I was investigating Presence this morning and trying to probe into beliefs that are hidden or unquestioned. I saw that presence was still not emptied. It was assumed to have a clarity/luminosity as an attribute of it. This was giving it a subtle essence or reification. I saw that the clarity/luminosity was dependently designated on the IS-ness of presence. Everything seemed to get "closer" or more intimate and somehow presence became more direct, more present, less fixed, less grasping. This was a nice release and thought I would share in case this opens anything up for others.


    Jayson MPaul
    can you please describe how you were investigating Presence? ie. if I wanted to do the same, how would I go about it?

    • Reply
    • 1d

    Nick Wilson
    Sure. I'll give you the lead up to it as well since the mindset was probably a condition leading to the insight. Having got comfortable in presence (in the seeing, just the seen, no seer for all senses), I was reading this blurb from the blog: The section labelled "On Emptiness" in http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../on-anatta-emptiness.... While this was happening I was investigating where is that voice that occurs when reading, is located. I had been getting more comfortable recently looking at where thoughts occur directly and not psyching myself out because they don't seem to exist in space. I did this for awhile noticing how the reading continues, the eyes move on their own, and this voice of the text is appearing as a vague somewhere. After getting really settled at looking at this voice and how it is non-local (doesn't have a location of itself) which gives a feeling of it's emptiness, I realized that presence itself is still being grasped at, specifically the clarity aspect. I investigated this by looking directly at presence itself (which also has no location) and seeing that it doesn't have clarity as an attribute as it's existence. More that there is presence and we give it the attribute "clarity" with our mind as a conceptual designation only. It doesn't inherently exist like that. At this point from my previous practices in seeing things as conceptual designations only, the mind saw presence was empty and stopped grasping it. At that moment I saw how there was still subtle grasping at the clarity of presence and how it was even nicer to let that go.
    On Anatta (No-Self), Emptiness, Maha and Ordinariness, and Spontaneous Perfection
    On Anatta (No-Self), Emptiness, Maha and Ordinariness, and Spontaneous Perfection
    On Anatta (No-Self), Emptiness, Maha and Ordinariness, and Spontaneous Perfection

    • Reply
    • 21h

  • That's fantastic, thanks so much Jayson. I've just tried to read your post without the voice. I can't do it! but it feels like I almost can. Very hard to see words without voicing them 🙂 I've found a similar but easier thing in listening to music. Have you noticed how your mind plays the music you're hearing a split sencod after you hear it? The mental impression of the music I guess. It's easy enough to shut that down and just pay bare attention but it feels quite similar to your reading voice thing. I will ponder the fine points of your investigation when I meditate in the morning lol..

    • Reply
    • 19h

  • Thank you for posting

    • Reply
    • 14h

  • 1
    John Tan: That is great insight but not just thoughts, sound, smell..etc.  what abt colors, lights...vividly vision?  Where is the lurid scenery right before the eyes now?  Don't privileged mind over phenomena or phenomena over mind.

    It does not only apply only to referent of conceptual constructs r not found, even non-dual presence is not found...taste this not found deeply...the -A...

    Then look at DO....if mind is de-constructed, there is no mind and into anatta, and phenomena too r deconstructed....without privileging either mind or phenomena, move deeply into dependent designation/origination, taste the formation, deconstruction and see the freedom of natural and spontaneous perfection.

    Post anatta, insight is not so much about the radiance of presence, that is a given, it is the +A and -A taste...

    • Reply
    • 12h

  • badge icon
    Knowing is not enough...but taste the depth of how this "not found" becomes the wisdom that frees.
    Daniel's Post on Anatta/Emptiness
    Daniel's Post on Anatta/Emptiness
    Daniel's Post on Anatta/Emptiness

    • Reply
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    • 12h

  • Author
    Soh Wei Yu
    Yes exactly. I have been doing the not found tastes a lot recently. How mind is not found, thoughts are not found, I've done the vivid scenery not found in the past as well. Appearance is, but in no location at all

      • Reply
      • 51m
  • Soh Wei Yu
    badge icon
    Not found is more tasty than full presence 🤣🤣🤣
    If extended to all appearances, then the entire body mind will be pervaded by this single taste of "not found" -- immensely spacious and free, natural and spontaneous. He should spend some quality time on that.
    Then relate this taste to essencelessness and understand the conceptual relationship and experiential taste of:
    --Essencelessness and the 8 extremes.
    --Essencelessness and dependent designations.
    --Essencelessness and total exertion.
    --Essencelessness and the manifold of appearances.

         · Reply
         · 2m

    Jayson MPaul
    Thanks! I will do that. Not found is more tasty than full presence 😁
     · Reply
     · 1m

Soh Wei Yu


Means see the essencelessness of what appears and refine the view of essencelessness according to the abv instead of relating through presence. Put presence aside  · 12m

Soh Wei Yu

JT: U should focus on that instead of PCEs, it will help u relinquish fear, attachment and energy imbalances, radiance of presence will b soft and light, yet natural and immense. · 8m


Seems like this: http://www.awakeningtoreality.com/.../putting-aside...
Putting aside Presence, Penetrate Deeply into Two Fold Emptiness

