even forget how is it like sensing from a self. And the idea of other ppl sensing from the head is just really really strange."
    After a while, the "no-self" is also exhausted. This does not mean one returns to self-view, but the antidote (no-self) in relation to "self" is also relinguished into the natural state of spontaneous presence, free from sense of apprehender and apprehended.
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  • Mr. J.P. H
    I'm starting to see the self as contraction. Also as a sort of grasping, claiming ownership of sensation. Regularly when I sit now, there is this "dropping"....I don't really know what to call it. Where the sensations are there but disconnected. Just floating in the mind space. The seeing, hearing, etc just shimmering like the surface of a lake. But always something extra like the damn foot is still connected or my knee 🙂 Sometimes insight feels so close in one moment and the next it is many lifetimes away.
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    • Yin Ling
      Mr. J.P. H very very nice 🙂
      Ignorance can’t stay long, it’s not how things are. So with right view and diligent practice it has to go. 🙂
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    • Mr. J.P. H
      Yin Ling Based on my description is the rewiring of my brain going in the right direction? 🙂
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    • Yin Ling
      “Sensations are there but disconnected , just floating in mind space, shimmering like the surface of the lake.”
      I remember reporting this to my teacher too, and she just grinned.
      Then over the next few months the i investigate the gap between
      “Who is knowing all these sensation ?”
      Because vipassana or noting this way make me realise I have never note a “knowing” after 1000 hours 😂
      Then Like a dog chasing its tails , utterly confused for awhile..
      “Does knowing knows knowing? Then who knows the first knowing? Then who knows the second knowing ?… ad infinitum..
      My mind was so exhausted.
      Then One day I. shockingly realise the sensation has been knowing itself 😅🤦🏻‍♀️
      Then the gap between knowing and known close.😁
      and the insight of there has never ever been a gap, since time immemorial, arises.
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    • Mr. J.P. H
      Yin Ling Ahh very cool. I always enjoy when you share these details. "Then who knows the second knowing?" 😂 Sometimes I will just say to my mind out loud "stop doing that" haha.
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    • Yin Ling
      Lol it’s alright . let the mind search
      Coz one has to search, and search, and search… look and look.. again and again
      Bc it is this effortful searching that allows the mind to understand thoroughly. It’s quite stubborn. Mine is.
      It’s a very exhausting thing to do. I often need alot of sleep after vipassana like that. It’s Hard work. Frustrating too
      But only after such effortful searching one will truly know what is effortlessness.
      Most “effortlessness” talk on Facebook is just an excuse to not do a thing and chill. Easier to go to the beach 🏖 lol .
      U can notice that on current ATR discusssion. Let’s do nothing but chill and be Buddha 😂😝🤦🏻‍♀️
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  • Mr./Ms. DL
    Fantastic post!
    I have a personal question with regards to my vipassana noting and. Who is knowing all these sensations?
    Example: awareness of hand touching hands, skin touching chair, birds tweeting etc. this awareness in my case is rather one directional. One object at a time etc.
    I cannot seemingly simultaneously be aware of everything at the same time, only flickering from one object to another in fast succession.
    If all sensations have been knowing themselves what is this single pointedness and why is it not polyphonic awareness?
    Why is there more attention on newer objects rather than continuous awareness on sitting or breath? (With addition of birds tweeting) without birds cancelling out attention to breath?
    This single ness or one pointedness awareness almost feels like the illusion of a self or I.
    Only being able to have attention on bird sound and forgetting the constant aircon or skin touching skin or sun on my face. Only able to lean into singular phenomena instead of all as one?
    Im trying to investigate this gap versus knowing. 1st knowing, 2nd knowing as you mentioned. And find a possible (all knowing) with no gaps.
    In the true event that phenomena is happening spontaneously at the same time yet my sense of awareness can only focus on one event at a time i
    feel constricted and exhausted, almost like the who or illussion of me is that singular attention.
    Is there something here anyone is familiar with? Im not very articulated in my thought streams anymore too, lol.
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    • Yin Ling
      I sort of understand what you are saying , but see if u resonate coz these things might be tricky if I don’t clearly get u.
      I think there’s a few steps here.
      First is to get clear about this “knowing”. Like seeing mind in zen.
      Then When one is sure and confident this knowing is not apart from sensation,
      A small switch to knowing “no self”, which the split we initially thought is there was never there.
      But at that point sensation for me is still “one after another”, separated, like you say in “single pointed rather than polyphonic”.
      It’s because we still see “self” in sensations, they are separated and seems independent , exactly like u say “ feels like the illusion of self”.
      At then we practice emptiness of sensation/phenomena, learn dependent origination, deconstruct the self in phenomenas, the essence and the boundaries will slowly be deconstructed very gradually
      Let me know if I get what u mean correctly 😂
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    • Mr./Ms. DL
      Ha yes ying! you got me.
      This singular pointedness on breath then breath can suddenly fall away and there is just spacial awareness, is this what you refer to as zen mind?
      I recall some states where there is a sort of polyphonic awareness but more evenly spread, nothing is prominent but everything is almost in the background of amness.
      Yes that 3rd stage you mentioned, practicing emptiness. Perhaps i need to restructure my practice and find what stage there is weakness. Perhaps i need to revisit earlier stages of non self, i have a feeling ive neglected something.
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  • Mr. MSc
    Thanks Yin. Anatta is currently my Koan.

