Also see: +A and -A Emptiness

Thusness, some quotations from 2014:

"Wonder why K sees "things" are only conceptual designations as an issue. In fact that is key to understanding prasangika madhyamaka and in fact only after insight of anatta can one fully accept this profound insight. But it is not how jax explains and understands.

We must accept that all are mere imputations but from the insight of anatta, not from the insight of substantialist view. "Phenomena" is understood differently from our general English usage, "phenomenon" in Buddhism in general is object possessing identifiable characteristic and therefore having essence that is findable. However in Prasangika it is said that phenomena are merely names and imputations. But "mere" imputation in Prasangika cannot be understood apart from its dependencies. This dependency is key and is what dependent arising and emptiness are about.

When Prasangika says that things or phenomena are just mere labels, names, designations or imputations, it is not as we understood in common English terminology, rather, it is to be understood from the perspective of dependent designations, not just designations. Without understanding this dependencies, we are not understanding what is meant by "mere designations". That is, it is mere name/designation/imputation because the designated referent as an entity when sought can never be found apart from its basis of designation. This basic understanding must be there and must go into our inmost mindstream. And only direct insight of anatta can understand the significance.

Therefore the non-conceptuality is not simply non-conceptuality as in freedom from labeling but a freedom from the blinding spell of seeing things in terms of 4 extremes from reified designations. This extends to all phenomena be it conditioned or unconditioned phenomena. As for non-conceptuality, there are fierce debates between Gorampa and Tsongkhapa. There is also Mipham's view of non-conceptuality but these masters agree that the mode of non-conceptuality is a very specific and special mode of intuitive insight that relates to freedom of extremes, not just imageless bare mode perception."

This is important if you want to progress into the realization of emptiness of phenomena.

It relates to the Jang Gya quote I asked you to contemplate. In fact that is the key and in article I wrote to you about what I meant by two fold in dharma overground where I asked you what is emptiness."
"the way the 7 phases of insights are quite similar except that it is not as structured. For example, in hearing, there is no hearer, only sound. In this case the background is deconstructed but sound appears to be true, clear, vivid and undeniable. So we deconstruct further and realized that it is empty and non-arising. But at the conceptual level we do not have a way to guide the conceptual mind, we need to see the "dependence" in conceputality whenever we attempt to single out from a dynamic complex flux. In mmk, we see thinker and thinking arises in dependence, runner and running...u cannot have one without the other. Then we may ask if there is no running, isn't the agent is still there? Then Nagarjuna will tell you there is no state where you are not in activity in a state of flux. However when the mind imputes, designate, it is immediately frozen and partial so we need to know the dependence, know that nothing is established ultimately, know the way the conceptual mind deals with the nature of experience in a valid way.

Then in direct experience experience is like totally exerted yet non-arise and similarly in conceptuality, you see the relationships yet nothing is established. Both conceptual and non-conceptual are like dreams, like water, like rainbow...both have the taste as what the madhymaka yogi describe, pouring water into water."

Prasangika is the perfect view for anatta practitioners especially the way we understand anatta. It is like a complete system of thoughts based on using anatta as the base. But being a system that is highly focused on logics and reasoning, it may not be suitable for all even for those who have realized anatta. To these practitioners (anatta), their preferred mode is more direct than conceptual as that mode of direct perception is already open.

But by making that experience and insight (anatta) into a systematic logical reasoning platform, so many subtle points are being revealed.

So when I try to bring across to you these subtle points, I always try to make it comes as an experiential insight to you. One is the Jang Gya comment that I try to bring across to you for almost a year...when I asked you to contemplate the 2-fold emptiness article.

Because your mind always skew towards the illusion aspect, you can't understand it is not just about the illusion.

Not just about the illusion-like nature..."


space is based on imputed consciousness...basically to be designated is to be imputed by consciousness. When talking about designation, it is like even non-conceputality is also included. That is, if you hear sound as if it is external, standalone...if you see rainbow you see it as a whole as if standing objectively by its own...that is being imputed and designated...having the same import."

"Don’t misunderstand the term “mere imputation” wrongly. It is very important to understand the term “mere” is very special in Prasangika. “Mere” and “cannot stand at its own side” are synonym. I suggest you to treat “mere” to mean “that it is merely labelled as the emptiness of phenomena is deep and the dependencies are profound.” The very fact that phenomenon are empty of inherent existence means that phenomena are not existing at their own side therefore this “mere designation” cannot be eliminated in the ordinary sense; in fact there is no elimination, you can’t. To free it, one must see “Emptiness” and Dependent Origination. Because of the profundity, if one practice the inferring and reasoning path, there are various lines of reasoning like diamond slivers, sevenfold reasoning, unfindable as one or many, four extremes and lastly of course, the king of reasoning Dependent Arising to guide the practitioners towards right understanding. Thus this “mere imputation” can’t be overcome by deep shamatha concentration; can’t be overcome by ordinary non-conceptuality; can’t be overcome by non-thinking because it is “dependent” on its basis; it is not just a designation. Even the cessation of Nirodha-samapatti cannot do away with this “mere imputation” permanently. In Prasangika, only the intuitive insight of prajna wisdom of both self/Self and Phenomena is able to break the chain of specific dependent origination because ignorance as the root cause of cyclical existence is severed. Anyway just my 2 cents. Please read and understand with your own insights and experiences. See you in Singapore!"

"I am going tell you how to read nagarjuna mmk and understand prasangika with ur heart...opening ur full heart and read it with anatta insight. Fully experiential form of reading. It is will not be the orthodox way of interpretation but fully from experiential insight."