Putting aside Presence, Penetrate Deeply into Two Fold Emptiness · 8m


Soh Wei Yu

JT: Yes related

  • badge icon
    10/21/2012 3:44 PM: John: U expressed well in Total exertion. That is actualizing and being less dogmatic
    10/21/2012 3:50 PM: John: As of now, u should hv no trace of innate clarity anymore...
    10/21/2012 3:55 PM: John: After a while, u will forget everything abt this innate clarity...like view being actualized and cast aside
    10/21/2012 4:01 PM: John: Ur practice entering the 3 states seem to progress well. All the six entries and exists must b beaming bright and energetic for u now..to penetrate the 3 states...
    10/21/2012 4:02 PM: John: In addition ur faith and merit must be there
    10/21/2012 4:02 PM: John: Practice hard
    [9:23 AM, 6/3/2020] John Tan: Now if luminosity is intrinsic and inherent in all cognitive states of our continuum, how can it b prasangika?
    [9:25 AM, 6/3/2020] John Tan: This is the issue of mahamudra and dzogchen despite claiming that mmk is the definitive view.
    (Soh: Mahamudra and Dzogchen also teaches the emptiness of Awareness, so this is referring to certain teachers, texts and writings I just pasted to him)
    Also important and relevant:
    The idea that things have natures is refuted by Nāgārjuna in the MMK, etc., Bhavaviveka, Candrakīrti, etc., in short by all Madhyamakas.
    A "non-inherent nature" is a contradiction in terms.
    The error of mundane, conventionally-valid perception is to believe that entities have natures, when in fact they do not, being phenomena that arise from conditions. It is quite easy to show a worldly person the contradiction in their thinking. Wetness and water are not two different things; therefore wetness is not the nature of water. Heat and fire are not two different things, therefore, heat is not the nature of fire, etc. For example, one can ask them, "Does wetness depend on water, or water on wetness?" If they claim wetness depends on water, ask them, where is there water that exists without wetness? If they claim the opposite, that water depends on wetness, ask them, where is there wetness that exists without water? If there is no wetness without water nor water without wetness, they can easily be shown that wetness is not a nature of water, but merely a name for the same entity under discussion. Thus, the assertion that wetness is the nature of water cannot survive analysis. The assertion of all other natures can be eliminated in the same way.
    Then not only are you ignorant of the English language, but you are ignorant of Candrakīrti where, in the Prasannapāda, he states that the only nature is the natureless nature, emptiness.
    Then, if it is asked what is this dharmatā of phenomena, it is the essence of phenomena. If it is ask what is an essence, it is a nature [or an inherent existence, rang bzhin]. If it is asked what is an inherent existence [or nature], it is emptiness. If it is asked what is emptiness, it is naturelessness [or absence of inherent existence]. If it is asked what is the absence of inherent existence [or naturelessness], it is suchness [tathāta]. If it is asked what is suchness, it is the essence of suchness that is unchanging and permanent, that is, because it is not fabricated it does not arise in all aspects and because it is not dependent, it is called the nature [or inherent existence] of fire, etc."
    Labels: Ācārya Malcolm Smith, Emptiness, Madhyamaka |
    Mipham: Gelug = Svatantrika Madhyamaka - Page 2 - Dharma Wheel
    Mipham: Gelug = Svatantrika Madhyamaka - Page 2 - Dharma Wheel
    Mipham: Gelug = Svatantrika Madhyamaka - Page 2 - Dharma Wheel

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    • 23h

  • badge icon
    [9:26 AM, 6/3/2020] John Tan: That [heat being a characteristic of fire] is precisely not prasangika and is rejected that heat is a characteristic of fire and wetness is a characteristic of water.
    [9:27 AM, 6/3/2020] John Tan: In tsongkhapa difficult points, he rejected awareness.

    • Reply
    • 23h

  • badge icon
    Anyway it's a good insight you're having. Adding this to post-anatta contemplation in AtR guide.

    • Reply
    • 23h

  • badge icon
    Jayson MPaul
    John Tan asked if you are a student of Malcolm

    • Reply
    • 23h

    Soh Wei Yu
    I am not. I don't have a teacher at the moment. I followed the Mahasi method in the beginning and then dug into your blog. Most recently I have been following directions from Lama Lena on Mind-Mind looking as described in her Dzogchen videos tho.

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • Jayson MPaul
    where you on retreat yesterday or the previous time?

    • Reply
    • 18h

  • Author
    Alessandro Socio Migliori
    Not sure what you are asking here, but I have not been on retreat. Most of my practice these days takes place during the course of the day. Also what previous time are you referring to?

    • Reply
    • 18h

  • Jayson MPaul
    there was a pointing out this week and last week

    • Reply
    • 18h

  • Author
    Oh you are talking about Lama Lena? I was not in either. I was watching some older videos from 2019.

      • Reply
      • 18h

  • badge icon
    Soh Wei Yu
    When you post about the ending of rigpa, you mean the ending of a substantialized awareness right? Not the ending of the cognizance/luminosity? I think of rigpa as the latter, not the former, so it is surprising to hear of it "ending."

    • Reply
    • 23h

    badge icon
    (I saw your response to me about this earlier but I didn't see this point clarified.)

      • Reply
      • 23h

  • badge icon
    Means what
    Jayson MPaul
    is pointing to.
    If you are not clear about what he is saying, you can ask him to elaborate...

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    Soh Wei Yu
    Okay thank you, it is clear. I am surprised then that Malcolm uses the word "rigpa" to mean a reified presence as opposed to its usual definition as empty cognizance.

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    It means seeing, awareness and knowing is exhausted. This was my question to Anurag the other day.