The understanding(right view), experience and realisation in the buddhadharma.
John Tan, Sim Pern Chong and 8 others


HHDL talks about his daily routine in his new sets of book and I remember reading it probably a year ago and seared in my mind ever since.
When I don’t feel like practicing, or think I’m good enough, I remember the Dalai Lama at 80+ waking up at 330am to practise and feel great shame 😭
If a great reincarnate who have practice for many lives still practice like this…
Who am I to think I’m good enough for no practice ?!!
The Dalai Lama's Daily Schedule - The Wisdom Experience
The Dalai Lama's Daily Schedule - The Wisdom Experience
People often ask me about my daily schedule and Dharma practice. I am a very poor practitioner, but I keep trying because I am convinced that practicing the Dharma is the path to peace and happiness. In Dharamsala, India, where I live, I wake up at 3:30 a.m. and immediately visualize the Buddha and....
You, John Tan, William Kong and 6 others
HHDL talks about his daily routine in his new sets of book and I remember reading it probably a year ago and seared in my mind ever since.
When I don’t feel like practicing, or think I’m good enough, I remember the Dalai Lama at 80+ waking up at 330am to practise and feel great shame 😭
If a great reincarnate who have practice for many lives still practice like this…
Who am I to think I’m good enough for no practice ?!!
The Dalai Lama's Daily Schedule - The Wisdom Experience
The Dalai Lama's Daily Schedule - The Wisdom Experience
People often ask me about my daily schedule and Dharma practice. I am a very poor practitioner, but I keep trying because I am convinced that practicing the Dharma is the path to peace and happiness. In Dharamsala, India, where I live, I wake up at 3:30 a.m. and immediately visualize the Buddha and....
You, John Tan, William Kong and 6 others

 John Astin's posts focuses on pointing out the seamlessness of anatta and dynamicity of presence.


Reality, Drinking Itself

All there is, is experience.

Feel the reality of this, the undeniable fact that you can never, ever find anything outside of experience. Let it sink in, the reality that experience is all there ever is. Go “inside” of what you think of as yourself and what do you find there? Experience. Go “outside” of what you think of as yourself and you find exactly the same thing. Experience.

Now, within this field of experience, it may feel as if there are two separate things happening—that which is being experienced and the one experiencing it. But in reality, both the apparent subject (self) and object (other), are nothing other than an ever-changing, kaleidoscopic dance of experiencing.

And so when we say that “we” are having an experience of some “thing,” what we’re really saying is that experience is experiencing itself. In every instant, no matter how we might be describing it, all that’s ever happening is that experience is tasting itself, drinking itself, feasting on itself. Feel this, the way in which experience is constantly exploring itself, ever curious about the countless forms it takes each instant.

Drink in the richness, the luscious sensuality of it all. Enjoy this exquisite dance of life savoring itself in all its many forms.


Imagine that the whole universe consists of a single painting and that this painting is exactly whatever you are presently viewing. That’s it; the entirety of reality right there, present as whatever is being seen, whatever is being heard, whatever is being experienced. That’s it. There is nothing else to see, no other painting to experience, no other painting that could ever be experienced. Nope. There is just this, this single, solitary painting, the painting that is your life…

But this painting of reality is unlike any you've ever encountered for it’s not just sitting there, static and unmoving. No, this painting is alive. It is in a state of constant flux; the images moving and dancing, transforming themselves moment-by-moment into something else. Take a look… how is the painting of your life appearing right now? And what about now? It's different, isn’t it? Every instant the painting shifts, even if in the subtlest of ways...

And what about us, the supposed viewer of the painting? It turns out that we're not actually outside of it, viewing the painting as if it were some object apart from us. No we, the apparent viewers, are actually an intrinsic, inseparable part of the painting itself. The seer of the painting is also in the painting. Remember, there is nothing but the painting, the viewer, the viewing and the viewed, a single apparition.

As we move from moment-to-moment, experience to experience, circumstance to circumstance, we are simply traveling to different portions of the painting. You can never enter or exit the painting for there is only the painting.

Remember… you can never be cast out of the only thing that exists.

