Our eyes are only one of the myriad of conditions for us to see.
    We do not use our eyes to see.


    Sumit Kumar
    What exactly are you focusing on?
    Is it "we" do not (no self) use our eyes...
    Is it "eyes" don't see...?

    Yin Ling
    Sumit Kumar haha I answer below. Just a reflection from my meditation today.
    Insight has zero logic. But it feels that way vividly- eye don’t see, the whole universe sees.

  • Yin Ling
    Sumit Kumar science privilege the eye.
    What about the light , the object, the air, the rays, the consciousness.. conveniently ignored 😝 without any one od this we couldn’t see, so why just eye, see?

  • Sumit Kumar
    Yin Ling
    Perfect, I think I understand now.
    Can we say, for the suchness of seeing to happen, eyes, light, the object, the air, consciousness etc. are the conditions?

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  • Yin Ling
    But the seeing doesn’t happen to the eyes.
    The object is not the cause.
    The “object” is also one of the conditions.
    The eye is also only one of the many conditions , equal level with light, consciousness , colours, shapes,
    U can say light sees, consciousness sees, colours sees, eye see…
    Only eye alone sees
    This is hence dependent origination taught by the blessed one.
    That’s my understanding and insight of that teaching
    Plus without any one condition the seeing cannot happen, hence all conditions are empty of its own existence. Hence emptienss 🙂

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  • Yin Ling
    In realization, the whole person/being sees.
    The ear nose skin stomach energy , sees. Everything sees. The universe sees itself. …
    See more

    Sumit Kumar
    Can we say that actually we cannot choose one thing over another, like seeing over hearing? Because all the "happenings" are coemerging.
    If I am understanding correctly then in direct experience of just being, we can't really see separation between hearing and seeing for example, because everything sees, feels, hears etc.??

  • Yin Ling
    Sumit Kumar if u still see a self one probably can “choose”.
    When in no self xp is just manifesting n there’s not even a chooser.

  • William Lim
    In that context, how do you account for a blind person?

    Yin Ling
    William Lim erm.. don’t have eye as condition so cannot see?

  • Yin Ling
    William Lim as all conditions need to be there for one to see.
    Even if u have eyes. If there is no light, there is no seeing.
    So why did we privilege the eye?

  • William Lim
    Yin Ling, funny to be hearing this from a doctor, but I get what u mean

  • Yin Ling
    William Lim hahah actually being a doctor will make one feel v helpless, at least for me.
    There’s too many conditions involve when I treat a patient. I cannot guarantee results.

  • Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
    Oh man, you would really love the main content on the Idappaccayatā group. You gotta scroll a good while back, past the newest posts, but if this is where you are in your contemplation at the moment it’ll be worth it! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1206265356138924/

    Yin Ling
    Stian Gudmundsen Høiland haha thanks! Not really where I am in insight now, was here maybe a year ago, but more of a clarity how to explain to others 🙂 will check out the group

  • Jayson MPaul
    Yin Ling this group was great for finding other blind spots and things I tend to overlook. Good for clearing obscurations from other angles.

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  • 6h


    I “feel” no-self,
    I don’t “think” no-self.
    For me the whole experience transform into a “no-self” experience and it is the most obvious thing hence I think it cannot be missed.
    And u will know, u don’t really need validation.
    Mother Earth will validate u.
    If u wonder, is this anatta?
    most of the time it is not.
    Coz it is so energetic and obvious.
    The beingness that you used to feel “self” in your own body is now ..
    In the trees skies, grass, bed, other ppl, cars, rooms etc etc etc all over.
    The share the same beingness and energy as me.
    So I don’t feel “self” anymore.
    I feel vast, I feel “all”, I feel like expansive.
    Like the energy holding “me” open and not able to collapse back into my body.
    This Anatta experience is subconscious because if I wake up in the middle of the night
    I still feel the same way
    It is 24/7.
    The self is completely gone, like it has never been here before.
    It is a totally inside out experience, like one wear a shirt inside out.
    Hence buddhism feels against the grain if one has no insight but
    With Anatta insight and the xp turns inside out, it is easy and not against the grain anymore
    That’s my personal xp and opinion 🙂


    John Tan
    What abt in dreams?

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan I don’t have dreams until now for so many months already 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️what to do?

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling imbalance ur body 5 elements🤣. No lah Joking...how many hours u sleep?

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan 5-6 lately , reduced from 7-8 suddenly over past 2-3 months.
    If I don’t exercise kenot sleep 😂

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling yeah that is usual. I like the description like "one wears a shirt inside out". 👍. I used to describe it as concave turns convex, mirror turns reflection.

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  • Yin Ling
    John Tan hahahaha that’s a crude description yours is more refined. Nearly write socks inside out. 😂

  • Yin Ling
    John Tan I wrote coz ppl asked me to validate, I can’t.
    But I feel like If the person is not sure, it’s not it. Coz for me it is whoaaaa the world is inversed .. shouldn’t everyone whose world is inverse knows that obviously ?
    Then again I haven’t speak with many

  • John Tan
    Yin Ling don't worry abt others, practice is not abt what others think and u do not need to convince others.

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  • John Tan
    Yin Ling 心寄无物,万事随缘。Applies very well to worldly wisdom also.

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  • Yin Ling
    Meaning don’t cling to anything but accept that everything manifest rightly with conditions?
    Sorry Chinese sometimes half past 6😅

  • William Lim
    I also want the inside-out T-shirt and socks combo. Uniqlo got sell?

    Yin Ling
    William Lim I think you take from John Tan shirt and socks better la

  • William Lim
    Aiya, John Tan everytime say he's not a T-shirt seller

  • Yasmin El-Hakim
    thanks for sharing with us 🙏❤️

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