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    But Jayson MPaul is pointing to an even subtler insight post-anatta.

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    Even AF Richard didn't see what Jayson MPaul is saying

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way
    The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way
    The Case Against Awareness – A Little Blasphemy Goes a Long Way

    • Reply
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    • 22h

  • badge icon
    Soh Wei Yu
    Perhaps it is just a terminology issue I am hung up on. The clarity / luminosity does not "stop" (because "when" could that even happen?). But it is no longer seen as the property of anything. It is totally empty.
    Or maybe I should just ignore this for the time being 😊.

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    Check out those two articles, I think it will be clearer for you

    • Reply
    • 22h

  • badge icon
    Soh Wei Yu
    Thank you. I think I am saying the same thing as those articles (which I read before). If I am not (as you seem to be suggesting) then I look forward to discovering that. 🙏🏽

    • Reply
    • 22h
    • Edited

  • Soh Wei Yu
    I read the article of Scott Kiloby you posted. He is deconstructing the Awareness as Witness model i.e an awareness to which arisings appear. However what I am saying is that all phenomena are awareness. Now the confusion generally arises with this statement is that of a substantial Awareness moulding phenomena like gold is made into various ornaments. This is negated by the fact that Awareness is attributeless (free of all conceptual dualities - like substance/formless etc.) So one can say that Awareness is a conventional designation which is used to designate the fact that no phenomena have any inherent essence. Thus the word Awareness maps exactly to the word Emptiness. I also cleared that I use this word more because I want to say that Advaita is not reifying any "thing", "essence" or "background" in using the word Awareness. It has just started receiving some bad rap 🙂
    What I meant by "seeing never gets exhausted" is that there is never a moment when there are no appearances. I did not talk of an impersonal background seer.

    • Reply
    • 12h
    • Edited

  • Aditya Prasad
    you write "luminosity... is not seen as a property of any thing". There are no "things" separate from luminosity. And luminosity is not any thing either.

    • Reply
    • 12h

  • badge icon
    Anurag Jain
    I wrote "anything" and not "any thing." May seem like a minor difference, but words get really hard here, as I'm sure you appreciate. Another way to say it is that luminosity is not a property or attribute, period. Similarly, I'm sure Jayson did not mean that there are "things" when he wrote "Everything seemed to get "closer" or more intimate."
    As he clarified below, he is using the word "presence" to indicate the subtle objectification of clarity. Sticking with that terminology, I think
    is pointing out that rigpa-as-presence is exhausted, not that clarity is exhausted. Since I always understood the word "rigpa" to mean the empty clarity/luminosity anyway, I was surprised to hear Malcolm say that it is exhausted.
    For some reason my language is still not connecting with Soh, and although I don't know why, I'm not sure it's worth worrying about right now.

    • Reply
    • 11h

  • Aditya Prasad
    , I understand what you wrote now and earlier too. I was not actually trying to point out anything to you, just making things more clear 🙂

    • Reply
    • 10h

  • Aditya Prasad
    language is always slippery, especially as we inch closer and closer to non-duality. What helps here is a little generosity from parties on both sides of the dialogue to clear things out. One thing we have to understand is that there are no "objective" referents to words. So I may use Awareness to imply or reify it as an essence, as is done in the Witness stage. This has its uses at a certain stage of self inquiry. Post collapse of Witness, Awareness is seen to be empty of all conceptual dualities/attributes. So the same word can be or rather is used in Advaita to denote Awareness as nature of all phenomena free from the four extreme views. [The last is mentioned by Gaudapada in Mandukya Karika]
    "“Verse 4.83. Childish persons verily cover It (fail to know It) by predicating of It such attributes as existence, nonexistence, existence and non-existence and absolute nonexistence, derived respectively from their notion of change, immovability, combination of both and absolute negation.”
    If this is understood it is not necessary for me to match my vocabulary.
    I mention all this in my Stages of Self Inquiry page on my website. https://neevselfinquiry.in/stages-of-self-inquiry/
    Stages of Self Inquiry
    Stages of Self Inquiry
    Stages of Self Inquiry

    • Reply
    • 10h
    • Edited

  • badge icon
    Anurag Jain
    I agree with most of what you have written. One thing I don't understand is why you capitalize Awareness, or why "It" is capitalized in the Gaudapada quote. This definitely gives the impression of trying to establish the luminosity, as opposed to it being totally empty. A Buddhist might say there is no "It" or even "it," and that communicates something quite different to me, despite words having no objective referents.

    • Reply
    • 4h

  • badge icon
    Anurag Jain
    BTW awareness and awareness cannot be synonyms, because emptiness is the mere fact that nothing can be ultimately established. There is a very important reason that Buddhist masters harp on the emptiness of the luminosity, and don't spend as much time talking about the luminosity (or "awareness") itself. If Advaita spent as much time tearing down awareness in the same way, it would be easier for me to see the parallel. Even the quote you give doesn't communicate to me that radical negation.

    • Reply
    • 3h
    • Edited

  • Aditya Prasad
    I capitalize Awareness to denote it to be different from ordinary awareness that people mean: with a subject object duality. Every person knows he is aware. But we are talking about Awareness as the nature of phenomena.
    For the rest, I can't comment anything more because it contains your personal impressions or preferences. One is free to go either which way.
    If you feel Advaita has not spent time tearing down anything you can have a dialogue with me on what concept it has left deconstructed, I shall help you out with it. If you need a little help on understanding that quote, I can help you. It is the chatuskoti or the tetralemma or the four cornered negation spoken in a slightly condensed way.