April 17, 2019

I spent a couple of decades as a meditator, attempting to keep attention focused, trying to get my mind to become stabilized. However, the more I investigated the reality of my experience, the more apparent it became that there was no stability. The closer I looked, the clearer it became that experience (which of course includes attention) is changing from one flash instant to the next. Experience drifts, it undulates. After all, it’s alive! Life doesn’t hold still; it dances around. The flow of experiencing is just that, a flow; it never actually becomes anything solid or fixed. Reality is forever on the move, here for less than a nanosecond. And then gone. Swept away.

Now, because of the non-durational nature of things, I not surprisingly kept failing miserably at my meditative efforts to find stability. I longed for things to settle down and become still. But reality would have no part of it. Nope, any apparent stability, any seeming arrival at something substantial or fixed would be swept away no sooner than it arrived. There was no stability. That is what was revealed.

And yet this relentless instability, this ceaseless dance of transformation, this radically unstable dynamism turns out to be its own kind of stability. How so? Well, it is what’s real. In that sense, the inherent instability is what we can count on. We can count on the fact that experience does not endure but is forever on the move. We could call it the “stability of instability.”

But the deepest truth is that how this is, cannot actually be said. We can’t really say whether reality is stable or unstable, restless or calm, still or moving. Nope. What this is cannot be said for any description implies that experience actually resolves as being some “thing,” something definite and definable. But it doesn’t. And so the only true thing we can ever really say about what this is, is that it is simply un-sayable.

This is the peace that passeth all understanding…

Andrew Holocek: “If someone was to discover that they had less than a year to live, what practice should they concentrate on?”

Thrangu Rinpoche: “They should focus on Pure Land practice.”

This article contains two parts: 1) What John Tan said about Pure Land, and 2) Andrew Holocek's Article on Pure Land Buddhism

Excerpt taken from http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/2022/04/pure-land.html
John Tan

Angelo Grr I agree with what u said.
Infact I never talk about zen or anatta to my family members🤦; contrary I encourage my parents to chant Amitabha and visualize pureland according to what their teachers taught them. It is a dedicated daily practice for my parents. These practices are much more skillfull, intuitive and beneficial for them imo. My dad has very fruitful experiences and he even has dreams of clarity of pureland and trigger many valuable insights, he just discussed with me one of his experience and insight yesterday😁.
I know many great zen teachers like Ban Zhan, Han Shan and Tien Tai Chih-I also encourage pureland practice. Even the late zen master Sheng Yen also spoke positively of pureland practices. In China, it is not uncommon to see chan and pureland dual practices 禅净双修 but Japan I m not sure, never heard of any.

    Angelo GrrAdmin
    John Tan aww that’s great about your father ☺️. Thx for your input.

  • John Tan
    Yeah. My dad's discipline is superb. At the age of 80, he still want to challenge me certain yoga poses that is even quite challenging for youngsters.🤣 He feared everyone in the family but he makes effort to discipline everyday and work on the pose. 💪😝
  • "


    Pure Land Buddhism

    by | Death and Dying

    In a conversation with the Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche, I had the opportunity to discuss death and dying. In the Tibetan tradition, the teachings on this topic are vast, so I asked Rinpoche what should be emphasized in presenting this material to the West. His immediate response surprised me: “Students need to know more about Pure Lands.” Later in our conversation, I asked him another question: “If someone was to discover that they had less than a year to live, what practice should they concentrate on?” His answer startled me yet again: “They should focus on Pure Land practice.”

    Two weeks after my meeting, I staffed a four-day intensive on death presented by Tulku Thondup Rinpoche. Eighty percent of this program focused on Pure Land Buddhism. In twenty years of involvement with Tibetan Buddhism, I had never been to a single talk on Pure Land Buddhism. Suddenly, within the space of a few weeks, two of the greatest living masters from both the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions were extolling the value of Pure Lands.

    Since then I have interviewed a number of Tibetan masters about the Pure Lands, and was struck by how much emphasis they placed upon them. One meditation master for a three-year retreat in Nepal told me that Pure Land practice comes at the end of their retreat, and is of singular importance. He seemed surprised that Western students didn’t have more experience in Pure Land practice and study.

    Prior to these encounters, I thought that Pure Land Buddhism was for common folk, those who couldn’t handle the rigors of “real Buddhism.” I dismissed it as a kind of lazy Buddhism. But there is genuine profundity behind this noble tradition, and reasons why Tibetan masters are now recommending it for Western students. My study of Pure Land Buddhism has deepened my appreciation for the Tibetan tradition, opened my mind to the power of Pure Land doctrine, and humbled my attitude to other schools altogether.