"Just like when hearing sound, if your heart is open, it can turn into a full bloom experience of anatta and even into the subtlety of 2 fold. When contemplating even the word "mere" in prasangika, we can also have a full blown insight, experience and realization."

"I am documenting my zen of prasangika...i find so much joy in it...when i meditate, my mind is in incredible bliss...illusory yet amazingly real...the intellect is put into place...experience and view in succinct, precise and beautiful."

"See non-conceptuality and conceptuality as empty appearances like pure sound and scenery... they are of equal status, no special hierarchy. Over-skewing towards either is a disservice. If you see a vivid clear rainbow even in non-conceptual mode, if you chase after rainbow without realizing its causal dependencies and empty nature, how is grasping released. If you want to see its dependence arising then initial phase of inferring is necessary. Both must work hand in hand."

"Recently you been using quite frequently the term "dependent designation", what does it mean?

...socially we don't designate and label this way. We do not label "things" based on their parts as basis of designation. Socially agreed labeling is based on the "thing" itself that appears to truly exist objectively.

But why do we need to understand this way, meaning the name is just a convenient convention that is pointing to an object? Still we can apply and say that the label "table" is empty.

It is a practice for the conceptual mind to re-wire itself to see emptiness and dependent arising. So conceptuality is not a problem. Otherwise even non-conceptual mode of perception is grasping. Why expressed this way? Because (imo) it expresses reality (experiential reality) as it is, as the 2 truths. It trains the conceptual mind to constantly see the 2 truths in a unified way. The beauty is this: The "mere designation" is in actual experience non-conceptual; the dependencies in actual experience is conceptual; Yet ironically it is the conceptual that releases the non-conceptual by realizing its non-arisen because it dependently originates. When the 2 converged and actualized into seamlessness, that then is the non-conceptuality that is free from extremes (imo).

In seeing, there is no seer, only scenery. Scenery is clear, lurid and brilliance. It is non-conceptual yet it is not released. It is released when realized as not truly there, empty.

In prasangika there are 4 terms that can be quite confusing but interesting. But when you know what it points to, it can be extremely useful in helping us to articulate clearly. These 4 terms are false, valid, mistaken and erroneous...if you are interested, you can explore into it. But you don't have to go into it if you are not

In prasangika there are 4 terms that can be quite confusing but interesting. But when you know what it points to, it can be extremely useful in helping you articulate clearly what is meant by sentient being, arya, Buddha, conventional reality, conventional truth. These 4 terms are false, valid, mistaken and erroneous...if you are interested, you can explore into it. But you don't have to go into it if you are not interested... lol."

"The non-conceptuality of Appearance must be 2fold [emptiness of person and emptiness of phenomena] then it is the "appearance as divine" of RongZom Chokyi Rinpoche...also the same as Mipham. Appearance can still be non-conceptual but still being reified."

"Also after anatta, there is just these on going reflections...when anatta is realized, dharma is directly seen. When selflessness of phenomena is realized, then one sees dharmata and appearance becomes illusion-like. This however is different from analytical negation by way mmk reasoning. It is an experiential taste. When this is carried out fully and non-dually then the way of "naturalness" becomes clear.

We must also be completely and thoroughly clear that naturalness is impossible when non-dual is not seen as empty. The other point is latent disposition of seeing origination must go hand in hand with analysis, not just by non-conceptual experience alone. This is because in post meditative equipoise, the mind analyses and if the mind continues to analyze with its inherent/dualistic framework, it cannot rest. Therefore the best way is to re-orientate the mind to see mere-designations because it is a direct semblance of the nature of non-conceptual appearance."

"the purpose of teaching mere designation is to tell us the nature of mind and phenomena, there is no other purpose other than that imo. We are not studying the physical causes and conditions, then it would be better off studying hard science."


When listening to music, the beautiful music is form from the flowing notes but each note when hit is already gone. How is the music heard? It is said that "music" is a convention designated in dependence on it parts -- the flowing notes. The "music" is empty and non-arising. The notes never really "meet" each other, nvr caused each other yet the current note depends on the previous to be played. So "conditionality" but not a causal agent having the inherent power to effect. What is this telling you abt designation, emptiness, conditionality and dependent arising? They are telling you the nature of experience, the nature of mind."

"when sentient beings are lost seeing inherent this and that, consciousness is termed "mind"; when an arya directly perceived emptiness, it is terms "wisdom" in Dzogchen. Mind is but a designation, when sought it cannot be found. What found are these on going appearances without core, without substance and without dimension.

so studying how these appearances are formed is studying the nature of mind. We do not understand mind as empty and dependent arising and likewise we do not know wisdom is naturally perfected. Grasping "essence" obscures the way of spontaneous presence and natural perfection.

but it is better not to talk about it as the 7th phase of insights.

no matter how one negates, appearances continue to magically appear; then at this point one realizes appears therefore empty and empty therefore appears. If phenomena are not empty, appearances are impossible.

The mind is singling out and abstracting certain aspects of whatever arises and therefore appearance and emptiness appear separate, when realized both cannot be even said to be one.

In emptiness practice, these 2 terms are used to described the taste of emptiness. In meditative equipoise it is known as space-like, post meditative equipoise it is termed illusion-like. This relates to an arya when seeing appearances post meditation, how things appears is still as if it is on its own but deep down, it is realized to be dependently originated and non-arisen. However these descriptions imo suit those practitioners that take the path of analysis, direct yogic experience after 2 folds require more creative expressions...:P

my entire body-mind experience for the pass few weeks has been unobstructed like space; phenomena are luminous and dimensionless like evanescent mist...background nothing and foreground empty even in the 3 states...natural and perfect, inexpressible beyond words. I think 2 folds have sunk sufficiently deep. I pray hard that Buddha bless me the wisdom to penetrate into the deepest nature of mind and let these insights be my authentic mind stream life after life....