    • Reply
    • 2h
    • Edited

  • Aditya Prasad
    I guess you have to read more carefully. I have never "established" Awareness "inherently" anywhere. The tetralemma is precisely meant to obviate that. Since you had some difficulty in understanding it I shall repeat it again in a more detailed way.
    One cannot say that
    1. Awareness exists
    2. Awareness does not exist
    3. Awareness both exists and does not exist.
    4. Awareness neither exists nor not exists.
    You can interchange the word Awareness with phenomena as Awareness is phenomena.

    • Reply
    • 2h
    • Edited

  • Aditya Prasad
    if you say "there is no 'it' " implying "There is no Awareness", you fall into the error of one of the four extreme views. (i.e - the second view above)

    • Reply
    • 2h
    • Edited

  • badge icon
    John Tan said,
    “Not sure what Anurag meant by nothing is established but sounded like instead of "freedom" from the 4 extremes of the tetralemma, there seem to b an establishment of a super Awareness that "transcends" the 4 extremes. Tetralemma has always been quite problematic🤣 that is y Tsongkhapa added qualifiers like "exist conventionally" and "not exist ultimately" to present the tetralemma in a more logical fashion whereas other schools simply see the purpose is to pacify the mind from all views, notions and concepts instead of finding "something" that can transcend or satisfy all the 4 conditions.
    Anyway it will be seen as quite final by any practitioner that collapses both subject and object into pure seeing. Unless 缘 arises to relinquish both awareness and phenomena, whatever said will be quite futile for now.”

    • Reply
    • 38m

      • Reply
      • 25m

  • When you mean clarity do you mean as a subtle object?

    • Reply
    • 22h

    Albert Hong
    I believe that is the same thing as what I meant. I was grasping clarity as inherently existing in presence. But like with any attribute (ie color), it is not located in the object. So perhaps presence is the subtle object in this case.

    • Reply
    • 21h

  • As Lama Lena says. YarrrrTawa

      • Reply
      • 17h

  • Jayson MPaul
    Is it a fair characterization of your post to say any sensation of awareness is merely inferred and/or conceptualized (or similarly, any possible categorization of awareness must be a thought)?

    • Reply
    • 17h

    Michael Bridge
    That is fair. I've never experienced a thing called awareness. It was always other sensations masquerading as awareness.

  • Reply
  • 14h


(8:04 PM) Thusness:    Next what is mindfulness?
(8:04 PM) AEN:    means bare attention of experience?
(8:04 PM) Thusness:    what did Element said about "Mindfulness"?
(8:04 PM) AEN:    more like recollecting something
(8:05 PM) Thusness:    So in your opinion, is this a correct description of mindfulness?
(8:05 PM) AEN:    dun tink so
(8:06 PM) AEN:    actually
(8:06 PM) AEN:    mindfulness has a quality of 'remembering' but its not like memory
(8:06 PM) AEN:    more like coming back to attention thats all
(8:06 PM) Thusness:    not good enough
(8:06 PM) Thusness:    what else?
(8:07 PM) AEN:    mindfulness is actually our natural state.. like what ven gunaratana said,
(8:07 PM) AEN:    

When you first become aware of something, there is a fleeting instant of pure awareness just before you conceptualize the thing, before you identify it. That is a stage of Mindfulness. Ordinarily, this stage is very short. It is that flashing split second just as you focus your eyes on the thing, just as you focus your mind on the thing, just before you objectify it, clamp down on it mentally and segregate it from the rest of existence. It takes place just before you start thinking about it--before your mind says, "Oh, it's a dog." That flowing, soft-focused moment of pure awareness is Mindfulness. In that brief flashing mind-moment you experience a thing as an un-thing. You experience a softly flowing moment of pure experience that is interlocked with the rest of reality, not separate from it. Mindfulness is very much like what you see with your peripheral vision as opposed to the hard focus of normal or central vision. Yet this moment of soft, unfocused, awareness contains a very deep sort of knowing that is lost as soon as you focus your mind and objectify the object into a thin
(8:07 PM) AEN:    . In the process of ordinary perception, the Mindfulness step is so fleeting as to be unobservable. We have developed the habit of squandering our attention on all the remaining steps, focusing on the perception, recognizing the perception, labeling it, and most of all, getting involved in a long string of symbolic thought about it. That original moment of Mindfulness is rapidly passed over. It is the purpose of the above mentioned Vipassana (or insight) meditation to train us to prolong that moment of awareness.
(8:09 PM) Thusness:    What about the stuff Element said?
(8:10 PM) AEN:    he speaks about mindfulness as if something we can direct according to our intentions
(8:10 PM) AEN:    but i tink mindfulness is more like waking up from our conceptualization process to what is present
(8:11 PM) AEN:    ya and he said mindfulness is like a supervisor
(8:11 PM) AEN:    like watching the mind or something
(8:12 PM) Thusness:    mindfulness as recollection
(8:12 PM) Thusness:    but he further clarifies mindfulness as remembering to be in the present moment.
(8:12 PM) AEN:    icic..
(8:13 PM) Thusness:    so what has that got to do with the 3 seals?
(8:14 PM) AEN:    the present moment exhibits 3 seals?
(8:14 PM) Thusness:    and he brought up a very important topic, 'oneness vs dispassionate'
(8:15 PM) AEN:    oic ya actually i think its the same
(8:15 PM) AEN:    i wanted to reply yesterday but no time, but i saved some of the things i wrote... going to edit first
(8:15 PM) AEN:    haven edited