    Origins of Pure Land Buddhism: Direct from the Buddha

    Pure Land teaching comes directly from the Buddha. At the request of Ananda, and then Shariputra, the Buddha began teaching the three principle sutras that comprise the heart of this tradition: the Larger Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra, the Smaller Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra, and the Amitayur dhyana Sutra. Pure Land teaching is mentioned in 200 other sutras and shastras (commentaries), and in the tantras. The teachings were codified and spread by Ananda, Maitreya, and Manjushri. Other major contributors to pure land doctrine were Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Asvaghosa., and the bodhisattva Samantabhadra. In the Larger Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra, the Buddha realized how difficult it would be for people to believe in this “too good to be true” sutra, and said: “The most difficult of all difficulties is to hear this sutra, have faith in it with joy, and hold fast to it. Nothing is more difficult than this.” To further stress the importance of the sutra he went on to say, “After I have passed into nirvana, do not allow doubt to arise. In the future, the Buddhist scriptures and teachings will perish. But, out of pity and compassion, I will especially preserve this sutra and maintain it in the world for a hundred years more.”

    Maitreya (the next historical Buddha after Shakyamuni) studied as a bodhisattva at the side of Shakyamuni, and then ascended to Tushita Heaven where he now teaches. It is taught that nine hundred years after the death of the Buddha, Maitreya descended to north India where he taught for four months to Asanga, and delivered the five treatises that now form a cornerstone in Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. At the same time, Maitreya also gave Pure Land teachings to Asanga, who then passed these along to Vasubandhu. According to some scholars, this grounds the Pure Land tradition in the same mythohistoric Maitreya-Asanga link that served as the basis for the Yogachara tradition.

    Pureland Buddhism is Contained Within the Two Main Mahayana Buddhist Lineages

    Pure Land doctrine, far from being a parenthetical interjection in the history of Buddhism, is therefore contained within the two principle Mahayana lineages, the Yogachara and the Madhyamika, because Vasubandu is considered a patriarch in both.

    From the Tibetan perspective, Sakya Pandita was a contributor to Pure Land doctrine, as were Karma Chagme, Tsongkhapa (founder of the Gelug), and Dolpopa, (founder of the Shentong). Even Machig Labdronme, who started the Chod tradition, said “It is exceedingly important that you strive in prayer for birth in Sukhavati.” Khyungpo Naljor, father of the Shangpa Kagyu, said upon his death: “Since I am going to be a Buddha in Sukhavati, direct your prayers there. Do not harbor doubts or ambivalence about it.”

    Part of the Tantric Tradition

    Pure Land doctrine is generally considered to be a Mahayana teaching, but in Tibet it was embraced and revealed in the tantras as well. Matthew Kapstein goes one step further when he states: “The crucial development for the popular Pure Land orientation in Tibet was certainly the revelation, in the form of rediscovered treasures (terma), of tantric texts focusing on Sukhavati.” Pure Land teachings are therefore found not only in the sutras and tantras, but in the terma tradition.

    It is important to acknowledge these formidable sources because it helps to verify the power and authenticity of Pure Land doctrine, and to realize that these great masters did not stoop down when propagating these teachings. These are some of the biggest names in Buddhism.

    Sounds Like a Description of Heaven and God But is it “Theistic”

    TheIn the Jodo Shu Pure Land tradition of Japan, Nagarjuna is regarded as its first Indian Patriarch. This is important because one of the central attacks on Pure Land doctrine is that it is theistic, a compromised path for those who can’t handle the harsh reality of emptiness. When you read about the extensive descriptions of Sukhavati (a principal Pure Land discussed below) and the Buddha Amitabha who presides over this realm, it sounds like a Christian description of heaven and God.

    To have Nagarjuna, the king of emptiness, as a patriarch of Pure Land doctrine, helps to melt the theistic attacks. And to put an exclamation point on this, the Buddha himself predicted that “a monk named Naga[rjuna] will take rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land when he leaves his body.” Tulku Thondup Rinpoche stamps it: “So if the most important master of Buddhism’s greatest nontheistic school was to be born in the pure land, any follower of Buddhism, whether theistic or not, could aspire to be reborn there.” Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and Asvaghosha have all vowed to be reborn in the Pure Land, and Chenrezig resides there now.

    From its origins in India, Pure Land doctrine spread to China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan, where it still remains the principle form of Buddhism. There are over 100,000,000 Pure Land disciples.

    This is the first in a series of talks on the concept of the Pure Land Buddhism I presented at the Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado.

    In this introduction, some of the topics covered are:

      • Why do pure land practice?
      • Where pure land teachings fit into Tibetan buddhism.
      • Difference between traditional pure land doctrine and Tibetan pure land doctrine.
      • How pure land teachings can help you in the bardos after death.
      • How pure land doctrine is connected to phowa.
      • Qualities of Sukhāvatī and how those in Sukhāvatī can help.
      • Four types of “tulkus”. (Reincarnation of a deceased master.)