"But learning madhyamaka mere designation helps me a lot.

I find Candrakirti's "mere designation" is quite creative and insightful. It helps me a lot. "


we can talk and talk and talk...but without seeing essencelessness from top to bottom, left to right...the unconditioned release and the spontaneous perfection will not dawn as actual is not necessary to do analysis like in the mmk but it does help a lot especially in this modern age where the mind is so is the recognition of the "essencelessness" that is most crucial, once we clearly see by way of analysis or by way of direct insight of the relationships between essencelessness, freedom, grasping, natural manifestation and spontaneity....and continue to authenticate the truth in activities...when non-dual essencelessness as it is dawn...everything and every action will be free, perfect and unmade."


Actually in prasangika, designation is not just a simple place can have multiple can include whatever cognized, known, imputed... "mind is but a designation", it is a way of practice....practicing how the prasangika trains one to see non-arising, sync "how phenomena appears" with "phenomena as it is".... In this practice of seeing "mind is but a designation", complex dynamic of pure process is seen, the meaning "mere" is seen...non-arising is seen...dependencies are seen...unfindability is seen.... It is like saying "no self"...a practitioner that has matured his insight of anatta not only sees non-dual, not only directly experiences vivid luminous sounds, colors, shapes, scents....not only taste what freedom is like...not only realized what is reification...a practitioner sees all of these.

when i say mind is but a mere designation, i also see anatta."


For Tsongkhapa himself, the mere I, is not only that...the absolute I is negated...but mere I is very special to prasangika practitioners...mere I carries memories from life to life...the continuity of the mental the gelug prasangika, they do not need foundation alaya consciousness alaya, they just need this "mere I" which is a designation ... that is why I say when you read "mere" in prasangika, you must know it is not the normal english word that means "just or simply".

so mere designation has the taste of "a dream in a dream" and not only that, it also defines the entire dependent arising, emptiness and non-arisen relationships. It cannot be empty appearances kept appearing due to its dependencies.

It is like the term "logos" in bible which means "word"...but the word is itself

so in this case, when one is engaged in conventionality, he is in fact in full practice. The profoundity of this cannot be under-estimated....this is how duality has invaded us totally to make the world appears dual.

read about the mere I, you will understand more what i meant....

but i find many made it a form of academic study rather than a practice. However i have integrated it as a practice my own bridge the desync of view and experience.

btw this is what that is revealed in my dream...where the designation and the phenomena mystically merged into one...and a voice somehow told me the word is not a representation of the phenomena, see the designation as the phenomena! Then i woke up and became clear how to practice even engaging in conventionality.

I re-read john ahn and albert's relates to another question about de-construction of "physicality". What is the relation between "physical", designations and consciousness? If we seriously think about it, how is it possible that a chain of physical causes (like hitting a bell, sound waves, air vibration) can give rise to a mental event (sound-consciousness)? We feel "physical" as something very different and separated from consciousness as if physical conditions went through a twilight zone then magic happens and BAM sound-consciousness arises. Actually "the alienness and difference" between physical and mental is purely due to the power of classifications -- the mind is bounded by that spell of our worldly definitions and suddenly "physical" feels very different from "consciousness". This is analogous to drawing a line in thin air and miraculously we find ourselves unable to step beyond that line. Designations have profound implications to consciousness and is magic to mind. We must b aware of that. Be it science or religions, we are always bounded by the power of definitions and designations. So the difference between them is in fact difference by hypnotism but not by reality. If we break this spell then "physicality" and "mental" becomes a blur and we realize "physical" is nothing "physical" and never a moment separated from consciousness; likewise consciousness is also only consciousness by definition. So in addition to seeing through mind's constructs into direct experience of non-duality and non-conceptuality, we must also be deeply aware of the power of mind's constructs and designations to consciousness; otherwise we are not understanding consciousness at all."

"Actually before I read into the details of prasangika madhyamaka, I do not know the relationships between them -- Total exertion/Mere designation and dependent designation."

"So to experience the "interconnectedness" of total exertion is to see the web of designations. There are 2 points you are missing: 1. "Mere" designation of Prasangika is special. It is not a designation that reference an objective object. 2. The other part you are missing is the dream in a dream to make these designations alive."

"if we were to read mere designation like a scholar without meditative experience in deconstruction, we will not understand how mere designation gives rise to non-conceptual experience. But if we read with the experience of deconstruction in anatta and mind-body drop, we will understand."


In prasangika, is a phenomenon mistaken rest on whether it is understood as dependent arising and empty of inherent existence, not on the validity of cognition in accordance to accepted conventionality or its (direct/indirect) mode of cognition. This is different from Buddhist logicians Dharmakirti or Dignaga or ur teacher Chen treatment of first direct immediate mode of perception as always valid and unmistaken. There are 2 important points abt this imo, one is to clearly distinguish between non-conceptual direct mode of perception from direct perception of selflessness. Both are non-conceptual and direct but the former is considered sentient being in ignorance and the later is arya mode of perception. The other point which I believe is unique to gelug is the pointing out that even what we considered as intrinsic characteristic is nothing intrinsic at all; It is rather established by worldly conventions and a mistaken view of taking uniqueness as intrinsic. Btw once insight of anatta arose, we should focus on non-conceptual mode of tasting the non-arising nature of phenomena until it becomes the default mode. Otherwise imo it becomes a retrogress and a waste.