(8:19 PM) Thusness:    first tell me more about mindfulness
(8:20 PM) AEN:    hmm wat about it
(8:20 PM) Thusness:    what can u learn from Element and what you know
(8:21 PM) AEN:    hmm
(8:21 PM) AEN:    mindfulness is like recollecting what is present?
(8:22 PM) Thusness:    how can u recollect what is present?
(8:23 PM) AEN:    means not forgetting present moment and getting lost in thoughts?
(8:23 PM) Thusness:    no
(8:24 PM) AEN:    recollecting just means paying attention?
(8:24 PM) Thusness:    no
(8:25 PM) AEN:    hmm
(8:25 PM) AEN:    means focusing on an object and keeping it in mind?
(8:25 PM) Thusness:    no
(8:26 PM) AEN:    dunnu leh
(8:26 PM) AEN:    lol
(8:27 PM) Thusness:    mindfulness is a form of practice
(8:27 PM) AEN:    by noticing that you are not present?
(8:27 PM) Thusness:    what is so great about being 'Now'?
(8:28 PM) AEN:    because 'now' is the only reality?
(8:28 PM) Thusness:    so what is so great about 'Reality'?
(8:29 PM) AEN:    its clear and liberating?
(8:30 PM) Thusness:    ???
(8:30 PM) Thusness:    who tell u that?
(8:30 PM) Thusness:    Buddha tell u that being in the 'Now' moment u will be liberated?
(8:30 PM) AEN:    no
(8:30 PM) Thusness:    then why u say that?
(8:31 PM) AEN:    hmm
(8:31 PM) AEN:    by clearly perceiving the true nature of the 'now' moment then there is liberation?
(8:31 PM) Thusness:    who tell u that?
(8:31 PM) Thusness:    no such thing.
(8:31 PM) AEN:    icic
(8:31 PM) Thusness:    It was derived.
(8:32 PM) Thusness:    By some practitioners and masters.
(8:32 PM) AEN:    being "now" means going pre symbolic?
(8:32 PM) AEN:    oic
(8:33 PM) Thusness:    first Element spoke about recollection.
(8:33 PM) Thusness:    is mindfulness about recollection?
(8:33 PM) Thusness:    or being pre-conceptual and bare.
(8:33 PM) AEN:    i tink all?
(8:33 PM) Thusness:    all as in?
(8:34 PM) AEN:    its recollection, pre conceptual and bare
(8:34 PM) Thusness:    meaning?
(8:34 PM) AEN:    ven gunaratana said
(8:34 PM) AEN:    

(A) Mindfulness reminds you of what you are supposed to be doing . In meditation, you put your attention on one item. When your mind wanders from this focus, it is Mindfulness that reminds you that your mind is wandering and what you are supposed to be doing. It is Mindfulness that brings your mind back to the object of meditation. All of this occurs instantaneously and without internal dialogue. Mindfulness is not thinking. Repeated practice in meditation establishes this function as a mental habit which then carries over into the rest of your life. A serious meditator pays bare attention to occurrences all the time, day in, day out, whether formally sitting in meditation or not. This is a very lofty ideal towards which those who meditate may be working for a period of years or even decades. Our habit of getting stuck in thought is years old, and that habit will hang on in the most tenacious manner. The only way out is to be equally persistent in the cultivation of constant Mindfulness. When Mindfulness is present, you will notice when you become stuck in your thought patterns. It
(8:34 PM) AEN:     It is that very noticing which allows you to back out of the thought process and free yourself from it. Mindfulness then returns your attention to its proper focus. If you are meditating at that moment, then your focus will be the formal object of meditation. If your are not in formal meditation, it will be just a pure application of bare attention itself, just a pure noticing of whatever comes up without getting involved--"Ah, this comes up...and now this, and now this... and now this".

Mindfulness is at one and the same time both bare attention itself and the function of reminding us to pay bare attention if we have ceased to do so. Bare attention is noticing. It re- establishes itself simply by noticing that it has not been present. As soon as you are noticing that you have not been noticing, then by definition you are noticing and then you are back again to paying bare attention.

Mindfulness creates its own distinct feeling in consciousness. It has a flavor--a light, clear, energetic flavor. Conscious thought is heavy by comparison, ponderous and picky. But here again, these a
(8:35 PM) AEN:    hmm
(8:35 PM) AEN:    mindfulness becomes a mental habit?
(8:35 PM) Thusness:    mindfulness leading to enlightenment?
(8:35 PM) AEN:    huh
(8:36 PM) AEN:    i mean mindfulness serves as recollection when it becomes a mental habit?
(8:36 PM) Thusness:    What is the relationship between Mindfulness and Enlightenment?
(8:37 PM) AEN:    u need mindfulness to see things as they are, like perceive the 3 characteristics
(8:38 PM) Thusness:    closer...what is mindfulness?
(8:38 PM) AEN:    means bare attention?
(8:38 PM) Thusness:    bare is pre-symbolic like being naked in awareness.
(8:39 PM) AEN:    icic ya
(8:40 PM) Thusness:    now getting back to where u stop after ur mind wonders is not the purpose of mindfulness.
(8:40 PM) Thusness:    every form of meditation requires us to do that.
(8:40 PM) AEN:    oic..
(8:40 PM) AEN:    so u mean
(8:40 PM) AEN:    mindfulness is not recollection?
(8:41 PM) Thusness:    u do not recollect present moment
(8:41 PM) AEN:    icic
(8:41 PM) Thusness:    what has it got to do with the 3 characteristics?
(8:41 PM) Thusness:    the seals?
(8:42 PM) AEN:    recollecting itself does not mean one perceives 3 characteristics
(8:42 PM) AEN:    but only when one becomes observant
(8:42 PM) Thusness:    ai yoo...
(8:42 PM) Thusness:    Buddha spoke of the dharma seals.
(8:43 PM) Thusness:    sounded simple but difficult to understand
(8:43 PM) Thusness:    we cannot understand the wisdom behind it
(8:43 PM) AEN:    oic..
(8:44 PM) Thusness:    mindfulness has several characteristics
(8:44 PM) Thusness:    in which bare attention or being naked and non-conceptual awareness is important
(8:45 PM) AEN:    icic..
(8:45 PM) Thusness:    2nd is it must remind (not recollect)
(8:45 PM) Thusness:    remind of what?
(8:45 PM) AEN:    present moment? or what you are doing?
(8:46 PM) AEN:    like breathing meditation then remind of that
(8:46 PM) Thusness:    no
(8:46 PM) Thusness:    what is there to remind
(8:46 PM) Thusness:    when u r bare in attention, u r in the present
(8:46 PM) AEN:    ya the reminding serves its purpose only when one becomes lost in thoughts, i tink
(8:46 PM) AEN:    hmm
(8:47 PM) AEN:    so u're saying reminding = being bare in attention?
(8:47 PM) Thusness:    told u that is in all practices
(8:47 PM) Thusness:    nothing to talk about.
(8:47 PM) AEN:    icic..
(8:47 PM) Thusness:    remind u constantly of the dharma seals.
(8:47 PM) AEN:    oic..
(8:47 PM) Thusness:    when u r bare in attention, does it mean that u know the dharma seals?
(8:48 PM) Thusness:    when u r in non-dual, does it mean that u know the 3 characteristics?
(8:48 PM) AEN:    i thinks perceiving 3 characteristics is also a matter of clarity?
(8:48 PM) Thusness:    all experiences are distorted due to ignorance and propensities.
(8:49 PM) Thusness:    for u, u say u r Eternal Witness as if u r constant and everything flow even now.
(8:49 PM) Thusness:    Even after reading so much and countless conversation with me.
(8:49 PM) Thusness:    so isn't it not clear yet?
(8:49 PM) AEN:    oic
(8:50 PM) AEN:    so being bare in attention doesnt mean one perceives the 3 characteristics
(8:50 PM) AEN:    bcos of propensities?
(8:50 PM) Thusness:    even now...even after years of reading and summarizing and discussions?
(8:50 PM) Thusness:    yes
(8:50 PM) Thusness:    we do not know
(8:50 PM) Thusness:    therefore we need to remind ourselves of the seals.
(8:50 PM) AEN:    oic..
(8:50 PM) Thusness:    why?
(8:51 PM) Thusness:    because insight and wisdom have not arisen.
(8:51 PM) AEN:    icic..
(8:51 PM) Thusness:    therefore u practice mindfulness
(8:51 PM) AEN:    oic..
(8:52 PM) Thusness:    u attempt to become non-conceptual, bare but the experience will still be distorted.
(8:53 PM) Thusness:    now observing phenomena, seeing them arise and pass away, 'dispassion' arise
(8:53 PM) Thusness:    does that mean that u seek what that does not arise and pass away?
(8:54 PM) AEN:    depends on whether propensities is reacting?
(8:54 PM) AEN:    or whether theres right understanding
(8:54 PM) Thusness:    right understanding means u seek or don't seek?
(8:54 PM) AEN:    dont seek
(8:54 PM) Thusness:    so what is important?
(8:55 PM) AEN:    insight?
(8:55 PM) Thusness:    insight into what?
(8:55 PM) AEN:    the 3 seals?
(8:55 PM) Thusness:    or our empty nature
(8:55 PM) Thusness:    we come to that later
(8:55 PM) AEN:    icic
(8:57 PM) Thusness:    This is very important.