What you should do now is focus on second fold...empty foreground in the form of non-conceptual taste. Then discipline on one energy practice. The refinement of view will b must simple when non-dual releasing becomes mature.

Don't entertain too much conceptuality now...intellectual quest will not help you much now ... It can only help you gather knowledge and nothing much. However for those that has no direct insight and is unclear about non-conceptuality, non-dual and anatta, it helps.

I said conceptuality is imp becoz ppl gives the wrong impression that conceptuality is a problem and preach the idea of throwing them aside before direct insight arises

And emphasized no need for conceptuality. After anatta, one still engages in concepts, how can it not be important. To have the mind rest in right view is important. But for one that has direct insight, focus should be non-conceptual taste of whatever arises. The essencelessness in both background and foreground. This is much more crucial.

For me my purpose of studying is to find out is there a sound and proper view for one to start...and how this view can penetrate all the total exertion...which I can't find anywhere beside dogen soto zen.

Not to go back to

Because as I told you the desync of view and experience is a problem in actual practice. So my question is what is a good and sound clear view that a practitioner should have from start and this view can help to penetrate all the insights.

I prefer a combination of koan and short stanza like that of anatta with right view. But this view must be clear from start. Zen lack a defined structure. mmk is too analytical esp after all the Tibetan masters polemic exchanges.

No what I mean is a view and a structure like that of "mere designation" to hv a semblance of direct experience of 2 fold and total exertion. Then in each of the phase, to trigger the direct insight, use koan or short stanza for contemplation.

Mere designation is good but to understand that one need to understand what is meant by existence in name only or nominality. Nominality is the core of gelug prasangika and there are certain points that I think it is not appropriate to write as I m not a gelug practitioner. Nominal or designation should not b the way it is explained by the scholars and even those gelug masters but I guess I m not in the position to talk abt that. And seriously I do not want to get into unnecessary discussions abt it. Nominality makes the different gelug and other schools abt conventional reality. Other schools focus more on clarity and appearances ... What is clarity and appearance like in each of the phase of clearing the intrinsic-ness. Quite the same as the 7 phases also. "

"If asked what I am most drawn to (in Tsongkhapa's teachings), I am most drawn to Prasangika's "mere imputation". The quintessence of "mere imputation" is IMO the essence of Buddhism. It is the whole of 2 truths; the whole of 2 folds. How the masters present and how it is being taught is entirely another matter. It is because in non-conceptuality, the whole of the structure of "mere imputation" is totally exerted into an instantaneous appearance that we are unable to see the truth of it. In conceptuality, it is expanded and realized to be in that structure. A structure that awakens us the living truth of emptiness and dependent arising that is difficult to see in dimensionless appearance."
"In ultimate (empty dimensionless appearance), there is no trace of causes and conditions, just a single sphere of suchness. In relative, there is dependent arising. Therefore distinct in relative when expressed conventionally but seamlessly non-dual in ultimate."

When suchness is expressed relatively, it is dependent arising. Dependent designation in addition to causal dependency is to bring out a deeper aspect when one sees thoroughly that if phenomena is profoundly without essence then it is always only dependent designations."

"When Dogen rows the boat, the rowing makes the boat a boat and makes the hand, the sea, wooden oars and the movement of the boat into the "rowing". The designations turns "alive" yet are like mere reflections. Why is it like water pouring in water? Because one tastes the hand, the sea, the wooden oars going beyond their designated boundaries into one seamless (like pour water in water) action of rowing. There is no self, only that action of rowing. With anatta and dependent arising, you will feel immense inter-relatedness yet empty like reflections even in the world of conceptualities. The father is dependent on the son and the son makes the father a father. Don't just look at the logic, see how much emotions and love are invested in them. There are no "things" and "world" other than that. So not just what that is direct, clean, brilliance, non-dual, non-conceptual and transparent is empty like space; you must re-enter the world, dirty your hands and see conventionalities with this new found insights of selflessness and DO...see the whole chain of intricate yet empty like reflections."

Jan 2015:

The "link" explained to b convention is not what I m look at. Dependent arising is not about conventions. Do not read pass by simply ascribing it to conventionality. Like ignorance, the karmic tendencies and clarity, you do not say they are just conventions. Conventions are used to explain certain but not all stuff. Buddhism is definitely not all about conventions...don't escalate it unnecessarily.

The 7 fold and 5 reasoning of madhyamaka are not to tell you abt conventionality. It is to tell you how intricate, inevitable, inseparable and cannot b understood and contained by any extremes views. Y Candrakirti must analyse in such a way...especially in conceptual understanding..."

"Found the term - emergent. When hearing the post by James.

Means DO as the understanding of the relationship between emergent phenomena like (qualia) and its parts. How the whole is more than the sum of its parts and how non-arisen emptiness and DO step in instead of seeing emergent phenomenon as a by-product that is somehow derived from the parts.

No this is not what I meant by table and it's relationship with its parts...but I dun actually like the way it is presented by ken Wilber...Michael Talbot in holographic universe presents a better explanation. The whole is contain in a part and the parts are contain in whole. It explains why only a tiny bit of brain is only required for memories. Means if you keep cutting a small part of the brain out, memories seem to retain without being affected much. How so? One of the explanation is every single part contain the whole - holographic.

Don't mixed the purpose of conventions for explanations for dependencies and dependencies for being holographic..."