(8:58 PM) Thusness:    emphasized the 3 characteristics in vipassana because their clear seeing causes something called dispassion and dispassion is the cause of Nibbana.
(8:59 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:00 PM) Thusness:    Remember wat I told u and truth about becoming so sick that u gave up everything?
(9:00 PM) Thusness:    suffering causes so much pain that u gave up?
(9:01 PM) AEN:    not so sure :P
(9:03 PM) Thusness:    go and read what i told Isis also.
(9:03 PM) Thusness:    and all the discussions about mindfulness relates to what I told u about the 2 practices i told u to do.
(9:04 PM) AEN:    dropping and self inquiry?
(9:05 PM) Thusness:    if u can understand what i said and the purpose, u will know what i meant and what i am trying to teach u from beginning.
(9:05 PM) Thusness:    that is continue to recall and summarize non-dual and emptiness
(9:06 PM) Thusness:    to have clarity in concepts and the meaning of it.
(9:06 PM) Thusness:    to have the non-dual experience
(9:06 PM) Thusness:    and lastly dropping
(9:07 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:07 PM) AEN:    by recall u mean mindfulness?
(9:07 PM) AEN:    btw wat did u tell isis
(9:08 PM) Thusness:    dropping is about dispassion but it is not about dispassion but to arise a total willingness to let go.
(9:08 PM) Thusness:    because grasping is 'self' in disguise.
(9:08 PM) Thusness:    but non-dual experience will not be understood in terms of the 3 characteristics
(9:08 PM) Thusness:    in terms of its empty nature
(9:11 PM) AEN:    means one can have the experience of dispassion through dropping but not comprehending the 3 seals or emptiness?
(9:11 PM) Thusness:    so bare and being non-conceptual will not allow u to have the right experience of non duality
(9:11 PM) AEN:    icic
(9:11 PM) AEN:    that is through recollecting or being mindful of the 3 seals right
(9:11 PM) AEN:    or vipassana
(9:11 PM) AEN:    *reminding
(9:12 PM) Thusness:    vipassana must go with right view
(9:12 PM) AEN:    icic
(9:17 PM) Thusness:    So what are the purposes of the 3 practices?
(9:19 PM) AEN:    dropping is to give rise to the total willingness to let go of the self, vipassana is to give rise to the insight of the 3 seals or emptiness, self inquiry is the experience the "I AM" and show how strong the propensity is?
(9:20 PM) Thusness:    It is like the dispassion.  That is very important.
(9:21 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:21 PM) Thusness:    Oneness is very important too.
(9:21 PM) Thusness:    Or non-dual luminosity :)
(9:21 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:21 PM) AEN:    thats experienced through vipassana rite?
(9:22 PM) Thusness:    Understand oneness from DO perspective.
(9:23 PM) Thusness:    And non-dual presence through right view and experience of presence.
(9:24 PM) AEN:    oic
(9:25 PM) Thusness:    These 3 aspects must go hand in hand
(9:25 PM) Thusness:    There is no point arguing
(9:26 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:26 PM) Thusness:    There can be no true understanding of Buddha's teachings without non-dual insight.
(9:27 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:28 PM) Thusness:    To understand the 3 relationships, u need to practice hard
(9:29 PM) Thusness:    Don't be afraid of right views.
(9:29 PM) AEN:    wat u mean by afraid of right views
(9:29 PM) Thusness:    It will help.
(9:29 PM) AEN:    u mean dont be afraid of having (right) views?
(9:30 PM) Thusness:    Don't be trapped by non-conceptuality
(9:30 PM) AEN:    oic
(9:30 PM) Thusness:    Yes
(9:32 PM) Thusness:    Having right views will sync non-dual luminosity with that 'dispassion' (total willingness to let go)
(9:33 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:33 PM) Thusness:    The experience of Presence and non-dual experience can lead to very strong attachment of the Ultimate Reality
(9:34 PM) AEN:    even after realising non duality?
(9:34 PM) Thusness:    Yes
(9:34 PM) Thusness:    But not anatta
(9:34 PM) AEN:    oic
(9:34 PM) AEN:    y attachment
(9:35 PM) Thusness:    because of ignorance
(9:35 PM) AEN:    icic
(9:35 PM) Thusness:    Of our empty nature
(9:36 PM) Thusness:    Therefore advaita is not Buddhism
(9:36 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:36 PM) AEN:    btw buddha say dispassion is linked to disenchantment is linked to insight
(9:36 PM) AEN:    "Dispassion, monks, also has a supporting condition, I say, it does not lack a supporting condition. And what is the supporting condition for dispassion? 'Disenchantment' should be the reply.