"Nirvāṇa is an illusion. Even if there is anything greater than Nirvāṇa, that too will be only an illusion."400 A Bodhisattva is a mere dream. Even the Buddha is only a name. Even the Perfect Wisdom itself is a mere name. Dreams, echoes, reflections, images, mirage, illusion, magic, void—such are all objects of intellect.401 The Śatasāhasrikā Prajñā-pāramitā (八 千 頌 般 惹 經) also condemns all dharmas as illusory. They have neither origination nor decay, they neither increase nor decrease, they are neither suffering nor its cessation, they are neither affirmation nor negation, neither eternal nor momentary, neither Śūnyatā nor aśūnyatā.402 They are mere names and forms. They are Māyā (夢 幻). And Māyā is declared to be an inconsistent category which cannot resist dialectical scrutiny and which is ultimately found to neither existent nor non-existent.403 All phenomena arc mere names; they are only a convention, a usage, a practical compromise.404 The Laṇkāvatāra (楞 伽 經) condemns them to be like an illusion, a dream, a mirage, a hare’s horn, a barren woman’s son, a magic city, the double moon, a moving fire-brand presenting an appearance of a circle, a hair seen floating in the atmosphere by defective vision, an empty space, a sky-flower, a mere echo, a reflection, a painting, a puppet like mechanism, which can be called neither existent nor non-existent.405

Many Mahāyāna sūtras such as the Lalitavistara (神 通 遊 戲 經),406 the Samādhirāja (三 妹 王 經)407 and the Suvarṇaprabhāsa (金 光 明 經) 408... also join in such descriptions.


Thusness Stage 6 commentary:

"Here practice is clearly understood as neither going after the mirror nor escaping from the maya reflection; it is to thoroughly 'see' the 'nature' of reflection. To see that there is really no mirror other than the on-going reflection due to our emptiness nature. Neither is there a mirror to cling to as the background reality nor a maya to escape from. Beyond these two extreme lies the middle path -- the prajna wisdom of seeing that the maya is our Buddha nature."
Kwabena Akuamoa:

Very enjoyable conversation. Thank you for sharing.

All there is the foreground, the manifestation/appearances. "The pulse and throb of life" as UG Krishnamurti would passionately put it. There is no substance underlying appearance.

A substance never emerged from the appearances. A self never emerged from the aggregates. A house-reality/substance never arose from the collection of bricks, wood, glass, shapes etc. Weather never emerged from wind, cloud, sunlight, raindrop. Interesting. The substance is imagined on the parts, but it never arose.

There is no ultimate point. No centre. No ground. No reality. No beginning. No middle. No end. No growth. No decay. No shapes. Just empty appearance, which is full, real, everything, true, yet empty, nowhere yet vibrant, shiny, bright, alive, explosive.

In my current experience, Buddha Nature is also an appearance, a label, a perspective, nothing substantial, nothing ultimate.


Haven’t been on FB for a few years. Returned so I can follow different Dharma Groups and participate in discussions etc. Thought I’d revisit this convo, now that my understanding has matured a little. Your point above is perfect. “Awareness is the appearances itself”. Ignorance is to think the appearances have inherent nature. Wisdom is to see that the appearances do not have inherent nature, but are just mere appearances (still real).
Mere appearance without a source or centralising point anywhere.

I think I’ve been having glimpses since 2015, when I encountered UG Krishnamurti/Emptiness teachings and I stopped trying to get in touch with a source. Gradually over time it became clearer to me that all ultimates were just conventions and so I began focusing on understanding appearances. At this point I still had a lot of doubt in my mind - “what about the Awareness that is spoken by all the realises beings? How do I make sense of this? I cannot find it” etc...

Your website (among other resources like D.Ingram’s material) was extremely useful in making me see that the appearances themselves, the very movement of life is the awareness... that I didn’t have to fixate on the idea of Awareness. I gained confidence in my practice and that confidence made this view emerge more and more with less effort.

The intensity of the experience intensified after I went on my first meditation retreat in June 2018. It was a 1 week self-led retreat, and I spent my time contemplating emptiness primarily with the help of the text “How Things Exist” by Lama Zopa Rinpoche & “Emptiness/Joyful Freedom” by GG and Thomas Sanders.
Lama Zopa described in the text, with very simple language: how the self and all other objects are empty I.e nonexistent from their own side, and yet existing via mere imputation. I applied the analyses on my aggregates and recognised the complete absence of an inherent self, I.e something other than the psycho-physical aggregates, which possessed them and performed actions through them. I would take many breaks during my meditation sittings, and during my breaks I’d just experience the flow of life.. the colours, tastes, sensations etc.. the thoughts, and think “what is this really)... and I’d see that there was just the selfless appearance appearing. There was just forms/appearances/LIFE, yet there was nothing behind the forms, no substance...
I kept on reapplying the analyses daily and this lead to good progress. My experiences dissipated once I returned from retreat but I had more confidence.
I went on another retreat in Nov 2018... Lam Rim retreat, where I focused more on other aspects of the teachings - Bidhicitta, Shamata, Rebirth, Death Karma etc. This really helped support eeverything I was doing, and now the understanding seems more stable.
But i wouldn’t say the view is stable as yet... sometimes it feels more intellectual, than direct experience. The direct experience emerges through some contemplation during the day... though this is getting a lot easier now - I just think: all these appearances creating a sense of self, where is the self amongst all these appearances? And I’m just left with the appearances... no background. No container. No linker etc.. just the vibrancy of life.. just the manifestation.
I am experiencing this currently. Almost as if everything is magically appearing from absolutely nowhere. Even the thoughts. There is no collector. It’s as if life is just living itself freely. I cannot find any centre in the movement, but all appearances speak for themselves. Moment by moment. There is a sense of being released from “stuckness”.. disentangled...the flow of life/appearances is unrestricted, and there is nothing really there doing anything to make it so
But the intensity of this view will change. Usually when I sleep and wake up I have to re apply the analyses to see things as such once more. That is my current situation: constant effort applying the analysis, but I think there is progress 😊
My current intent is simply to let things happen, be patient, offer benefit where I can and develop limitless compassion - reflecting on how all these experiences mean nothing if it doesn’t relieve other precious sentient being from existential distress... how it all ultimately belongs to the enlightenment of all beings.. how unless all other beings are totally free from the slightest trace of suffering, I have achieved nothing... etc.
Also see:

Kenneth Folk on Anatta
Three levels of understanding Non-Dual
No Awareness Does Not Mean Non-Existence of Awareness 

Redditors who clearly realized anatta: (Kyle Dixon/asunthatneversets)

The last redditor wrote something quite good here:

There's No Such Thing As Awareness

Five days ago I posted an anecdote thread on /r/Buddhism here labelled "Do Nothing or Do Something?". Something else was missing though. I know it's only been five days but I've had a much deeper insight in between that and now.
This all started from the Buddha's own words in the Sabba Sutta:
The Blessed One said, "What is the All? 
Simply the eye & forms, ear & sounds, 
nose & aromas, tongue & flavors, body 
& tactile sensations, intellect & ideas. 
This, monks, is called the All. Anyone who 
would say, 'Repudiating this All, I will 
describe another,' if questioned on what 
exactly might be the grounds for his 
statement, would be unable to explain, 
and furthermore, would be put to grief. 
Why? Because it lies beyond range."
When I first read this sutta in the past, it never gave any insight. With this new insight, I suddenly understand what the Buddha meant - it has an extremely deep meaning! To me at least, he was describing the true nature of Mind, of reality.
I'll start with the backstory.
My past was in Theravada, Thai Forest, the Pali Canon, as well as other schools of Buddhism like Mahayana (Pure land, Ch'an/Zen, Tiantai, and so on) as well as the Vajrayana (Nyingmapa's Dzogchen, Kagyu's Mahamudra, Gelug's Prasangika, and so on). All of that and personal inquiry/exploration with meditation, along with the help of an eminent monastic teacher, built up to this.
I've done nearly my whole Buddhism life thinking there was awareness. Ajahn Chah taught the Mind as Awareness, the Mahayana taught the purified Eighth Consciousness as Awareness, the Vajrayana taught the Awareness (rigpa) as the base beyond that of the eight consciousnesses.
My understanding moved in this sequence:
  1. Awareness looks at objects. There is a clear witness and a clear object being witnessed. So if we witness the breath, we call it breath meditation; If we witness a kasina, it is kasina meditation.
  2. Awareness with varying occupation with objects. This means that awareness can be focused like a laser to produce intensified jhana states (Samatha, called 'Hard Jhana' by some). If it was less focused and more lightly balanced, it is called 'Soft Jhana'. However, also, this means awareness can be completely expansive to encompass all the four bases of mindfulness arising and passing away (also called Vipassana).
  3. Awareness is not a Subject. Before, I had the insight of there being a subject and an object - so there was a subject-object duality. No matter how I meditated, there was always a sense of there being a meditator when I emerged. In this phase, I suddenly understood that any feeling, sensation or perception that arose as a 'sense of self' are actually Objects. There are never any Subjects. For example, an eyeball can only see things outside, it cannot see itself. Likewise, Awareness cannot see itself, it can only see other Objects - therefore any sense of self is necessarily an object.
So reaching the 3rd phase was liberating and freeing. I thought I had reached a good understanding of emptiness. But then I was so wrong.
This fourth insight phase hit me five days after my previous post, and I would call this insight "No Such Thing As Awareness".
This was a development from the third phase. I had already said that an eyeball is not able to see itself, and that it can only see things outside of itself. The Awareness likewise, can only see things outside of itself and not Awareness itself. This is where everything was wrong.
By assuming that there was something outside of Awareness, I made it a Awareness-Object duality. It was a duality of Perception and Non-Perception. Even though Awareness is not a Subject, by assuming that Awareness can only see something outside of itself already means that there are two things: Awareness and outside-Awareness-objects.
My insight is this: Awareness IS the object.
Referring back to the Blessed One's words in the Sabba Sutta, he had said -
"What is the All? Simply the eye & forms, ear & sounds, nose & aromas, tongue & flavors, body & tactile sensations, intellect & ideas. This, monks, is called the All.
This was a perfect description of everything in reality, everything in experience, everything that can ever be right now in the moment, in experience, in time and space. This is what everyone experiences.
Buddha then continues:
Anyone who would say, 'Repudiating this All, I will describe another,' if questioned on what exactly might be the grounds for his statement, would be unable to explain, and furthermore, would be put to grief. Why? Because it lies beyond range."
Did the Buddha ever talk about Awareness as part of the All? No way! Because it lies out of range, it is Nibbana. It is completely impossible to have something outside of the Six Senses.
This corresponded exactly to my own understanding here, because I realized that when I saw a bird flying out there in the sky, this bird was not something apart from my mind. It WAS my mind, it WAS awareness.
How far was the bird to my mind? Zero distance! If it had to travel distance or take time, then I would not have experienced this bird right here and now. It HAD to be part of my mind!
Now the paradox is that the Sixth Sense, the mental faculty, is going to become noisy and construct an 'experiencer', a Subject. It is going to also generate a false sense of an Awareness.
If you really, really, really analyse this right now in your experience. You will suddenly realise this clear as day: Awareness is a complete inference.
If you try to look for your Awareness, you will find nothing. You may find a sensation, a feeling, or a perception. But Awareness cannot exist, it only exists as a complete inference, a conjecture, a made-up projection.
This brings to me a famous Zen story between the First and Second Patriarch:
“Bring your mind here and I will pacify it for you,” replied Bodhidharma.
“I have searched for my mind, and I cannot take hold of it,” said the Second Patriarch.
“Now your mind is pacified,” said Bodhidharma.
Why? Because there is no Mind to grasp onto. There is no stain-able Awareness. It is a mere projection, inference, conjecture. Again, the Sixth Zen Patriarch illustrated this wonderfully in his poem:
Originally, Bodhi has no tree
And a mirror has no stand
If originally there is nothing (true nature is pure)
So where can dust rest on?
However, when the master of the Sixth Zen Patriarch saw this, he shook his head and said that he was not enlightened, asking Hui-Neng to see him in his room in private where he gave further pointing-out instructions and transmission.
The reason why is this... the Mind should not be thought of as Space either. Empty-space is also a perception, it is within the realm of appearances.
Instead, the Mind is whatever appears as the Six Senses.
Suzuki Roshi very wonderfully put it this way:
You may say, “The bird is singing there—over there.” But we think, you know—bird—when we hear the bird, bird is “me,” you know, already. I—actually I am not listening to [laughs] bird. Bird is here, you know, in my mind already, and I am singing with the bird. “Peep-peep-peep.” [Laughs.]
When we see other beings, it is not "other beings". It is our own mind. "Other beings" is "me". "I" am "other beings". There is no difference whatsoever, because "this being" appears with "other beings" as Awareness itself.
There is a certain freedom, of liberation, that happens when you suddenly realize that Awareness has always been a mind-trick, or at least, "the way we understand Awareness". There is no looker, there is just the looked. The looked itself is Awareness already. There is no looker, no separate thing that makes it lookable, any other processing deviates from what is true right here in experience.
The Mahayana and Vajrayana like to say - "A Bodhisattva is not attached to samsara or nibbana." Samsara is when the Six Senses are full, Nibbana is when it is outside the range of the Six Senses. Perhaps, just perhaps, in my very limited understanding, this is referring to not clinging onto an 'empty awareness space' and a 'filled awareness with objects'.
Hope you liked my little essay. I do not claim to know anything, neither do I want to argue for my essay. I do not reinforce whatever I've written here, neither do I disagree with it. I hope peace will be with you.