"Disenchantment, monks, also has a supporting condition, I say, it does not lack a supporting condition. And what is the supporting condition for disenchantment? 'The knowledge and vision of things as they really are' should be the reply.
(9:37 PM) Thusness:    The arising of 'dispassion' is very important but must be correctly understood
(9:37 PM) AEN:    icic
(9:38 PM) Thusness:    U should take that para seriously
(9:39 PM) Thusness:    But Oneness and non-dual should not be overlooked.
(9:39 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:40 PM) Thusness:    Missing either one, missed the point.
(9:41 PM) Thusness:    Therefore the 3 things I told u.
(9:41 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:42 PM) AEN:    wat are the 3 things
(9:44 PM) Thusness:    U tell me.
(9:45 PM) AEN:    dispassion, oneness, DO?
(9:46 PM) Thusness:    What I tell u to practice?
(9:50 PM) AEN:    dropping, vipassana, self inquiry?
(9:51 PM) Thusness:    Summary of non-duality and emptiness
(9:52 PM) Thusness:    Having right view
(9:52 PM) Thusness:    How many times must I tell U?
(9:53 PM) AEN:    icic..
(9:54 PM) Thusness:    Without the right view, even with non-dual experience, wisdom of nature will not arise.
(9:54 PM) AEN:    oic..
(9:56 PM) AEN:    so the 3 are dropping, non dual presence, and summarising?
(9:57 PM) Thusness:    Yes
(9:57 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:15 PM) AEN:    what is the difference between non dual and anatta
(10:19 PM) Thusness:    It is the right understanding of non-dual experience free from the subject/Object and inherent views.
(10:20 PM) AEN:    icic
(10:20 PM) AEN:    that means one can realise pathless non dual but yet not be free from subject/object and inherent views?
(10:22 PM) Thusness:    Huh?
(10:22 PM) Thusness:    I hv written and told u so many times
(10:23 PM) Thusness:    then what is emptiness for?
(10:26 PM) AEN:    oic
(10:26 PM) AEN:    but can u realise non dual and yet not be free from subject/object views?
(10:26 PM) AEN:    or u mean inherency
(10:27 PM) Thusness:    Yes
(10:27 PM) AEN:    icic
(10:27 PM) Thusness:    U can have non dual experience but not non-dual insight
(10:28 PM) AEN:    so anatta actually includes understanding of DO and emptiness rite
(10:28 PM) AEN:    non dual insight u mean insight into pathless nonduality or insight into anatta
(10:28 PM) Thusness:    Which is clarity of what is the nature of our pristine awareness
(10:28 PM) Thusness:    It is the same.
(10:28 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:29 PM) Thusness:    when one spoke of no-self, one says there is no subject/Object split
(10:30 PM) Thusness:    One understands
(10:30 PM) Thusness:    One realises that there isn't such a split.
(10:31 PM) AEN:    oic..
(10:32 PM) Thusness:    But doesn't mean there is clarity
(10:32 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:37 PM) Thusness:    Advaita realises that there is no split.
(10:37 PM) Thusness:    But the grasping of the source is still there.
(10:38 PM) Thusness:    However in anatta there is no grasping of anything.
(10:38 PM) AEN:    how to grasp source when its realised to be all manifestation
(10:42 PM) Thusness:    as long as one is under the propensity of Self, there is grasping of permanence.
(10:43 PM) AEN:    oic ya even sailor bob adamson talks about awareness as permanent/changeless
(10:44 PM) AEN:    though he said "everything in essence is that changeless natural knowing--nothing else"
(10:45 PM) Thusness:    Although the experience is there, one is unable to fully go beyond this dualistic bond.
(10:45 PM) AEN:    oic..
(10:45 PM) Thusness:    Thus it is subtle and deep.
(10:45 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:46 PM) Thusness:    The real essence that is empty of inherent existence is the cause of non-dual insight
(10:48 PM) Thusness:    the practitioner will not be able to overcome that bond
(10:49 PM) Thusness:    Even after the non-dual experience
(10:49 PM) Thusness:    Even after deep experience
(10:50 PM) AEN:    oic..
(10:51 PM) Thusness:    Unless that inherent/dualistic view Is completely replaced in its inmost level
(10:51 PM) AEN:    through emptiness?
(10:52 PM) Thusness:    Therefore I said there is a desync
(10:52 PM) AEN:    oic..
(10:53 PM) Thusness:    Unable to go beyond it, practitioner prefer to rest in naked awareness
(10:54 PM) Thusness:    The grasping will still be there because the root cause is still there.
(10:54 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:54 PM) AEN:    grasping on what
(10:54 PM) AEN:    source?
(10:55 PM) Thusness:    But one having non-dual and realises our emptiness nature is not afraid of having right view.
(10:55 PM) Thusness:    Yes source.
(10:55 PM) AEN:    icic..
(10:56 PM) Thusness:    But understand that it is a raft that serves as the antidote to dissolve inherent view.
(10:57 PM) AEN:    oic..
(10:58 PM) Thusness:    From it one gradually replaces inherent view and experiences nonlocality
(10:59 PM) AEN:    means no sense of 'being here'?
(10:59 PM) Thusness:    Because there is no need to hold on to anything in the deepest level.
(10:59 PM) AEN:    icic
(10:59 PM) Thusness:    No this nor that
(10:59 PM) Thusness:    Here nor there
(11:00 PM) AEN:    oic..
(11:00 PM) Thusness:    Dissolve any inherent view, there is no returning nor going
(11:01 PM) Thusness:    The experience of non-dual is refined
(11:01 PM) AEN:    icic..
(11:01 PM) Thusness:    The source is dropped
(11:01 PM) AEN:    btw u realised DO/emptiness by contemplating on the buddha's verse 'this is, that is'?
(11:01 PM) AEN:    oic
(11:02 PM) Thusness:    No
(11:02 PM) AEN:    oic then
(11:02 PM) Thusness:    Because there is the truthfulness in me...Hehe
(11:03 PM) AEN:    wat u mean
(11:03 PM) Thusness:    My non-dual stage 5 does not sync in terms of view
(11:05 PM) Thusness:    Therefore I continue to have further clarity in non-dual experience and compare with Buddha's teachings
(11:06 PM) AEN:    oic..
(11:06 PM) AEN:    u read the sutras?
(11:06 PM) Thusness:    When deep in my mind I require no more subject/Object framework, my luminosity becomes clear.
(11:07 PM) AEN:    oic..
(11:08 PM) Thusness:    I can see the teachings with deeper clarity.
(11:09 PM) Thusness:    There is no holding of any views
(11:09 PM) AEN:    icic..
(11:10 PM) Thusness:    It is just intuiting it is so.
(11:10 PM) AEN:    oic..
(2:09 AM) AEN:    truthz sent me this link to a video explanation of heart sutra, what u tink: http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=3173479
(2:13 AM) AEN:    thats still non duality as a stage right?
(2:30 AM) AEN:    i think it describing stage 2 rite
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    The understanding is stage 2 but the experience is stage 5.
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    therefore it is advaita sort of understanding.
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=3173479
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    non-dual insight.
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    not to misunderstand that the master doesn't know what is non-dual or emptiness.
(12:39 PM) Thusness:    there is deep clarity. :)