Kyle Dixon I wasn’t sure what to make of this remark though, where he is stating there is always necessarily a mirror.


Soh Wei Yu Kyle Dixon my impression from reading his posts is that his insight is not very stable. Hovering between Thusness Stage 4 and 5

Recently he wrote about space and content. Seems to be falling back to the fault he originally refuted
Update 2021:
I have seen his most recent posts, seems his insights into Anatta and Dependent Origination has stabilized. Worth reading. See RealDharma's response on refuting Brahman:

53 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

My favorite analogy is a radio and a radio wave.

Consciousness is the radiowave, invisibly vibrating across the universe.

Our bodies are the radio, picking up the consciousness signal.

We are neither the radio nor the radio wave - we are the music.

edit: some have pointed out my error in that this drifts too far away from the Buddhist notion of anatta, or no-self. My apologies, I am forever a beginner.

4 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

Unfortunately (also to OP: /u/followTheDharma), this is reifying the notion of a universal self (aka Brahman), which is more akin to the lines of Hinduism, in particular, Advaita Vedanta. This is not compatible with the Buddhist teachings. In fact, if you believe in that view, you are going against the Buddha's teaching of anatta (without atta/self).

Why? Because tathagatagarba does not mean a common substance that animates all life. In fact, the Buddha actively denounces that view here:

The Buddha replied, “Mahamati, the tathagata-garba of which I speak is not the same as the self mentioned by followers of other paths. Mahamati, when I speak about the tathagata-garbha, sometimes I call it ‘emptiness,’ ‘formlessness,’ or ‘intentionlessness,’ or ‘realm of reality,’ ‘dharma nature,’ or ‘dharma body,’ or ‘nirvana,’ ‘what is devoid of self-existence,’ or ‘what neither arises nor ceases,’ or ‘original quiescence,’ or ‘intrinsic nirvana,’ or similar expressions.

“It is to put an end to the fear foolish beings have about the expression ‘no self’ that the tathagatas, the arhats, the fully enlightened ones proclaim the teaching of the tathagata-garbha as a projectionless realm devoid of fabrications. Mahamati, bodhisattvas of the present and the future should not become attached to any view of a self.

“Take for example a potter who applies such things as manual labor, water, a stick, a wheel, and a string to a lump of clay to make different kinds of vessels. The Tathagata is also like this, applying wisdom and a variety of skillful means to what has no self and is free from projection. Sometimes I speak about the tathagatagarbha and sometimes no self. Thus, the tathagata-garbha of which I speak is not the same as the self spoken of by followers of other paths. This is what is meant by the teaching of the tathagata-garbha. The tathagata-garbha is taught to attract those members of other paths who are attached to a self so that they will give up their projection of an unreal self and will enter the threefold gate of liberation and aspire to attain unexcelled, complete enlightenment forthwith. This is why the tathagatas, the arhats, the fully enlightened ones speak in this manner about the tathagata-garbha. To speak otherwise would be to agree with the followers of other paths. Therefore, Mahamati, in order to avoid the views of followers of other paths, you should rely on the selfless tathagata-garbha.”

Therefore, you should understand that just like there is nothing to grasp at in space, tathagata-garbha is pointing to this lack of any form of inherent self (or for this matter, "Self").

It is like saying "nothing". Does 'nothing' mean anything at all? No, because there is no-thing you can point your finger to in 'nothing'. In the same way, you are taking the meaning of tathagata-garbha, or emptiness, to be a self, when it is pointing to no-self.

Tathagata-garbha is in fact, pointing directly to the heart of Buddhism, which is the interdependent origination of things, which basically is expressed by this:

"If this exists, that exists.

if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist."

well I certainly appreciate the lesson, stranger. I'll edit the comment.

Unfortunately there is no "beginner" flair for this subreddit or I would be using that. I am always relying on what I so far understand.

I have not been educated on Buddhisms dis-belief in consciousness. Consciousness is real, and it seems to me the only thing which cannot be an illusion. Not the 'reality' consciousness perceives, but the actual awareness cannot be an illusion. The content of consciousness is always changing, but the awareness is ever-present. As I understand Buddhism's no-self, this consciousness is not a sufficient condition for some permanent trait, as it is always reliant on external phenomena as part of the interdependent origination you brought up. But I was not aware Buddhism rejected consciousness as an existing characteristic.

How I interpret that section you've quoted (you got a source by the way?) is that Buddha-nature is the capacity to be completely in the moment without attachment. I suppose this capacity does not require a consciousness, but the Buddha seemed preeminently focused on the suffering of living beings (a consequence of consciousness).

How I see the tathagata-garba is the capacity to remain aware and present as reality constantly shifts where there is no distinct self which things happen to or because, rather things are seen as indiscriminate.

4 points · 1 year ago · edited 1 year ago

you got a source by the way?

The Lankavatara Sutra.

I have not been educated on Buddhisms dis-belief in consciousness.

There is no denial of consciousness (vijñāna) in Buddhism. In fact, its actual translation in some texts is 'dualistic consciousness'. It is not a denial of consciousness, because without consciousness, how can you see, hear, taste, smell, touch and think?

In SN25.3, however, Buddha says:

Monks, eye-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, alterable. Ear-consciousness... Nose-consciousness... Tongue-consciousness... Body-consciousness... Intellect-consciousness is inconstant, changeable, alterable.

The error is not in seeing the results of the function of what you call awareness, but taking awareness to be a singular real thing. For example, it is undeniable that there are sights, sounds, tastes, smells, touch and thoughts. We are not denying that. In fact, Buddha says that for every sense-object, there is a corresponding consciousness.

So actually, there are six different sense-consciousnesses:

  • The eye-consciousness in dependence with sight and the eye-faculty

  • The ear-consciousness, sounds, ear-faculty...

  • ... The thinking-consciousness, thoughts, thinking-faculty

The error comes when we start to group all these six together within one singular boundary - we reify the sense of a global consciousness that extends throughout these six. In the Mahayana teachings, this is explained as the seventh consciousness grasping at what is seen, heard, smelt, tasted, touched or thought of as Objects, and at the seeing/hearing/smelling/tasting/touching/thinking faculties as the Subject.

Here is an analogy:

When we say the word 'Shapes' what comes to mind? We can say rectangles, squares, stars, circles, lines, polygons, parallelograms, and more. However, if we simply said the word "shape", this word by itself would not mean anything without the rectangles, squares, stars [...].

This is what we call in language, an abstract noun. In the dictionary, it says this as the definition: "a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object".

In the same way, we have a tendency to abstract-ize things and form very concrete ideas of them existing. Does it mean that rectangles, squares [...] are not shapes? It does not mean that. However, the word "shape" by itself is very meaningless - we conventionally call it a shape for the sake of convenience. In fact, we just assume that it exists just for the sake of convenience.

In the same way, when sights, sounds, tastes, smells, sensations, and thoughts arise, we group them all together as "sense objects" or "experience". These are just names, just conceptual designations, that are abstract ideas pointing to what is directly there in experience. The problem when taken to extreme is that it is solidified as "Objects".

In the converse way, when the seeing-consciousness [...] are grouped in an abstract way, we take it as a singular consciousness. Even more erroneously, we can even go as far as to extend this abstraction to every being on the planet. Again, this is just a name, an abstract idea, pointing to the six consciousnesses. When taken to the extreme, it is solidified as a "Subject".

In fact, this subject-object duality is the root of a lot of problems. We love abstract-ifying things and then solidifying that abstracted idea into something that seems very real. For example, we can take a bunch of common bodily sensations and think that we are "right here". If you examine carefully, these sensations have already disappeared, and are replaced with another bunch of rapidly arising-and-passing-away sensations in random locations.

To end this reply, I would also like to quote this sutta (Ud 1.10) which points directly to the heart of no self:

'In the seen will be merely what is seen;

in the heard will be merely what is heard;

in the sensed will be merely what is sensed;

in the cognized will be merely what is cognized.'

In this way you should train yourself, Bahiya.

"When, Bahiya, for you in the seen is merely what is seen...

in the cognized is merely what is cognized,

then, Bahiya, you will not be 'with that.'

When, Bahiya, you are not 'with that,'

then, Bahiya, you will not be 'in that.'

When, Bahiya, you are not 'in that,'

then, Bahiya, you will be neither here nor beyond nor in between the two.

Just this is the end of suffering."